Which MMORPG are you currently playing?

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Hello folks,

In the always moving market of video games, and precisely MMORPGs, it is difficult to try everything. It takes too much time and money.
Currently I am committed to Star Wars The Old Republic, that I played since the beta.
I used to be a lot into World of Warcraft, and from time to time I go back, but honestly its magic doesn't really work anymore for me.
Occasionally I go casual on Guild Wars 2 or Lord of the Rings Online, as these two don't require a monthly fee, but I am not hooked.
I tried many others, like Archeage, but I didn't go far with them.

So I would be interested to know what MMORPGs you folks are playing.

For example, I tried the beta of The Elder Scrolls Online and wasn't impressed. But now that the game is free to play as ESO Tamriel Unlimited (after you buy the game), I would be interested to know if the game got any better, how is the RP community and all.

Thank you for your insight.

Liberty's Edge

TOR, plus I have a FFXIV account that I may reactivate when some day. Plus Destiny.

Sovereign Court

None right now. Though for a long time I was in both Eve and DDO. Funny how I felt that the combination of the two suited all my MMO needs. DDO for the PVE, and EvE for the PVP. After awhile they just got repetitive and I felt I could make better use of the time. Also, I get enough MS Excel at work, i don't need to be using it at home during leisure time. I think about them sometimes tho...

Sovereign Court

None. And I won't be playing any. Maybe I'll try PFO, but that's it.

MMOs... I have played:

Star Trek Online: I still like it and it has tons of content including some fan created stuff. Though there seems to be some animosity of late between the DPSers, the casual players, and the developers as the game goes through changes.

Neverwinter: This is as generic a fantasy MMO as anyone could create.

Champions Online: I used to absolutely love this... but when Perfect World acquired Cryptic they really altered the game in ways I didn't like. Now everything seems to just be about dailies and nothing else matters.

Dungeons and Dragons Online: Be warned this isn't really D&D at all, it uses it's own system for characters, combat, and leveling that only resembles D&D in name only. Very boring for free players who have to grind the same content hundreds of times to level.

Swordsman: an asian MMO that I just wanted to try out. Nice outfits though.

9Dragons: It was a blast in it's glory days, but it died and now the one thing that made it cool (the other players) is gone.

Star Wars the Old Republic: This is a pay to win game... As a free player I can't even complete the game. And even paid members have a lot of stuff they need to pay more money for. Nice stories for the 8 story paths though... I wish I could see the endings...

SW: TOR. I've been away for a year or so and just started up again. I love the visuals and the story is pretty decent for the most part though I'm sick to death of anythign Revan and Rakata related - sure, tell us what happened to Revan but don't bring him back. Combat is a bit samey and class advancement is uninspired compared to e.g. DDO but I really only play for the story. Grinding the same effing quests repeatedly just to get slightly better gear is boring. Grinding the same quests repeatedly to advance a character from 1 to 60 and try different options for romance and story is fun.

Star Trek Online is the only thing I pop into daily anymore. I'd be back to FFXIV in a heartbeat if it went free to play...

I have all of the following which I cycle through as the mood takes me:

Guild Wars 2
Secret World

Wildstar is the only one not currently F2P, but that will be changing in a couple months.

Scarab Sages

Guild wars 2

Liberty's Edge

Aranna wrote:
Star Wars the Old Republic: This is a pay to win game... As a free player I can't even complete the game. And even paid members have a lot of stuff they need to pay more money for. Nice stories for the 8 story paths though... I wish I could see the endings...

Um. That's completely false.

F2P players can play to 50 and see all of the class stories and go do Corellia and Illum and then kill Malgus. Everything that was in the game at launch.

There is no need to buy anything, and the only thing you can only buy with real money that actually effects play are the +41 crystals that you can use at Level 10 rather than... Level 48 iirc.

I haven't paid more than my sub fee in... Um... Eighteen months. No, wait, I paid for the second expansion a few months back. When I need to buy something I use Credits, my Cartel Coin grants or do without.

Scarab Sages

8 people marked this as a favorite.

*enters graveyard with a lonely, flickering candle, sets it down by a double grave marked City of Heroes/City of Villains, and leaves without a word*

Krensky wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Star Wars the Old Republic: This is a pay to win game... As a free player I can't even complete the game. And even paid members have a lot of stuff they need to pay more money for. Nice stories for the 8 story paths though... I wish I could see the endings...

Um. That's completely false.

F2P players can play to 50 and see all of the class stories and go do Corellia and Illum and then kill Malgus. Everything that was in the game at launch.

There is no need to buy anything, and the only thing you can only buy with real money that actually effects play are the +41 crystals that you can use at Level 10 rather than... Level 48 iirc.

I haven't paid more than my sub fee in... Um... Eighteen months. No, wait, I paid for the second expansion a few months back. When I need to buy something I use Credits, my Cartel Coin grants or do without.

