Best martial shapeshifter?


I'm looking for some ideas for a sword fighting (2h) who can also use wildshape (only animals.. also large). Anybody got an idea for class/classes and or race?

Be a Druid? I mean, there's not a very high bar set by "uses 2handed sword". You just pump strength and charge things with Power Attack. Then you turn into a bear sometimes? I don't see how those work together, but that gives you want you want.

Feral hunter also can do this.
And there are all your sources of wildshape.

There still isn't a class that has wildshape and does not have spells, as far as I'm aware. It's a really bizarre oversight but whatevs.

Not sure why you want a sword fighter that wildshapes, it's not like you can use the sword while you're tiger pouncing at people.

It's not about the best build, it's the fact that what you want simply does not exist. The closest you're going to get is playing a Skinwalker with either the Ranger or Inquisitor class slapped on.

Skinwalker is a 0HD race, there is no class level adjustment for playing one.

Check some of my posts, there a lot like what you want :-)

Arachnofiend wrote:

There still isn't a class that has wildshape and does not have spells, as far as I'm aware. It's a really bizarre oversight but whatevs.

Not sure why you want a sword fighter that wildshapes, it's not like you can use the sword while you're tiger pouncing at people.

There is that one monk archetype for catfolk that lets you turn into a some form of cat (cheetah, lion, tiger, etc.)

1 hour for 2 ki points. And as a monk, they would have relatively few problems with the troubles with armor most others face.

Still agreeing on how the mix of attacks styles is kind of bad. If I wanted something that shape shifted and used 2 handed weapons, I would go goliath druid (or regular druid while focusing on earth elementals- a bit more troublesome, but same general principle). If you turn into a humanoid like a giant, you don't even need to switch out equipment or anything- it grows with you.

Raheshaper Bloodrager?

rage shaper arcane bloodrager if lvl > 15
Goliath druid if level is >4 (giant with a sword & a dino! )

666bender wrote:

rage shaper arcane bloodrager if lvl > 15

Goliath druid if level is >4 (giant with a sword & a dino! )

Any particular reason for saying rageshaper after level 15 over goliath?

There is a 3pp class, the skinchanger, an archetype for the spell-less ranger.

If you are Wildshaping, I recommend forgetting about your sword and stick with those natural attacks.

With 4 levels in Druid and the Shaping Focus Feat, you can turn into things like an Allosaurus, a Megaraptor, a Giant Octopus or a Dire Tiger, lots of forms that are size Large or Huge with lots of attacks, 3 for the Huge Allosaurus, 5 each for the 'raptor and tiger, 9 for the Octopus.

Take a level in White Haired Witch and get a Hair Attack. Acquire a Helm of the Mammoth Lord and get a Gore Attack, too.

Take a few levels in Warpriest and the base damage bumps up from the Sacred Weapon Damage. You can apply Sacred Weapon Damage to every natural attack you take Weapon Focus for.

Since you are getting your natural attacks via Wild Shape, you can be a Human and then take the Martial Versatility Feat for Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, applying your Sacred Weapon Damage to every new natural attack you get.

You can work in other tricks to multiply your DPR. Like get Quick, Great dirty trick and take a few levels in something that has Sneak Attack. Develop Grab or Hamatula Strike and Grappling, and wear spiked armor barding for whatever your favorite form is.

I just posted a build.

Druid Wildshape Off Tank Help

Your DPR will be embarrassing.

Haha isnt that build a gamebreaker? Nice combo's though :-)

what would-be be better, the feral hunter or the skinchanger?

Monstrous Physique and Giant Form should both allow you to wear armor and keep your weapon. With this in mind, Mountain Druid or a Magus could work nicely.

Azten wrote:
Monstrous Physique and Giant Form should both allow you to wear armor and keep your weapon. With this in mind, Mountain Druid or a Magus could work nicely.

That is why everyone has been going on about goliath druid.

It is the same principle (giant form as an option in wildshape), but done with some more finesse. It allows you to cast enlarge person spontaneously at level 1 (so you can start going large immediately), it gives you modified alter person that lets you turn into a giant at level 6, and then giant form itself starting at level 12.

