Okay, hit a Bingo on a card. Good enough for tonight.
Honestly, I'm really enjoying one or two of these joke items. They're a good sight better than their opponents. I kinda hope they survive the cull.
Murderhobo Union Representative wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: Wow. That item takes murderhoboing to a whole new level. What the heck is that s'posed to mean? It means you're being replaced by technology, sorry to say... :(
Far too many very low CLs. I am pretty sure items cannot exist with a CL below 3.
Ah. The good old USA have gone to sleep, and perchance dream of after-culling items ;-)
Hrm, my item mojo must be low. I can read this thread and have a pretty good idea about which items people are talking about. I read the praise thread and I'm completely lost.
The black raven wrote: Far too many very low CLs. I am pretty sure items cannot exist with a CL below 3. They can - see the ring of feather falling - but it's very rare. ^_^
The black raven wrote: Far too many very low CLs. I am pretty sure items cannot exist with a CL below 3. Au contraire, mon frere...
3 people marked this as a favorite.
I wish these items would stop wanting to maim me just to get me to use their powers. If I'm doing that, I'll go big and start out on a quest for the Head of Vecna.
Here is a modern electronic device, there is another modern electronic device.
Here is a device that uses modern scientific language there is another ...
Now I have to choose between a cool idea with obvious errors in formatting and grammar and a solidly written spell in a can ... sigh ...
Still looking for the item that makes me cut myself to use it ... ooh there it is!
Ahh the ancient ethical quandary of RPGSS.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cojones, not sure if the spelling is correct....
Both items have the last word in the item name starting with "Compa". What's the chance ?
Many smokey items. Gust of wind is going to become pretty popular.
2 items that make attacks from undead far less deadly. Which is most enticing ?
I noticed that I go for even a small bit of mojo over a boring item.
Can an item be both too good and too bad ?
Sadly, yes :-/
Having several lines of requirements should make you reconsider your item
Several items that begin with a primary ability restricted to a specific Class then add abilities that seem open to everyone. I think presenting it the other way around is less confusing.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hm. Joke item vs IP reference item... but the IP reference is subtle, and the item is well-designed. I don't feel bad about voting it up.
You know, that's a really cool ability. Too bad it is tossed in as one sentence at the end of the item, is completely unrelated to the other effects, and is far more powerful than anything else the item does.
Oh, and don't forget that the ability is in no way tied into concrete mechanics.
You are a boring SiaC, but that is still better than the nightmare for the GM on the other side.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
And now we have two items that are simple variants on existing items.
Let's vote for the one that isn't also an overcomplicated random dice item.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
If this item is as likely to hinder me as help me, why would I use it? Especially if it is a random dice item on top of that..
And now I have to upvote the Inn in a Can :-/
2 items with metamagic feats in their requirements. And neither is Wondrous. Cute
8 people marked this as a favorite.
Is...is that italicized flavor text? Oh, oh god. Is it a quote?
How many colorless mana do I pay for the equip cost?
If it's a random effect, you could at least give a table. Especially with that wordcount.
Your "once per day" ability has a duration so long and so flexible that I can't think of any reason a party would ever be without it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Snake. Snake? Snaaaaaaake!!!!
That is a very nice item. The crunch could be better though. Still good enough to be upvoted ;-)
Interesting formatting. Not the one required though.
That is not really a slot, you know.
Psychologist item. Never thought I would see this.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Snake. Snake? Snaaaaaaake!!!! Pretty sure I know exactly what item you're talking about here.
I thought it was very cool, but VASTLY under-priced.
Several spy items / truth items this season. Is the Vigilante to blame ? Ultimate Intrigue cannot arrive soon enough.
That is not a slot either :-/
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Most obsidian is black, just so you know.
This is undercosted, as in multiply the price by 5 at the very least
2 items that you can use as scrolls in 2 successive pairings. What are the odds ?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The black raven wrote: That is not a slot either :-/ On a similar note, if an item is slotless, it doesn't have to further specify which non-slot it totally doesn't occupy.
This wondrous item does not actually do anything you say...take all of my gold anyway
Here comes the non-formatted less than original item :-(
I still feel dirty having to upvote that other piece of junk
Your view of normal for a PC is far too narrow. Your GM plays only Core, right ;-)