Not false though I guess you are right that a paid player can use the market to get the cash extras without paying more. The money limit placed on free players makes this impossible for them though. But the story goes all the way to level 60 doesn't it? That means my free account can't play the full story. Actually free players can't use top end gear either so Corellia or Ilum are nightmarishly difficult to impossible zones for a free player.

Liberty's Edge

The class stories finish before Corellia, other then a tiny side mission they added on Rishi in the new expansion. After the end of Act III everyone's following the same story.

It's false because there is no play to win and there is nothing you have to buy in the cash shop. As for limits on a free player, I just Corellia and Illum while leveling my sage in nothing but looted and crafted greens and blues. You need purple gear or mods for Operations and other end game content, not the story missions.

Yes the restrictions on free players are annoying, and preferred status is only marginally better. Your still playing for free, and the game is quite honest and upfront about is costs, unlike a lot of free MMOs that cost a lot of money if you don't have infinite patience and time.

Exactly. I have a Smuggler 50 and a Trooper 50 now and it's been super fun. The planet missions get boring for a while but I love the stories. And the voice acting is top notch too. Yea, you only need to be a subscriber for the end game content which I couldn't care less about.

I've played WoW and enjoyed it ... at times at least. Don't play it at the moment, nor do I really see myself going back to it anytime soon.

I've played Warhammer Online, and loved the potential it had, until I saw how ludicrously bad a job the creators had done of balancing the game between the two sides.

Tried Aion as well, but genuinely didn't like it.

Played through all 8 classes in SW:TOR, then looked around, twiddled my thumbs for 24 hours, realized there genuinely WAS no end-game content for unguilded non-PvP'ers and left it right there.

Oh, and I'm still hoping that Eternal Crusade isn't going to suck as badly as I fear it will ...

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Does Destiny count? If not then none.

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Hama wrote:
None. And I won't be playing any. Maybe I'll try PFO, but that's it.

Not sure PFO is the MMO you want to cut your teeth on. It reminded me a little of the original Everquest when it first came out in that they took everything I despised about EQ and made a game just out of those elements.

Sovereign Court

Jodokai wrote:
Hama wrote:
None. And I won't be playing any. Maybe I'll try PFO, but that's it.
Not sure PFO is the MMO you want to cut your teeth on. It reminded me a little of the original Everquest when it first came out in that they took everything I despised about EQ and made a game just out of those elements.

I've played lots of MMOs, I just love games with developed crafting systems.

Played a WHOLE lot of WoW, but stopped with WotLK (it became quite unhealthy).

Next most played used to be ToR, but I stopped after half a year because the same things that made me stop WoW started turning up again.

I paid a whole whole lot of client fees for other MMOs, but rarely stuck with them for more than 2-3 months. Eve, GW2 and City of Villains come out as the most relevant.

Right now, I am very casually playing Star Trek online. Extremely casually.

I played PFO for all of 3 days. That was $100 well spent ;) The game did not work for me on so many levels, despite the hefty buy-in I just had better things to do.

For anyone looking for a decent MMO, I would recommend STO or TOR. Both have good storytelling and can be played for free or on a very limited budget without losing too much. TOR is milking the skinner box more competently, and for me that is a problem, though.

Sovereign Court

Masked Maiden wrote:

Played a WHOLE lot of WoW, but stopped with WotLK (it became quite unhealthy).

Next most played used to be ToR, but I stopped after half a year because the same things that made me stop WoW started turning up again.

I paid a whole whole lot of client fees for other MMOs, but rarely stuck with them for more than 2-3 months. Eve, GW2 and City of Villains come out as the most relevant.

Right now, I am very casually playing Star Trek online. Extremely casually.

I played PFO for all of 3 days. That was $100 well spent ;) The game did not work for me on so many levels, despite the hefty buy-in I just had better things to do.

For anyone looking for a decent MMO, I would recommend STO or TOR. Both have good storytelling and can be played for free or on a very limited budget without losing too much. TOR is milking the skinner box more competently, and for me that is a problem, though.

Sto gets boring after a while

Sovereign Court

I like Elder Scrolls online, despiote pretty evident flaws, and that is the first time in a long time one works for me

Liberty's Edge

The new Star Wars The Old Republic trailer got me interested again . Bioware trailers are better than the last three movies combined. I am enjoying The Old Republic with a new character with a new story thanks to the summer subscriber xp boost. The xp boost allows you to just play through the class story without worrying to much about the side quests that I have done before. Since I am really interested in the class story this really works for me.

I played WoW from a month after launch until a couple months before Pandaria. It had changed enough by then that I didn't have enough interest or nostalgia left to pay for monthly anymore, and not enough friends played to justify it that way.

