Spacelard |

I have severe sleep apnea and have used a CPAP machine for years. Last night about 2:30 part of the mask broke and I couldn't wear it, so I tried to sleep without it. I woke every few minutes gasping for air like a drowning man. Finally this morning I found an old mask that will do until a new one arrives.
She really needs to have a sleep study done. My breathing was stopping over 70 times an hour.
Same...I didn't realise I had a problem until I kept falling asleep even when writing! It was then I thought 'Nah...this ain't normal'
My kidney's failed around the same time so I was grey, suffering from mental confusion, memory loss, falling asleep anytime I sat down. Fun times!

Spacelard |
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Alni wrote:Thanks, Alni. The service I use is really fast. I ordered it this morning and I'll have it by tomorrow.DungeonmasterCal wrote:I can't sleep without it now. Not even naps.Hope you get the new one soon :)
My electricity company have me on the emergency list in case of power outage. Any problems my road gets sorted as priority.
I'm happy...my 2m fish tank is very happy.
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My spouse is supposed to use a C-PAP, but he hates it. He says it makes him feel groggy and disoriented. The hose is also too short to reach from the only place he can set the machine, so he has to sleep in a very awkward position. He had an appointment last week to try a different type of machine, a BI-PAP instead, but it had to be rescheduled. I really hope the new machine helps. He falls asleep constantly. I have to wake him repeatedly during game sessions and tv shows, and I'm afraid he'll have a car crash.
Moving on to my entirely frivolous grievance today:
my wizard now has her first mythic tier, but there are so many mythic path options that I don't know how to choose!!!

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My grievance is that my insomnia issues have been kicking in hard the last month or so. After only getting about 5 hours sleep last night (again!), I woke up feeling sick, not just tired. I'm not that surprised - the ongoing lack of sleep issues tend to eventually do that to me.
I called in sick to work, to try and catch up on sleep and recover, but I really can't afford the time off right now.
...And I got chewed out at work the following day for being out sick too often the last few months.
My grievance today: Having a lousy job stops me from having the time to find a better job.
Also, the web site issues here are really annoying.
But I've been sleeping better for the last week or so. I never did get an extra long night sleep to make up for the sleep I missed, though. I just keep getting average nights, so I still feel like I'm behind and need to catch up. Maybe this weekend.

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While I understand and can even have some empathy for their side of it, I don't think the new hard prohibition on political threads was the right choice, and I'm not sure how sustainable it is. Sundakan actually had a very good explanation for why not last time this happened. That is all.

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Fromper wrote:My grievance is that my insomnia issues have been kicking in hard the last month or so. After only getting about 5 hours sleep last night (again!), I woke up feeling sick, not just tired. I'm not that surprised - the ongoing lack of sleep issues tend to eventually do that to me.
I called in sick to work, to try and catch up on sleep and recover, but I really can't afford the time off right now.
...And I got chewed out at work the following day for being out sick too often the last few months.
My grievance today: Having a lousy job stops me from having the time to find a better job.
Also, the web site issues here are really annoying.
But I've been sleeping better for the last week or so. I never did get an extra long night sleep to make up for the sleep I missed, though. I just keep getting average nights, so I still feel like I'm behind and need to catch up. Maybe this weekend.
My inclination would be to respond to the chewing-out with, "Would you prefer that I die?" People don't realize how dangerous chronic sleep issues can be to overall health. But I imagine you couldn't get away with saying that to your boss.
Glad to hear you're sleeping better. I'm not sure it's possible to catch up on missed sleep, but that won't stop me from trying.

Dragoncat |
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Dragoncat wrote:Speaking of sleep...
My current grievance is that it's starting to get too gorram hot to sleep.
And we have still not been above 30°C here. Me and my inability to sleep outside of my sheet coccoon xD
It's honestly getting to the point where I look forward to thunderstorms. At least after those happen it gets cooler.

DungeonmasterCal |

I don't know where you live, but it's finally beginning to behave like summer here. We had a very mild winter and a very rainy spring, but temps are starting to climb and the humidity is getting worse.
Also, no gaming this weekend, either. Next weekend my friend is running his Call of Cthulhu d20/Vampire: the Masquerade mashup, then there won't be any gaming for 2 more weeks after that, when I'll run the final arc of a three part story in my high level Mythic game. So the first days of summer won't see much gaming at first.


