(Frog God Games) Richard Pett's The Blight Kickstarter

Product Discussion

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Hoorah, Sister Lyme is waiting for you hungrily:)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Richard Pett wrote:
Hoorah, Sister Lyme is waiting for you hungrily:)

lol, Sister Lyme is totally hot.

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In the swirling twilight of dusk and soft lit by foglights in the canker... hot as bro

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just backed this puppy. Best of luck Lord Pett !

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First Kickstarter I've ever backed. Love Pett's work. He's one of my favorite adventure authors. Had to give this one a shot!


Ah, you are wonderful folks, thank you kindly. As we have just over a week to go, please do slip in a mention anywhere you go - forums, facebook, twitter, exotic sweaty menageries full of crooked and twisted travesties...


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It's probably worth reiterating that as a stretch goal (and I know it's early to mention those, but they are close stretch goals) we have 3 adventures set in the Blight, and one as an add-on...

The first is 7th level and by yours truly called the Crucible, and is about spontaneous combustion and some thoroughly unpleasant characters that live along the Great River Lyme. It has big windmills and archaeological digs and some revolting NPCs amongst its rollercoaster trip along the river.

We also have a fantastic 1st level introductory adventure by none other than mine and Logue's love-child BRANDON HODGE called the Crooked Nail, set in the Artists' Quarter and featuring the Theatre Infernalis. Brandon's work speaks for itself, he's great and I'm proud to call him son, even if his mother is someone I'd rather not talk about.

Third up we have an adventure by newcomer, the extremely talented AL RIGG who many of you may know through his work with Paizo. The adventure is called Horror in the Sinks, is 3rd level and is just plain...nasty. It's all about aristocrats hiding secrets in the dreaded Asylum in the Sinks (let's just call the Sinks a crooked, diseased Venice for now) and even reading the first draft made me feel uncomfortable and tainted.

Finally we have an add-on 4th level adventure by some fellow calling himself GREG VAUGHAN and called Bloody Jack. I've read Bloody Jack and it's rubbish, I wouldn't recommend buying it. It's not jealousy or anything; OK so he has a few cool scenes in the district of Festival, with its crooked fairground feel is memorable, and the whole concept is frightening. Yes, maybe it has a good beginning, an awesome middle and amazing ending and its BIG, but apart from that it's desperately average fayre...please don't encourage him to write any more adventures by purchasing it, you'll only be disappointed.


Just to be 100% clear, the adventures The Crucible and Bloody Jack are both listed as Add Ons Available Now, the implication being that these two adventures will definitely be available as long as The Blight funds, while Horror in the Sinks and The Crooked Nail are listed as Stretch Goals.

Is this still the case?

Grand Lodge

Curious minds need to know :)

Dark Archive

10 days and 11.5 grand to go


Yes, Heine is absolutely right, that's what comes of writing updates and posting threads before one's kedgeree first thing in the morning, apologies...

Liberty's Edge

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you don't eat Captain Crunch?

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I have to say, the years-long rivalry between Richard and Greg is one of the finest things ever to come out of this here Interweb Messageboard Post-a-ma-thingamajig.

Scarab Sages

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I always picture Richard and Greg as heads on the same ettin?

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Richard Pett - I'm enjoying the previews but if you were to recommend your favorite adventure that already in print (either for Dungeon or Pathfinder), which would it be?

Or, if you can't choose a favorite, which one would you recommend someone read first who is new to your work.

Thank you!


Heh heh,

funnily enough I'd never even heard of him until yesterday.

Thanks for the question DaveMage. If you want something absolutely totally like the Blight then go to the Styes (Dungeon 121) and Weavers (Dungeon 138) both of which are set in an embryonic version of the Blight. Of my stuff for Pathfinder, Carrion Hill is very much Blight, but then more recently (and it takes about 3 years to write stuff like this) I've just been working on the Blight myself so if I'm writing for it it's gone into the project itself.

Of more recent stuff, Dance of the Damned (Pathfinder 99) has that grittier feel and has a chunk set in urban areas and to give a shout out for 3rd party stuff Sorrow (Midgard Adventures by Open Design) and Mockingbird (It Came from the Stars by Zombie Sky Press).

I suppose my favourite would be the Wormwood Mutiny as it's a very tricky premise to pull off, but I wish I'd tweaked the skill checks so the first mate only watches the PCs from time to time instead of every day.



