Spamwar - I'm flagging as fast as I can but.....

Website Feedback

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Chemlak wrote:

Le technique:

Go into subforum
Enter post
Breaks other guidelines

Repeat several times.

Refresh subforum.

Ah,... AH-HAH!

So you have to enter the subforum itself, I was looking from the feed on the right of the main page. Or from the post itself.
(I almost never enter the subforum to enter a thread)

Thank you! :)

Have you noticed the new names they're using? Like Ricky Williams? Hopefully they're not in anyone's account

Grand Lodge

I saw that too. I think Paizo might want to start using the Captcha feature...might cut out on the spam in the forums. We might have to log into our account every time, but i think it is a price most are willing to pay...

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Manwolf wrote:
Have you noticed the new names they're using? Like Ricky Williams? Hopefully they're not in anyone's account

Definitely noticing usernames that are more believable lately. The one's I've seen don' have any other posting history though.

BTW, when the spam is in the Website Feedback forum -- that's just taunting us.

It all starts again

They're spreading out. I found them in Adventure Card Game, Beginner Box, and PFS within the last 10 minutes.


The crow can only peck the wolf so often....

And then he bites! :D

Pack Attack!!!

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Yes, we'll rally round the flag, mates,
We'll rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots,
We will rally from the castles,
and gather from the crypts,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

The Golem forever,
Hurrah! mates, hurrah!
Down with the spammers,
Up with the blogs;
While we rally round the flag, mates,
Rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

We are springing to the call
Of those gamers gone before,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots;
And we'll fill our vacant ranks with
A million PCs more,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

The Golem forever,
Hurrah! mates, hurrah!
Down with the spammers,
Up with the blogs;
While we rally round the flag, mates,
Rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

We will welcome to our numbers
The opine, pedant, and new,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots;
And though they may have too many perks,
Not a caster shall be nerfed,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

The Golem forever,
Hurrah! mates, hurrah!
Down with the spammers,
Up with the blogs;
While we rally round the flag, mates,
Rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

So we're springing to the call
From Taldor and from Brevoy,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots;
And we'll hurl the spamming crew
From the site that we love best,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

The Golem forever,
Hurrah! mates, hurrah!
Down with the spammers,
Up with the blogs;
While we rally round the flag, mates,
Rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of ban bots!

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Needs music

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The volume of spam has drastically increased in the last few days, to the point of often dominating the Recent Posts sidebar, and for larger parts of the day than before. Stronger medicine is needed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Definitely. Either need to give accounts that are a year old the ability to swarm a spammer: get 5 "this is spam" posts it gets deleted, or kickstarter a lucky paizonian to siri lanka with a bucket full of candiru for this guy.

Grand Lodge

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I love it when I click on a spammers username to flag all his posts, and I see that all of them have been removed since I flagged the first one.

Technology Manager

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I'm on and I brought the bedazzled ban hammer.....

That's good, I think poor Lissa's hammer has gone from smoking to flaming and needs a break

Cort Odekirk wrote:
I'm on and I brought the bedazzled ban hammer.....


I don't know who you are.

Technology Manager

True, but the table bursts into flame every time we put it down.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I'll probably be back on flagging duty in a little while... I need food.

stomach growls

Technology Manager

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Food is good, I will keep my hammer drenched in spam blood :)

You're hammering faster than this old wolf can bite

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Kalindlara wrote:
I'll probably be back on flagging duty in a little while... I need food.

Why not eat the Spam? We seem to have plenty.

Oooo, I can't stand spam, the food or the electronic version

I think that eating the spam would be bad for your blood pressure of something.

The electronic version certainly is

They're making another push in General Discussion and Ultimate Intrigue Playtest

It's getting worse -- now they've occupied 7 of the 10 Messageboards Recent Posts sidebar slots.

Sovereign Court

it's really a problem.
Can't we ban the domain or something ?

Back this morning and flagging away.

BTW, thanks Chemlak for the advice about hiding them after flagging. It's helping a lot to see which I've hit so far.

