Graywolf777 |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
Possibly because of your ability to manipulate magical energies, a curse, or interaction with a magical artifact, the laws of reality just don't seem to work right around you anymore.
1. Gravity. Items dropped around you fall at different rates of speed. Coins commonly land on their sides. Occasionally an item will pause in mid-air for a moment before it continues downwards.
2. Reflection. Your reflection seems less like a reflection, and more like there is a being impersonating you on the other side of the mirror. Additionally, when your alone and have your back turned, you could swear it makes faces at you. You haven't been able to catch it yet though.
3.Wind. Your hair and clothes always act as if your standing in a breeze. Additionally, if there actually is wind, they always seem to blow against it.
avr |
4. Coloration. Your hair or skin has been permanently altered to an unusual shade or pattern, possibly as a result of criticizing an alchemists' plaid outfit. Nerds with magic make bad enemies.
5. Animal fear. Animals are wary of you; pets flee, birds stop singing, the innkeeper apologises saying that there's no fresh milk for breakfast because their cow inexplicably went dry this morning.
6. Chills and blue flames. People get cold sensations when near you and nearby flames intermittently burn blue.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
This is an awesome idea.
7. Your eyes glow. Can't go wrong with a classic!
8. You have a third eye in the middle of your forehead.
9. Cats adore you, even the normally shy or unfriendly ones.
10. Your shadow's actions and movements are completely different from yours.
11. When you open a door, glimpses of other worlds and planes can sometimes be briefly seen on the other side.
12. Objects briefly animate when you are near them.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
23. You are a rare genuine specimen of the misunderstood and outcast ubermensch whose identity has been hijacked and driven into the ground by horribly written wannabes. This sucks even more because not only are you still genuinely misunderstood, but they immediately peg you for a tawdry cliché.
24. You have literal ants in your pants. When you're attacked, they swarm all over you in a defensive rage like you're an acacia tree.
25. Your clothes are invisible to fools.
Weirdo |
26. Anything you eat tastes rotten.
27. Your voice has a lag. There is a half-second delay between the time you say something and the time that your listeners can hear it.
28. Whenever you touch coins or gems you receive a tiny shock, like static electricity.
29. You crave some innocuous but normally non-food substance such as as clay or rose petals.
Silent Saturn |
33. When in the moonlight, your skin reflects the light like polished silver and your hair shines like spun gold.
34. Your breath smells like honey and cinnamon, no matter what you've been eating.
35. Your eyes are mismatched, of colors that are not natural for your race, and are a new color every morning.
36. You have never grown a single hair anywhere on your body.
37. Your voice reverberates with an inexplicable bassy note, as though your voice box were far deeper in your throat and your whole chest was producing the sound.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
38. You literally blow smoke out your ears and/or nose when angry.
39. Your voice echoes.
40. Flowers follow your presence the way morning glories follow the sun.
41. After you knock on wood, something knocks back immediately afterward.
42. People find their mental faculties noticeably expanded for a while after spending time in your presence.
Rub-Eta |
50. Your nose never stops running. What comes out is a different color every day.
51. Passing gas sounds very funny.
52. Your joints sounds like creaking wood.
53. Soap bubbles comes out of your mouth when you breathe out. The size depends on how deep a breath you took. They pop about less than 5 ft above you and can only be heard popping in complete silence.
Mark Hoover |
54. Static: all your hair stands on end, all the time; certain fabrics cling to you; when you shake someone's hand a tiny electric shock affects them
55. The tip of one finger radiates a dim, pallid blue light (intensity of a single candle flame)
56. The last word you utter at a time magically repeats, even if your mouth is instantly sealed
57. Roses bloom when your hand passes over them
58. Your breath crackles and sparkles when exhaled
59. When immersed in water or surrounded by rain your aura makes the sound of fanfare if you move
60. Random patches of skin have become barklike in appearance though not in density
61. There is a perpetual cloud of dust trailing you no matter how clean you and your garments are
62. Carrion birds are attracted to you
63. Your palms hum with power
64. Seeds wither to dust at your touch
65. Your teeth chatter uncontrollably
66. Your presence causes baskets to unravel
67. When you sneeze directly on flammable material it smolders and ignites
68. Your aura causes those within 5' of you to taste copper
69. Toxins introduced into your body glow with a greenish color and an intensity visible through your skin
70. Yodels or ululations emitted from your throat can be heard at a distance of 1 mile.
Moto Muck |
72. Small open flames like candles, laterns and torches flicker and dim when you with in 5 feet of them
73. When your stomach rumbles, it literally RUMBLES creating small tremor
74. When you try to yell it comes out as a whisper and vice versa
75. Water and other fluids slightly ebb away from you when you are near them
Reggie |
80. Animal fur bends away from you when you try to pat an animal - like static attraction but in reverse.
81. Small items that should be easy for others to find inexplicably can't be when you're around; if someone asks you to find them they always seem to be in plain view.
