Charismatic Shapeshifter?



I'm gonna soon start a new game, and I'm looking into different options for my character.

What I'd like to do is to have a high CHA, or bonus to bluff/diplomacy/etc, as well as being a shapeshifter.

I am not bothered about any combat ability, my main focus is to have high bonus for charisma skills. Is there any race/class with specific bonuses to those ?

For the shapeshifting, I had a look at Kitsune, but it only allows to transform into Humans, which would be a lack of diversity. I'm looking into any humanoid, if possible.
Edit: I'm look into aesthetic changes, not stats changes. I just want my character to look different, not gain any abilities.

We're starting lvl 10, so magical items are an option for the shapeshifting part, but I'd like it to be hard to notice.

Any idea? What should I look at?



Charisma based shapeshifter? Why, sorcerer all the way! They get alter self early on for humanoids, and later on, they can shapeshift into other stuff too.

I'm sure there are traits to get other CHA based skills, but I know you at least start with intimidate as a class skill.

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I'm rather biased, but I'm fond of the skindancers from Wayfinder #7 (free).

Sovereign Court

Hat of Disguise will net you your change in appearance to a range of different humanoids and relatively cheap as well.

How about an Angel-Blooded Aasimar Druid? Alter Self at level 1 and at-will at level 13. And of course starting at level 4 you can start shifting into other things.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Aasimar Dark Tapestry Oracle, FCB into Many forms revelation.

Thanks for your replies!

@Ambrosia Slaad: Seems like a 3rd party race, so I'm not sure my GM would allow it, but it does seem like what I'm looking for.

@Ellias Aubec: Does the hat of disguise give you Alter Self at will, or is it limited to a number of round like the spell? What happen if you fall unconscious?

@Drood: I had a look into Druids, but the duration of the spell are kind of a problem. However having Alter Self at will at lvl 13 can be interesting!

@Taenia: Dark Tapestry look nice, but again, it's limited to a few minute per day, sadly. Would there be any way to make it longer?


A Yamabushi should be what you're searching for. I find this class the best shapeshifter until now (and it's charismatic too). Go Mythic as an Archmage/Trickster to have an even greater control on your shapeshifting powers.

Urban Druid. Alter Self at will at lvl 6. Domain "Lust"

@Bardess: I can't find anything for the Yamabushi on the SRD, and I don't feel like buying a book in the hope that it might contain something I'd like to play.

@PhD. Okkam: The urban druid seem interesting. But why the Lust domain?

Dark Archive

Formless Ninja (Ninja; Kitsune)

Summoner. At level 10 (handy, eh?) you get the Aspect ability which allows you to move a point or two in evolutions to yourself. To change them you'll need to know and cast the Transmogrify spell, which takes an hour, or go up a level, so you'll want a hat of disguise and maybe a few short duration spells (alter self and adjustable polymorph are both on your list) as well. As a charisma based caster you should be OK with charisma-based skills.

Investigator with the Infiltrator archetype. Disguise is your thing and other skills are nearly as good. You can have short duration polymorphs natively too.

Caster 5/Veiled Illusionist 5+, using practically any full caster. The PrC gives you hour/level long illusions to disguise yourself and plenty of stuff to enhance your sneakiness.

Yorublaireau wrote:

@Bardess: I can't find anything for the Yamabushi on the SRD, and I don't feel like buying a book in the hope that it might contain something I'd like to play.

@PhD. Okkam: The urban druid seem interesting. But why the Lust domain?

Anything to Please ability and spontaneous cast "confusion" spell.

Dark Archive

Another option, one I may actually personally suggest since I had a part in class/MCA*, is that of the Persona Shifter.
*Multiclass Archetype

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