Bestiary 6 Wish List

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There are so many mythical giants and ogres that could work as fey. Really, the vast majority of mythical giants could be interpreted that way if the design team felt like it.

I would like giant species that more closely resembled humanoid species other than humans. Lizardfolk giants, catfolk giants, tengu giants, just as examples.

Another thing I'd like to see is an extra rule section for existing templates and/or races. I know it's a looooooooooooong shot, but here goes:
- Rules for devilbound creatures with the new devils added since B5
* stat modifiers and spell-like abilities
- Manasaputra ancestry for aasimars, and other good-aligned outsiders
* Garudas and Peris are single species, so other could be added.
- Sahkil ancestry for tieflings, and other evil-aligned outsiders
* self explanatory
- Rules for half-dragons based on primal, imperial, outer, esoteric and the new category of dragons
* self explanatory, for breath weapons... and especially for the two-headed dragon.

Just add these in the appendix and it would be great. If we get new vampires and lycanthropesit would be nice to get respectiuve bloodlines for dhampirs and skinwalkers as well.

I just think that Bestiaries could easily update previous entries by adding them at the end.

JiCi wrote:

Another thing I'd like to see is an extra rule section for existing templates and/or races. I know it's a looooooooooooong shot, but here goes:

- Rules for devilbound creatures with the new devils added since B5
* stat modifiers and spell-like abilities
- Manasaputra ancestry for aasimars, and other good-aligned outsiders
* Garudas and Peris are single species, so other could be added.
- Sahkil ancestry for tieflings, and other evil-aligned outsiders
* self explanatory
- Rules for half-dragons based on primal, imperial, outer, esoteric and the new category of dragons
* self explanatory, for breath weapons... and especially for the two-headed dragon.

Just add these in the appendix and it would be great. If we get new vampires and lycanthropesit would be nice to get respectiuve bloodlines for dhampirs and skinwalkers as well.

I just think that Bestiaries could easily update previous entries by adding them at the end.

Thing is, since it's RPG-line you would have to not only have that info for the new ones but also reprint the old ones otherwise it'd just be weird and annoying, and reprinting those type of things would take up decent page count.

Milo v3 wrote:
JiCi wrote:

Another thing I'd like to see is an extra rule section for existing templates and/or races. I know it's a looooooooooooong shot, but here goes:

- Rules for devilbound creatures with the new devils added since B5
* stat modifiers and spell-like abilities
- Manasaputra ancestry for aasimars, and other good-aligned outsiders
* Garudas and Peris are single species, so other could be added.
- Sahkil ancestry for tieflings, and other evil-aligned outsiders
* self explanatory
- Rules for half-dragons based on primal, imperial, outer, esoteric and the new category of dragons
* self explanatory, for breath weapons... and especially for the two-headed dragon.

Just add these in the appendix and it would be great. If we get new vampires and lycanthropesit would be nice to get respectiuve bloodlines for dhampirs and skinwalkers as well.

I just think that Bestiaries could easily update previous entries by adding them at the end.

Thing is, since it's RPG-line you would have to not only have that info for the new ones but also reprint the old ones otherwise it'd just be weird and annoying, and reprinting those type of things would take up decent page count.

Hmmm... in both Blood of Angels and Blood of Fiends, they wrote down bloodlines 2 per pages, as 2 columns. As for the templates, I can just see one page with charts for the extra materials. Nothing too fancy, just a chart for the new devils and another chart under it for the new breath weapons. Blood of the Night had 2 bloodlines per page, and Blood of the Moon had 1 bloodline for 2 pages, since they added feats as well.

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I would also like more giant species that resemble non-human races like lashunta, goblin, catfolk, tengu, gnome, etc.

Liberty's Edge

As in, giant subtype, you mean? Gnomes do technically have spriggans.

I am not talking about creatures that can alter there size like spriggins, I am talking about full on giants.

Nightterror wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Because I hate to see bestiaries turn into repeative non-sense making books. I can see the point in more kaiju and linnoms, but why on earth would one need more three headed dragons? then all those people that say: one bestiary is enough because the rest is just repeats get a point, and I dont want that to happen. If you need a three headed dragon so desperatly why dont you use gorynch or khala??
OK, dood, seriously, is there anything you like? Because all you ever talk about is how you hate almost everything. And I can't remember you ever making a positive post.

People keep seeing only the negative and people KEEP talking for me, like they know me or something.

I don't hate everything, I hate a lot of things yes, but in the end I like more than I hate.

I don't only like mythological monsters like WBDL says, he shouldn't talk for me as I don't only wish for myth monsters but also for new Nightshades, monsters with sertain powers, missing D&D monsters, monsters based on obscure D&D monsters and for new kytons and other groups. My main love is for Mythology monsters that aren't used a lot yes, but they aren't the only thing I care about such as Odraude uhm, I mean Wannabedemonlord tries to say to you.