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...so, seems a few days since I did an exclusive sneak over here for you lovely people. As it's constantly raining over here, this place seems strangely appropriate...


TT10 The Wash
An air of impermanence prevails here, the streets towards the river are jumbled, chaotic, riddled with soughs and streams and brooks which burst their banks, leading to isles of timber and rush and improvisation. As the streets cram around the workhouses of Sedgetown they grasp at mounds, hillocks barely a handful of feet above the land, yet these desperate shanty towns seem to offer a glimpse of permanence, their structures older, yet still kissed by floodwaters. As the land heads south it becomes marshier, and the streets become more water than buildings; timber streets float above marsh and riverlet and brine. Finally they stagger into the Lich Fens and die, what structures there are, are ruins or newly built temporary boat homes and villages lurking amongst the marshes.

Pigs and cows; they are everywhere in the Wash, in fact the place is often called beasttown, and not always just because of the cattle and pigs that cram here. This is a bad place, a backwards part of the city that time and progress seems to have passed by. An air of improvisation and temporariness impose themselves on everything here, the whole corner of the city feels neglected, tainted somehow with regret. The vast majority of those who live and work here are farmers, keeping livestock to feed themselves, and to send on to market. They are nervously attending the slaughterhouse factory, confident that it will not prove a success. This is a hostile place where bodies lie in the streets.

The Wash consists of low gin and ale houses, ragged buildings, workshops and barns. It is infested with countless low markets, bogs, streams and mud. People do not generally own where they live, unless they are part of the pigbrine (see below), as a consequence properties, owned by mean landlords, are falling apart and charged the earth for; if an occupant complains he is thrown out, along with any dependents, and those who do not have roofs are frequently rounded up by patrols and taken gods knows where.

Below the surface of what seems to be just one other rough part of the city are the Wash’s insular community of Pigbrine, an extended family of inbred, backwards thinking elders who worship the Green Man and who would be happy to see the whole city vanish in flames. The Pigbrine lurk within the Wash, but totally control it; its members usually easy to see by their lack of chins, inbred gaits and worrying personalities. Although not strictly a gang, to become an enemy of the Pigbrine is a very, very bad idea. If they could be bothered, they could reach out and crush those who oppose them, but their desire to be simply left alone makes them a relatively passive, if terrible foe. The Pigbrine hide in plain sight; they may look on, and have repulsive ways, but their neighbours would never dare.

Bless you is a phrase commonly heard in the Wash, the blessing can be a curse, as the Pigbrine also bless those they are about to abduct, bleed and cook.

The Pigbrine (level 13)
Leader Father Sow (N male human druid 13)
Motivations Isolation, the old ways; keep it in the family
Friends None
Enemies In theory, everyone else in the city
Tactics Inbred men and women sharing in theory at least the same blood, the Pigbrine use any tactics to keep their kin pure, their ways protected, their beliefs and traditions immortal. Sacrificing enemies through fire and eating human flesh at certain ceremonies are just two terrible aspects of this backward community. These are not things they regard as punishments, rather seeing them as blessings.
Morale Iron, the Pigbrine would rather kill themselves en-masse than surrender.

For various random reasons, I've been putting together a pseudo-Planescape setting, basically combining Pathfinder's The Great Beyond, Planescape's own material, and The Scarred Lands' Edge of Infinity into one mostly-sensible whole, complete with lots of interesting demiplanes.

Problem? I still don't have a Sigil, and don't want to copy that wholesale, given its iconic nature.

Solution? I do have a Blight, and it does seem like the sort of place that would be... difficult... for outsiders to easily affect. (I'm having visions of Proteans being stymied by bureaucracy when trying to get people to make changes... and Inevitables being blocked by the exact same thing.) Not sure if I'll go through with this or not, but there are only so many well-detailed cities in the game, and the idea of being trapped in the Blight for awhile (if the adventure stays entirely in the city?), followed by journeys to many places the players have never heard of before interests me.

Ah, well, I'll decide once I've actually got this book in my hands. *Goes to update pledge to a physical copy*


FGG and Mr. Pett,

Have a question. With a book that large (bloody huge!) can you tell me, approximately what the shipping cost will be to Upstate New York?

thanks, -- david

EDIT: Several more questions, since I do not yet understand the Kickstarter system.

