Secret Wizard |

This is the feat you are looking for:
F#@+ Balance
Prerequisites: Who cares
Benefit: Do all a Fighter can do but better because f*%& balance.
If you want something that makes more sense, you should look into getting Eldritch Heritage for the Accursed Bloodline. This will give you always-on Hag-like powers.

Ipslore the Red |

This is the feat you are looking for:
F%%% Balance
Prerequisites: Who cares
Benefit: Do all a Fighter can do but better because f@&# balance.If you want something that makes more sense, you should look into getting Eldritch Heritage for the Accursed Bloodline. This will give you always-on Hag-like powers.
Trying to balance things around a fighter is nonsensical. I do agree that getting always-on hag powers via bloodlines or using Monstrous Physique is a better alternative, however.

Arachnofiend |

At level 8 you should have 18 rounds of rage or more. That's almost two minutes. If you were to spend all of the time with those buffs you would be much stronger than any martial, not just fighters.
You're really underestimating just how good Paladins and Barbarians are. Especially Barbarians, level 8 is a sweet spot for the class where Spell Sunder and other massive power upgrades come online.

Cap. Darling |

This is the feat you are looking for:
F+$& Balance
Prerequisites: Who cares
Benefit: Do all a Fighter can do but better because f#$$ balance.If you want something that makes more sense, you should look into getting Eldritch Heritage for the Accursed Bloodline. This will give you always-on Hag-like powers.
Cool it Down man. He is asking how he can be large and impressive for longer times, pehaps he is in to that roleplay thing and want to be big out side combat.

SiuoL |

I once drawn a card from the harrow deck. Because it wasn't a dragon, so fate faced me to draw 3 more if I choose to because I drew the cricket. So I did, and then I draw the vision, the mountain man and the tyrant which is a dragon. Since then I've been a large creature and able to use enlarge person to become huge. It was a new play style for me and I loved it. Also I'm a bloodrager, it's so much fun! Maybe you should ask your GM if you may try you luck? But if you just want more rage, you need to go mythic. Flash of Rage can be tasty sometime. Ah! You hurt me/my friend, I will eat you for exp! Num num num num!