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1. All bards must speak in the third person.
2. Ba-Dum Ba-Dum-Dum must play whenever the party starts fighting pugwampis.
3. The first player to propose going underwater to pursue the kraken must be splashed in the face with soda.
4. The first player to propose splitting up must be split up with a broadsword.
5. All PCs whose players are not paying attention to the battle are considered to be flat-footed.
6. Players playing master summoners have six seconds to declare and roll for their actions each turn.
7. If a player is found using a loaded die, they have that replaced with the "Cheater's D20", which is a d6.
8. Paladin players must bring the snacks, and clean up, and pay for everything. Because the GM is looking for an excuse, pal.
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9. Only certain songs are acceptable to play following a PC death. Please post with your own Important Suggestions.
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10. Rangers do not receive spellcasting, combat styles, favored terrains, favored enemies, or animal companions. Instead they receive psionic powers, unarmed fighting abilities, social personas, bonded weapons, and Huge construct mounts.
11. All goblin enemies must have the Roll With It feat.
12. All Kobold PCs must have at least half of their levels be in the Bard class.
13.) An Int score of 2 is a requirement to take levels in Fighter.
14.) Dragon's can, at any time, forget that they know how to fly.
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15. Any character may, at any time, attempt 3 consecutive DC 30 Will saves as a full-round action - if they fail the first of these saves, they take 1d4 points of ability damage to their highest ability score; if they make the first but fail the second, they take 1d8 points of ability damage to that score; if they make the first and second but fail the third, they take 1d8 points of ability damage to all their ability scores; if they succeed at all three saves, they gain one free wish.
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16. All NPCs will be named George Washington.
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16a.) Except for the ones named Wash Georgington.
17. all PCs must be hillbilly rednecks who speak with an irish accent
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18.) The first Tuesday of every month is Tact Tuesday. Anyone who fails to comply will be exiled via catapult.
19.) The exiling catapult must be kept in working condition at all time. You never know when we need to use it.
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21. There is no rule #20! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
20.) Those who attempt to subvert the proper numerical order will be exiled via catapult.
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If two PCs have the same result for initiative, the players must have a dance off to determine who goes first.
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23. Any player that shows up without their own dice will be subject to the results of rolls made by the other players.
24. All fortitude saves will be made using the player's lowest ability modifier rather than constitution (unless that is the lowest ability modifier).
25. The DM has permission to run into the kitchen, get pots and pans, and bang them together whenever a character wearing heavy armor gets hit.
26. In order to play an Elf, you must either be fluent in Elven, or be capable of moving at least one ear.
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27.) In order to play a dwarf, you must be able to chug an entire bottle of liquor and not die, or work as an actual miner.
28.) You cannot declare that the GM's cat is now your familiar.
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29. In order to play a Halfling, you must be either overweight or underheight.
30. If at least three-quarters of the people at the table (speaking honestly and objectively) agree that you have 16s or higher in at least 2 of your real-life ability scores (a consensus on exactly which abilities they are in is unnecessary), you may play a Pureblooded Azlanti.
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31. In order to play a gnome, you must be under 5 feet tall, dye your hair and carry glitter and a flashlight with you wherever you go
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32. All characters must put ranks in either Perform (Irish Jig), Profession (Sewerworker) or Craft (Pasta) every level or take a -2 penalty to constitution.
33. In order to play a Skald, a player must bring a tuba and the entire collected works of Shakespeare as gifts to the DM.
34. When entering a room, a player must roll a will save or attempt to seduce nearest inanimate object or ooze.
35. You need to take an IQ test and show the results to the DM every time you take a level in wizard
36. In order to play a cavalier, you must buy the DM a pony and 15 acres of land.
37. Whenever a player drinks a potion, he must make a fortitude save or have his consciousness transported to a psychedelic mindscape for the next 1 hour while his body continues moving at his full speed in a random direction determined by rolling 1d8.
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38. You must rap-battle the GM before attempting any intimidate or perform (sing) check.
