Which Iconic Would You Date?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Inspired by the comments in the "Meet the Iconics" threads I've decided to take the risk and open a thread asking people which Iconic they would date if they ever got the chance to do so?

To do this, I going to lay down some ground rules.

1.The reasons for the choice (if given) must be based on details beyond just the "they look hot" or similar comments. we want a polite conversation and not over-sexualizing the Iconics. After all quite a few of these Iconics can beat you to a pulp or mess with your head to the point you believe yourself to be a five year old girl if you harass them.

2.the choices of other people is their own. To argue or create a poll about it isn't the purpose of this thread. this is merely a thread to discuss dating the Iconics.

3.In terms of limits on Iconic choices, the only iconic banned from choice is the Iconic Kineticist since she is too young to date and NOT AN OPTION.

If the Iconics themselves wish to describe their perfect date, they are free to do so. :)

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

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Merisiel. If you're not constantly wondering if this is the time she stabs you, why bother.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
zergtitan wrote:

3.In terms of limits on Iconic choices, the only iconic banned from choice is the Iconic Kineticist since she is too young to date and NOT AN OPTION.

Please point me to where this is indicated. We have not yet met the iconic kineticist as far as I know, but the only blurry picture I've seen looks like smallfolk and not necessarily young.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I'll get back to you once I read this giant stack of comics on my table. ^_^

Let's see...
Take off all of the males.
Take off Estra - I wouldn't be comfortable with that big of an age difference and she still probably considers herself married.
Take Kyra off. For obvious reasons.
Take Shardra off.
Take off Adowyn. I had almost forgotten about her to begin with.
Take off Jirelle and Lirianne. They strike a sibling cord with me.
Take Reiko off. She is such a good ninja that she doesn't elicit any overt reactions from me.
Definitely take Merisiel off the list.

That leaves Seelah, Amiri, Seoni, Rivani, Kess, Enora, Lini, Imrijka, Feiya, and Alahazra. I would consider for each for different reasons.

The current leads would be Rivani for her passion, Amiri for her fire, and Imrijka for her piety and apparently she has a sense of humor complimentary to my own.

Lini, for a single date that 'happened' to cross paths with my family, so I can introduce a green haired half-pint to them as my date just to get their reactions.

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Merisiel of course! Because if this thread has taught me anything, that means I would also be dating James Jacobs. And I think that would have its perks.

Either that or I would be dating a T-Rex who just so happened to be named James Jacobs... which wouldn't be as exciting.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Reckless wrote:
zergtitan wrote:

3.In terms of limits on Iconic choices, the only iconic banned from choice is the Iconic Kineticist since she is too young to date and NOT AN OPTION.
Please point me to where this is indicated. We have not yet met the iconic kineticist as far as I know, but the only blurry picture I've seen looks like smallfolk and not necessarily young.

They said the iconic is a kid at Paizocon, plus This

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My own choice is more of a split, I'd probably say I'd like to date Fieya, Enora, Lirianne, or Jirelle. Least likely of the four being Enora; and most likely of them being Fieya.

I do hope to learn more about them to have a better understanding of which one to choose.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Kyra or Jirelle

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Because Ezren. And dat chin is the stuff of dreams.

The Exchange

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Honestly? Seoni, because I am in love with the Varisian culture, both in and out of game. And after reading the official comics, I greatly enjoy the sense of humor the writers gave her. A sense of humor can go a long way in a relationship. Its why my actual wife married me.

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Alexander S. Modeus wrote:
Either that or I would be dating a T-Rex who just so happened to be named James Jacobs... which wouldn't be as exciting.


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I think I would like to date Seltyiel. He has such a sad character background. It doesn't seem like he's ever had anybody on his side or someone he could trust. When I meet someone like that I always want to hug them and take care of them and make them feel happier.

Not that Seltyiel needs to be taken care of. He's got fire.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

None of them.

Are you kidding me? Loved ones and iconics don't mix. Best thing for a long life - stay as far away from them as possible!

Liberty's Edge


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Feiya...the foxy lady.

Feiya or Rivani.

Liberty's Edge

I don't see myself in danger of falling for a non-human/non-elf, and my choices would be limited to the non-lesbians among those. Lessee, that leaves...

Actually, there's really no question. Lirianne all the way. Gorgeous, strong-willed, smart enough to be a successful cop, with a sense of wonder and adventure. I'm soooooo there.

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HA! One step ahead of you all!!!

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah, but you're cheating by being in the same narrative space.

Shisumo wrote:
Yeah, but you're cheating by being in the same narrative space.

Aye. She should answer which Paizo Developer she would date!

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Shisumo wrote:
Yeah, but you're cheating by being in the same narrative space.

Is that what you're calling it on your side of reality these days? Hmmm.

I've got a couple of choices.

1. Lini; I love her exotic look and nature-loving ways.

2. Alahazra; apparently a strong, headturner with convictions and power. All good marks.

3. Imrijka; Despite the mildly beastly look, she's strong and keen.

4. Feiya; Long fun trips into the exotic, count me in!

Seoni seems to be my type, but I wouldn't mind a date with Feiya that much either...

Dark Archive

Hakon, easily. Woof! Oloch as a runner-up.

I'm also partial to Kess, I have a feeling she'd be fun to go bar-hopping with.