I tried Old Republic and Tera briefly after leaving WoW, but my computer was on it's way out, and would barely run them. Still haven't replaced the computer. :P

Sovereign Court

I stopped playing after Cataclysm came out.

Scarab Sages

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I stopped playing in mid-2009 after it occurred to me I'd been spending the last few weeks only going there to maintain my massive yard sale of Auction House odds and ends. I felt a wonderful feeling of release and serenity as I chose to let it all rot in the mailbox and stop caring.

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Actually the new SWTOR expansion made me sad.
They are changing the eight stories and now those stories each go past 60th level indefinitely with new content added periodically... For subscribers only.

Liberty's Edge

How dare they expect you to pay for new content.

The fiends.

Krensky wrote:

How dare they expect you to pay for new content.

The fiends.

It does defeat the point of the free play model however. Which is to populate the servers with people who may be inclined to drop a bit of money here or there while not wanting a sustained bill. All of these players can then fill out the parties of regular paying members making game play funner for all involved. It also makes their MMO heavily popular and that is good press.

Under this your going to loose all your free play people after 50... leaving end game content (the stuff they want to showcase) sparsely populated. I can't imagine this move will result in the increase in sales they are hoping for. There is a reason people go free play and that is NOT to have a monthly bill. Maybe they should instead look at Cryptic's lifetime membership option? Limitless "free?" play after a large up front investment.

GW2 atm, waiting for the expansion.

Liberty's Edge

Aranna wrote:
Krensky wrote:

How dare they expect you to pay for new content.

The fiends.

It does defeat the point of the free play model however. Which is to populate the servers with people who may be inclined to drop a bit of money here or there while not wanting a sustained bill. All of these players can then fill out the parties of regular paying members making game play funner for all involved. It also makes their MMO heavily popular and that is good press.

Under this your going to loose all your free play people after 50... leaving end game content (the stuff they want to showcase) sparsely populated. I can't imagine this move will result in the increase in sales they are hoping for. There is a reason people go free play and that is NOT to have a monthly bill. Maybe they should instead look at Cryptic's lifetime membership option? Limitless "free?" play after a large up front investment.

Considering the minimal amount of money F2P actually spend and that they can't run ops, who cares? F2P in TOR is, essentially a demo. A really fricken huge demo, but a demo. End game has always required cash outlay for either a sub or the latest expansion. Almost all the games income comes from sub fees and coin purchases by subs.

TOR is the number three MMO on size and profits last I heard and lifetime subs don't work out that well unless they are prohibitively expensive.

Thanks for the responses.

By the way, I gave Elder Scrolls Online another try, and I must say that I like it so far.
The graphics, the races and the feeling of the game are great.
Not so much the general storyline, but I can always ignore it and roleplay my own stories, as often in MMORPGs.
The interface with restriction of 5 quickslots to pick among all your skills is weird but interesting.
I wish there were more classes though.

In any case, I am still on Star Wars the Old Eepublic.
For those who are as well, which server and faction are you on?
I am on The Ebon Hawk (US/RP), on Republic side.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just play Star Ttrek Online from time to time, till I get frustrated by a particularly hard mission. Then I uninstall the game for a while, bu I usually come back to it.

Liberty's Edge

Pub on the Hawk.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
*enters graveyard with a lonely, flickering candle, sets it down by a double grave marked City of Heroes/City of Villains, and leaves without a word*

A lone seagull watches, and never makes a sound.

Pub on Harbringer(West Coast?), but then that server had a problem for a few weeks so I've been living life on the empire side on Hawk.

Liberty's Edge

Well Harbriger is overpopulated and has all those AsiaPacific refugees.

And it also happens to be the only West Coast Server. Why does the East Coast get 2 when the West only gets 1? Discrimination I say! :)

Dark Archive

Hama wrote:
I just play Star Ttrek Online from time to time, till I get frustrated by a particularly hard mission. Then I uninstall the game for a while, bu I usually come back to it.

I found myself spending too much time on 'theme ships' and not actually advancing any one of them significantly (and there were just so many areas to advance, between the ship itself and the individual bridge crews!).

The Debauch was a ship crewed by Deltans (I'd pick any human or betazoid crewmen, and then modify them to be bald, and dressed them in the Mirror Universe pirate uniforms). A ship full of hot bald sex-obsessed mathematicians and scientists? Heck yeah.

The Redemption was crewed by a mix of Redeemed Borg and Humans / Vulcans / etc. there to 'keep an eye on them,' with a dangerous sort of game going on under the surface, as the Redeemed Borg work really well together, anticipating each other without speaking, but try to not work *too* well together around their 'handlers,' lest the non-ex-Borg get all paranoid that they are 're-assimilating...'

I wanted a ship filled with custom aliens on the crew, but had no luck finding them as crew options, so only the captain was a funky bone-crest-headed Minbari-looking alien.

