David knott 242 |

Aren't the Barbarian and Monk classes mutually exclusive?
Barbarian: Alignment: Any non-lawful
Monk: Alignment: Any lawful
How are you getting around that?
In addition to the possibility of being an ex-barbarian or ex-monk via an alignment shift (which does not eliminate any abilities related to movement speed, in the case of an ex-monk), you can take a Monk archetype that lets you be non-lawful and advance as a Monk (either Martial Artist or the Karmic something or other that was added in Occult Adventures) or an Aasimar race trait that lets you advance as a Monk while being of neutral good or neutral alignment. That alignment conflict is really easy to get around.

Mathius |
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[quote-TSS said]Here is the best i can come up with,
level 20 Synth Summoner - first worlder
Race: Half elf for the extra elocution points
Feats 5 Extra evolution, run and the Eldritch Heritage chain (elemental fire for 30 ft movement)
Eidolon form Quadruped for 40 ft base speed
Evolutions: Fly WIngs (2 pts) 34X Flight Speed Improved (+680 movement)
Impossible Speed (+30 ft) (Addition +120 for one hour with Mythic Paragon)
Augmented Mythic Haste +70 ft
Mythic Run
Speed: 40 base + 680 (evolutions) + 30 (Eldritch) + 150 (Imp Speed) + 70 (Myth Haste) = 970 ft per movement
Running (Mythic) X7 speed = 6790 ft/ round = 1132 Fps or 771 mph (Supersonic)
This is best I have see so for in this thread. I am going to modify it slight to see if we can go faster yet.
I am not sure how first worlder helps with speed in any way and I am not sure it works with Synth anyway. I would like add wild caller if I can.
This build still has 1 regular and 3 mythic feat remaining. Drop run and mythic run since we will use the spell Cheetah's sprint. Take Mythic Eldritch Heritage to save 2 regular feats. That leaves 4 regular and 3 mythic feats to pick. Fleet x7 works.
Change the Eidolon to aquatic and spend all of the EP on swim. 26 form level, 5 from FC, 5 for wild caller, and 4 for extra evolution.
That leads to a swim speed of
40(base swim)+800(evolutions) +30(Eldritch) +150 Imp Speed +70 (Myth Haste) + 35 (fleet)= 1125.
Through legendary item we pick up burst of speed, cheetah's spring, and slipstream. That takes our speed to 1175x10. mythic haste gives us a second move action for another 1175. That comes to a swim speed of 1468.75 MPH.
Add skyswim for the win.

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So I did some tinkering- swapping a single Mythic Fleet for Mythic Paragon let me squeeze another 15 feet per round and another round of running, plus I actually spent some money on Ioun Stones for ability bonuses for another 5 rounds of running.
Dopey McRunfast, Human Martial Artist
Edit: Now I kinda want to run a Wile E Coyote game where the players have to stop this guy...

Shiroi |
I'll add in some third party material, with a Pegasus using the Dashing Flyer feat I can get a 30' fly speed, +10' per feat. Also nobody has mentioned quick runners shirt, and I'm not sure how you'd fit the levels in but time thief.
No time to run the numbers but maybe someone will add some of this to a build to get that much more raw move out of it.
Edit: fighter levels for extra feats might also help, if you can find a way to make a move speed increasing feat a combat feat that doubles your feat input.

Texas Snyper |
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Aerokineticist Level 20 (19+ really) (Requires 0 feats)
Extended Range - Pre-req
Extreme Range - 480 ft range on blasts
Air's Reach - Doubles your air blast range, making it 960 ft
Ride The Blast - Lets you go for a ride with your blast
Quicken Blast - 3 burn
Double Blast as standard - 4 burn
Double Blast as swift - 7 burn
Metakinetic master - reduce cost of 1 metakinesis power by 1 burn
Max burn that can be received in a turn = 6
Taking no burn, can do every round:
Reduce Quicken by 1 burn
Move action to gather power
Standard action blast for 960 ft
Swift action blast for 960 ft
Total distance 1920 ft per 6 seconds = 320 ft/s = 218 mph
Super burn super speed:
Reduce Double blast by 1
Gather Power move action
Quicken double blast (Receive 4 burn (7 - 1(reduced cost) - 2(gather power)) = 1920 ft as swift action
Double blast as standard (Receive 3 burn but internal buff 1 off for max 6 burn in a turn) = 1920 ft as standard action
Total distance 3840 ft per 6 seconds = 640 ft/s = 436 mph

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Isonaroc wrote:Wizard that cast time stop on a timeless plane. There you have it: infinite speed.Except the plane is already timeless so time stop would literally do nothing. You can't stop what doesn't exist.
No, time stop doesn't actually stop time, it speeds you up to the point that time appears to stop. With the timeless planar trait, the spell never expires, thus you have an infinite number of rounds to move relative to everything else on the plane.
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds.

