Inimimancy Build Guide: I made this. You should look at it, because it is nifty. Feedback welcome.


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Grand Lodge

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Link Here -->Intimimancy: A Young Adventurer's First Primer on Making Monsters Poop Themselves

I made a fancy schmancy google doc guide to all things intimidate related. I started building an intimidator, and found that there really wasn't any coherent information on the options. By the time I got done making a reference document for myself to use, I realized I was halfway done with a build guide (my first!) so I polished a bit and got this far.

I'm still looking for feedback, and I have yet to do a section on prestige classes. I may do a section on spells, but I haven't seen many that I think are really worth getting into. If anyone can come up with a better title, I'm all ears.

Happy horrifying!

An interesting thing about the eldritch guardian fighter- it allows you to share any combat feats that you have with your familiar (when they can hear you in a certain range).

If you have a familiar with hands (I like earth elementals-nice and sturdy with fine natural armor, as well as a decent strength score), you can easily shove your prefered weapon in there. Now, you can join together with your familiar in a disheartening display.

I just threw this out there for a nice and relatively simple way to get a similar effect that also avoid multiclassing. It also means you have a nice back up buddy (with all your little things like weapon specialization), and heck- you even have extra protection from enchantments due to the archetype.

You can also take dirty trick feats in order to make yourself an absolute nightmare- get all the enemies running, and then you can pick them off with a variety of conditions as you double team them.

Blade of Mercy is a religion trait. It pairs wonderfully with Enforcer. Now you don't need to spend a feat on Bludgeoner.

Castilonium wrote:
Now you don't need to spend a feat on Bludgeoner.

Or cash on a merciful weapon, though it has it's uses.

Grand Lodge

Violent Display is only PFS legal if you have a skinwalker boon and are using that boon for this character. So since as far as I know skinwalker has only ever been available as an auction boon, it is effectively not legal for PFS.

LINK to source that officially says so.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I accidentally read that as "Intimacy: A Young Adventurer's First Primer on Making Monsters Poop Themselves".

This is much less frightening, but much more useful.

I read it as "inimitamancy". It's amazing what letters your brain will throw into things to try and make sense of it.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, for some, Intimacy can be Intimidating.

I've always been unsure about "Immunity to mind-effecting effects". It doesn't make much sense to me for it to be a blanket immunity to morale effects, seems like it should be possible to scare a lich or vampire. I'd treat it as immunity to non-natural morale effects. But I don't know if that's right.

But, more usefully. Aspis Agent, for when you get to doing prestige classes.

Grand Lodge

Demoralize has been ruled to be a mind-effecting fear effect.

It has not been ruled to be a Morale effect.

Grand Lodge

All feedback from this thread has been incorporated, with the exception of the Eldritch Guardian fighter. That is a bit too specific a build idea for me to get into, but if you submit a build I will include it in the sample builds.

I'll check back in with this thread every so often and update the document where appropriate.

Le Petite Mort wrote:

All feedback from this thread has been incorporated, with the exception of the Eldritch Guardian fighter. That is a bit too specific a build idea for me to get into, but if you submit a build I will include it in the sample builds.

I'll check back in with this thread every so often and update the document where appropriate.

Understandable, especially with double dance battle in there.

Still, doubling up on your investments can be neat. Just use a familiar with cornguon smash and then you can follow up to get the enemy running. It removes the need for a familiar with hands (foxes work out a lot better since they can go mauler and get a great CMB)

But yeah...its main advantages are not entirely best suited for an intimidate build, but rather a teamwork and maneuver build.

The Elixir of Thundering Voice would work best on for an Inquisitor or Alchemist (or anyone with one in their party willing to spare an infusion), since they can use Alchemical Allocation to gain the elixir's benefit at the cost of a second level spell, rather than having to buy or make new elixirs all the time.

Another feat that should at least get a mention, if perhaps not necessarily a recommendation, is Soulless Gaze. Grab it any any other Damnation Feat for an untyped +2 bonus to Intimidate, and the ability to stack Intimidate effects to higher states of fear. Grabbing the other Damnation Feats will provide further bonuses. The drawbacks, though, are that they're feats intended for evil characters (and will force your alignment in that direction), and you become much harder to bring back from death via magic.

Grand Lodge

Zigniber wrote:

The Elixir of Thundering Voice would work best on for an Inquisitor or Alchemist (or anyone with one in their party willing to spare an infusion), since they can use Alchemical Allocation to gain the elixir's benefit at the cost of a second level spell, rather than having to buy or make new elixirs all the time.

