Iron Gods Caster


I'm fulfilling the arcane caster role in my party for the "Iron Gods" adventure path and I'm looking for advice on how to: continue on/plan out the rest of my character.

Current party members:
Iron Priest Cleric
Musketeer Gunslinger
Blackblade Magus
Rogue/bard (crafter)

After the first session, my 1st level character currently stands at:

1st level sorcerer (cross-blooded) impossible/serpentine
STR: (+4) 7 -
DEX: (2) 12 +1
CON: (5) 14 +2
INT: (2) 12 +1
WIS: (2) 12 +1
CHA: (13) 17 19

Sorcerer 1 Noble Scion (war)
B: Spell Focus (enchantment)
Serpents Fang

Traits: Defensive Strategist, reactionary

0 level
--acid splash
--disrupt undead

1st level

My idea is to be mainly a compulsion caster and use the 2 bloodline arcanas to compel: constructs, animals, magical beasts and monstrous humanoids in addition to humanoids.

Please give me advice on how to continue through 18 levels.

Thanks in advance.

If you want to do cross-blooded, you're better off playing Wizard and dipping 1 level of Sorcerer. The penalty to spells known is so draconian that you're better off multi-classing out after the 1st level. If you can rebuild, I'd recommend swapping your intelligence and charisma, grabbing the magical knack (wizard) trait, and then multi-class Wizard at 2nd level and don't look back.

If you can't rebuild though -

Since half the time you don't know a spell of your highest spell level, get a metamagic that you will always want to apply. I recommend Persistent Spell at 5th level, you might also get a +1 level one at 3rd level, like Extend Spell.

Since you have no offensive, defensive or battlefield control spells and won't until at least 3rd level (what were you thinking?) you're going to need to stock up on alchemical weapons ASAP. Getting the Daze cantrip at 2nd level is obviously going to be useful to fill the gap. Seeing how your bloodlines want to enhance it, you were going to get Daze, right?

Otherwise make sure you pick up spell penetration later on & play paranoid - your character is the original squishy caster.

Without spoiling much of the AP, that list of things you can compel will leave you completely useless through large sections of Iron Gods.

I would suggest building a character for either damage or battlefield control instead of compulsion.

I agree with 'Sani. The serpentine bloodline arcana will not see much use in this AP. You will be quite safe to ditch it and use some other spells on the few animal/monstrous humandoid/magical beasts you see. IME those robots have surprisingly good saves, the b******s.
As a slight spoiler, get

Resist energy on everyone starting from the second book.
Saved my bacon a lot of times. You will want some AOE effects like burning hands and fireball also.
As a minor spoiler regarding the musketeer
as of book 3 I don't remember seeing any 2 handed fire arms. Does not mean he will be useless, far from it, just not many new toys.

If i could suggest an idea, you could consider switching to a psychic with the Mindtech discipline and maybe look at the technology amplifications as well (both are from occult realms)

WagnerSika wrote:

I agree with 'Sani. The serpentine bloodline arcana will not see much use in this AP. You will be quite safe to ditch it and use some other spells on the few animal/monstrous humandoid/magical beasts you see. IME those robots have surprisingly good saves, the b******s.

As a slight spoiler, get ** spoiler omitted ** Saved my bacon a lot of times. You will want some AOE effects like burning hands and fireball also.

Noted about serpentine. I thought we'd face robots, but I wasn't sure what else. I'm committed to cross-blooded sorcerer, so what other bloodline should I choose? I'm not as concerned about spell number, because we will have 2 other arcane casters in the party and spells like "haste" and "heroism" will be covered. (Fireball is always tough to pass up.)

WagnerSika wrote:

As a minor spoiler regarding the musketeer ** spoiler omitted **

The guy playing the musketeer will take advantage that the DM doesn't know the gunslinger class very well and cheat on his rolls anyway. (he will probably use use the one-handed weapons as two-handed and hope nobody notices).

Anyway, thanks to everyone for posting.

Arcane is always solid. Nanite is quite powerful and very thematic to this AP.
If you are still going to focus on compulsions Dreamspun might be useful with its focus on Compulsions. Use the Lullaby to force -4 penalty on saves and then make the robots "sleep" with Sleep and Deep slumber. It's not otherwise great and might be better to take the powers with Eldritch heritage.
Fey might be even better as it straight up gives +2 to compulsion spell DCs. You get some meh abilities but also some great ones. Also the bonus spells are quite good.
Undead bloodline could be handy

as there are suprisingly many undead in the AP.
First level power is not that good but the rest are quite solid.

The guy playing the musketeer will take advantage that the DM doesn't know the gunslinger class very well and cheat on his rolls anyway. (he will probably use use the one-handed weapons as two-handed and hope nobody notices).

Umm.... right.... not judging you on your groups playstyle but that sounds terrible.

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