The things I really dislike and which make many people say bestiaries should stop after the first I often agree with.

- I dislike environment + monster creatures, they feel like fillers. Yes I would like more drakes and giants, but why must everything be elemental/environmental + Drake/Giant? More original creations are needed.

- I dislike the 5 dragons, mostly because they feel forced. (there is a chance I like them, like in bestiary 2)

- I dislike SF monsters mostly because of my personal taste but also because I think they need their own monster manual, I don't like the mix that much.

- I dislike too much of anything, such as too much humanoid undead that feel pretty much the same, or 3 black ooze monsters in ONE bestiary... Or more than 2, three headed dragons, the space should be used for more original creations that haven't appeared before. Yes I like mythology monsters, but you wouldn't see me wishing for Candileja, mostly because she appears the same as the Witchfire which we already got. I like my monsters fresh.

Also some are my personal dislikes, I can understand if they appear in the Bestiary though but I would never like them (oni and rakshasa are some example, oni mostly because they are just another excuse for elemental giants to become even more and more. Also Kaiju I dislike mostly because people talk like crazy about them, forgetting all other things in the bestiary which personally annoys me, which is my mistake I know)

Two page unique creatures I do like, but not in a normal bestiary, I like to see them in a seperate bestiary.

There are other creatures and things I dislike (like templates and more player races than we already got, but i do understand people crave for those, I just can't see people wish for another 3 headed dragon when we already got two.)

Also I like a LOT of Paizo's original creations, A LOT. So WBDL-entire post is a big error.

* I agree that Elemental/Evironmental sauced creatures kinda show up too often.

* the "groups of five dragons" thing has been mentioned by many.

* SF... not unless they released half a dozen Bestiaries every year. < kinda apply to two pagers as well.

* Many of us agree on the Humanoids and Undeads parts.


Then you should try to ignore the monsters you dislike/hate, and focus on the ones you like/love.



Back to the actual topic.

Edit: Bestiary 7 Wish List.

I focus enough on creatures i'd like to see, but I don't believe in positive energy, you can't have positive b$!~%%$& without some good old negative views.

I know Americans can't stand negative words, but I don't care.

This topic and the older ones are full of energy I put into myth creatures and others.

And bestiary 7 wishlist, yes it is a bit early for that, but I guess you didn't know that so it is not your fault.

A few elemental/environmental creatures is fine, but if we still see them around bestiary 4/5 I think they become boring fillers.

I don't hate the 5 dragons, I just think they are forces, why it always have to be 5?

Nightterror wrote:
I don't hate the 5 dragons, I just think they are forces, why it always have to be 5?

It dates back to the 5 Chromatics and 5 Metallics, so...

Which I always disliked the most of all D&D monsters, so.

Nightterror wrote:
Which I always disliked the most of all D&D monsters, so.

Oh, that's ok to hate it, your opinion afterall, it just felt like you didn't know the origin of the 5-dragon package :)

I personally like true dragons, so the more the better, mostly since I often use them as mentors or schemers ^_^

I wouldn't mind true dragons, but I for one wouldn't have minded it we sometimes got 3 and sometimes got 7. 5 is a strange number, even if the chromatic and metallic dragons started that.

Nightterror wrote:
I wouldn't mind true dragons, but I for one wouldn't have minded it we sometimes got 3 and sometimes got 7. 5 is a strange number, even if the chromatic and metallic dragons started that.

Well, at least they're consistent XD

I like that every true dragon group has five members. I can't wait to see what the next set is like.

I also can't wait to find out what is in B6 so I can actually post stuff in the B7 wish list that was started several months too early.

Dragon78 wrote:

I like that every true dragon group has five members. I can't wait to see what the next set is like.

I also can't wait to find out what is in B6 so I can actually post stuff in the B7 wish list that was started several months too early.

I'm actually curious about the two-headed true dragon.

According to the description, there's "a new category of true dragon from the Outer Planes", not that planar dragons were unknown by D&D players though. Dude, we had the Astral Dragon (Astral Plane), Dream and Nightmare Dragons (Dimension of Dream), the Etheric Dragon (Ethereal Plane) and all 5 Primal Dragons (Plane of Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Shadows). It also mentions "dragons from Heaven". Notice the plural here. Heaven is just one plane, a LG one. So if they're going with Outer Planes, they're likely going with:
- LG Celestial Dragon (Heaven)
- CG Liberty Dragon (Elysium)
- CE Abyssal Dragon (Abyss)
- LE Hellfire Dragon (Hell)
- N Judgment Dragon (Purgatory)

I guess that there could be other non-true dragons from Heaven, but still, I doubt that they'll have more than 2 LG dragons representing Heaven here.

That being said... which one would be the two-headed dragon?

Heaven? Unless they took inspiration from Bayonetta, I don't recall many two-headed angels and archons.