Texas Snyper |

Texas Snyper wrote:Isonaroc wrote:Wizard that cast time stop on a timeless plane. There you have it: infinite speed.Except the plane is already timeless so time stop would literally do nothing. You can't stop what doesn't exist.No, time stop doesn't actually stop time, it speeds you up to the point that time appears to stop. With the timeless planar trait, the spell never expires, thus you have an infinite number of rounds to move relative to everything else on the plane.
Time Stop wrote:This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds.
Except in a plane where time does not exist, then how can you define speed? Whether its miles per hour, meters per second, or any other metric used for speed it requires time. Without time there is not speed. If there is no speed then you cannot move 'faster'.

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Isonaroc wrote:Except in a plane where time does not exist, then how can you define speed? Whether its miles per hour, meters per second, or any other metric used for speed it requires time. Without time there is not speed. If there is no speed then you cannot move 'faster'.Texas Snyper wrote:Isonaroc wrote:Wizard that cast time stop on a timeless plane. There you have it: infinite speed.Except the plane is already timeless so time stop would literally do nothing. You can't stop what doesn't exist.No, time stop doesn't actually stop time, it speeds you up to the point that time appears to stop. With the timeless planar trait, the spell never expires, thus you have an infinite number of rounds to move relative to everything else on the plane.
Time Stop wrote:This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds.
Physics isn't the law here; RAW is, and you're making assumptions without actually looking at the rules.
On planes with this trait, time still passes, but the effects of time are diminished.
Timeless planes still have time, it just works differently.
EDUT: Here's the relevant passage for magic effects
If a plane is timeless with respect to magic, any spell cast with a noninstantaneous duration is permanent until dispelled.

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Ah, I see.
But isn't using a wizard and his top level spells cheating anyways? I mean they bend the world to their will already.
Nope. Here's the OP's structure.
Just a silly idea I had but I wanted to see what the fastest character it was possible to make in pathfinder was using all the current material Mythic included. Assuming lvl 20 Tier 10, 25 point buy

Texas Snyper |

Texas Snyper wrote:Ah, I see.
But isn't using a wizard and his top level spells cheating anyways? I mean they bend the world to their will already.
Nope. Here's the OP's structure.
Shore wrote:Just a silly idea I had but I wanted to see what the fastest character it was possible to make in pathfinder was using all the current material Mythic included. Assuming lvl 20 Tier 10, 25 point buy
I don't mean by OP's prompt but just the idea in general of using a level 20 wizard because they can do almost everything. Its the cheat go to answer. "A wizard did it"

My Self |
Isonaroc wrote:I don't mean by OP's prompt but just the idea in general of using a level 20 wizard because they can do almost everything. Its the cheat go to answer. "A wizard did it"Texas Snyper wrote:Ah, I see.
But isn't using a wizard and his top level spells cheating anyways? I mean they bend the world to their will already.
Nope. Here's the OP's structure.
Shore wrote:Just a silly idea I had but I wanted to see what the fastest character it was possible to make in pathfinder was using all the current material Mythic included. Assuming lvl 20 Tier 10, 25 point buy
It's not a cheat. Still, I see what you're getting at.

