Nicolas Logue, our new favorite author

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Lantern Lodge

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So over the last few years I've had the pleasure of running Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne for my weekly group: a motley assembly of men and women who enjoy complex tales with adult themes. My groups newest foray involves the stitching together of various published modules. Recently the bruised and haggard party arrived back in Sandpoint after finishing The Feast of Ravensmoor, where they decided to visit their favorite NPC's, enjoy some downtime, and stick around for a carnival that they noticed setting up outside of town....

That is where we discovered the pure joy that is Carnival of Tears. My players were so entranced, so creeped out, and so thoroughly drawn into the tale I had to actually physically close the book and push them out the door after our standard 4 hour session turned into an 8 hour extravaganza. And for a bunch of professionals with full time jobs and kids, an adventure with that much draw is really something special.

So after they left i looked a the cover. "Hmm.. Tim Hitchcock & Nicholas Logue" I thought to myself, I've seen Logue's name before. Flipping back through Runelords and Crimson Throne, I find that he wrote one of our all time favorite adventure, Hook Mountain Massacre, AND Edge of Anarchy, the gritty anarchic tale that got my party hooked on the Crimson Throne AP.

So Mr. Logue, I tip my hat to you sir. May your strange and twisted mind continue to spin all manner of sordid tales of horror and woe, for as long as you choose to continue to wield the pen. My friends and I will continue to explore your other offerings, and look forward to your future endeavors.

Duane Choquette

P.S: A quick perusal of these forums for other fan favorite works by Logue brings up a project referred to as "Ebon Shroud", apparently a joint venture between Mr Logue, and Richard Pett (who's works I also heartily enjoy). It seems to have been released about 5 years ago, but I cannot find a PDF for sale on this site. Does anyone here know what Ebon Shroud is, and if its still available? My group would love to see what these two authors could do when combined.

Then again I guess it could be so horrific, so mind-bending twisted that even the merest glimpse of those ink stained pages results in an insanity so complete that all copies have been burned for humanities sake? :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I haven't encountered a bad Logue adventure yet. :)

I found this, but the domain appears to have expired. Not sure if that's an oversight or a sign that Sinister Adventures is defunct.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Look up the Razor Coast on Google and you should get an idea of what happened, and what is to be.


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Wow! Thanks so much, Duane and TriOmegaZero! As a recent resurfacer, it truly warms the dead, rotting cockles of my heart to wake up to your kind words on this post-St. Paddy's morn!

Carnival of Tears remains one of my favorite modules, mostly thanks to Tim Hitchcock's amazing work on it. It holds a special place in my cold dark heart.

Sadly, Ebon Shroud never became a thing - my fault entirely.

Who knows? Now that I'm back in the game a bit, anything could happen, but for now, I'm just delighted to be freelancing for Paizo again and working on some other exciting RPG properties: if you like sci-fi and haven't heard of it yet - you should check out Fragged Empire - great sci-fi rpg coming out this year - I've done a lot of work on it.

See some of you at Paizocon, I hope. I'll be there this year! So excited! :-)



Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ask me about the time my party left the loggers to their fates when you see me at PaizoCon. ;)

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Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!

I want Ebon Shroud !!!

Please !!!


Papa-DRB wrote:

Ebon Shroud !!!

Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!

I want Ebon Shroud !!!

Please !!!

Heh. Maybe someday! :-)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ask me about the time my party left the loggers to their fates when you see me at PaizoCon. ;)

That's awesome! How it should go, really! :-)

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

Is the Fragged Empire you're talking about?


rknop wrote:
Is the Fragged Empire you're talking about?

Yep! That's the one!

I wrote a good chunk of the Core Rulebook and a bunch of the Antagonist Archive. I'm also working on a large module for the game as well.

Wade, the creator, is a fine human being, a kind soul, and has a real passion for RPGs.

I'd highly recommend the game!


To the OP: you should really check out Razor Coast given a 5/5 by EZG and hours of flexible sandboxy yet full of story fun to be had.

EZG's final words ring true to me!

Greg Vaughn posted in the 2015 FGG products thread that he'll be pushing for Ebon Shroud. If you enjoy Logue & Pett check out Frog God Games past and upcoming products. Petts upcoming The Blight should be great, also I think Logue did some stuff for Legendary Games too.

The Exchange

I miss the witty banter betwixt Logue and Pett from the 3.5 days of this illustrious company.

Now you're back in the game Mr Logue, can I expect some of that?


...sigh, don't encourage him Wrath, he gets all giddy. And why am I posting on a thread that's praising him...


Ah yes, because there are so many people with fine taste here, and rather like razor coast (fair setting but with a standout selection of adventures by other writers) the brits are invading here too - huzzah!


