Man with a Pickaxe

Seeker 26's page

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WagnerSika wrote:

I agree with 'Sani. The serpentine bloodline arcana will not see much use in this AP. You will be quite safe to ditch it and use some other spells on the few animal/monstrous humandoid/magical beasts you see. IME those robots have surprisingly good saves, the b******s.

As a slight spoiler, get ** spoiler omitted ** Saved my bacon a lot of times. You will want some AOE effects like burning hands and fireball also.

Noted about serpentine. I thought we'd face robots, but I wasn't sure what else. I'm committed to cross-blooded sorcerer, so what other bloodline should I choose? I'm not as concerned about spell number, because we will have 2 other arcane casters in the party and spells like "haste" and "heroism" will be covered. (Fireball is always tough to pass up.)

WagnerSika wrote:

As a minor spoiler regarding the musketeer ** spoiler omitted **

The guy playing the musketeer will take advantage that the DM doesn't know the gunslinger class very well and cheat on his rolls anyway. (he will probably use use the one-handed weapons as two-handed and hope nobody notices).

Anyway, thanks to everyone for posting.

I'm fulfilling the arcane caster role in my party for the "Iron Gods" adventure path and I'm looking for advice on how to: continue on/plan out the rest of my character.

Current party members:
Iron Priest Cleric
Musketeer Gunslinger
Blackblade Magus
Rogue/bard (crafter)

After the first session, my 1st level character currently stands at:

1st level sorcerer (cross-blooded) impossible/serpentine
STR: (+4) 7 -
DEX: (2) 12 +1
CON: (5) 14 +2
INT: (2) 12 +1
WIS: (2) 12 +1
CHA: (13) 17 19

Sorcerer 1 Noble Scion (war)
B: Spell Focus (enchantment)
Serpents Fang

Traits: Defensive Strategist, reactionary

0 level
--acid splash
--disrupt undead

1st level

My idea is to be mainly a compulsion caster and use the 2 bloodline arcanas to compel: constructs, animals, magical beasts and monstrous humanoids in addition to humanoids.

Please give me advice on how to continue through 18 levels.

Thanks in advance.

My group has been having a disagreement about how many AAOs an archer provokes with his bow when using rapid shot. We understand the FAQ ruling that scorching ray only provokes 1 AOO because all the rays are fired simultaneously (like manyshot for an archer) but this is rapid shot. Here is the scenario:

An archer is standing adjacent to a melee fighter.
The melee fighter has combat reflexes with an 18 dex.
The archer is unable to 5 foot step away.
The archer uses rapid shot (not manyshot) and fires 3 arrows at the melee fighter.

In this scenario, would the fighter get an AOO for each arrow fired (3 AOOs) since each arrow fired is a new AOO opportunity; or would the fighter get only 1 AOO since its 1 full round action? Please send cite sources for your response so we can ended this debate. Thanks in advance for taking the time.


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I am playing in a group of players who are all playing bards. So far our group consists of:
Dervish dancer bard
Archeologist bard
Magician bard
Dualist bard

I am the undecided. We are all playing through Bard20. I'd like to possibly play a "juggler" (ranged tactics toolbox) bard. I'm trying to take advantage of being to effectively have 3 items/weapons in hand at the same time. How can I best take advantage of this?

*We are able to use races from the "Advanced Race Guide" as well.

Thanks in advance.

I have this dilemma as well. I was considering "mythic resolve" since failing saving throws in a mythic campaign is generally very , very bad.

Impossible speed is cool, but in most cases there will be a party member who can cast haste and that should cover you for movement.

Any other thoughts?

The frog domain (Druid domain) gives the amphibious subtype. Does the amphibious subtype apply to the animals that you can wildshape into?


You end up net +7 RPs.

It would be a 7 point boon to you not a cost.

A "Shadow" is considered an incorporeal monster... it has no physical body, and it also:

cannot take any physical action that would move or manipulate an opponent or its equipment.

This, to me would interpret as: they are unable to use physical items.


+2 str, +2int, and -8 charisma, how much rp would that be?

+1 RP Weakness (+2 physical, +2 mental, -4 creators choice)
+6 RPs Declined abilities (+4 for the first -2 and -2 for the remaining -2)
+7 RPs Total

*Note: This is based off race creation attribute mechanics, not a real reference.


As written, It would cast at 12th level, always.


I'm DMing for a:

Ranger/Vivisectionist/Beastmorphing/Master Chymist

and a

Wildshaping Druid

and they are wanting to stack:

FEAT --Improved Natural Attack
FEAT --Powerful Wildshape
SPELL --Greater Magic Fang
SPELL --Enlarge Person

Do these stack for purposes of natural attack damage?

If not, do any of them stack?

(Also, is there a reference for this)

You can have multiple archetypes, but if they both introduce a new ability in the stead of an existing ability they overlap and cannot both be taken.

I am a DM and I have a PC that has been utilizing the effects of his "boots of levitation" and then wildshaping into a giant squid (huge size) and still levitating as if under the same effects.


Dwarf activating "boots of levitation"

wildshapes into giant squid (huge size)

Levitates up as if under the effects of spell

Is this congruent with your interpretation of the rules?
