[Unchained] The Monk Unchained

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

B. A. Robards-Debardot wrote:
Monk's Old T-shirt** wrote:

"This pit-stained shirt grants a character with the Unarmed Strike or Unarmed Style class features, or who receive unarmed damage equal to or stacking with any Monk or Brawler levels an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons to which the Feral Combat Training feat has been applied.

Additionally, this shirt can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to these attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. An Monk's Old T-shirt cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +10. An Monk's Old T-shirt needs to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Edited I think this covers all the Prestige Classes and Archetypes as well as the Unarmed Fighter.

Sovereign Court

Shisumo wrote:
empty body (available at 4th level).

I don't think everyone on this thread have fully grasped how much of a boost this is, and the game implications of this. Ninjas and their invisibility... ha! amateurs! :)

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
empty body (available at 4th level).
I don't think everyone on this thread have fully grasped how much of a boost this is, and the game implications of this. Ninjas and their invisibility... ha! amateurs! :)

It's neat for utility. Like, REALLY neat.

Swift action Invis/Greater Invis kinda kicks as over "Move action to go anywhere, but not be able to touch anything" for combat though.

Shisumo wrote:

...What else should a monk who wants to do lots of damage do, if not spend feats to do so? Isn't that what feats, and Style feats in particular, are supposed to do? Make you better at the thing you want to do?

I was not saying that spending feats to do damage is bad. I was saying that a feat is required to do your main thing, when you should already be good with your main thing.

Basically the monk should naturally be better with unarmed strikes than weapons, not the other way around. If anything the feat should be needed to help the weapons keep up.

I don't think a Feat should be needed for either.

I like Dragon Style, mind you. Ferocity actually lets you be BETTER than a 2H user for the cost of two Feats (2x Str on the first attack + 1.5x Power Attack = YAY!) but requiring two Feats to catch up is still kinda harsh, especially when it locks you out of cool ones like Snake Style.

Flurry should probably just flat out make you deal 1.5x Str with any weapon you use to do it. Though it would be sad to marginalize Dragon Style that way.

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

Tels wrote:
AndIMustMask wrote:
extra attack that is nonlethal only, no? and cant be used with the apparently popular flying kick until 15th, correct?
Flying Kick is *only* useful at around 10th level or so when the bonus movement from Fast Movement actually becomes worth a damn. Even then, it's only useful if you need to move. If you're already in a creature's face, Elbow Smash takes precedence over Flying Kick.

What if they're wearing a monks robe?

Sir Dante wrote:

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

i'd wager the nerf was grounded in the line of thinking of "they're (supposedly) a WIS-focused class, so that should bring it to an equivalent/gain compared to other martials"

despite the facts that martials' will saves tend to be juuuust low enough that being out of a game for hours due to a single botched dice roll thanks to anything above ~9th level or so is a real danger (one of the few things the old monk could say in it's favor), and that since monks still have to do a balancing act of str (combat effectiveness), dex (ac/reflex), con (health/fort), and wis (combat effectiveness, ac, will saves, ki pool, etc) their wisdom wont be as spectacular as needed for it to really make a difference.

because this is pathfinder: if you're not allowed to sodomize the universe with a standard action, you're not allowed to be equivalent to things that can.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Tels wrote:
AndIMustMask wrote:
extra attack that is nonlethal only, no? and cant be used with the apparently popular flying kick until 15th, correct?
Flying Kick is *only* useful at around 10th level or so when the bonus movement from Fast Movement actually becomes worth a damn. Even then, it's only useful if you need to move. If you're already in a creature's face, Elbow Smash takes precedence over Flying Kick.
What if they're wearing a monks robe?

Wearing a monk's robe makes no difference because it doesn't increase your movement speed.

The primary reason one would take Flying Kick is determined by the amount of fast movement you get. At 5th level, it's arguably worth it to do so (20 ft. movement) compared to another Style Strike like Elbow Smash or even the Foot Stomp one (lets you stamp on their feet and prevent them from moving). At 10th level though? Now you've got some real distance and can start leaping all over the place.