Lol, Kileanna. Yes you are supposed to take advantage of being sick and enjoy the love and comfort that comes with it! You even get to whine and sniffle so that your loved ones can run over and fluff your pillow and tuck your blanket under your chin.
So I'm going to roleplay a doctor right now and write you a prescription to "lounge around" and "be pathetic (in a cute way)" the next time you suffer from the flu/pride, a cold/pride, upset stomach/pride, headache/pride, nausea/pride, etc...
... I'll keep working when I am sick just to prove that I am not sick like I've been doing all my life
Uh oh, I may be on to something with this whole pride thing :P ;)

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My grievance is I never get sick. I want to lay in bed all day, and eat copious amounts of icecream/Jello/soup/crackers, while being coddled as I flip through magazines and watch T.V. But my RL +2 Constitution modifier makes that near impossible.
Well, if you've got sick days you're not using for anything else, you should definitely call in "sick and tired" once in a while.

ArmchairDM |
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My grievance is I never get sick. I want to lay in bed all day, and eat copious amounts of icecream/Jello/soup/crackers, while being coddled as I flip through magazines and watch T.V. But my RL +2 Constitution modifier makes that near impossible.
What is your Charisma modifier? Do you have any ranks in bluff? It is an opposed Bluff vs Sense motive to fake being sick to take a day off work. The benefit is that you get to lay in bed all day, eat copious amounds of whatever, flip through magazines, watch TV or play video games and you don't have to feel like crap while doing it.

3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lol. Charisma modifier is average, ArmchairDM. But calling in sick is only half of it because if I'm not really sick then no one is going to serve me hand and foot at home:
Me: "Honey (not her real nickname), can you get me some ice cream?"
Wife: "Are you an Aboleth?"
Me: "No."
Wife: "Then get it yourself."
I do like the idea of calling in sick and tired Fromper:
Me: "I'm sick and tired."
Boss: "Of what?"
Me: "Uh, of it all."
Boss: "So when are you coming in to work?"
Me: "On time."
Boss: "That's what I thought."

DungeonmasterCal |

Fracking city of Paris can't even manage to keep even surfaces in its streets and sidewalks, I twisted my ankle quite nastily, and given that the pain is excruciating and not subsiding, I suspect it might be something serious... now, how will I go to the hospital when I can't even walk?
Can you call an ambulance or get to a taxi?

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Lol, Kileanna. Yes you are supposed to take advantage of being sick and enjoy the love and comfort that comes with it! You even get to whine and sniffle so that your loved ones can run over and fluff your pillow and tuck your blanket under your chin.
So I'm going to roleplay a doctor right now and write you a prescription to "lounge around" and "be pathetic (in a cute way)" the next time you suffer from the flu/pride, a cold/pride, upset stomach/pride, headache/pride, nausea/pride, etc...
Kileanna wrote:... I'll keep working when I am sick just to prove that I am not sick like I've been doing all my lifeUh oh, I may be on to something with this whole pride thing :P ;)
I don't know what your life circumstances are, but usually you only get to do those things if you're under the age of 18 and still living with parents. Once you're married or have kids, you just have to take care of yourself.

Kileanna |
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Not much of a grieviance, past that. Presenting a short animation on dad n daughter today to an all white audience, hubby and I are not the same race so I had a white looking kid and a south asian dad.
Someone: Dad is way too tanned.
Me: Dad isn't white.
It seems that your presentation was really meaningful... screw people who couldn't understand it.

White Hilt |

My CotCT group can really get on my nerves. I just had a talk with them about this at our last session actually. They tend to play more like it's a video game and they can do whatever they want. Which they can do, to some extent. But it's almost like they think their actions won't have consequences.
I'm just... annoyed.
Also, the magus never uses spellstrike. Literally, not once. They are level 4. Although, that's much less annoying, just kinda strange considering how much he thought being a Magus was cool and how they can channel spells through their weapon and stuff.
Honestly though, even just making a post like this calms me down a bit lol.