Hygiene of Venture Captains and Lieutenants

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

Jayson MF Kip wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I was expecting references to "The Enigmatic-smelling Osprey," actually.

I would have figured a shot of something like Fireball for when Torch shows up in a thread.

Also, why haven't we figured out an actual drinking game for the boards yet?

Grand Lodge 5/5

UndeadMitch wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I was expecting references to "The Enigmatic-smelling Osprey," actually.

I would have figured a shot of something like Fireball for when Torch shows up in a thread.

Also, why haven't we figured out an actual drinking game for the boards yet?

Cause paladin falling threads would leave us all with alcohol poisoning.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Joe Ducey wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I was expecting references to "The Enigmatic-smelling Osprey," actually.

I would have figured a shot of something like Fireball for when Torch shows up in a thread.

Also, why haven't we figured out an actual drinking game for the boards yet?

Cause paladin falling threads would leave us all with alcohol poisoning.

So what's your point?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Ah, I needed some more laughs tonight after watching Spectre. This thread did not disappoint.


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nosig wrote:
I'm tempted to tell players at my table on the 3rd and 4th day of a Con that I'll let them take a re-roll if they have had a shower (and put on clean clothing!) in the last 6 hours.

Blimey, six hours?

I shower every day (at a con or otherwise), but every 6 hours is effectively every session. And at almost no con I have ever been to would there have to go back to my hotel and shower between every session. Generally we are lucky if there is time to get something to eat at the venue.

Plus, bringing three changes of clothes per day seems a little excessive!

EDIT: First post with my shiny new 2nd GM star, and its about showering habits...


Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
glass wrote:
EDIT: First post with my shiny new 2nd GM star, and its about showering habits...

Now you'd get a +2 to that shower reroll!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Will Save: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Ack, failed my will save! I'm posting in this discussion again.

I'm going to agree with everyone who said that polite and private notification of the problem is the best solution.

Whatever you do... don't have your bard sing this:

Take you out of the smell game
It's time to go get that shower...
We've been playing since half past two
All I can say is, "Wow, P.U.!"
Go and wash, wash, wash for an hour
If you don't scrub it's a shame
For it's one, two three strikes, you're out,
At the old smell game!

Grand Lodge

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I blame Grandmaster Torch for the derail.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Lucas Servideo wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Just drop lots of subtle references to Grandmaster Torch.
Cleanest PF Venture Captain he is always in the Bath when you talk to him.

Did anyone ever even imply it wasn't the same bathwater, all the time, every time?

He has to save as much money on the aloe and other soothing ingredients as he can, after all. He has no money as he never sells information...

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

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kinevon wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Just drop lots of subtle references to Grandmaster Torch.
Cleanest PF Venture Captain he is always in the Bath when you talk to him.

Did anyone ever even imply it wasn't the same bathwater, all the time, every time?

** spoiler omitted **

One would hope it wasn't the same because it was in different countries.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucas Servideo wrote:
One would hope it wasn't the same because it was in different countries.

That's not a ring around the tub, that a teleportation circle!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

On a slightly more serious note I will point out that sometimes even showering every morning is no guarantee. While I do not normally exude gamer funk I can recall one notable exception. I was at GenCon and had a very busy schedule that had me racing from one location to another. So I was sweating more than normal, and it didn't evaporate well between by shirt and backpack. For most of the Con this resulted in an occasional mild odor that showering in the morning mostly dealt with. That was, with the exception of one day. I had gone to a party the night before and drank a fair amount of alcohol (something I don't normally do). The next day, the alcohol in my system mixed with my sweat to produce truly odious gamer funk that even showering did little to dent. Since then I have avoided drinking at Cons.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Tempest_Knight wrote:
I do love that the post immediately following Vic's plea for use to quit making subtle reference to Grandmaster Torch, the thread derails into direct references about Grandmaster Torch and his bathing habits...
I think you misread Vic's post about 'dropping hints to the stinky VO'.

Yep. "Drop hints," not "drop it!"

Grand Lodge

Lucas Servideo wrote:
kinevon wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Just drop lots of subtle references to Grandmaster Torch.
Cleanest PF Venture Captain he is always in the Bath when you talk to him.

Did anyone ever even imply it wasn't the same bathwater, all the time, every time?

** spoiler omitted **

One would hope it wasn't the same because it was in different countries.

Grandmaster Torch is secretly an aquatic vampire. Instead of having to rest in dirt from his homeland, he must bathe in water from his home ocean.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
kinevon wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Just drop lots of subtle references to Grandmaster Torch.
Cleanest PF Venture Captain he is always in the Bath when you talk to him.

Did anyone ever even imply it wasn't the same bathwater, all the time, every time?

** spoiler omitted **

One would hope it wasn't the same because it was in different countries.
Grandmaster Torch is secretly an aquatic vampire. Instead of having to rest in dirt from his homeland, he must bathe in water from his home ocean.

Torch is Low Azlanti. It all makes sense now- -Torch is Aroden!

Dark Archive

I was going to ask something similar.
I have 3 sessions under my belt. Three different GMs, all three have had hygiene issues.