lemeres |
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Aerokineticist Level 20 (19+ really) (Requires 0 feats)
Extended Range - Pre-req
Extreme Range - 480 ft range on blasts
Air's Reach - Doubles your air blast range, making it 960 ft
Ride The Blast - Lets you go for a ride with your blast
Quicken Blast - 3 burn
Double Blast as standard - 4 burn
Double Blast as swift - 7 burn
Metakinetic master - reduce cost of 1 metakinesis power by 1 burn
Max burn that can be received in a turn = 6Taking no burn, can do every round:
Reduce Quicken by 1 burn
Move action to gather power
Standard action blast for 960 ft
Swift action blast for 960 ft
Total distance 1920 ft per 6 seconds = 320 ft/s = 218 mphSuper burn super speed:
Reduce Double blast by 1
Gather Power move action
Quicken double blast (Receive 4 burn (7 - 1(reduced cost) - 2(gather power)) = 1920 ft as swift action
Double blast as standard (Receive 3 burn but internal buff 1 off for max 6 burn in a turn) = 1920 ft as standard action
Total distance 3840 ft per 6 seconds = 640 ft/s = 436 mph
Interesting because, unlike most of these builds, you are only taking 1-2 'meh' options, rather than investing EVERYTHING into just going fast.
I would typically suggest empower over quicken for the metakinesis (since you have to gather power to do it with 0 burn anyway, which basically means it is a full round action, compared with the 'just always put it on' boost from free empowers), and extreme range is slightly (just slightly) questionable in utility. Other than that, you can just be a bog standard kineticist.

default |

Double blast is two simultaneous blasts per action isn't it? What does double blast actually do in your build?
Edit: Also, Metekinetic Master is a single permanent choice, so you can't swap on the fly.
2nd Edit: I count 2 burn/round using a quickened power (2 from extreme range, reduced by gather power/supercharge, 3 from quicken, reduced to 2 by metakinetic master)

Texas Snyper |

Double blast is two simultaneous blasts per action isn't it? What does double blast actually do in your build?
Edit: Also, Metekinetic Master is a single permanent choice, so you can't swap on the fly.
Yes, I was giving two possible independent scenarios. The first one is to maximize a burnless speed and the second would be for a single round burst maximum speed. I guess I should have specified that these would be two different characters.
The point of double blast is so that you can double blast as a swift action and then double blast again as a standard action. It doubles your speed compared to the reusable one but it costs a LOT of burn to do so.

Texas Snyper |

But the blasts happen at the same time-you can't fire one, then the other (Similar to Scorching Ray)
Though seeing as both builds use Quicken, I think you can squeeze it into one character.
It does? Well then that means the super speed one doesn't work. Still though, 218 mph is pretty darn fast.

zerion69 |

May I had up a question : you're running at 218 MPH with a base move of 240 ft. let's say, ok. Now how can you use this super speed to increase other stats such as dodge or damage ?
By RAW, I can't remember a rule that changes these with speed.
But if anyone remembers well it's science lessons or has ever seen one Flash movie, we do agree speed changes these things (cinetic power).
Any suggestion or missed rule ?

Tacticslion |
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May I had up a question : you're running at 218 MPH with a base move of 240 ft. let's say, ok. Now how can you use this super speed to increase other stats such as dodge or damage ?
By RAW, I can't remember a rule that changes these with speed.
But if anyone remembers well it's science lessons or has ever seen one Flash movie, we do agree speed changes these things (cinetic power).
Any suggestion or missed rule ?
Actually, at least partially, that was made earlier: the Shadow Dodge feat. While you're not moving as far, the idea has merit.
A brief search yields a few interesting ideas.
The Fast Crawl and Burrowing Teeth feats provide alternate movement modes, but the latter would require some re-fluffing.
Spring Attack, naturally, comes to mind, as does Mobility - these are not exactly using what we have, but they're building off of the theme. Similarly, Lightning Stance is thematic, but not really using the mechanics.
Cartwheel Dodge is useful, but it provokes a looooot of AoOs with your speed.
Shadowy Dash or Kobold Ambusher provides a unique ability: stealthing really, really, really daggum fast.
Oread Burrower and Burrowing Teeth[/ur] both provide quick burrowing.
It's possible things could be done with [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/planar-focus]Planar Focus or Dwarf-Blooded.
Grabbing Drag, and Rhino Charge and Coordinated Charge (and Charging in general) are improved, as are tricks like callous casting, tiger pounce, sure-footed, and heroic interposition.
Intercept Charge could be combined with the Shadow Dodge feat mentioned earlier to very interesting teamwork tactics when opposing chargers.
Slaying Sprint is ideal when teaming up with a which if you focus on coup de grace weapons - like those with the Deadly quality.
Combat Patrol looks like it could become exceptionally deadly, though I've not thought about it too much.
Dimensional Assault could be useful, depending on the builds.
Unfortunately, though it looked promising, a second reading Mongoose combat really doesn't benefit from having a speed higher than 20, ever.
That's about what I can come up with, feat-wise.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned templates since we've mentioned mythic. While more rare, they could be helpful - especially the Alacritous and Quickling come to mind.