I asked before, but never saw it answered, does spending Ki to increase your move speed affect Flying Kick at all? Spending 1 point of Ki to be able to Flying Kick targets up to 50 ft. away would make Flying Kick an absolute must have at 5th level as opposed to 10th.

Liberty's Edge

Sir Dante wrote:

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

It was never stated outright, but the impression I got from Mark Seifter's posts was that they felt that the Unchained version's offense was powerful enough to make their defenses too powerful if they retained good Saves in all categories as well as everything else they got. Will might've gotten picked because Monks are likely to have higher Wis than Dex or Con and thus it'd be the lowest impact Save to reduce.

Whether that's true is the subject of the debate, but that seems to be the logic.

AndIMustMask wrote:
Sir Dante wrote:

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

i'd wager the nerf was grounded in the line of thinking of "they're (supposedly) a WIS-focused class, so that should bring it to an equivalent/gain compared to other martials"

despite the facts that martials' will saves tend to be juuuust low enough that being out of a game for hours due to a single botched dice roll thanks to anything above ~9th level or so is a real danger (one of the few things the old monk could say in it's favor), and that since monks still have to do a balancing act of str (combat effectiveness), dex (ac/reflex), con (health/fort), and wis (combat effectiveness, ac, will saves, ki pool, etc) their wisdom wont be as spectacular as needed for it to really make a difference.

because this is pathfinder: if you're not allowed to sodomize the universe with a standard action, you're not allowed to be equivalent to things that can.

Okay thanks!

That clarifies it somewhat. Glad I only play homebrew games so we can just housrule it but I agree it's an unnecessary nerf. It seems god giveth and god taketh away in Golarion when it's about monks.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Sir Dante wrote:

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

It was never stated outright, but the impression I got from Mark Seifter's posts was that they felt that the Unchained version's offense was powerful enough to make their defenses too powerful if they retained good Saves in all categories as well as everything else they got. Will might've gotten picked because Monks are likely to have higher Wis than Dex or Con and thus it'd be the lowest impact Save to reduce.

Whether that's true is the subject of the debate, but that seems to be the logic.

Thanks to you as well :)

Well here's to hoping they give new ways to gain Ki points.

I've searched around the thread and haven't found a great answer to this: Can I use the Unchained Monk to be an absolute Grapple monstrosity?
I don't mean to ask if I can get a really high Grapple modifier, or if I can achieve an astounding CMD, but rather, I mean to ask if I can do new and/or special things surrounding the theme of Grappling that, say, a vanilla Fighter can't do.
When I had Tetori available, I could Grab, Constrict, took almost no penalties, got to Counter-Grapple, could Grapple through Freedom of Movement, could Grapple a Ghost, and more.
I've been looking as intensely as I can, and I've seen literally nothing to support Grappling from the Unchained Monk so far. Am I missing something? Is this not the class that best represents Grapplers anymore? Is this not the Luchador or the Judoka? Not the Greco-Roman strongman?
Are there abilities that assist Grappling that I just have yet to see? Can I even qualify for the Tetori archetype?
Honestly, I have no qualms about any of the balance changes regarding Unchained Monk; I just really miss this aspect in particular. Grappling was special for a Monk.

I've made an Unchained monk (monk 11 / cleric 1) that focuses on unarmed strikes. A couple of neat features:

  • SAD monk, heavy emphasis on Wisdom attribute
  • At level 1 take a short detour into cleric of Irori to acquire Guided Hand, so attacks are now calculated on Wisdom
  • Trait: wisdom in the flesh (acrobatics)
  • Large ki pool
  • Pick flying kick style strike first; it is used to combo with Disorientating Maneuver
  • Combat style mastery, to switch between boar style and mantis style on the fly
  • Mantis style and high Wisdom grant a Stunning Fist DC of 25
  • Medusa's Wrath as monk 10 bonus feat: stronger than improved critical (unarmed strike) with the new flurry and high chance to stun
  • Unarmed damage is not emphasized, but battle field control is significant
  • The 1 level in cleric grants protection from and remove fear
  • The 1 level in cleric grants small boost to Will save, coupled with great Wisdom for a good overall Will save
  • Original draft used only boar style to grant slashing/piercing/bludgeoning unarmed strikes, and the ability to demoralize for free when striking a foe twice