39. The Tarrasque resembles a giant cheeto
40.) Those who double, triple, and quadruple post will be exiled via catapult.
41.) Quintuple posting is okay.
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Ventnor wrote: 28.) You cannot declare that the GM's cat is now your familiar. Well duh! After all, The GM's cat is already being used as the miniature for the Tarrasque. You can't have the tarrasque as your familiar, because that would just be silly.
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42. As an alternative to combat, powerful dragons may instead be challenged to a game of Jeopardy!.
43. Do not drink the house's milk.
44. Percentile dice and d100s are not permitted; for rolls that would use such dice, a roulette wheel is used instead.
45. Vampire Lords can cast dimension door and fireball at will as spell-like abilities, and can also use the psionic power form of doom once per day.
46.) Vampire peasants must work on farms like every other peasant.
47.) To play an oracle, you must successfully predict at least 3 different events with perfect accuracy (including precise times, what everyone involved is wearing down to the thread count, etc.).
48.) Licking loot does not make it yours by default.
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49. If you look good naked, you may play a Drow. If you are willing to prove it to the entire table, you may play a Noble Drow.
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50: W:tA players may only play characters of the Lupus breed if they can demonstrate the ability to clean their nether-portions with their tongue.
51: Other players are encouraged to record such demonstrations for posterity/sale/blackmail.
52. all dice must be forged by an army of Half-Fiend Chupacabras
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52b.) Half-Chupacabra Fiends are an acceptable substitute.
53.) Your cleric can worship the internet only if their race is LOLcatfolk.
54.) If you want to play a gunslinger, you must demonstrate that you have mastered playing a harmonica.
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55.) You have to play a magic pony if you post as one on Twitter.
56. If anyone asks, a Paladin having intercourse with his/her mount is a Lawful Good act.
57. regarding rule 56., This really should have been rule 34
58. In order to take the Rich Parents trait, you must own a pair of spats (good ones, not the crappy Halloween costume kind), and wear them to at least the first 6 sessions of the campaign.
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58. Anytime anyone rolls an Acrobatics check they have to yell 'Parkour!'
60.) 58 is not 59.
61.) Anyone who wishes to play a necromancer must also be a certified Witch Doctor.
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62. In order to play a Witch, you must have a cat.
63. If a male player who plays a Witch (the character's sex does not matter) comes to the game wearing a Victorian corset, their character gains a +2 bonus to armor class and saving throws.
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64. Any new player who shows up to their first game wearing a top hat gets a free +1 to their choice of mental ability score for their first character.
65. Players with one or more gold teeth start the game with an extra 20d100 gold pieces.
66. Players who are/were in the military and think that that automatically makes them hot s@*% suffer a -1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls. You want someone to lick your ass for that, go talk to a politician.
67. Spellcraft checks to identify spells cast by "Oriental" characters are 10 higher due to bad dubbing.
68. Any new player who wears a fedora to the first game takes -1 penalty on their choice of mental ability score for their first character.
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69. Any new player who wears a red fedora to their first game gains a free bag of holding and a free rank in Knowledge (Geography) at every level for their first character.
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70. Any new player who wears a propeller beanie to their first game gets a box of Lunchables, a pat on the shoulder, and the DM's heartfelt pity.
71. Giant spiders and scorpions are to be represented on the combat grid by actual, normal-sized, live spiders and scorpions.
72. In order to play a Binder, you must first have a lengthy discussion about your intended character and Pact Magic in general with your DM...within earshot of one or more conservative Christians.
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73. Bringing a pony figure to the game only qualifies you to play a pony character. Just because you brought a Twilly figure doesn't make you an alicorn, unless you are the GM.
74. Insufficient bribes won't count for any XP, but the GM will still take the offered sacrifices anyway.
75.) Any diviner wizard who can demonstrate a skill in tarot card reading may prepare 1 extra spell of each level.
76.) Prestidigitation is not a substitute for good hygiene. I'm talking to you Larry!
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77. any player who wears a top hat to the first game gets a free level in aristocrat for their first character.