The last GM was so bad I had to leave the event. When your hair looks like it hasn't seen shampoo in 2015; being forced to watch a grown adult eat Cheetos until their fingers are orange, licking them and wiping the resulting goo on their shirt caused a bit of vurpage; the crowning was smelling like the gym bag left in the locker room for the past month.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't think I've used shampoo in some 15 years...

1/5 5/5

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Neither a VC nor a VL, but I've discovered some helpful things about hygiene over the years.

Someone made the mention of 3, 2, 1 as far as hours of sleep, meals, and shower...

I'd say minimum *4* hours sleep if you can swing it, 2 meals, 1-2 showers.

At Gen Con it can be an insane time, even if the weather is a pleasant 70ish outside with low humidity. The Special Mustering Time can be exceptionally aromatic.

That all aside, I typically bring enough *clean* t-shirts for the convention to have 2 extra left over at the end (with the next day shirt carried in my backpack in case I need to switch due to a 'meltdown'), and that's before a tropical shirt to be worn *over* the t-shirts to help mitigate any stray 'drafting'.

*clean* Shorts are usually the leg-garments of choice, one pair for each day of the convention plus one pair as a 'spare'.

I *used* to wear flip-flops, but... that was not helpful. At LEAST two pairs of shoes. One pair goes on cool-down for a day while you wear the other pair.

Showering? At *least* once per day, twice if it's really nasty and hot out.

Eating? Some food can make even the most sterile-smelling of folks exude 'fragrances'. Discovering these before an event can be a huge boon, especially if they can be avoided at a venue.

Hair/Shampoo -- I tend to keep mine *really short*, and try to get close to bald about a week or two before events. This helps keep down on build-ups and it keeps my head cooler in over-heated/insufficiently cooled rooms.

Hats/Hoods -- Used to love wearing them. Now under most circumstances I'm 'burning up' if I do, so headgear is avoided to allow proper radiation of heat.

DEODORANT -- I can't use a lot of them, in fact, using some of them actually makes me ten times as 'fragrant' in a bad way. But I've found a couple that work.

Teeth-brushing/mouthwash -- Do this at least twice a day (morning and night). It helps keep down 'crud' chances!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Starfinder Superscriber
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Torch is Low Azlanti. It all makes sense now- -Torch is Aroden!

You are the worst person ever.

Grand Lodge

I give a lot of leeway for conventions.

This is for all involved.

I really don't see this as a VC/VL exclusive thing, in the least.

More often, it's a player.

Also, this seems to happen with a lot of events when meeting with random strangers.

MtG tournaments have been where I have run into it the most.

That's just my personal experience.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Our biggest con's crudgame/miniature section was infamous for its...miasma. The building's staff had to change the air-conditioning rules just for that one hall! I'm not even joking, it was that bad. People would play magic or warmachine for hours, moisten in their gunk and afterwards just fall asleep sitting where their next slot would be. Think arse sweat, con food, energy drinks and cheap deo spray(if that). Nurgle must've been proud. The rest steered clear of that loin stew.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Muser wrote:
that loin stew.

Worst. Stew. Ever.

Dark Archive

Nefreet wrote:
I don't think I've used shampoo in some 15 years...

Is there some reason you keep making light of this issue?

Scarab Sages 4/5

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Lonnerdin wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
I don't think I've used shampoo in some 15 years...
Is there some reason you keep making light of this issue?

i don't know Nefreet, but I'm going to guess that in the absence of a full head of hair, shampoo might not be necessary.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Lonnerdin wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
I don't think I've used shampoo in some 15 years...
Is there some reason you keep making light of this issue?

Yeah, I think that's quite a bold statement, or is it a bald statement? ;-)

Grand Lodge

Shampoo damages hair. You can clean your hair without it.

For body soaps, chemical light, or chemical free, actually help keep the odor down better, as there is less damage to the skin, and scours less of the naturally secreted oils that protect your skin.

Breathable clothing is a big part of keeping odor down. Staying cool helps a lot.

What you eat and drink can have an effect as well.

Certain foods, and things like alcohol effect body odor.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am still not happy about this thread seemingly targeting VC/VLs directly, and giving the perception that it is more prevalent among them specifically.

Dark Archive 4/5

Really, gamer funk in all avenues should be targeted, player or GM.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Starfinder Superscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
For body soaps, chemical light, or chemical free,

Wait, chemical-free body soap? How does that work? Is it made out of Dark Matter? Because Dark Matter doesn't seem to clump in regions dense and small enough to make a bar of soap....

Grand Lodge

rknop wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
For body soaps, chemical light, or chemical free,
Wait, chemical-free body soap? How does that work? Is it made out of Dark Matter? Because Dark Matter doesn't seem to clump in regions dense and small enough to make a bar of soap....

Rendered fat, Lye, water, and natural fragrances. That is the basic ingredients of soap for thousands of years.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Starfinder Superscriber

...none of which are chemical-free.

Scarab Sages 3/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
rknop wrote:
...none of which are chemical-free.

