nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have an idea for a unique run through an AP and I'm curious how much interest there might be... The hitch is that Rise of the Runelords is the only AP I own (and I don't the money to buy another nor the time to familiarize myself with it)- I know there's a couple other RotRL games recruiting right now so I want to make sure people aren't burnt out on that before I start trying to recruit.
The unique thing about this game would be that everyone would be specially chosen by a god... Each player would choose one of the six gods worshiped in the cathedral in Sandpoint- instead of the standard campaign traits everyone would gain the Birthmark trait for their chosen god as their campaign trait (instead of faith) and the fluff would include having been brought to Sandpoint to live and study at the cathedral. Each player would also choose one domain granted by their god: they would gain the granted powers of that domain as a cleric of their character level, and the ability to use its domain spells as 1/day SLAs at even levels (the 1st level spell at 2nd, the 2nd level spell at 4th, the 3rd level spell at 6th, etc). We'd use background skills and Knowledge[religion] would count as one due to your specific backgrounds at the church.
I'd also use a 25 point buy and hero points because, well, you're chosen ones. This wouldn't effect the story very much but I'd have to strengthen some of the enemies and when I did so sometimes there would be a fiendish and/or evil-religion element to that upgrade. Mostly the unique flavor would just impact the roleplaying.
Characters would not have to be divine casters at all but the better their connection/tie-in to their god the more likely they are to be selected.
So, any interest?

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Amsheagar wrote:I haven't played Rise of the Runelords yet. Would love to play it. Question, will we know the gods before we start making our character?According to the Player's Guide, they are; Desna, Abadar, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Gozreh, and Erastil.
I think i read what Nate wrong wrong.. I thought he was going to chose them for us, so i was wondering if there was some sort of randomness or something. Now, rereading it, i see that we can pick.

Edinoiz |

I'm interested in this and I even have a concept for it: an LN Bolt Ace gunslinger (Abadar's Chosen). I only have a question for Nate Lange: would you say that the Inexplicable Reload deed that the Bolt Ace gains access to at lvl 11 would allow you to use two-weapon fighting and full attack with a pair of hand crossbows?

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I think i read what Nate wrong wrong.. I thought he was going to chose them for us, so i was wondering if there was some sort of randomness or something. Now, rereading it, i see that we can pick.
Correct, everyone would pick their own god. And I'm not worried about overlap... I'd most likely pick 4 (maybe 5) players and if more than one share a god then so be it. If the stars align perfectly and there's enough really strong applicants that all worship the same god, I might go with a single-faith party; or if there's at least one really good application for each god I might go up to a 6 person party with one of each, but those aren't scenarios that I'm really planning on.

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Please consider this pre-created RoTRL AP Shoanti female shaman. I would gladly adjust 'her' level and stats to your required suggestions.
Tiktaa was created for an RoTRL romp 18 months ago...alas work reared it's ugly head and I had to leave yet now I'm back in full force.
bowing humbly Thank you for your time

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I am making a rouge of the Desna fate.
2 questions.
Are we automatically proficient with the favorite weapon of our god, or do we have to select it if it's an exotic?
When selecting a god and domain, can we use a subdomain?
I am going with the traveling domain and was wondering if i could take the subdomain of exploration.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Well, I'd have to say this seems like an adequate amount of interest. I have one week of grad school left (this semester) so I don't want start the official recruitment yet. I'll open it (in a new thread) next Monday. The holiday (and Star Wars premier) will, I'm sure complicate things but I'll run the recruitment until the 23rd and then announce the party on the 26th, with the 28th as the first day of gameplay.
In the meantime, I'll keep checking this thread and answering questions. So feel free to ask away.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@trawets- there are still ways a wizard could be a good fit... an elemental wizard chosen by Gozreh... a conjurer with the teleportation subschool chosen by Desna... If you're willing to branch out to the arcanist, a white mage chosen by Sarenrae could work well...
1) no free proficiency... I might waive the +1 BAB requirement of EWP for your god's favored weapon so that anyone who wants can be proficient at 1st level.
2) you can choose sub-domains, yes, but only if your god grants it. I believe the Archive of Nethys includes available sub-domains in each god's entry.

Matrim of Shadows |

Amsheagar Here.
1) no free proficiency... I might waive the +1 BAB requirement of EWP for your god's favored weapon so that anyone who wants can be proficient at 1st level.
2) you can choose sub-domains, yes, but only if your god grants it. I believe the Archive of Nethys includes available sub-domains in each god's entry.
Thanks for the link. It turns out that the website i was looking at is incomplete.
The Starknife is a Martial Weapon. I went ahead and took the feat, but i do think that players should be able to use their gods weapon.
Could you post the link for the recruitment thread when you make it?
Also, this is the character that i will be submitting for it. Just need to work on a backstory.

HenshinFanatic |

I'm interested. Thinking of going with a Paladin of Shelyn since she isn't getting as much love, probably a half-elf. Thinking of going with Chosen One as the archetype.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

A cleric would gain their class domains exactly as normal, then they'd also gain another domain as I described (including gaining the domain spells as SLAs); if they wanted to pick the same domain with their class feature and the natural domain I'd most likely let them (effectively doubling the number of uses per day, and allowing the spells to both be used as SLAs and be prepared in domain slots).
As for races: I prefer core races but I'll accept applications from most featured races. No aasimars because there's a plot point that it would kind of throw off. No tieflings because they don't really fit the feel of the chosen ones theme. Fur/scale/featheries will definitely have an uphill battle getting selected. Humans are the most prevalent race (by far) in Varisia and my preference would be to reflect that in the party make up (and I'll probably give humans a bump to their power- partly to help explain why they're so dominant on Golarion and partly to incentivize using them).