Elysium? I get the chaotic environment, but... again, a two-headed azata would have been documented by now.

Purgatory? I could see it since a judge-like dragon would weight the pros/positive and cons/negative of a judgment before making it. Being judged by such a dragon would essentially have you hearing the good things and bad things about you from each head respectively and probably see both heads debating until one wins a Diplomacy check like in a Verbal Duel... which was implemented in Ultimate Intrigue BTW. I don't see them attacking each other though, perhaps their weakness is that if one head dies, it's fatal to the other.

Hell? Tiamat was a LE goddess living in the Baator back in the days, and her secretive inclusion in Pathfinder could lead to her being there, so a two-headed hellish dragon could be a servant.

Abyss? Demogorgon is the only two-headed demon lord documented and like in Elysium, chaos is everywhere in the Abyss, but to sport a second head would be a rare occurence though...

The two headed one is supposed to be something different then one of the true dragons.

The two headed dragon was also mentioned in the plural in the description but Mr. Jacobs said that there is only one type. So there might be only one type of heavenly dragon and the plural is saying they are not unique but an actual species.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a personally abusive post. Regardless of the disagreements folks may have in this thread, it is not OK to make personal jabs at them in this way.

Nightterror wrote:
I focus enough on creatures i'd like to see, but I don't believe in positive energy, you can't have positive b%@$!+*@ without some good old negative views.

I didn't mean creatures you would like to see, but creatures you like/love that are already there.

I am hoping the outer planar dragons will have a more rounded alignment range like NG, NE, CN, LN, and N or at least any G, any E, any C, any L, and any N.

Can someone name some Fire Elemental-like myth monsters, that are 100% made from fire, so Ifrit, Salamander and Cherufe don't really count. They must come from mythology/folklore or cryptids.

Also some winged elves in myths?

Winged elves, check my earlier post. Whether they're elf-like or goblin-like could really just go down to aesthetic, as those are really broad terms when referencing creatures from actual lore. You could also try some of the various winged humanoids from Greek and Mesopotamian mythology, or the Badogiak, which was another creature from NA lore posted by MMCJawa, and definitely more elf than goblin. A thunder wielder.

Fire creatures, I'll get back to you. I assume you're not talking about ones that are just orbs of flame like the Will-O'-Wisp? Though there are even some of those in Japanese lore that take more interesting shapes. The Abura Bo is a humanoid made of fire (taking the form of a monk), and the Ziburinis is too (skeleton-like).

Oh, and the Efreet definitely does count. In Islamic lore, the Djinn had their entire bodies crafted from flame when they were created, though they didn't necessarily look that way.

If you want a creature that's literally just flame in a humanoid shape, I'm not sure. I'd be surprised if that doesn't exist, but I'd have to look further.

I'm aware of the Ziburnis and the Abura Bo, though I never like monk-based monsters, they just don't seem evil and can't have interesting plots in stories as religion sticks like glue to them.

Ziburnis could work, but in my mind it is still a skeleton on fire.

I know the Ifrit is suppose to be more like fire, but in my own mind they are always demonic and much like D&D, they control fire like Pyro (x-men) and are not made from it.

Of course i could just use Candileja, but I like to use those as burned hags/witches that return to life, so not really a fire elemental, and they are like Witchfires made form green flames (hag fire) so not like a fire elemental.

I just watched my own elemental group and then I came to see that fire elementals are rare in there... Some Ice elemental would also be welcome.

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OMG marvelous! Thanks for the suggestion! I just got a marvelous idea!

One of my favorite MOnster Manual 2 (3.5 edition d&d) monsters is the Effigy (click for picture here) which was some fire horror elemental creature that invaded mortals and burned them with anger and hate from the inside out, turning them into burning corpses/skeletons.

Ziburinis could be just that in Pathfinder, an possession elemental of anger and flames that takes over its victims and feed on all the joy and warmth, leaving behind nothing more than a skeleton surrounded in hellish flames before infesting another victim.

There are only two things known from the real myth of the Ziburinis.

1) THey are shapeshifters (well taking over bodies can be viewed as shapeshifting)
2) Seeing them is a bad omen (well, if you see them in their burning skeleton form they are seeking for new bodies to infest, and so yes, seeing them is a bad omen for you.

Winged Goblins would be interesting and seeing winged elves make a come back would be cool.

Some pictures of the monsters I still like to see, these pictures are the way I'd like pathfinder to focus on with the creatures, they are like pretty perfect looks for the creatures.

