Night tea in Pathfinder

Hell's Rebels

Silver Crusade

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So, I assumed Barzillai Thrune's edict against night tea was him imposing his values regarding when people should and should not drink caffeine on others. But one of my players pointed out to be that the Adventurers Armory has an herb called "night tea" that's brewed into a contraceptive. So is Thrune's proclamation really about birth control?

Grand Lodge

Good catch!

(pg. 17, Adventurer's Armory)
Night Tea: This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a humanoid female sterile if drunk every day. In high doses, it may be able to end a pregnancy.

cost is 1 SP a "dose" - so a silver a day.

It could be, and whether he is serious about it really depends on how you perceive his end game. On one hand, he's trying to get Kintargo riled up so he can tighten his grip. On the other hand if he wants to control every person in Cheliax like a puppet, he just might want to control as much of a population as he can.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
So, I assumed Barzillai Thrune's edict against night tea was him imposing his values regarding when people should and should not drink caffeine on others. But one of my players pointed out to be that the Adventurers Armory has an herb called "night tea" that's brewed into a contraceptive. So is Thrune's proclamation really about birth control?

That's a coincidence. A weird and intriguing one, but just a coincidence.

The ban on night tea is simply Barzillai trying to make Kintargo's tea drinkers (of which there are many) nervous, frustrated, and spooked.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Although I'm tempted to take this and run with it. Barzillai's intent may have been to restrict the consumption of tea after hours, but the moment someone figured out its wording could be used to control the night tea trade, he would be forced to either acknowledge he made a mistake or allow it to proceed. Given Hell's misogyny, I think it'd be perfectly within Barzillai's character to allow night tea to be illegal but bachelor snuff legal. One more reason to hate the man!

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I thought of this when I read the proclamation as well. Given my players' proclivities, I'm inclined to go with Misroi's approach. ^_^

Yeah to be fair, he's the creepy cousin nobody likes, frankly I'm starting to have regrets myself, but then I go shopping, kick a few orphans and I'm good.

At least we cared enough to send someone, we could just as easily let you degenerate into the classless filth that's over running the Varisian Coast.

So yay! We care (for your natural resources).

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You sure let Westcrown go to pot. I mean, Ilnerik is a paranoid wreck who thinks the city is his private blood bank and the mayor is letting the pit fiend get riled up.

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Westcrown Is Aroden's train wreck, let him deal with it.

Oh, I'm sorry, does that still hurt.

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James Jacobs wrote:
The ban on night tea is simply Barzillai trying to make Kintargo's tea drinkers (of which there are many) nervous, frustrated, and spooked.

Could be worse. He could have passed an edict requiring all adults to consume large quantities of tea and coffee daily... and then a month later, banned coffee and tea within the city entirely.*

* Of course, then he'd have to worry about attacks by headache-suffering gninjas and very cranky slaadi.

+1 for being inclined to go with Misroi's approach and run with it. After all, it isn't as if this kind of thing doesn't happen fairly often on Earth . . . .

hmm.. i immediately saw the old testament in those "spill no seed" and "night tea".. waitaminnit, moon tea aka ban on fetuscide/sterility.
All of which in turn leads to sexual emergencies (automatic selfpollination more or less every week) and need to commit sexual crimes, luckily those can be smoothed over by 20 silver to the father of the girl and a quick marriage. Also straight out of the old testament.

So sure, for a less explicitly brutal adult entertainment interpretation maybe just as well its about drinking green tea at nght and spilling grain.

If people do take advantage of this, I recommend eventually using sire devils and a cult of Belial. Why not have it be coopted by minions for their own evil secondary plan?

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
So, I assumed Barzillai Thrune's edict against night tea was him imposing his values regarding when people should and should not drink caffeine on others. But one of my players pointed out to be that the Adventurers Armory has an herb called "night tea" that's brewed into a contraceptive. So is Thrune's proclamation really about birth control?

I like your take better than the official answer. If/when I get around to doing HR I'll definitely steal it.

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