Another feat that should at least get a mention, if perhaps not necessarily a recommendation, is Soulless Gaze. Grab it any any other Damnation Feat for an untyped +2 bonus to Intimidate, and the ability to stack Intimidate effects to higher states of fear. Grabbing the other Damnation Feats will provide further bonuses. The drawbacks, though, are that they're feats intended for evil characters (and will force your alignment in that direction), and you become much harder to bring back from death via magic.

Damnation feats are not PFS legal, and will therefore not be included in the guide.

Ah, sorry. I was half-skimming the guide and missed the fact that it's PFS-only. Maybe someone not playing PFS rules will notice it in the thread and get value out of it, but honestly, Damnation Feats are something I'd be very hesitant to pick up even if I was playing an evil character. Soulless Gaze is just about the only one that might be worth it, but you never know.

I would call it "phobiturge:" The energy/power of fear or doing or causing things to happen with fear. -Mancy is about divination and while you can intimidate information out of people it's not the main thrust of the guide.

Grand Lodge

Nightmare Scars is PFS legal.

I just wanted to mention that the Mystery Cultist PrC grants an aura that frightens enemies if they fail a save, although I guess it remains to be seen if you can then boost that to panic. Obviously, its better for a Charisma / StR build (which I used it with), and again, its a PrC so would come online for PFS rather late, but I still guess its worth mentioning.

Grand Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Nightmare Scars is PFS legal.

Nightmare Scars was already included in the guide, though the description was simply the word "No." I've updated to include more, as I hadn't appreciated the significance of the 'No size penalty' thing fully. I still think it's a terrible feat, but for some very specific builds it could be worthwhile.

ginganinja wrote:

I just wanted to mention that the Mystery Cultist PrC grants an aura that frightens enemies if they fail a save, although I guess it remains to be seen if you can then boost that to panic. Obviously, its better for a Charisma / StR build (which I used it with), and again, its a PrC so would come online for PFS rather late, but I still guess its worth mentioning.

I'm debating including it when I get around to prestige classes. While it is thematically related to intimimancy, I've basically limited the guide thus far to using demoralization attempts. I think expanding it to all things fear effects might scatter the focus of the guide. Thanks for mentioning it though, it is nifty, and would combine well with Disheartening Display.

Any reason a Cruel weapon wasn't brought up?

"When the wielder strikes a creature that is frightened, shaken, or panicked with a cruel weapon, that creature becomes sickened for 1 round. When the wielder uses the weapon to knock unconscious or kill a creature, he gains 5 temporary hit points that last for 10 minutes."

Power Attack into a Cornugan Smash, swift action to activate Hurtful and you've left the opponent Sickened/Shaken.

Beyond that a Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier has some interactions with Dazzling Display, notably turning it into a Standard action and gaining a +2 Morale Bonus against demoralized opponents.

Grand Lodge

Corbynsonn wrote:

Any reason a Cruel weapon wasn't brought up?

** spoiler omitted **

Power Attack into a Cornugan Smash, swift action to activate Hurtful and you've left the opponent Sickened/Shaken.

Beyond that a Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier has some interactions with Dazzling Display, notably turning it into a Standard action and gaining a +2 Morale Bonus against demoralized opponents.

There is a very good reason I didn't include those things. I didn't know about them. I'll have them included shortly.

Grand Lodge

Corbynsonn's suggestions have now been assimilated.

Nice guide, thank you! Was looking for something just like this for my fighter in a home game.

The other fighter in our group was already using a Merciful Katana with Enforcer and I was looking for a way to do 'mass' Shaken to out do him (friendly in character rivalry) while still doing lethal damage.

I did not know about the Cruel power for weapons but will definitely be adding it to my great axe.

The Belkzen War Drummer Skald Archetype seems pretty ok for an intimidate build, as Charisma is a primary stat, but also because it gains a similar version of Stern Gaze (Fearsome Mien, gives 1/2 level to Intimidate & Bluff). Might be worth mentioning?

A combination you seem to be missing is the half-orc/tiefling Inquisitor. Their FCB is extremely good, especially for intimidators (+1/2 bonus to intimidate and checks to identify monsters). Combined with stern gaze you effectively get +lvl to intimidate. As for spells, I've found Blistering invective to be pretty solid for a level 2 spell. Its basically an improved version of dazzling display in spell form, standard action to demoralize all enemies within 30 ft. In addition, it adds a damage component: 1d10 fire damage to all demoralized enemies and they are set on fire if they fail a reflex save.