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You need to make it a catfolk. Their racial bonuses/feats to speed are pretty awesome.
You can get pretty much the same speed you have now, but have it be EVEN FASTER on a run or charge with a catfolk.
Took a look; Anything you gain on a run/charge is negated by the loss of the Elf favored class bonus for monk, unless there's other options I missed.

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Hmm… what can we do with a pure non-caster Martial in a dead sprint?
Bloodclaw Allen, also known as The Slash:
Catfolk (Yeessss.)
Primalist Untouchable Bloodrager 12/Unchained Monk 4/Barbarian 2/Darechaser 2 (Untouchable to avoid spells.)
Neutral Good (Obviously no more Monk progression.)
10 from Catfolk Exemplar (Fast Sprinter) (Character 1)
45 from Fleet (Character 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)
10 from Bloodrager Fast Movement (Bloodrager 1)
10 from Swift Foot RP (Bloodrager 1)
30 from Elemental (Fire) Bloodline (Bloodrager 8)
30 from Greater Elemental Blood (Fire) RP (Bloodrager 12)
10 (Enhancement) from Monk Fast Movement (Monk 3)
30 from Sudden Speed KP (Monk 4)
10 from Barbarian Fast Movement (Barbarian 1)
5 from Swift Foot RP (Barbarian 2)
10 from Impossible Speed AD (Darechaser 2)
210 Total
6 from Sprint (Bloodrager 4)
1260 feet for a single Run Action in a Rage/Adrenaline Rush
That’s a top speed of...
210 feet per second
64.008 metres per second
Faster than Alex Augunas’ Sonic build before mythic, and only requires two Free Actions, a Swift Action and a Full-Round Action (only one round, no charge-up) to accelerate up to a speed which goes the width of a Rugby pitch every second. Nothing on the speed of sound but, y’know, pretty damn fun altogether. Plus you also get good Saves, Rage, Spell Resistance, and the ability to Charge from six hundred and thirty feet away, so you never have to worry about anything those dashed full-casters throw at you. Not to mention all those nice bonuses from Elemental Blood (RE-ENTRY ROCKET FLAME FISTS) and your bonus feats, even if you’re sacrificing most of your actual Bloodline for the speed; you’re no mere speedster with this build, and you get a full BAB and plenty of combat abilities. Mind that Exhaustion stuff though; we haven’t gone Martial Artist so that Rage/Rush combo will hurt you.
You can improve these numbers quite a bit by Gestalting (Psychometrist Vigilante is fun for a swift-action +50ft by level 10), Items and Mythic, and of course if you allow casting then Cheetah’s Sprint allows you to drop Monk and the Sprint Rage Power since it’s better than both and stacks with neither, but this is the absolute best I think can do with a purely martial non-gestalt non-mythic character without items or precharge time. This is the fastest that your baseline Catfolk could expect to go without exploiting magical shenanigans.
P.S. Sorry for the necromancy! Felt it was better than making a new thread and I had a cool idea so...
P.P.S. I also know that I'm not using all the material open to me; I wanted to restrict myself further for a challenge, and everyone else knows the Mythic tricks better anyway. Just add Mythic to get some Mach numbers, if ya like. I also consider precharge time to be cheating, since you're actually going mathematically slower if you have to take more time to go far.

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Here is the best i can come up with,
level 20 Synth Summoner - first worlder
Race: Half elf for the extra elocution points
Feats 5 Extra evolution, run and the Eldritch Heritage chain (elemental fire for 30 ft movement)
Eidolon form Quadruped for 40 ft base speed
Evolutions: Fly WIngs (2 pts) 34X Flight Speed Improved (+680 movement)Mythic
Impossible Speed (+30 ft) (Addition +120 for one hour with Mythic Paragon)
Augmented Mythic Haste +70 ft
Mythic RunSpeed: 40 base + 680 (evolutions) + 30 (Eldritch) + 150 (Imp Speed) + 70 (Myth Haste) = 970 ft per movement
Running (Mythic) X7 speed = 6790 ft/ round = 1132 Fps or 771 mph (Supersonic)