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and m'naaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games


Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Richard, how exactly does one vocalize the noise "m'nar"? I have an owlbear companion on my druid and want to be sure I'm getting the characterization right.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Wow. The monsters are coming out of the woodworks here! ;-)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

googles efforting

Shadow Lodge

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Grab Chimes of Midnight if you can, good low level urban romp by Mr. Logue.

I think Bullwug Gambit was the first Loguesque carnival madness advenutre I recall, because what party doesn't want to be attacked by stilt-walkers while trying deseparately to get somewhere before the clock runs out for their noble patron.

And really, you can't go wrong with Savage Tide... probably still one of the Top 3-5 APs ever crafted by Paizo.

More efforting needed for this Shroud!


4 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Richard, how exactly does one vocalize the noise "m'nar"?

It starts with more of a capital, stentorian "M," short and clipped and popped off the lips with a slightly elevated pitch, followed by a sleazy, drawling exhalation of the "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!" (rhymes with car), all done in a 'where the hell is the British backwater this is guy from anyway?' accent.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sadly, I am too American to properly perform that I think.

Nic Logue is the bomb. That is all.


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My beloved Hodge has it perfectly TriOmegaZero, although of course a m'naaaar is more than just a m'nar, the truth is the tougher the monster the longer and deeper the m'nnnnnarrrrr, right up until liches and vampires, who are so tough and cool they just say m'nar under their breath or in passing.

And the beauty is that whatever your accent, it's your m'naaaar, except for Her Majesty, who has someone day her m'nars for her.


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Quoth the raven wasn't too shabby I guess...


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, don't take Rich's posting here to heart.

He typed that post while I was at work yesterday. He typed it in my house - on my laptop - squatted over my stove, where he made quite a mess resulting in my stovetop being too unsanitary for use for weeks. Then he dumped my laptop in the washing machine and set it for super cycle.

All of Pett's gifts are poisoned!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ahhh, there it is.

The nostalgia resulting from such posts has brought my fragile mind back to a place of glee and hope. When we were much younger, and the world looked brighter and we all believed good could still triumph over evil.

Thank you I can rest.


Wrath wrote:

Ahhh, there it is.

The nostalgia resulting from such posts has brought my fragile mind back to a place of glee and hope. When we were much younger, and the world looked brighter and we all believed good could still triumph over evil.

Thank you I can rest.

Yes, I'm positively brimming with glee and hope as I scrub my stovetop for the 50th time today. ;-)


Nicolas Logue wrote:

See some of you at Paizocon, I hope. I'll be there this year! So excited! :-)

I also will be at Paizocon again this year, and I believe I still owe you a beer...


Jeremy Walker wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

See some of you at Paizocon, I hope. I'll be there this year! So excited! :-)
I also will be at Paizocon again this year, and I believe I still owe you a beer...

I'll take it, Jeremy! :-)

That would be excellent! Hope you've been well, my good man! Those of you who enjoyed Carnival of Tears should know that Jeremy developed that adventure for Tim and I! Like a boss!

Looking forward to catching up with you and other wonderful folks at the con!

Brandon Hodge wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Richard, how exactly does one vocalize the noise "m'nar"?
It starts with more of a capital, stentorian "M," short and clipped and popped off the lips with a slightly elevated pitch, followed by a sleazy, drawling exhalation of the "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!" (rhymes with car), all done in a 'where the hell is the British backwater this is guy from anyway?' accent.

Yabbut, him being a Brit and all, that'd be a rhotic "r", which is - to damnforeign ears - virtually not pronounced.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can someone tell me what is Ebon Shroud and what it is about? <_<;

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The Ebon Shroud
by Richard Pett & Nicolas Logue

North of Tarkshorn Vale, beyond the giant infested Britlebone Mountains, night reigns eternal. Deep in the icy holocaust of the Ebon Shroud the cold kills all but the most stubborn of beasts, and true immortals rule a landscape of frozen nightmares from castles of blood and ice. These elder vampires have held the Ebon Shroud in their jaundiced fist since time immemorial, quelling the last of the wolf lords in a Silver Eclipse long ago. The living are little more than cattle to feed their hunger and toys to satisfy their dark whims.

The only threat to their power is the smoking citadel of Bhaarel, whose smoke-spewing basalt spire rose from the glacial expanse fifty years ago. Just as the rivers of hot fiendish blood that pour through the Black City's stony veins defy the hoarfrost and howling wind, so too does this hell-spat stronghold defy the vampires of the Ebon Shroud.

Long have the civilized races south of the Brittlebone Mountains avoided the scrutiny of both these dread powers, and most who dwell in Tarkshorn Vale know nothing of the ominous powers roiling in the sun-scorned reaches to the north. But now the darkness is on the move. The Ebon Shroud rolls southward swallowing everything in its path, as implacable as the deathless masters who ride with it.