Calth wrote:
A combination you seem to be missing is the half-orc/tiefling Inquisitor.

He mentions both those races and Inquisitors. But pointing out the Favored Class bonuses is a nice addition.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, for some, Intimacy can be Intimidating.

LoadingReadyRun did a short skit on that, rolling some dice for damage that others might use to create...intimate moments.

Grand Lodge

Calth wrote:
A combination you seem to be missing is the half-orc/tiefling Inquisitor. Their FCB is extremely good, especially for intimidators (+1/2 bonus to intimidate and checks to identify monsters). Combined with stern gaze you effectively get +lvl to intimidate. As for spells, I've found Blistering invective to be pretty solid for a level 2 spell. Its basically an improved version of dazzling display in spell form, standard action to demoralize all enemies within 30 ft. In addition, it adds a damage component: 1d10 fire damage to all demoralized enemies and they are set on fire if they fail a reflex save.

I don't much care for blistering invective, but I have now mentioned it. The favored class bonuses have been likewise assimilated.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

PFS only? and here I was wondering why Antipaladin wasn't mentioned. who cares about enemies being immune when you can walk up to them and unnerve them.

You have the MWK Intimidate skill kit granting a competence bonus. Don't mwk tools/kits grant circumstance bonuses?

Grand Lodge

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
You have the MWK Intimidate skill kit granting a competence bonus. Don't mwk tools/kits grant circumstance bonuses?

Holy crap, I had been misreading that for years! Updated to reflect novel information.

Aren't Masterwork Tools circumstance, not competence?

EDIT: Ninja'd :P

Bandw2 wrote:
PFS only? and here I was wondering why Antipaladin wasn't mentioned. who cares about enemies being immune when you can walk up to them and unnerve them.

Yeah, Antipaladin is really the king of intimidation classes thanks to his ability to frighten anything (Well, unless you count Third Party, in which case the Dread is the best intimidator).

Grand Lodge

There is the Mask of Fear, from Masks of the Living God, which gives an untyped +5 to Intimidate.

Masks of the Living God is sanctioned for use in PFS.

A Magus may be well served by picking up the Wand Wielder Arcana to use Blistering Invective with Spell Combat. Makes for pretty decent action economy.

Grand Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:

There is the Mask of Fear, from Masks of the Living God, which gives an untyped +5 to Intimidate.

Masks of the Living God is sanctioned for use in PFS.

The Mask of Fear has been assimilated.

How about a Circlet of Persuasion?

Grand Lodge

Lune wrote:
How about a Circlet of Persuasion?

The circlet has been assimilated.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so... I made an alchemist that at level 5 can get a +27 to intimdate... thanks for the tips... level 7 when he gets courgahwhatever's smash is going to be intense.

16 str -> 18 due to lizardfolk(would work fine with any race with a bonus to strength, or just going 18 strength)
16 int

1 level barbarian(I actually picked this due to med armor prof and +10 speed initially), 4 alchemist

Bruising Intellect -> int to intimidate
Intimidating prowess -> str to intimidate
drink bull's strength
30 strength for 4 rounds (14 con)
+10 str
+5 ranks
+2 int
+2 masterwork tool
+5 maiden's helm
+3 class skill
= +27
+25 while not raging, lasts 4 minutes.
+23 while not under effect of bull's strength, lasts 40 minutes
+22 when not on mutagen.

If I focused on it more I could do better. right now I have power attack, weapon focus (Claw), and of course intimidating prowess

Dark Archive

I've had fun with my intimidate build so far. This is my plan for level 11 in society.

Fighter 1/Thug Rogue (Favored class +1 hp) 10
Starting Abilities: Str 18(16+2) Dex 12 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 10
Race: Half-Orc
Alternate Racials: Toothy, City-Raised
Traits: Reactionary, Memorable
Fighter 1: Power Attack, Hurtful (Fighter Bonus)
3: Intimidating Prowess, Trap Spotter
5: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Training (Bardiche)
7: Cornugon Smash, Combat Trick (Dazzling Display)
9: Shatter Defenses, Resiliency
11: Shadow Strike, Crippling Strike
All ability increases go to strength.
Skill Points: Keep Intimidate maxed. At level 2 when you get rogue levels get acrobatics, disable device, know: local, perception, and UMD. Spend the spare point to max out these skills. At level 7 when they are all maxed put the spare point in a skill of your choice. I put one into swim and climb then put the remaining into sense motive.
Build-specific gear: +n Cruel Bardiche, +n Mithral Breastplate, Maiden's Helm, Eyes of the Eagle, Trapspringer's Gloves, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (optional), Wand of Aram Zey's Focus (optional)

At level 1 through 6 move into melee, standard action intimidate then use hurtful for an attack as a swift action. If the creature can't teleport away and you get 4+ rounds of shaken, make them frightened then 5' step toward them so they provoke even with a withdraw. Use a full attack with a 5' step to use both bite and weapon if they target is immune to intimidation. At level 7 to 11 simply full attack and use your swift to get an extra attack if you intimidate with Cornugon Smash.