Wise Punch Man:

Wise Punch Man
Male human cleric of Irori 1 Unchained monk 11
LG medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +22

AC 35, touch 27, flat 31 armor +4; dex +3; wis +7; dodge +1; monk +4; natural +4; deflect +2
HP 110 1d8 + 11d10 + 36
Fort +14; Ref +13; Will +15
Special still mind, improved evasion

Speed 60ft
Melee unarmed strike +21 (2d8+6 19-20/x2) Type: bludgeoning/slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: -
Melee unarmed flurry +21/+21/+21/+16/+11 (2d8+6 19-20/x2) Type: bludgeoning/slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: -
Special boar style, mantis style, flying kick, one touch, stunning fist DC 25 (13/day), medusa's wrath

Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 25, Cha 8 20pt buy, racial bonus on Wisdom
BAB +11; CMB +18; CMD 41
Feats channel smite, guided hand (unarmed), improved unarmed strike, stunning fist, dodge, weapon focus (unarmed), combat reflexes, disorienting maneuver, boar style, improved trip, mantis style, combat style master, medusa's wrath
Traits Quain martial artist +1 unarmed strike damage, Wisdom in the Flesh (acrobatics) becomes a class skill, uses Wisdom
Special aura (lawful good), channel energy 1d6 2/day, domains (knowledge, law), improved evasion, fast movement (30 ft), ki pool 12/day (magic, silver, cold-iron, lawful), still mind, purity of body
Ki power qinggong power (barkskin), furious defense, high jump, abundant step
Style strike flying kick, foot stomp
Favored class monk
Favored class bonus 12hp
Skills Skills per level: 5 (4 class + 1 human); Armor check penalty: 0
Trained acrobatics +27(12); climb +9(3); diplomacy +9(4); intimidate +17(12); perception +22(12); sense motive +22(12); swim +9(3)
Untrained bluff 2

Orisons prepared: detect magic, guidance, stabilize
Level 1 prepared: protection from evil, endure elements, remove fear, comprehend languages (domain)

Wealth 7000gp

  • bracers of armor +4 (16000)
  • monk's robe (13000)
  • headband of wisdom +4 (16000)
  • belt of perfection +2 (16000)
  • amulet of mighty fists +2 (16000)
  • cloak of resistance +3 (9000)
  • boots of elven kind (2500)
  • ring of protection +2 (8000)
  • circlet of persuasion (4500)
  • ...sundry adventuring gear...

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PlagueCrafter wrote:
I've searched around the thread and haven't found a great answer to this: Can I use the Unchained Monk to be an absolute Grapple monstrosity?

I've not run all the numbers, but something that definitely helps is that the Unchained monk has full-BAB, so his CMD is higher - makes it that much harder to escape his grapples.

Sovereign Court

Rynjin wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
empty body (available at 4th level).
I don't think everyone on this thread have fully grasped how much of a boost this is, and the game implications of this. Ninjas and their invisibility... ha! amateurs! :)

It's neat for utility. Like, REALLY neat.

Swift action Invis/Greater Invis kinda kicks as over "Move action to go anywhere, but not be able to touch anything" for combat though.

wouldn't you be getting same combat benefit with amulet of mighty fists: ghost touch edition?

Edit: it doesn't look like ghost touch can work that way; re-read the stuff in regards to ethereal plane... still unbelievable ability at 4th... no prison can hold that monk and you probably go ethereal to get out of a grapple...

Sovereign Court

Sir Dante wrote:

Hey uhh was just wondering about the weak will save. After it got drowned into all the opinions of should/could have.

What was the original purpose by developpers for this decision?

I apologise if it was written 10 pages ago and I dinnae notice.

It was also likely to make dipping a level into monk a bit less attractive for martials. For the old monk the disadvantage was a loss of BAB & HP - and unchained removed both disadvantages.

Sovereign Court

wraithstrike wrote:

Basically the monk should naturally be better with unarmed strikes than weapons, not the other way around. If anything the feat should be needed to help the weapons keep up.

