Alexander S. Modeus |

Core Classes
Barbarian: Any Thrash Metal
Bard: This
Good Cleric: Church hymens
Neutral Cleric: This
Evil Cleric: Death Metal. Definitely Death Metal.
Druid: This
Monk: Monastic Chants
Paladin: This. Most definitely this.
Paladin (When Fighting Evil): This
Ranger: This
Rogue: As it relates to the specific game at the very least.
Sorcerer (just replace music reference to magic): This (Explicit)
Wizard: This

The Shaman |

Oriental music works quite well for oracles imo, especially the more chillout-oriented tracks. Wizards are quite hard to pin down as the different schools have different themes, but I tend to see them as somewhat... jazzy.
I would go with traditional heavy metal for fighters and some of their subtypes. I am tempted to go with blues for rogues and investigators, especially the urban ones.

Turgan |

A first selection...
Wizard: The Wizards from Kansas: She rides with Witches
Alchemist: White Denim: Drug/Jimi Hendrix: Purple Haze
Barbarian: Queens of the Stone Age: Go with the Flow
Bard (male): Frank Ocean: Songs for Women
Commoner (young husband/wife of hero): Delta Spirit: House Built For Two
Witch: Fleetwood Mac: Black Magic Woman
Druid: Mother Earth: People Tree: Jesse
Rogue: Rolling Stones: Street Fighting Man - Thievery Corporation: The Richest Man in Babylon (Album)
Hellknight: Rolling Stones: Sympathy for the Devil
Ranger: Mother Earth: Mister Freedom (of Movement)
edit: I actually own the Vinyl "Wizards from Kansas", bought at a flea market in Florence ca. 1995, a DJ Pressing or so it says(!)