The Ebon Shroud is a 130+ page mega-adventure for 12th to 20th level characters, brought to you by the twisted fever dreams of Richard Pett and Nicolas Logue. Using an exciting and entirely non-linear plot web format The Ebon Shroud allows you and your players to venture into a realm of darkness and adventure in any way you see fit. You are humanity's last hope for survival. How will you face the darkness?

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Brandon Hodge wrote:

'where the hell is the British backwater this is guy from anyway?'

'tis a bleak and desolate place, full of wild rams and their suitors. It is in fact hard to believe you don't have to travel far at all to reach civilisation.

Lantern Lodge

mach1.9pants wrote:

To the OP: you should really check out Razor Coast given a 5/5 by EZG and hours of flexible sandboxy yet full of story fun to be had.

EZG's final words ring true to me!

Razor Coast is indeed on my radar, as is Skulls and Shackles. Though considering it took us 2 years to get through Runelords, 1.5 years for Crimson throne, and my current arc of adventures should span at least another year, we probably won't get to some piratical misadventures until 2016/2017 or so.

Fragged Empire also looks intriguing. My group runs occasional sci-fi adventures in the Star Wars universe using the old West End Games D6 system. We've been mulling about trying a different system, just for a change of flavor, so i'll have to pitch Fragged Empire at our next session and see if I can get the other players on board.

Sigh... I really need to become independently wealthy so I can find more time to game :) . Between family and work, there's not enough hours left in the week.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

Ebon Shroud !!!

Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!

I want Ebon Shroud !!!

Please !!!

Heh. Maybe someday! :-)

Cool, I paid for this back on 05/23/2008...along with Cold Black and the Known Universe Gazetteer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Brandon Hodge wrote:

'where the hell is the British backwater this is guy from anyway?'

'tis a bleak and desolate place, full of wild rams and their suitors. It is in fact hard to believe you don't have to travel far at all to reach civilisation.

Bugger. Forgot to put on the right costume.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been to Nottingham last week and tell you what lads, you're doing a bloody awful job at making tourists happy! ;-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm a huge fan of Logue's module Hangman's Noose. I GM'd it for my husband. We sat at the kitchen table after our son was asleep at night, with all the other lights in the house off. It was creepy cool as all get out! :)

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So how did Logue get a chapter in Iron Gods and not Pett, was James afraid of what he would do with the Gadgets in Tech guide

Pett: Nuclear resonators for everyone! mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!"
J. Jacobs: um, you do realize this is for 1st level don't you?"
Pett: Too late the resonators have been handed out!

of course that doesn't include the doomsday device carried by one of 20 ghoulish scarecrows

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
DitheringFool wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

Ebon Shroud !!!

Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!
Ebon Shroud !!!

I want Ebon Shroud !!!

Please !!!

Heh. Maybe someday! :-)

Cool, I paid for this back on 05/23/2008...along with Cold Black and the Known Universe Gazetteer

Me too...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

how could I forget the Lamia Matriarch with a Rail Gun!


Lady Firedove wrote:
I'm a huge fan of Logue's module Hangman's Noose. I GM'd it for my husband. We sat at the kitchen table after our son was asleep at night, with all the other lights in the house off. It was creepy cool as all get out! :)

Awesome, Lady Firedove! I loved Hangman as well. Though I know its unconventional (survival horror and Pathfinder are a weird mix for some), I had a delightful time writing it, and running it for my playtest group.

Glad you and your husband enjoyed it! :-)

Paizo Employee Developer

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C'mon, people!!! Don't encourage this (these) maniac(s)!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


how could I forget the Lamia Matriarch with a Rail Gun!

A natural fit, providing she has some ghoul soldier support, huzzah!


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Adam Daigle wrote:
C'mon, people!!! Don't encourage this (these) maniac(s)!

I don't know how many times I have to say this, Nick and I are two people, not one maniac living in a Scottish cellar.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Oh, don't take Rich's posting here to heart.

He typed that post while I was at work yesterday. He typed it in my house - on my laptop - squatted over my stove, where he made quite a mess resulting in my stovetop being too unsanitary for use for weeks. Then he dumped my laptop in the washing machine and set it for super cycle.

All of Pett's gifts are poisoned!

Cupcake, cupcake?

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Lady Firedove wrote:
I'm a huge fan of Logue's module Hangman's Noose. I GM'd it for my husband. We sat at the kitchen table after our son was asleep at night, with all the other lights in the house off. It was creepy cool as all get out! :)
Awesome, Lady Firedove! I loved Hangman as well. Though I know its unconventional (survival horror and Pathfinder are a weird mix for some), I had a delightful time writing it, and running it for my playtest group.

Back in 2011, I used Hangman's Noose to introduce tabletop RPGing to the small eastern European country of Moldova. (Really.)

It remains my favorite low-level adventure. It's Ten Little Indians in a haunted house! What's not to like?

Doug M,

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