A Bao A Qu



Afanc (but with more crocodile features added)




A-Mi-Kuk (but inside ice, they can also hang from the ceiling)


Bruch/Brucha Swarm

Skotumodir/Skate Mother












Questing Beast






Ly Erg


Hraesvelgr (but with silver hawk-mask instead)







Tiamat or a Chaos Dragon


Mishibizhiw/Underwater Panther

Poludnica/Lady Midday (but with only half her face burned, one side must be pretty)

Mahaha (with ice-blue skin)




Kaw Kaw (no legs)

Asanbosam (no hands, but hook horror-like hooks)

Fear Gorta/Stray Sod

Ceffyl Dwr

Fear Liath

Jubokko (with blood red leaves)

Alicanto (silver and golden feathers mixed)


Cu Sith


Nalusa Falaya




Batibat (but with bark-like skin)



Aniwye (bigger tail)

Sianach (bigger antlers with all types of magic-charms hanging from it)


Shellycoat or Arragouset

Druj Nasu



Invunche (different versions)



Nandi Bear (but tentacles come from mouth)








Xing Tian




Zaratan (with rocks, plants and small plants on shell)




Muramasa Blade / Animated Sword

Ewah (evil variant of Tulpa, born from insane mind/fantasy)



Lou Carcolh

Bukavac (six legs)

Shadhavar (carnivorous)




Pua tu Tahi



Con Rit


Sak (But with lotus on the end of its tail)



Cwn Annwn


Yagim or Sand Shark

Horerczy (with beautiful colored butterflies coming from its mouth)



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I would like to see giant caecilians with some species having poisonous secretions from their skin.

Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf

I am hoping that B6 has at least 3 kaiju.

How do you Shia LeBeouf isn't a cannibal in real life;)

Nanabolele might make an interesting dragon species. I haven't come across many African dragons, most of the dragon-like creatures known from the continent are really only marginally similar to the dragons of the rest of the world. Then again, Africa could be infested with dragons and I could be completely oblivious, Africa's monsters are frustratingly difficult to research.

Unique qualities from the legend:
It can transform into red smoke and does so to travel.
It is bioluminescent.
It hunts in packs, unlike most dragons, which are solitary.
It has a surprisingly weak bite (Not being able to break the skin of an elderly woman) and probably relies on other natural weapons like claws, horns, tail, etc.

A really cool folktale featuring the Nanabolele and a badass female dragon slayer.

It would be nice to see some non-solitary types of dragons.

Having just seen the (GREAT) recent Horror movie Clown, we really need a Clown Monster. with corresponding Clown Corruption rules

MMCJawa wrote:
Having just seen the (GREAT) recent Horror movie Clown, we really need a Clown Monster. with corresponding Clown Corruption rules

Ive seen that movie like two years ago. :-s It isnt really recent lol

Say... did we ever get a Jester creature, similar to the Gray Jester (Heroes of Horror)?

There's your clown monster there people ;)

Nightterror wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Having just seen the (GREAT) recent Horror movie Clown, we really need a Clown Monster. with corresponding Clown Corruption rules
Ive seen that movie like two years ago. :-s It isnt really recent lol

Released stateside only this year, unless you are mixing it up with one of the dozen or so killer clown movies out there.

Was it about the suit that took possession of the man and turned him into this demon that ate kids? Two years ago.

Clowns, yes. Big rubber spiders in the artwork, no!

I would love some clown, jester, and mime based monsters.

Nightterror wrote:
Was it about the suit that took possession of the man and turned him into this demon that ate kids? Two years ago.

Yes...But again...had a delayed release stateside. Those of us who like to legally watch movies and didn't get to go to a festival only got to see it this year.

Would like to see some giant races that resemble Asians, Polynesians, Indians, and Africans.

Speaking of Polynesians, would like more creatures from Polynesian myth.

Some Easter island stone gods. They start moving when people worship them. The more they get worshiped, the more powerful they get. Digger had a wooden idol of Ganesh that offered her advice.

Liberty's Edge

Goth Guru wrote:
Some Easter island stone gods. They start moving when people worship them. The more they get worshiped, the more powerful they get. Digger had a wooden idol of Ganesh that offered her advice.

Sounds like the idol rules from Occult Realms.

Probably. I have not seen them.

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What we know will be in B6(currently, final print may vary).

8 Archdevils
4 Horsemen
3 Kaiju
? Empyreal Lords
5 "True" Dragons
Monkey Goblin
Two Headed Dragon
Wild Hunt
Conqueror Worm
Green Man
Intelligent Oozes
Giants(Shadow, Tomb, +2 others)
Goblin Troops
Living Statues Haunted by Dead Gods
Hivemind Swarm
New Animal Companions

What we know will not be in B6(currently, final print may vary).
Giant Roaches

I hope there will be some new clockwork creatures.

A fun new monster featured on A Book of Creatures:

Illithids. F%@+ off WoTC

Well I wanted a anteater based monster.

(One addition whch is pure flavor and likely would not effect the page count as it could likely slide in right beside the creature name would be the phonetic pronounciation - so things like those cool South American beasties and the like would have with them how to say the name out loud.

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