does it have to be a wand?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

are there any alternatives to slender wooden sticks? why cant i have why cant i have a ring of cure light wands or a glove of burning hands wan that becomes useless after 50 charges? just an example. is there an alternative?

I have done that in my campaigns. For example, there's been a skull with rose quartz in the eye sockets that cast magic missiles like a wand (it had charges) or a holy symbol that cast cure light wounds. Remember, if you're the GM, you can make any alterations that you see fit instead of what's standard, just to add a different flavor to your games. Wands are just easier to store than a variety of magical knickknacks that act like wands.

zainale wrote:
are there any alternatives to slender wooden sticks? why cant i have why cant i have a ring of cure light wands or a glove of burning hands wan that becomes useless after 50 charges? just an example. is there an alternative?

Those would be custom items, and it's up to the GM if they allow it. The custom item costs table prices items like that as the same as the equivalent wand, but those are all explicit guidelines and the GM is supposed to decided if the end result is appropriately costed going by the table or if the item is over/underpriced. Ask your GM what they are OK with.

The thing I would personally be leery of as a GM is that allowing a 50 charge spell trigger wand lets you create CLW "wands" with Craft Ring or Craft Wondrous Items(as if that feat needs any more of a boost), and you can avoid the action economy issues that happen when you need to draw a wand.

you do have a point there with the other crafting feats. just turned off of wands. harry potter gave them a bad image. >.> and music conductors.... whats a magic medallion fall under and by magical medallion i mean a shaped disk made from some hard substance that has a set amount of charges? what happens to the stick of wood once the wands been used up does it turn to ash?

Snowblind raises a big point, and is one that can be solved by increasing the cost. You want a Ring with a set amount of charges instead of a Wand? Not many people are going to carry that around, nor is it really a standardized item type; that means the price is gonna go up.

I'd include a 50-100% mark-up if it's a non-standardized item, similar to making an item function as slotless, so as to discourage people from encroaching on the crafting feat territory. This is a similar rule if you planned to, for example, create Gauntlets of Giant Strength instead of a Belt of Giant Strength.


Respect Each Crafting Feat's Niche: You might be tempted to create rings that have charges like wands, or bracers with multiple charge-based effects like staves. A GM allowing this makes Craft Wondrous Item and Forge Ring even more versatile and powerful, and devalues Craft Staff and Craft Wand because those two feats can create only charged items.

Before allowing such an item, consider whether the reverse idea would be appropriate—if someone with Craft Wand can't make a wand of protection +1 that grants a deflection bonus like a ring of protection +1 , and if someone with Craft Staff can't make a handy haverstaff that stores items like a handy haversack, then Craft Wondrous Item and Forge Ring shouldn't be able to poach item types from the other feats.

-From the rules on crafting items

..............But if someone had both feats, I might allow it (at an increased cost for changing the slot).

Silver Crusade

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As long as it was purely a flavor thing, I'd let person crafting their "wand" make it out of just about anything. If they started getting cute and making sword wands or something I'd rein them in. So long as it is functionally no more useful than a "slender wooden stick," more power to 'em.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
zainale wrote:
are there any alternatives to slender wooden sticks? why cant i have why cant i have a ring of cure light wands or a glove of burning hands wan that becomes useless after 50 charges? just an example. is there an alternative?

I'd make those items take up your ring and glove slots and put a premium on their costs. I'd also require the applicable feats in addition to craft wands to make them. Your questions are simply looking for ways to cut down on the action cost of having a bevy of wands ready.

Rednal's point is important as well. Always consider the collateral effects of a rules change, especially a major one like this.

All I'd require is that they have both crafting feats + access to whatever spells they need.

Shadow Lodge

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I always thought the artwork for the cover of Pixaud's Practical Grimoire from TORG made for an awesome wand.

Isonaroc wrote:
As long as it was purely a flavor thing, I'd let person crafting their "wand" make it out of just about anything. If they started getting cute and making sword wands or something I'd rein them in. So long as it is functionally no more useful than a "slender wooden stick," more power to 'em.

I'd go with that, under the idea that it follows the same general mechanics and role: an item you pull out of your pocket (instead of wear), do jazz hands with, and then magic comes out.