So overall, it lets you get into the role of the guy that suddenlt turns 16' tall and smashes people from the get go. So you never have to truly experience that awkardness where you are just a...guy... until level 6 or 12 or whatever- a common thematic problem with druids, in my opinion.

Also, it gives some more dinosaurs and giants in your summon nature's ally list. Just for flavor. it restricts your nongiant choices for wildshape (no elementals or plants; dinos and things like woolie mammoths only), but that isn't usually too bad (you mainly turn into a giant, and there are enough things like flying dinos and pouncing dinos that you still have the general utility)

Azten wrote:
Monstrous Physique and Giant Form should both allow you to wear armor and keep your weapon. With this in mind, Mountain Druid or a Magus could work nicely.

Undead Anatomy is the last part of the spell trifecta, if I recall. Though it's usually not as good as either of those anyway.

Thierry4000 wrote:

Haha isnt that build a gamebreaker? Nice combo's though :-)

what would-be be better, the feral hunter or the skinchanger?

I think I'd go skinchanger 4/hunter 1 (or feral hunter) then continue skinchanger.

You lose 1 BAB but the added versatility of the permanent animal focus and some spellcasting should make up for that.

With basic hunter and the magical knack trait you can summon stuff for 3 minutes, meaning you can use the summons for utility, to set of traps and the like.
As you don't need to worry about higher level spells you are less MAD. But as always the STRONGER option is being a spellcaster. And that would mean going druid.

I made this barbarian archetype simply because there wasn't any class that's good for martial wildshape.

If shaping into animals is enough the following build could be something for you:

Dwarf or adopted trait for dwarves
Ranger 1 (you need favoured enemy for the PrC)
Druid 4 (now you have wildshape)
Skyseeker/sunseeker PrC 4
Ranger 2
Skyseeker x

With the feat shapeshifting focus you add your levels in druid and ranger for favoured enemy advancement and for wildshape uses/day.

You lose out on 1 point of BAB and if you take all 10 levels skyseeker you lose out on 5 levels of casting meaning you have nearly full BAB and nearly as strong casting as 6th level caster. And once you get the ranger combat style at char level 10 you can use it (and all other class abilities gained) in heavy armor.

You only have basic wildshape and only 2/day but with the beast of society trait you can double the duration and druid's vestment increase that to 3/day for a low price.

Shaping Focus feat would be better if you wanted more wild shape progression. Even better if you can afford both feats.

Char-gen; It sounds like a Nice build, but isnt a feral hunter close to this? Also martial weapons and armour without castin restrictions for the Druid spells up to 6th level? Also access to ranger spells... The BAB is worse but does the strength animal focus compensate? You do get a lot more duration wild shaping... Or am I missing something :-)

Crimlock NL wrote:
Char-gen; It sounds like a Nice build, but isnt a feral hunter close to this? Also martial weapons and armour without castin restrictions for the Druid spells up to 6th level? Also access to ranger spells... The BAB is worse but does the strength animal focus compensate? You do get a lot more duration wild shaping... Or am I missing something :-)

Yes, you are right.

The build works best if the abilities gained through the skyseeker are actually relevant for your game. I planned it in case I get to play giantslayer, where ancestral weapon should be useful on a regular basis.

Liberty's Edge

Just a Guess wrote:
There is a 3pp class, the skinchanger, an archetype for the spell-less ranger.

I was just going to pop in and suggest the skin-changer!

It's from the popular New Paths Compendium from Kobold Press :)

Liberty's Edge

Probably should have included a link :)

New Paths Compendium

When it comes to third party products, I'm a fan of the Shapeshifter from Paranormal Adventures, but it's not available for free on the Pathfinder SRD, and not all DMs allow third party material, alas!

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:
Just a Guess wrote:
There is a 3pp class, the skinchanger, an archetype for the spell-less ranger.

I was just going to pop in and suggest the skin-changer!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know the Expanded and Updated New Paths Compendium Hardcover is now available right here on!!

Expanded and Updated New Paths Compendium Hardcover

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