It does sound like a weapon is the way to go with unchained monk - if you're a strength build. So - while Dragon style will likely fall by the wayside (if pummeling hadn't already done that to it) - the dex monks (more potent in my opinion anyway) will still be better off going unarmed.

How would you build a dex monk? Dip 3 levels into Unchained Rogue, or grab an agile amulet?

Sovereign Court

LoneKnave wrote:
How would you build a dex monk? Dip 3 levels into Unchained Rogue, or grab an agile amulet?

Agile Amulet. I've always build my monks that way. Strength monks have mediocre defenses - and that's always been the coolest part of being a monk (especially at higher levels since no max dex bonus to AC). And while a Strength monk needs a decent dex for defense, a dex monk can dump strength, reducing MAD.

Scarab Sages

Weapons are still good for a Dex build. You can easily slashing grace a temple sword, nine ring broadsword, or double chicken saber, letting you ignore the need for a amulet and pay normal costs for enchantment. It also frees your amulet slot, allowing you to use natural armor to get a different ki power than barkskin, or a swarmbane clasp to deal with swarms, which monks have no good way to deal with.

Sovereign Court

Imbicatus wrote:
Weapons are still good for a Dex build. You can easily slashing grace a temple sword, nine ring broadsword, or double chicken saber, letting you ignore the need for a amulet and pay normal costs for enchantment. It also frees your amulet slot, allowing you to use natural armor to get a different ki power than barkskin, or a swarmbane clasp to deal with swarms, which monks have no good way to deal with.

True (though you'd need to dip Swash) but that dynamic is the same as the old monk. If anything - from the special strikes being primarily unarmed, it's shifted somewhat towards unarmed. (the pummeling style feats did so as well)

The 1.5x Str bonus & being proficient with all monk weapons ahs shifted strength monks towards weaponry.

You can also skip direct stat-based increases to damage and make use of Tiger Style instead. Take an AC penalty instead of attack penalty and get Power Attack damage bonus on your attacks. Works particularly great with Wisdom or Dexterity focused monks (such as Wise Punch Man posted above) - you only need enough Strength for Power Attack.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
LoneKnave wrote:
How would you build a dex monk? Dip 3 levels into Unchained Rogue, or grab an agile amulet?
Agile Amulet. I've always build my monks that way. Strength monks have mediocre defenses - and that's always been the coolest part of being a monk (especially at higher levels since no max dex bonus to AC). And while a Strength monk needs a decent dex for defense, a dex monk can dump strength, reducing MAD.

(said needlessly expensive, needlessly restrictive equipment tax was the entire reason for my earlier posts)

since that amulet has twice the price, has a smaller total effect, and takes up an important slot for AC (neck)--now some would say that monks don't need to buy armor due to WIS/class bonus, and they'd be wrong because even with freakishly high wisdom they still need to pay for the (also needlessly expensive/restrictive) bracers of armor if they plan to have AC even close to a person with regular armor and an amulet of natural armor. and having impressive wisdom is hard when you need to juggle four stats (three if you get dex to attack/damage) in order to not die.

it's both cheaper and more effective to use a clockwork prosthesis: full +10 cap, same overall price as buying/enchanting a gun (putting it's price at almost half of an equivalent amulet), gives nice bonuses to carry and against disarm besides. Except it literally costs you an arm to be effective with... your arm.

because one's body is apparently the most expensive weapon in the game for some reason (see: druids).

Sovereign Court

AndIMustMask wrote:

since that amulet has twice the price, has a smaller total effect, and takes up an important slot for AC (neck)--now some would say that monks don't need to buy armor due to WIS/class bonus, and they'd be wrong because even with freakishly high wisdom...

They would be wrong. Using up the neck slot is why every unarmed monk ever (and most weapon wielding) takes Barkskin at level 4 or 5. (And I'd be willing to bet - the reason it was added as a Qinggong power.)

so an equipment AND an ability tax, excellent! sure hope you don't miss that class ability you're trading for it. or having dissimilar builds.

or forgetting that there's now a boatload of nifty ki powers competing for it's fuel source.