Seoni, Alahazra, Lini, Jirelle, Adowyn, Feiya, and/or Merisiel

Lantern Lodge

Let's have a list. Il will only consider human.

Amiri : Why would I date her ? She is a fierce person, burning with passion. Her unkempt beauty and her muscular body are a plus.
Why not ? Her anger and temper issue.

Kess : Why would I date her ? I guess because I love martial art and fighting sport.
Why not ? I am not into drinking, so I will pass.

Kyra : No, I am freaked out by zealot.

Adowyn : Why would i date her ? Redhair ! More seriously, her rugged background, the fact she can tend to herself and her love of animal.
And she is a nice well of know-how with natural world.
Why not ? May be too down to earth and too pragmatical.

Reiko : Why would I date her ? Nope, I see no reason. I will pass.

Alahazra : Why would I date her ? The fact she won't judge me over my appearance. And her burning inner fire. And the fact even if she aknowledge god, she don't worship them actively.
Why not ? I see no reasons.

Seelah : same reasons as Kyra.

Seoni : Why would I date her ? Her exotic look, and her cute lizard pet.
Why not ? Because she is a control freak, according to Valeros.

Feiya : Why would I date her ? She is beautiful, smart and has survived upbringing by Hags. And her fox pet.
No reason to not date her.

So finally, my choice Alahazra and Feiya.

I'd be all in for a date with Feiya and / or Seoni.

Liberty's Edge

Rivani, Feiya and Alahazra are head and shoulders above the rest. If I had to pick just one, right now it would be Rivani because of the shiny newness but ask me in a year and it might be a closer race.

Seoni here. Feiya's not a bad choice either. Same with our iconic oracle. Merisiel's a beauty, but I know better than to interfere with a woman dating Kyra, I don't need to be smote and burning.

Rivani. Apart from the looks she has got the brains. It's her or Alahazra. I would like to have a weird cursed girl who can heal me LOL

I wouldn't mind dating any of the female Iconics, Feiya would have to have a manicure though.


"driven by an unlikely pairing of curiosity and luck"

"hunger for knowledge that was rivaled only by her optimism and determination"

"natural understanding of the mystical inner workings of magic, and combining this with her fastidious research skills and intuition, she quickly rose to the top of her class"

"chose the pursuit of knowledge over the security of the life she’d known"

She'd probably drive me crazy and get me killed but it would be worth the ride.

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Amiri or Seltyiel. I may be attracted to the dangerous ones.

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Rivani or Seltiyel, this judgement may be very influenced by superficial traits.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Seelah, if she had time and interest in dating. Otherwise Kess, who's a bit more fun-loving. I'd definitely be safe in those arms. Rawr.

I could also see dating Shardra, though the whole dwarf thing might be tough.

Mind you, I wouldn't kick Feiya out of bed, but it wouldn't work long term, because *I'm* the femme.

Dark Archive

The evil female Iconics from Hell's Vengeance because ... bad girls with Asmodeus issues.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Rivani. Smart, enlightened, and an exotically beautiful appearance -- what is not to like about her?

The main problem is that the first two characteristics might keep her from wanting to date me. ;)

"Date" might be a strong word, but I like the big muscled guy.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
"Date" might be a strong word, but I like the big muscled guy.

Ezren? He's got a bit of a Christopher Lee vibe.

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Seoni and Feiya, wild-haired magical girls with big tits and bantering animal companions can't be beat.

Besides, the images they had of both in the Ultimate Campaign book were adorable.

Magical Girls you say?

[In hindsight, Seoni and Feiya dressed up that way would be pretty awesome. I think I'd prefer to scrap the animal ears though.]

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The evil female Iconics from Hell's Vengeance because ... bad girls with Asmodeus issues.

pics or it didn't happen.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Freehold DM wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The evil female Iconics from Hell's Vengeance because ... bad girls with Asmodeus issues.
pics or it didn't happen.

Turns out... it HASN'T happened yet. We're still a few months away from seeing those sketches from Wayne in-house. I wouldn't expect to see the first of them until a month after Gen Con. And then once WE see them... it's gonna be over half a year before anyone OUTSIDE of Paizo or Wayne's stuido sees them.

Whether or not any of the bad girls (there'll be 3 of them, and 3 bad guys) are Asmodeus-associated is also not revealed yet. This is the evil AP, not the Asmodeus AP after all. If I get my way, 2/3 of the 6 evil characters will NOT be lawful evil.

James Jacobs wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The evil female Iconics from Hell's Vengeance because ... bad girls with Asmodeus issues.
pics or it didn't happen.

Turns out... it HASN'T happened yet. We're still a few months away from seeing those sketches from Wayne in-house. I wouldn't expect to see the first of them until a month after Gen Con. And then once WE see them... it's gonna be over half a year before anyone OUTSIDE of Paizo or Wayne's stuido sees them.

Whether or not any of the bad girls (there'll be 3 of them, and 3 bad guys) are Asmodeus-associated is also not revealed yet. This is the evil AP, not the Asmodeus AP after all. If I get my way, 2/3 of the 6 evil characters will NOT be lawful evil.


Does Ekkie count?


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

As an iconic? No.

But Squealy Nord might...

Feiya. First because she realizes my dream of having a pet fox, and second because she seems pretty punk rock.

Grand Lodge

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Can I pick all of them?

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