82. Numbers never add up the same way twice around you.
Silent Saturn |
83. People you know sometimes fail to recognize you immediately, no matter how well they know you. They always remember you after a few minutes, or after you remind them of your name, and then can not explain why they didn't recognize you earlier.
84. In your presence, people occasionally use the wrong word by mistake. Sometimes they use another language's word for the same idea, whether they know that word in the other language or not.
Qaianna |
89. Your hair is an impossible colour and/or style for your race. (Come on, anime hair is popular for a reason ... )
90. Your feet are always 1mm above the actual ground. You're still stuck with ground HAZARDS, and you displace air enough that you leave tracks, but you just don't actually touch the ground itself. It's as if you're slightly repelling the actual planet.
91. You've polymorphed too much. While you still look like your main race, you look like your main race with hints of other forms.
92. Beard inversion. Hope you're not a male dwarf if you catch this one.
93. Excessive verbiage. You just can't shut up. Even when physically restrained while in the middle of a Silence you cast on yourself.
94. Prestidigitation. Permanent. You have no clue how. It's always taking a spell slot, you can't unmemorise it.
Rennaivx |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
98. Your appearance has the effect of a three-dimensional oil painting.
99. As you speak, your words appear as text in front of your mouth, floating for a few moments before disappearing.
100. Whenever you touch anything made of metal, it levitates for a few moments after you release it, with a corner, end, or significant marking pointing toward true north.
M1k31 |
107. Your controller is inverted... any time you attempt to move something through a new form of movement(like switching to flight or summoning a creature you control), it moves the opposite of the direction you indicate to it. Any dice roll you make is calculated by taking the total sides of the dice(minus one) minus the roll result and associating criticals and critical failures with the opposite end of the dice(you crit on natural ones and fail on natural twenty).
Timebomb |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
108. Your shadow comes with numbers, and you can tell time by it.
109. Your voice is always an audible whisper coming from right behind the listener's ear, raising your voice only changes how close the listener has to be to hear the whisper.
110. You are transparent to light sources: you don't cast a shadow and people can see light sources through you.
111. Your ring finger leaves an inky trail behind whenever it touches something.
112. Whenever you back up your ankles glow faintly red.
113. Your tears are mildly addictive.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
114. You generate 'lens flare' in bright light.
115. You are colored like a photographic negative of yourself.
116. People are unconsciously compelled to look in whichever direction you are looking.
117. You occasionally exhale ladybugs.
118. Your touch reverses the effects of fermentation.
119. Your footsteps are laced with sea foam.
120. You don't look reversed in a mirror.
Kerney |
121. Children unconsciously give you their attention.
122. Nobody looks at you directly.
123. You must obey one innocus suggestion a day.
124. Children unconsciously ignore you.
125. The opposite sex of another species finds you strangely attractive.
126. Mage hand, permanently memorised.
127. Any child you parent will be plane touched. Signs will show up in 1d12 months.
128. Any child you spend significant time with will become plane touched. Signs will show up immediately.
Nikolaus de'Shade |
129 - Your skin turns to scales whenever you cast a spell. The colour depends on the school of spell and the effect persists longer depending on the level of the spell cast.
130 - You speak in the sounds of farmyard animals, although you sound perfectly comprehensible to anyone who only speaks your native language.
131 - You spontaneously shape-shift into a creature of the opposite gender whenever anyone polymorphs or shape-shifts within 100ft.
avr |
137. Shared dreams. When you dream, anyone sleeping nearby experiences the same dream.
138. Dream null. When you sleep, no one nearby experiences any dreams.
139. Dream infestation. Any waking person who comes near you when you sleep finds that small, pale, big-eyed creatures wander through their dreams when they next sleep.
G'night all.
Nikolaus de'Shade |
144: every wizard who ever casts a spell at you firstly announces the spell loudly in faux latin.
145: Goblins hail you as the one great goblin messiah and follow you everywhere singing loud hymns in praise to your glory.
146: whenever a goblin starts singing hymns in praise to you, your eyebrows and hair grow long and orange, you also start growing a large orange beard.
147: whilst afflicted with long orange hair all drinks taste like a fine elvish wine to you.
148: after having drunk a cup of 'fine elvish wine' you feel an unavoidable urge to experience something new, ideally involving fire...
Dyton Kallien |
149. Your eyes glow in darkness. In dim light, they twinkle. In bright light, they glaze over. (your vision is not affected in any way)
150. Jon can only speak in the third person.
151. You are incapable of communication unless using a dramatic monologue.
152. When you talk, your voice is heard in its original register, an octave below that, and an octave above. At the same time.
153. You hear everyone else's voices as though they are being crudely imitated by a balrog named Fred. Fred likes to party.