Liberty's Edge

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

Basically the monk should naturally be better with unarmed strikes than weapons, not the other way around. If anything the feat should be needed to help the weapons keep up.
It does sound like a weapon is the way to go with unchained monk - if you're a strength build. So - while Dragon style will likely fall by the wayside (if pummeling hadn't already done that to it)

Disagree on both points. Flying kick has reduced a lot of the pressure to use Pummeling Style (mobility has been handled, so it's just DR that Pummeling Style helps with), and Dragon Style continues to keep the unarmed monks competitive with the armed ones.

Sovereign Court

Heh so decided to make one, without even bothering to take a monk style feat just for fun at level 10, kinda inspired by Lee Sin but obviously not him, just wanted to test the classic strength power attack monk build on the Unchained Monk, left 2 feats open and average hp, 20 point buy, it seems to be solid enough:

Lee Sin copycat:

Lee Sin

“Master yourself, Master the Enemy”

Human Unchained Monk 10
AC 19 (+3 Dex, +4 Wis, +2 Monk Bonus), with barskin (ki power) 23 (+4 Natural armor)
Hp 85 (10d10+30)
Fort+10 Ref+10 Will+9

Speed 60 ft

Unarmed Strike +18 (1d10+8;19-20/x2)
Flurry of Blows +18/+18 (1d10+8;19-20/x2)
W/Power attack +15/+15 (1d10+14;19-20/x2)

Bab+10 , CMB +16 , CMD 33

Special Abilities:
Improved Evasion
Unarmed Strike
Ki Strike
Fast Movement
Ki Pool 11/11
Still Mind
Purity of Body
Flying Kick (Style Strike)
Knockback Kick (Style Strike)
Barskin (Ki power)
Sudden Speed (Ki Power)
Empty Body (Ki Power)
Wind Jump (Ki Power)

Combat Reflexes (Bonus)
Improved Unarmed Strike (Bonus)
Stunning Fist (Bonus)
Power Attack
Iron Will (Human Bonus)
Improved Initiative
Mobility (Bonus)
Improved Critical (Unarmed strike) (Bonus)
[2 feats not chosen, 7 and 9]

Abilities:[b] (20 pt buy+2 racial to str+2 ability score increase to STR)
Str 23 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 18 Cha 7

Belt of Physical Might +2 (STR and Dex) , Headband of Wisdom+4 , Necklace of Ki Serenity ,Cloak of Resistance+2, Amulet of Mighty Fist+2.

Note: Favored class bonus: +10 Hp

Sovereign Court

Shisumo wrote:

Disagree on both points. Flying kick has reduced a lot of the pressure to use Pummeling Style (mobility has been handled, so it's just DR that Pummeling Style helps with), and Dragon Style continues to keep the unarmed monks competitive with the armed ones.

While it does sound like Flying Kick has made Pummeling Charge not as necessary, Pummeling Style itself does far more than help with DR (and that's a decent feat itself - just ask an archer about Clustered Shot). It makes critting for a monk amazing.

With improved crit - by 10 (and unchained monk could get IC at 8 I suppose) they have a 50% or so chance of threatening every turn (at high levels they'll threaten nearly every turn) - confirm at their most accurate swing - and crit the entire thing. That alone is worth more than a feat.

Beating DR is just gravy.

how're you using the necklace of ki serenity and the AoMF? might i ask for your stat spread? ill assume you're within wbl, but i note the lack of bracers or a cloak of resistance.

edits: your current ac puts you at a 75% (50% for a 'low attack' monster) chance to be hit by the average CR-appropriate monster, and a 45% chance to fail the said monster's primary ability DC.

let's hope it's not too debilitating.

Liberty's Edge

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Shisumo wrote:

Disagree on both points. Flying kick has reduced a lot of the pressure to use Pummeling Style (mobility has been handled, so it's just DR that Pummeling Style helps with), and Dragon Style continues to keep the unarmed monks competitive with the armed ones.