If you pull out a backmassager of cure light wounds, I would not care. Lipstick that lets you "kiss it all better". A magical paint brush that you use to write 'cured' on their face.

It is when it is on rings and such, whcih can be kept on hand, avoid the action of drawing it, where we begin to have problems. Also the 'try not to mix up crafting feats' advisory, of course.

I'll echo the others that said it has to have some limitation (not the clusterf$@@ LazarX wants but..). It either has to have the same action economy cost or it has to take up a slot OR it has to cost double (not +50%, but double as in a no slot item). One of those three. And definitely Craft Wand to make them rather than Craft Wondrous (it really is bloated for a crafting feat). Maybe both for a more restrictive DM.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
necromental wrote:
I'll echo the others that said it has to have some limitation (not the clusterf*+% LazarX wants but..). It either has to have the same action economy cost or it has to take up a slot OR it has to cost double (not +50%, but double as in a no slot item). One of those three. And definitely Craft Wand to make them rather than Craft Wondrous (it really is bloated for a crafting feat). Maybe both for a more restrictive DM.

Without my "CF" of limitations, you open the gate for a person having a dozen or more wands at the ready because they occupy non-slots, rings, gloves, neck pieces, the works, with no actions needed to bring them into play.

With so many complaints of caster dominance, I'm beginning to see that the source of them comes from permissive application of home rules such as this one.

Although there would be a certain lost opportunity value if you replaced all your normal magical items with wand-like items. XD To say nothing of all the increased costs. It is, quite frankly, cheaper and more practical to generally leave them be as wands. It might be fun to have a cross-category item as a special treasure in a campaign, though, just to emphasize how odd it is.

does a bangles, medallions,bracelet take up a slot? a bracelet that holds little charms that contain the charges for spell and you have to hold said charm to cast the spell. a candy necklace with 50 candy charges of cure light wounds on it. has anyone tried and was able to eat the candy off one of those while its around your neck with out using your hands?

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I've always assumed that wand prices are what they are because they are "slotless" (which means they actually cost 2x the price of the identical item that takes up a slot). There IS an opportunity cost to having something in a slot: now you can't have something ELSE in that slot. Wands don't have that cost, so you pay 2x the price that you would pay for an item with that cost.

If a person builds an item that exactly duplicates a wand but takes up a slot, it should cost half the price. You want a Headband of Magic Missiles, fine, go ahead and craft it and it only costs half the price of a wand of Magic Missiles, but it takes your head slot and now you won't be able to wear that AND wear a Headband of Vast Intellect at the same time.

What I wouldn't do is allow slotless wands that you wear without occupying a slot. No button of Magic Missiles that you sew onto your shirt - if it's on your shirt, it becomes a chest slot item and you cannot add a second button-wand to that shirt because your chest slot is already occupied. If it's a charm of Magic Missiles dangling from a bracelet, then it takes your wrist slot and you cannot add a second charm-wand to that bracelet because your wrist slot is occupied by the first one. Etc.

(now, for real fun, let's get some wand tattoos!)

Wands however use a Slot, the weapon slot. If you carry a sword and a shield, you can't use wands, which happen often to paladins for exsmple.

Out of combate you could do it easy, but that would be true with any other Sloth gear toó, you could remove your helm to out a helm of teleport, for example.

it seems to me the easy answer to the OP's question(which was flavor and not just using a ring slot) and balance issues would just be to use whatever item as a wand... so he still has to draw/activate the item etc.

Yes, I agree. A Lotus of Cure Light Wounds sound nice, it's not a wand, has not Harry Potter ressonance, and doesn't change the slots, action economy, or prize

gustavo iglesias wrote:

Wands however use a Slot, the weapon slot. If you carry a sword and a shield, you can't use wands, which happen often to paladins for exsmple.

Out of combate you could do it easy, but that would be true with any other Sloth gear toó, you could remove your helm to out a helm of teleport, for example.

Since when was a Wand a weapon? Do you see it in the Weapons table? Is it listed in the Fighter Weapon Groups? When I use it as a Weapon, wouldn't I get Improvisation penalties because it's actually a weapon?

I think you mean a Wand take a hand to use, and that makes sense. Because there's nothing stopping an Alchemist with a Vestigial Arm from wearing a Longsword, a Heavy Shield, and a Wand at the same time.