I found myself more likely to be writing fanfic about the crews I was designing than actually playing the game...

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
Hama wrote:
I just play Star Ttrek Online from time to time, till I get frustrated by a particularly hard mission. Then I uninstall the game for a while, bu I usually come back to it.

I found myself spending too much time on 'theme ships' and not actually advancing any one of them significantly (and there were just so many areas to advance, between the ship itself and the individual bridge crews!).

The Debauch was a ship crewed by Deltans (I'd pick any human or betazoid crewmen, and then modify them to be bald, and dressed them in the Mirror Universe pirate uniforms). A ship full of hot bald sex-obsessed mathematicians and scientists? Heck yeah.

The Redemption was crewed by a mix of Redeemed Borg and Humans / Vulcans / etc. there to 'keep an eye on them,' with a dangerous sort of game going on under the surface, as the Redeemed Borg work really well together, anticipating each other without speaking, but try to not work *too* well together around their 'handlers,' lest the non-ex-Borg get all paranoid that they are 're-assimilating...'

I wanted a ship filled with custom aliens on the crew, but had no luck finding them as crew options, so only the captain was a funky bone-crest-headed Minbari-looking alien.

I found myself more likely to be writing fanfic about the crews I was designing than actually playing the game...

Advancing a ship? Obviously there is too much that I don't know.

Hama wrote:
Set wrote:
Hama wrote:
I just play Star Ttrek Online from time to time, till I get frustrated by a particularly hard mission. Then I uninstall the game for a while, bu I usually come back to it.

I found myself spending too much time on 'theme ships' and not actually advancing any one of them significantly (and there were just so many areas to advance, between the ship itself and the individual bridge crews!).

The Debauch was a ship crewed by Deltans (I'd pick any human or betazoid crewmen, and then modify them to be bald, and dressed them in the Mirror Universe pirate uniforms). A ship full of hot bald sex-obsessed mathematicians and scientists? Heck yeah.

The Redemption was crewed by a mix of Redeemed Borg and Humans / Vulcans / etc. there to 'keep an eye on them,' with a dangerous sort of game going on under the surface, as the Redeemed Borg work really well together, anticipating each other without speaking, but try to not work *too* well together around their 'handlers,' lest the non-ex-Borg get all paranoid that they are 're-assimilating...'

I wanted a ship filled with custom aliens on the crew, but had no luck finding them as crew options, so only the captain was a funky bone-crest-headed Minbari-looking alien.

I found myself more likely to be writing fanfic about the crews I was designing than actually playing the game...

Advancing a ship? Obviously there is too much that I don't know.

The newer ships need to be leveled from 5th tier to 6th tier by using them in combat and earning experience while piloting them.

Sovereign Court

Haven't gotten there yet. Romulan capital ships wipe the floor with me. levle 39 btw.

Romulan? Wait till you face down three Borg cubes... That mission took my poor cat folk science captain over a hour to finish and I died a lot.

Liberty's Edge

Amazing Red wrote:
And it also happens to be the only West Coast Server. Why does the East Coast get 2 when the West only gets 1? Discrimination I say! :)

It's not discrimination, we're just better than you. :)

Sovereign Court

Aranna wrote:

Romulan? Wait till you face down three Borg cubes... That mission took my poor cat folk science captain over a hour to finish and I died a lot.

Still a salvo of heavy plasma torpedos...takes my shields down and my hull 100%


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The longest running one in the history of gaming and is actually free to play.


Only problem is, my character sucks.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You have a curious definition of free.

Hama wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Romulan? Wait till you face down three Borg cubes... That mission took my poor cat folk science captain over a hour to finish and I died a lot.

Still a salvo of heavy plasma torpedos...takes my shields down and my hull 100%

Curious, Shields greatly weaken a torpedo hit. Try hitting a shield repair skill as the torpedoes slam into you if you can keep your shields up then your hull shouldn't get badly hurt. You could also try flying as fast as you can while firing to reduce the chances the torpedoes will hit, but that's no guarantee if the computer opponent is skilled. You also probably need to upgrade your gear if it's flattening you that quickly.

Sovereign Court

Probably. I just plow through the campaign.

Dark Archive

Hama wrote:
Haven't gotten there yet. Romulan capital ships wipe the floor with me. levle 39 btw.

I never really got the ship combat. I'd just spin and fire and always seemed to win easily. Maybe I was always in scenarios too low level for me or something? Meh. I wasn't there for the ship combat anyway. I just liked to play dress up with my dollies. Er, do missions with my bridge crew. Yeah, that's the ticket...

I'm going to check out the Pathfinder Online MMO when I get some free time.

I used to play City of Heroes (before it was shut down obviously), Dungeons & Dragons Online (before it was free), and Guild Wars. The only one that can still hold my interest is DDO, but I don't have a good group to play with. Without a good group, the higher level missions are impossible.

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