While it does sound like Flying Kick has made Pummeling Charge not as necessary, Pummeling Style itself does far more than help with DR (and that's a decent feat itself - just ask an archer about Clustered Shot). It makes critting for a monk amazing.

With improved crit - by 10 (and unchained monk could get IC at 8 I suppose) they have a 50% or so chance of threatening every turn (at high levels they'll threaten nearly every turn) - confirm at their most accurate swing - and crit the entire thing. That alone is worth more than a feat.

Beating DR is just gravy.

The flip side, though, is that Pummeling Style is exclusive with any style strikes, because it's not actually a flurry.

Sovereign Court

20 point buy:

Str 17 (13)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 13 (3)
Int 8 (-2)
Wis 14 (5)
Cha 7 (-4)


using Medium Level WBL:62 000 gp

Ki necklace of serenity (16 000 gp)
Amulet of Mighty fist+2 (16 000 gp)
Headband of Wisdom+4 (16 000 gp)
Belt of Physical Might+2 (10 000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp)

AndIMustMask wrote:

how're you using the necklace of ki serenity and the AoMF? might i ask for your stat spread? ill assume you're within wbl, but i note the lack of bracers or a cloak of resistance.

edits: your current ac puts you at a 75% (50% for a 'low attack' monster) chance to be hit by the average CR-appropriate monster, and a 45% chance to fail the said monster's primary ability DC.

let's hope it's not too debilitating.

Maybe he double the cost of one of them to make them slotless?

as a bit of theorycrafting: using the elbow strike's free (nonlethal) attack bit, could you combine it with enforcer/hurtful/the fortuitous enchant for lots of free attacks on a flurry?

Sovereign Court

Oh lol I done goofed forgot that they were the same slot. Yeah would need level 11 to have one of them slotless then.

Eltacolibre wrote:

20 point buy:

Str 17 (13)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 13 (3)
Int 8 (-2)
Wis 14 (5)
Cha 7 (-4)


using Medium Level WBL:62 000 gp

Ki necklace of serenity (16 000 gp)
Amulet of Mighty fist+2 (16 000 gp)
Headband of Wisdom+4 (16 000 gp)
Belt of Physical Might+2 (10 000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp)

ah, it's not that you dont have the bracers/cloak, it's that you physically couldnt afford them. early game looks like it was a struggle, definitely (i'm assuming you put the 4th/8th level-points towards rounding out str/con?).

Sovereign Court

AndIMustMask wrote:
Eltacolibre wrote:

20 point buy:

Str 17 (13)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 13 (3)
Int 8 (-2)
Wis 14 (5)
Cha 7 (-4)


using Medium Level WBL:62 000 gp

Ki necklace of serenity (16 000 gp)
Amulet of Mighty fist+2 (16 000 gp)
Headband of Wisdom+4 (16 000 gp)
Belt of Physical Might+2 (10 000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp)

ah, it's not that you dont have the bracers/cloak, it's that you physically couldnt afford them. early game looks like it was a struggle, definitely (i'm assuming you put the 4th/8th level-points towards rounding out str/con?).

Put all points in strength

Since I took the feat toughness to compensate for the low con and also by default I always put all my favored bonus into HP. But then again, it is because , that it works well in my games. We always have somebody who can heal (as in , we buy a wand or two of cure light wounds), at least someone who is doing some buffing (protection from evil, haste , blessing of fervor etc...) so I would simply recommend to do the kind of monk that works for your games.

Sovereign Court

I've gotta say - that character is pretty solid offensively - but the AC is really low for level 10.

assuming your party's got your back is alright (because they rightly should), but (personally) i prefer to have characters that can stand on their own--if separated from most or all of the party, or they all died to something your (previously superior barring paladins) saves protected you from, etc.

AndIMustMask wrote:

so an equipment AND an ability tax, excellent! sure hope you don't miss that class ability you're trading for it. or having dissimilar builds.

or forgetting that there's now a boatload of nifty ki powers competing for it's fuel source.

Yeah, with how much more pressure the monk's ki pool is under now that he can't wipe his butt without spending a kit point to do so, dedicating several ki points a day to keeping barkskin up is a big expense.