Gilthanis |

Thinking of a Human Theologian Cleric of Gozreh. My "domain" would be Growth, (plant sub). I would have the ability to enlarge myself as a swift action 3+wis/day. Then I would have the SLA of enlarge person.
My actual domain would be Weather. I would make myself a switch hitter, using my trident for both melee and ranged.
1) EWP: nets
H) P.B. Shot

Zesdead |

So, the one PbP I am actually a player in is, I think drawing to a close (nearing the end of Iron Gods Book 1) - so I would definitely be interested in this. I think one if the strongest points of Pathfinder / The Inner Sea is it's pantheon of gods - and three of my faves are in that list...
...now if only the Sandpoint Cathedral was dedicated to Groetus or Zon Kuthon!!!
Will keep an eye out for the recruitment thread.

Lady Ladile |

I've got a couple of ideas, just not sure which one I want to go with yet. For background purposes, how long have the PCs been living in Sandpoint prior to the start of the game? Do they need to orignally be from somewhere relatively close to there (say, Varisia in general) or can they be from further afield as long as the background reflects that?
...now if only the Sandpoint Cathedral was dedicated to Groetus or Zon Kuthon!!!
Were that the case, I'd suddenly be very scared... O.O

Zesdead |

Any likely restriction on classes? Occult Adventures characters welcomed / considered / frowned upon / 'no way, Jose!!!' * (* = delete as appropriate)...
Pyrokineticist in some way 'touched' by Sarenrae sounds like a fun way to go - but, if OA is a bit too 'out there', I could get a similar feeling with a Sorcerer...

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

backgrounds- it would really be up to you how long you've actually been at the Cathedral... The story element of Birthmark as a campaign trait is that your parents recognized you had a special calling and brought you to Sandpoint to be trained and discover the nature of that calling- that could have happened 10-15 years ago when you were a child or it could have been a few months ago as you were really coming of age. Making know[religion] a background skill assumes that you've all been there for at least, let's say 6 months or so. The fact that your parents brought you to Sandpoint specifically probably means that you're from nearby (since if you lived far away they would likely have taken you to a closer church); but if you've got a compelling reason why they might have traveled a long way to drop you there instead of somewhere closer I'm certainly open to reading it.
classes- no 3pp stuff. rogues and summoners use unchained, barbarians use core... monks could pick either I suppose. I'm not banning any published paizo classes (that I'm aware of), although some will have harder time getting in... the occult classes I'm still not super familiar with, which makes me just a little bit more hesitant to accept them in general (though nothing a really solid entry couldn't overcome). And some classes will just have a much harder time fitting the feel/theme... a shaman, for example, is consorting with spirits to gain power- that's a bit of a stretch for a character chosen and empowered by a god(dess); likewise with a witch or medium or spiritualist... gods aren't generally super excited about sharing a follower's devotion so it would be tough to justify those kinds of classes. though I know a Varisian cartomancer whose reverence for Desna proves it's possible...

oyzar |

Would you allow dual animal companions with the animal (or feather) domain?
I hope you'll allow us to chose which mental stat we'll use for the domain powers and SLA DCs.
The Defic Obedience feat seems perfect for this campaign (as does the three classes it is a prerequisite for). I don't suppose you would consider giving us it for free? It's kinda a feat tax otherwise.
I have a number of lose ideas at the moment:
A druid following Gozreh.
A paladin->sentinel following Shelyn
A bard following Shelyn
A hunter or ranger into evangelist of Erastil
A flying blade(sadly continuing as a swashbuckler is likely better than going into sentinel) or heaven's oracle(evangelist) following Desna
I'm leaning towards the heaven's oracle idea unless I get into another game as one first.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Domain SLAs
CL for these will be equal to character level. I'm still deciding on the stat for their DCs... I'm leaning towards letting everyone pick either Wis or Cha for themselves at creation (and not be able to change that later), but that's not set in stone. I might still pick one of the two that everyone has to use. Some of the domain powers allow saves too... I may leave those as written (which would make them all Wis based) or maybe I'll make them match the SLAs... Part of me wants to keep granted powers Wis based but make SLAs Cha based so that no single class that really min/maxes both (that may be too rough on melees though). I'll pin this all down before the official recruitment opens.
double companion- no. If you gain a companion from your special domain but get one from your class or another domain we'll replace one with the pre-errata version of the Spirit's gift feat (though you'll be limited to spirit's with some relation to your god).
deific obedience- this is a good fit for this companion, and people are certainly welcome to take the PrCs that require them, but I'm not going to give the feat for free. Their biggest benefits don't kick in until higher levels, but they are certainly more than a tax each one grants a bonus on skill checks or something similar right off the bat, and then you get SLAs and unique abilities as you level (at 12, 16, and 20)

oyzar |

Oh, I know Deific Obedience is awesome. If the game makes it to high enough level it's one of the very best feats in the game, rivaling stuff like spell perfection and greater eldritch heritage, though without prerequisites. I really like the impact the feat has on character building as it forces you to think about the religion of your character and going godless is actually somewhat of a penalty. What I meant by "feat tax" is that everyone would be hard pressed to not take it given the nature of our characters, hence everyone would be left with one less feat for customization. Still, the benefit is great enough that spending a feat isn't a cost and people can chose to not take the feat.