Is there a human detector on the new registration, images or questions to stop them getting an account in the first place?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Is this approach new?

(If the moderators have gotten there by the time you read this, it was three posts deep in K-spam.)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Stereofm wrote:

it's really a problem.

Can't we ban the domain or something ?

I think it was established that they're hiding their source somehow. I don't know if that would prevent what you've suggested, though.

Also, if that action is sweeping enough to potentially exclude legitimate posters, I don't know that they'll consider it...

Silver Crusade Contributor

Alexander Hickman wrote:
Is there a human detector on the new registration, images or questions to stop them getting an account in the first place?

Last I knew, there wasn't.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Alright, I have my own silly idea to throw out there.

They seem to favor targeting the subforums with General Discussion in the name. What if the subforum names were changed? I don't know how difficult this would be, of course, but if it could be done on a trial basis, you could experiment with it and see if it helps.

I would start by changing "Pathfinder RPG General Discussion" to "Martial vs. Caster Debates"; feel free to consider your own alternative names for the various General Discussion subforums.

If me posting "General Discussion" in this thread draws spammers to post here? In this thread? I quit. Threadception.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:

Alright, I have my own silly idea to throw out there.

They seem to favor targeting the subforums with General Discussion in the name. What if the subforum names were changed? I don't know how difficult this would be, of course, but if it could be done on a trial basis, you could experiment with it and see if it helps.

I would start by changing "Pathfinder RPG General Discussion" to "Martial vs. Caster Debates"; feel free to consider your own alternative names for the various General Discussion subforums.

** spoiler omitted **

So far, at least (knock on wood) they haven't found the various individual campaign discussion threads!

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Nice work! The ones I was flagging vanished while I was flagging!

Thank you, Paizo staff.

Technology Manager

Nothing like a little early morning banning!

So um, is there a way to flag reviews, I'm almost completely positive the review of Occult Adventures is spam:-(

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
So um, is there a way to flag reviews, I'm almost completely positive the review of Occult Adventures is spam:-(

Oh, ouch, that's painful. Yeah, that's spam. Evil spammers.

They're getting sneaky...

G$*$~#n savages...

I gave up and hid the public forums. Keeps the new spam posts out of your new post feed, too.

OK, this is totally silly, and I don't know if this is eve possible:
How about a dedicated 'Spam Discussion' thread, set to auto-delete any posts within 30 seconds?

Self flagging!

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^They aren't going to fall for any such voluntary containment, since they want their spam to be found, at which they are currently succeeding due to sheer rate of spamming and lack of moderation of new account posts. If they are human spammers instead of bots, they can easily defeat Captcha-style technology (unless the obfuscated text is so highly obfuscated that it is hard for the rest of us to read -- a phenomenon which I have encountered on a few sites), but they will have a harder time defeating enforced moderation of the first 2 or 3 posts of new users, because it means that they would have to come up with 2 or 3 legitimate posts (before switching over to posting spam), which is something that people like this are probably not very skilled at.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Kalindlara wrote:

Is this approach new?

(If the moderators have gotten there by the time you read this, it was three posts deep in K-spam.)

Just a heads-up, moderators - the posts in the link are still present.

Kalindlara wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:

Is this approach new?

(If the moderators have gotten there by the time you read this, it was three posts deep in K-spam.)

Just a heads-up, moderators - the posts in the link are still present.

I'm back on to assist. Lissa mentioned yesterday that it will help them if we flag all the spammer's posts in a single thread instead of just the initial post.

Is it me, or do some of these spam posts end in DIE!

Wow. They're THAT vindictive over their b+~#$%*~ getting removed?


Is there a way to get the message out to people that they should NOT post replies to the spam? That just keeps the thread alive and the spammers win.

Technology Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Manwolf wrote:
Is there a way to get the message out to people that they should NOT post replies to the spam? That just keeps the thread alive and the spammers win.

We've posted on the boards asking folks not to, but they forget. It messes with our admin display a bit too, posts still show even though they've been banned, so I keep bringing them up to ban them and discovering they already are.

The tech team should really fix that... oh, right.... :)

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