I'm on board with the idea that if you draw it like a wand, it takes up a hand slot like a wand, and is essentially useless for anything else like a wand (not a wand-sword for example) then it is a wand and could be crafted at regular price with the craft wand feat. The only reason to restrict it then is flavor, which can be valid if you really want your world to be wands.

Of course if you allow this, it should probably be fairly common. If wands are naturally better as charged item containers, then all sorts of things would be 'wandish' making realizing that someone has pulled out a potentially deadly weapon more difficult.

If you move away from alternate wands working just like wands though, you either have to change the price or make sure any benefits are matched up with equal detriments.

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*Raises hand*

Just to clarify, I'm pretty sure wands are slotless items - specifically, slotless items that must be held and manipulated in order to gain the benefit of having them. As far as price goes, wands specifically and intentionally have their own pricing format.

I'm also fairly certain it is not the case that a slotted magic item could have the same spells for half the price just because wands are 'slotless'. Wands are intended to be the cheapest form of spellcasting per-use, and should probably remain that way.

Finally, as a GM, I would also allow shaping it however you liked as long as it did not change the mechanical function (must be held, can't be used for other purposes, same action economy, etc). ^^

Darksol: yes, I mean it needs the same slot than a weapon does, not that you can attack with it.
A truly slotless ítem doesn't need to be held. Like a luck stone, for example. The wand doesn't need a slot to be stored, but it does to be used. You could also store several hats, but you need to out them on your head to use them, and you need to take the wand in your hand too

Silver Crusade

gustavo iglesias wrote:

Darksol: yes, I mean it needs the same slot than a weapon does, not that you can attack with it.

A truly slotless ítem doesn't need to be held. Like a luck stone, for example. The wand doesn't need a slot to be stored, but it does to be used. You could also store several hats, but you need to out them on your head to use them, and you need to take the wand in your hand too

Others, correct me if I'm wrong, but slotless items are not always just things you have on you and they work. They are any wondrous item that doesn't take up a worn slot on your body. Void dust, figurines of wonderous power, feather tokens, elixirs, pipes of haunting, boundary chalk, horn of Valhalla, etc. All slotless items, all require either being thrown/drunk/blown/otherwise manipulated.

Isonaroc, you are correct. Slotless items are simply those that don't fit into one of your normal slots - many DO require the user to hold, manipulate, or otherwise interact with them.

Wow, you guys like to argue.

zainale, Rule Zero
If you want to have a holy symbol that casts CLW 50 times and have it be called a wand do so. The Healer will still need to pull it out and use it under the same rules as a wand. If its a non-slotted ring, well you are then altering the RAW and RAI. Now if you have to put the ring on the injured parties finger as part of the casting process I feel you are meeting the 'pulling out a wand and using it' requirement. Its somatic flavor and more importantly its YOUR game, said alterations will not be PFS compatible but if your not playing PFS who cares.

I fondly remember a 'hand of glory' sort of thing - a glove (which took up the hand slot) which cast spells like a wand. It was, on the other hand, rather expensive, so ...

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I routinely change wands to what I call "charms" and "trinkets". They're just small handheld things that do exactly what a wand does.

In the past I have had a bronzed turtle foot of slow, a quartz crystal of cure light wounds, a beaded talisman of charm person, a peyote button of endure elements, and a wand of magic missiles.

As for crafting feats, we just changed the title of the Craft Wands feat to "Craft Charms, Trinkets and Wands".

Isonaroc wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:

Darksol: yes, I mean it needs the same slot than a weapon does, not that you can attack with it.

A truly slotless ítem doesn't need to be held. Like a luck stone, for example. The wand doesn't need a slot to be stored, but it does to be used. You could also store several hats, but you need to out them on your head to use them, and you need to take the wand in your hand too
Others, correct me if I'm wrong, but slotless items are not always just things you have on you and they work. They are any wondrous item that doesn't take up a worn slot on your body. Void dust, figurines of wonderous power, feather tokens, elixirs, pipes of haunting, boundary chalk, horn of Valhalla, etc. All slotless items, all require either being thrown/drunk/blown/otherwise manipulated.

Fair enough.

But then, a magic throwing knife is slotless too. That was my point, maybe badly expressed. It "uses" the same "slot" than a weapon.