Pros: Functions as a trap monkey without sacrificing combat potential; Always apply shaken for 3+ rounds on successful intimidate; Apply frightened with intimidate; Sneak attack without needing a flank-buddy at high levels; Uses a reach weapon but still threatens within 5'; Decent damage without intimidate.
Cons: 3/4 BaB and nearly always power attacking at level 7+, Hurtful makes up for getting iteratives later (and can still work on move+attack with cornugon smash) but a lower hit chance makes hurtful more risky; Low saves, especially will; little out of combat utility besides trap monkeying and intimidating; Intimidate isn't as high as other builds as the classes give no bonuses to intimidate itself; Gets Cornugon Smash and Shatter Defenses a level later then the pre-reqs are met.
Optional: Get Skill mastery as your level 11 talent to take 10 on intimidate and one other skill (like acrobatics) in combat.

Grand Lodge

Buildses, yes, feed the buildses to me.

They will all be assimilated!

Hm. I'll try to remember to post my son's character build.

Nice guide.
One thing.
I´M not sure because the book belongs to my brother in law and i have read it some time ago.
But i think that in orcs of golarion is some kind of feat or trait that enables you to do 1 point of non lethal damage ( in addition to the normal lethal damage)with any hit with an orc profiency weapon ( greataxe,orc double axe,etc.).
So a half orc would not need to do stun damage with the merciful blade trait or get a merciful weapon.
You might want to have a look in this.

Silver Crusade

Here's a fun formula:

swift action demoralize + memorable or similar duration enhancement + 1LVL dip in rogue(thug) + disheartening display = panicked!

Well, panicked for only 1 round, but it's a nice debuff+action economy+disarm

I suggest for the sake of completion in the feat section the following: Visceral Threat.

Use Intimidate instead of Bluff to feint.

Three words: Imperious. Bloodline. Sorcerer.

FREE intimidate checks and bonuses to intimidate from damaging spells as well as Persuasive as a bloodline feat and charisma as your casting stat.

Oh, and a half-orc theoretically could be one too.
And you can further boost morale and competence bonuses too.

Deserves a specific mention. -from-paizo/racial-bloodlines/imperious-bloodline-sorcerer-human

Grand Lodge

Dotting so I can find this in future.

Also, +1 to add this to the guide to the guides. Well written and a handy resource.

Grand Lodge

LilyHaze wrote:

I suggest for the sake of completion in the feat section the following: Visceral Threat.

Use Intimidate instead of Bluff to feint.

Visceral Threat has been assimilated.

@Shoggothkeeper - your build has been assimilated

@strayshift - I don't believe half-orcs can take Imperious bloodline. Furthermore, I don't know how they're making 'free' intimidate checks. The bonus to Intimidate checks really isn't worth being a sorcerer if you want to be an intimidator. I've said all I'll say on 1/2 BAB casters. They are terrible at Intimimancy. If you're a sorcerer, you should be casting spells. It's what you're good at anyway.

@Zedorland - thanks! I'll look into your suggestion.

Le Petite Mort wrote:
LilyHaze wrote:

I suggest for the sake of completion in the feat section the following: Visceral Threat.

Use Intimidate instead of Bluff to feint.

Visceral Threat has been assimilated.

@Shoggothkeeper - your build has been assimilated

@strayshift - I don't believe half-orcs can take Imperious bloodline. Furthermore, I don't know how they're making 'free' intimidate checks. The bonus to Intimidate checks really isn't worth being a sorcerer if you want to be an intimidator. I've said all I'll say on 1/2 BAB casters. They are terrible at Intimimancy. If you're a sorcerer, you should be casting spells. It's what you're good at anyway.

@Zedorland - thanks! I'll look into your suggestion.

Half-Orcs are half human

Grand Lodge

Rogar Stonebow wrote:

Half-Orcs are half human

It's my understanding that this means they are effected by anything that effects humans, but not that they qualify for anything that requires human as a pre-requisite.

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