Neither is the water. Dihydrogen monoxide has been found in all water supplies in the United States.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, aren't we clever.

I suspect you know what I really mean.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

Actually, not really. I'm also not completely sure you know what you really mean.

"Chemicals" covers everything made out of things on the periodic table. Which is every bit of matter we do things with in our daily lives. (It's only 5% of the energy density of the Universe, but that's another story.)

Saying something is "chemical-free" is meaningless. Which chemicals are you talking about? Some chemicals will be irritants, some won't be. Whether they are natural or synthetic is irrelevant to whether they are irritants or not.

Grand Lodge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lonnerdin wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
I don't think I've used shampoo in some 15 years...
Is there some reason you keep making light of this issue?

If you would look at his profile picture you would notice that Nefreet is a Tengu, and birds dont use soap.


Silver Crusade 5/5

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Wow, are we arguing about shampoo now?

The Exchange 5/5

UndeadMitch wrote:
Wow, are we arguing about shampoo now?


just about shampoo?:

lol! see what I did there?
this is where we argue about everything

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

9 people marked this as a favorite.



Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

This thread got so epic we got THUNDERLIPS! to post!

(do we have THUNDERLIPS! in the drinking game?)

Also: Arguing about REALLY unrelated things. Everybody drinks!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

This thread got so epic we got THUNDERLIPS! to post!

(do we have THUNDERLIPS! in the drinking game?)

Also: Arguing about REALLY unrelated things. Everybody drinks!

"While reading a post by THUNDERLIPS!, drink. Continuously. It'll all make sense when the bottle is empty."

Scarab Sages

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Woran wrote:

This thread got so epic we got THUNDERLIPS! to post!

(do we have THUNDERLIPS! in the drinking game?)

Also: Arguing about REALLY unrelated things. Everybody drinks!

"While reading a post by THUNDERLIPS!, drink. Continuously. It'll all make sense when the bottle is empty."

"While reading a post by THUNDERLIPS!, drink mead (as any true Ulfen should!). Continuously. It'll all make sense when the bottle is empty."

needed a fix...


jon dehning wrote:
I am asthmatic and overly sensitive to aromas. Over the decades I developed a blunt response when I need to leave a room or a table due to being unable to breathe. I am not proud of this, but it gets the point across.

I'm also asthmatic, and am allergic to a bunch of plant-based products. I usually try to be polite first, but if a person causes me to wheeze, sneeze, or be unable to breathe on multiple occasions after discussing the issues with them, I just start directing all my sneezes and coughs and other miseries directly on the offending party.

It may not fix the problem, but it makes me feel better about my life. Maybe the same could work for BO?


1/5 5/5

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Amanda Plageman wrote:

I'm also asthmatic, and am allergic to a bunch of plant-based products. I usually try to be polite first, but if a person causes me to wheeze, sneeze, or be unable to breathe on multiple occasions after discussing the issues with them, I just start directing all my sneezes and coughs and other miseries directly on the offending party.

It may not fix the problem, but it makes me feel better about my life. Maybe the same could work for BO?


No. It would not. Because someone who is aware of their condition and has been failing to correct it already knows, and it does nothing but make them feel worse.

Someone who doesn't know about their condition may feel it's some sort of attack (aside from it being a complete Dick move).

Someone who knows and doesn't care shouldn't be treated any worse than someone who knows and does care, because a person can't make that assessment unless the individual in question say, openly *brags* about their aroma being a 'competitive edge'. True Story: Has happened in at least three tournaments I've played in, and a couple of RPG tables. Bringing it to the attention of judges did predictably next to nothing.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

This thread got so epic we got THUNDERLIPS! to post!

(do we have THUNDERLIPS! in the drinking game?)

Also: Arguing about REALLY unrelated things. Everybody drinks!


Jayson MF Kip wrote:
"While reading a post by THUNDERLIPS!, drink. Continuously. It'll all make sense when the bottle is empty."




oh those poor mushrooms... and those poor empty bottles that will never be lonely....

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

Kashka wrote:

oh those poor mushrooms... and those poor empty bottles that will never be lonely....



The Exchange 4/5 5/5 ****

I think it is time for a visit from the Manhattan fairy. No doubt in my mind. Perfect prescription to remove THUNDERLIPS! From one's mind. If the first one doesn't work...keep taking until it dos (or you paint the mushrooms, have a discussion with a shrubbery, or cuddle up wi5h an Aussie).

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5

Gunari Maximoff wrote:
I think it is time for a visit from the Manhattan fairy. No doubt in my mind. Perfect prescription to remove THUNDERLIPS! From one's mind. If the first one doesn't work...keep taking until it dos (or you paint the mushrooms, have a discussion with a shrubbery, or cuddle up wi5h an Aussie).



Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **


PaizoCon powernaps seem to be inevitable, with the way this discussion is going.

Dark Archive 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Keith Apperson wrote:
PaizoCon powernaps seem to be inevitable, with the way this discussion is going.

You have much to learn Padawan.

191 days of intense training required.

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