Sovereign Court

Chengar Qordath wrote:
Yeah, with how much more pressure the monk's ki pool is under now that he can't wipe his butt without spending a kit point to do so, dedicating several ki points a day to keeping barkskin up is a big expense.

True. That is another shift towards weapon wielding monks. (Or crazy prosthesis if your character is self-maiming and your GM allows it.) My monk's a drunken master - so I always forget about such things.

Hey, monks Didn't Ask For That, but it's one of the only cost-effective means of using unarmed strikes because... paizo has an irrational fear of monks?

actually i'm curious: does the unchained monk even work with drunken master?

It replaces some class abilities that are now opt-in ki powers, so no. The obvious house rule is to swap each "replace X ability" with "replace ki power gained at Y level" but for PFS's sake it would have been really nice if that was included in the book...

Liberty's Edge

The only three archetypes that appear to work with the Unchained monk are master of many styles, hamatulatsu master and weapon adept.

I need play around with a quarterstaff version of the latter, I think.

Shisumo wrote:

The only three archetypes that appear to work with the Unchained monk are master of many styles, hamatulatsu master and weapon adept.

I need play around with a quarterstaff version of the latter, I think.

opens up the wyroot quarterstaff option--does that AT work with the hanbo now that monks get proficiency?

Sovereign Court

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
I've gotta say - that character is pretty solid offensively - but the AC is really low for level 10.

Yeah the AC is low, this character quite frankly, if he ever gets low on hp,would most likely just use Empty Body(1 ki point) (just like the spell etherealness, to become ethereal, which is basically your escape and in some cases, if the opponent cannot see invisible creatures or even attack ethereal creatures you are basically safe for awhile or immune from damage, 10 rounds). At least that how I planned in my head.

Liberty's Edge

AndIMustMask wrote:
Shisumo wrote:

The only three archetypes that appear to work with the Unchained monk are master of many styles, hamatulatsu master and weapon adept.

I need play around with a quarterstaff version of the latter, I think.

opens up the wyroot quarterstaff option--does that AT work with the hanbo now that monks get proficiency?

Yes/no - the limitations on the Perfect Strike feat still apply, but if you're willing to ignore the feat...

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Eltacolibre wrote:
Charon's Little Helper wrote:
I've gotta say - that character is pretty solid offensively - but the AC is really low for level 10.
Yeah the AC is low, this character quite frankly, if he ever gets low on hp,would most likely just use Empty Body(1 ki point) (just like the spell etherealness, to become ethereal, which is basically your escape and in some cases, if the opponent cannot see invisible creatures or even attack ethereal creatures you are basically safe for awhile or immune from damage, 10 rounds). At least that how I planned in my head.

not sure the party would appreciate someone fleeing from a tough battle (tough enough to reduce your hitpoints a bunch) entirely.

Shisumo wrote:
AndIMustMask wrote:
Shisumo wrote:

The only three archetypes that appear to work with the Unchained monk are master of many styles, hamatulatsu master and weapon adept.

I need play around with a quarterstaff version of the latter, I think.

opens up the wyroot quarterstaff option--does that AT work with the hanbo now that monks get proficiency?
Yes/no - the limitations on the Perfect Strike feat still apply, but if you're willing to ignore the feat...



and here i was trying to forget about yet another needlessly restrictive monk feat that COULD have been useful for them.

edit: there is literally NO REASON WHATSOEVER why this couldn't be changed to apply to all monk weapons. But it wont.

Yeah, the Monk really needs high AC because he doesn't have access to other forms of defense. A Barbarian can tank AC with impunity because he can just pump his DR and use Come And Get Me to preempt any attacks. I feel like the Monk should have access to Blur/Displacement in class like the Bloodrager does.

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Arachnofiend wrote:
Yeah, the Monk really needs high AC because he doesn't have access to other forms of defense. A Barbarian can tank AC with impunity because he can just pump his DR and use Come And Get Me to preempt any attacks. I feel like the Monk should have access to Blur/Displacement in class like the Bloodrager does.

I'm honestly kind of surprised it was never a Quingong power. Miss chances seem like a very monkish line of defense to me.

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