Silver Crusade

gustavo iglesias wrote:
Isonaroc wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:

Darksol: yes, I mean it needs the same slot than a weapon does, not that you can attack with it.

A truly slotless ítem doesn't need to be held. Like a luck stone, for example. The wand doesn't need a slot to be stored, but it does to be used. You could also store several hats, but you need to out them on your head to use them, and you need to take the wand in your hand too
Others, correct me if I'm wrong, but slotless items are not always just things you have on you and they work. They are any wondrous item that doesn't take up a worn slot on your body. Void dust, figurines of wonderous power, feather tokens, elixirs, pipes of haunting, boundary chalk, horn of Valhalla, etc. All slotless items, all require either being thrown/drunk/blown/otherwise manipulated.

Fair enough.

But then, a magic throwing knife is slotless too. That was my point, maybe badly expressed. It "uses" the same "slot" than a weapon.

It's "slotless" in a dictionary sort of way, but the term as it applies to magical items in Pathfinder refers specifically to wonderous items that don't take up a body slot.

DM_Blake wrote:

I've always assumed that wand prices are what they are because they are "slotless" (which means they actually cost 2x the price of the identical item that takes up a slot). There IS an opportunity cost to having something in a slot: now you can't have something ELSE in that slot. Wands don't have that cost, so you pay 2x the price that you would pay for an item with that cost.

If a person builds an item that exactly duplicates a wand but takes up a slot, it should cost half the price. You want a Headband of Magic Missiles, fine, go ahead and craft it and it only costs half the price of a wand of Magic Missiles, but it takes your head slot and now you won't be able to wear that AND wear a Headband of Vast Intellect at the same time.

What I wouldn't do is allow slotless wands that you wear without occupying a slot. No button of Magic Missiles that you sew onto your shirt - if it's on your shirt, it becomes a chest slot item and you cannot add a second button-wand to that shirt because your chest slot is already occupied. If it's a charm of Magic Missiles dangling from a bracelet, then it takes your wrist slot and you cannot add a second charm-wand to that bracelet because your wrist slot is occupied by the first one. Etc.

(now, for real fun, let's get some wand tattoos!)

In the Vigilante play test, Warlocks have a Talent called Tattoo Chamber which can function as a wand tattoo. At higher levels they can have more than one wand stored in the tattoo.

We once used a scrollbook of CLW. It was a bound set of scrolls of CLW, with 50 entries at wand pricing. Meta, it was a wand by another fluff. Mechanically, the character had a prohibition/fear/something against wands, but we all agreed the new fluff was OK.


Ooo, I like that idea. That's a really neat visual concept, too.

I just really want my Rock of Cure Serious Wounds that I can bash someone over the head with and they are K.

Gobo Horde wrote:
I just really want my Rock of Cure Serious Wounds that I can bash someone over the head with and they are K.

Me and my husband were talking about a halfling with a sling and sling bullets of cure light wounds. :)

Gobo Horde wrote:
I just really want my Rock of Cure Serious Wounds that I can bash someone over the head with and they are K.

Why stop with just a rock?

GM Rednal wrote:

Respect Each Crafting Feat's Niche: You might be tempted to create rings that have charges like wands, or bracers with multiple charge-based effects like staves. A GM allowing this makes Craft Wondrous Item and Forge Ring even more versatile and powerful, and devalues Craft Staff and Craft Wand because those two feats can create only charged items.

Before allowing such an item, consider whether the reverse idea would be appropriate—if someone with Craft Wand can't make a wand of protection +1 that grants a deflection bonus like a ring of protection +1 , and if someone with Craft Staff can't make a handy haverstaff that stores items like a handy haversack, then Craft Wondrous Item and Forge Ring shouldn't be able to poach item types from the other feats.

-From the rules on crafting items

..............But if someone had both feats, I might allow it (at an increased cost for changing the slot).

quote wrote:
if someone with Craft Staff can't make a handy haverstaff that stores items like a handy haversack

I just have to say that sounds like a really cool idea. Touch something with the staff and in it goes, and then just produce what you want from the staff. Certainly more cool than just rooting around in a pack. Plus, it would not be expected. Perfect place to hide stuff.

Back in 2nd Ed, there were arrows of cure wounds. Never seemed right to shot an ally in the bum for the feel good.

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