I have backed five Kickstarters. Three have provided all the rewards as promised and on time. Two have provided the rewards that were scheduled, and the remaining rewards are on schedule to be provided (later in 2016). So I have either been lucky or a good guesser.

What I do not understand and need some explanation is:

If I choose the Veteran ($135) reward (for Pathfinder):
1) How do you collect the Shipping Charge?

If I want the "Blight Players Guide" and the "Blight GMs Guide" and the "Pre-Generated Characters of the Blight" and the "Blight Map Folio", in BOTH Hardcover and PDF:
1) How much would I have to add to the pledge?
2) If the 76k and 78k levels are unlocked, do I get a "refund" or does the extra money get put towards Shipping, or ?????

Thank you for your answers, -- david

@ DM Papa.DRB, I can answer some of your questions now and have sent the Powers-that-be an email asking them to answer the rest.
1.) Shipping is collected when the Backerkit surveys are sent out.

Next set:
1.) the Blight Players' Guide is $20, the GM's Guide is $25, the map is $10, and the Pre-generated Characters are part of the stretch goal of $76,000 so they are free. The total would be $55.

One of the FGG crew should come in and clarify if I have made any mistakes. BTW when you buy a print book the PDF is free.

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Yeah, the Frogs always give the PDF free if you buy the physical book. I much prefer books but it's handy to have the PDF too :-)

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silverhair2008 wrote:

@ DM Papa.DRB, I can answer some of your questions now and have sent the Powers-that-be an email asking them to answer the rest.

1.) Shipping is collected when the Backerkit surveys are sent out.

Next set:
1.) the Blight Players' Guide is $20, the GM's Guide is $25, the map is $10, and the Pre-generated Characters are part of the stretch goal of $76,000 so they are free. The total would be $55.

One of the FGG crew should come in and clarify if I have made any mistakes. BTW when you buy a print book the PDF is free.

Shipping - Ok, but how do they collect the shipping? Does it go thru Kickstarter, do they need my credit card, or some other way?

Other stuff - $55. Ok and you get the PDF free. Cool !!!

thanks Silverhair2008.

-- david

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When the Backerkit survey comes you can add anything else you want to your order then you will enter your credit/debit card info and they will store the information until FGG Locksdown the surveys. That's when you will actually see money leave your account. That is usually close to the time the books are ready for shipment.

Hope this helps. BTW the Stretch goal of $78,000 gets you another Players' map so I would suspect any overage will go towards shipping cost.


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...ah, the mighty and excellent Silverhair has already beaten me to it, I'd whizzed Greg Vaughan an email for a heads up.



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...and back over at the kickstarter, we're approaching 500 backers:)


DM Papa.DRB,

You have a choice in when you want to add the cost of any items to your pledge. You can add it now which would help to reach the goal, or you can wait til the Backerkit surveys come out and add the money then. So the choice is up to you.

Ok, pledged at Veteran level plus the Map Folio (listed under Stretch Goals, but had an Add also, so hope that is ok.)

-- david


Huzzah! Cheers David, and thanks Silverhair.


No problem, Mr Pett. Sometimes it is easier if I step in to answer a question if I am fairly sure of my information being current and correct. But the final authority is always the FGG crew.


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500 Backers Huzzah!


One last charge from you wonderful people and this baby will be stalking your gaming table with adventures for years to come, this is my long-term puppy so please let's see her fund, she's so swollen now I dread to think what horrors might come out of her over the coming years.


Publisher, Frog God Games

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Hop on board guys and gals! We need your support!

One week left for us to make this behemoth a reality. We have folks lined up for supporting materials, and if we dont hit the stretch goals, we will get them on the calendar for later this year. Anyone who has played in my convention games over the past 8 months has had a preview of mine.

Richard's writing is truly lovely--I forget the beauty of the Queen's English. If you are on the fence, get in now. You will not be disappointed.

This book also works well for those of you who made New Years resolutions to start weight lifting again!

Perhaps Mr. Pett could Hijack James Jacobs' thread with a link to this. That gets a lot of views and if anyone could get away with it, it would be Mr. Pett.

I'm evil sometimes . . . okay, most of the time.


...NICE plan justmebd...


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Thanks to you wonderful splendid people we've had an amazing rise overnight which puts us literally (and rather handily considering) within staggering - having been mentally and physically mangled by a deranged something from Between with limbs and features that bend the wrong way - of funding. Sadly the twisted thing now stands above your mangled 0hp PC as though considering what to do next, perhaps death is too easy an option to its deranged mind...