avr |

level 20 Synth Summoner - first worlder
Race: Half elf for the extra elocution points
Feats 5 Extra evolution, run and the Eldritch Heritage chain (elemental fire for 30 ft movement)
Eidolon form Quadruped for 40 ft base speed
Evolutions: Fly WIngs (2 pts) 34X Flight Speed Improved (+680 movement)Mythic
Impossible Speed (+30 ft) (Addition +120 for one hour with Mythic Paragon)
Augmented Mythic Haste +70 ft
Mythic RunSpeed: 40 base + 680 (evolutions) + 30 (Eldritch) + 150 (Imp Speed) + 70 (Myth Haste) = 970 ft per movement
Running (Mythic) X7 speed = 6790 ft/ round = 1132 Fps or 771 mph (Supersonic)
Barby, this is your new mount. Quadruped, see?

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The Slash
Hmm, actually you can improve this somewhat because I believe that the EH line (for the SORCERER Elemental Bloodline) is more efficient (four feats inc Skill Focus for 30 feet) than Fleet (four feats come to 20 feet). Fleet feat feet. Fleat? You also get a little more burning blood for your buck too, which is nice.
Of course, your Eidolon will still be faster, but The Slash will be at the finish line by the time you've completed your summons.
(EDIT: You can improve this a bit further by making this a half-elf, losing twenty feet [from Sprinter racial ability and Catfolk Exemplar] but adding twenty five [Elf favoured class bonus for Monk and Bloodrager, taking Fleet instead of Skill Focus which you now get for free and taking another Fleet instead of Catfolk Exemplar]. A net gain of five feet isn't bad when it's multiplied to thirty by your rage-sprinting, though personally I prefer the idea of a fiery Cheetahfolk from the savanna, especially since The Slash can drop a couple of Fleats for the ability to claw-pounce.)

Oddman80 |

i totally thought this was a challenge to build a PC in the shortest amount of time you could. I was confused why the OP didn;t list how long it took to build his Character, and why everyone was talking about their various characters' movement speeds... It's official... I'm an idiot. I'll be over there in the corner.

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i totally thought this was a challenge to build a PC in the shortest amount of time you could. I was confused why the OP didn;t list how long it took to build his Character, and why everyone was talking about their various characters' movement speeds... It's official... I'm an idiot. I'll be over there in the corner.
Aha, an easy mistake to make. Also an interesting idea for a thread...

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I can't remember if it was Ifrit trait or Elemental: fire sorcerer, but youget a flat +30 to your movement.
Elemental (Fire) Sorcerer Bloodline, Elemental (Fire) Bloodrager Bloodline and Greater Elemental Blood (Fire) Rage Power, to be exact. All of which stack, and all of which I use.

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Nitro~Nina wrote:The SlashImprovements and Comments on The Slash
Aha, turns out that I made a mistake. You've gotta replace those levels of Darechaser for Vigilante, with the Impossible Speed Deed replaced by the Shadow's Speed Vigilante Talent. I neglected to notice that you need the Athletic feat for that particular prestige class.
The upshot? Less good at acrobatics and such, and can't add spontaneous d6s to checks, but come to think of it I really should have been going for Vigilante in the first place, given that I'm basing the bloody concept on a certain Detective Comics superhero.
Another possibility: This guy only gets to go that speed once per Bloodrage. You can replace the Sprint Rage Power for another Swift Foot Rage Power if you like, then taking one of the Fleats and replacing it with Run. Your base speed is unchanged, your Charge will be decreased by 1/3rd and your Run will be decreased by 1/6th, but you'll be able to run at that speed consistently, which will mount up to a higher average speed over longer distances (still limited by your Bloodrage Rounds).
I won't do that if I ever build this guy fully though, for the same reason I wouldn't give him the extra speed for being a half-elf; I want him to be a Cheetahfolk and Cheetahs aren't known for their stamina.
As for actually building him... yeah, this guy is ALMOST PFS legal. The problem is Primalist, which is the core of this build. It's what allows him to get 80x6=480 feet per round JUST from Bloodrager levels. If PFS ever allows those kinds of shenanigans... just you watch out for Bloodclaw Allen on the prowl.