Please do keep up your shouting, mad fluting and sobbing from the gables about this.

We have FIVE days to go.


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Wow, that's a brilliant jump in pledges so happy to be backing this & looking forward to further insanity.

EDIT: Under $1k away with nearly a week to go.... looks like the stretch goals may be under fire.

wow, go to sleep for a couple hours and everything changes!

Just a quick question. You've got the 5E PDF in the title, but I don't see it in the rewards. Is it a stretch goal?

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Backed at $150! (Hardcover & PDF, plus PDFs of the three modules in the stretch goals.)

Less than $800 to go for the basic goal!

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Upped my pledge for Bloody Jack, which sounds fun to run. XD

(Out of curiosity, roughly when will PDF versions of the currently-available modules be available? Right after Backerkit, when the Blight PDF is released, when the hardcover is shipped...?)

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Not long now precious... not long at all...


GM Hands of Fate wrote:

wow, go to sleep for a couple hours and everything changes!

Just a quick question. You've got the 5E PDF in the title, but I don't see it in the rewards. Is it a stretch goal?

The 5e pdf is already part of the basic package GM, so if you order it you'll get it. We've pledged that if the kickstarter reaches 100K we'll run with a full printed 5e edition, at which stage you can choose other types of the book fi you so wish.


Sister Blight is looking horribly swollen and distended now, some terrible change is coming over her, I'm worried about what might happen if she's released...


Haladir wrote:

Backed at $150! (Hardcover & PDF, plus PDFs of the three modules in the stretch goals.)

Less than $800 to go for the basic goal!

Wonderful, thank you kindly.

I have to say, horrible though it is to admit it, the 3 scenarios that hopefully will all see the light of day by my fellow conspirators are really, really nasty:)



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GM Rednal wrote:

Upped my pledge for Bloody Jack, which sounds fun to run. XD

(Out of curiosity, roughly when will PDF versions of the currently-available modules be available? Right after Backerkit, when the Blight PDF is released, when the hardcover is shipped...?)

Bravo and thank you muchly. I think we're aiming for July for the package, but will summon a frog to answer GM Rednal.

Bloody Jack is annoyingly good, that scallywag Vaughan has leapt straight into the Blight, seized her and taken her someone horrible. Curse him with his winning smile and talent. Although I suppose it's only justice for when I kidnapped Razor Coast and blasted Logue.


Grand Lodge

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Looks like I won't need to pledge for the print copies.

I just might WANT to. :)

The Exchange

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silverhair2008 wrote:
That's when you will actually see money leave your account. That is usually close to the time the books are ready for shipment.

Wait, so money not leaves automatically at the end of the kickstarter at January 18th? Any idea hong long this will take afterwards?

I'm just asking because
a)I want to make sure that my account is fully funded if the money actually leaves


b) depending on the answer I might up my pledge because those adventures look tasty (I'm not sure how they smell though, because the Styes seem to have destroyed my olfactory sense - which makes my day-to-day work as a nurse so much easier :D)

edit: wait I just saw Mr. Pett saying something about July. Does that mean that my account will be charged around then?


Question whizzed over to the Frogs Wormys, and I honestly don't know whether to apologise or be delighted about your sense of smell, all I can say it's a definite first and I thank you for it, it'll be quoted again many times:)

TriOmega, don't forget this is a limited print run, once they go, you'll be forced to steal a copy of you want one, just as I had to with Tsar having broken into Vaughn's disturbing boudoir - and that's not an experience I'd want anyone to have to go through, so please think long and hard about getting that print copy while we have them.


Grand Lodge

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Richard Pett wrote:

You make a solid argument, Master Pett.

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WormysQueue - the money that you pledge specifically on the kickstarter will be charged at the close of the kickstarter in a few days.

There will likely be an additional time to pick up some more add-ons during the Backerkit phase - which will be at a later date. This is also when shipping will likely be collected as well.

It's worth kicking in as much as you think you can on the kickstarter though - as it will count for stretch goals.

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The BackerKit (where you pick which books you want, etc.) usually happens shortly after the Kickstarter ends. Among other things, I think they want to be sure to order enough of each book, without going TOO far over (given budgets and desire to have whatever amount of stock left to sell at retail price).

Liberty's Edge

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woah. $700 to go. that's 486 pounds sterling.
pip pip and all that, old chap.

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