Pirate hunter build


What would you make to use as a Pirate hunter?

Meaning: a character that chases and executes Pirates in the name of Besmara (pirates who've broken 'the pirate code')....with extreme prejudice :)

You know....the monster all pirates tell their children is comming for them....if they are not nice pirates.

What would that be?

Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor fits like a glove.

Unless of course you'd want to be actually impossibly good at finding and killing them, in which case diviner wizard.

Hmn....missing out on the judgements doesn't make it less effective?

Studied target more than makes up for it.


First priority: Make it awesomesweet flavor rp wise..

When found: Make it an effective Pirate Hunter :)

Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor: What kind of build do you suggest?

It can pretty much do anything. It gets a lot of bonuses for knowledge, intimidate and sense motive checks, and Studied target gives even more bonuses for some skill rolls. And you know, 6skp/level. So it should have no problem finding them, and being a scray mofo. Cornogun smash builds with hurtful are often employed.

Sanctified Slayer's spell DCs are also higher than average, so if you want to bring divine punishment, you can do that too.

And because of inquisitions, you could even give him rage like a barbarian, if you haven't got anything else in mind.

Sounds thematicly and sweet!

Hmn...would a Rapier/Pistol wielder combination work? (like the Picaroon archetype of the swashbuckler?)

That one's a bit hard, because you really want DEX to damage with both weapons, but you don't actually get it without investing at least 3 levels in other classes (3 levels of trench fighter), but if you actually want the fighting style to work, you are looking at more around 5-6 (Savage Technologist 5+optional inspired blade dip), at which point you may as well not even take inquisitor levels...

If you are okay with the gun only being a backup weapon, or a weapon against wizard-y types, you can take the black powder inquisition, and possibly take 1 level of inspired swashbuckler to get weapon finesse+weapon focus in the rapier, opening up DEX to damage with it, and giving you some panache for stuff.

Awesome, thanks for that :)

It's also possible to use a Dual Talent Human to make a strength-based pure inquisitor with 17dex for TWF and ITWF, using a cestus as an offhand weapon (perhaps one studded with shark teeth?). It has the advantage of having a light weapon always ready in the offhand, but also leaving the offhand free to grab a rope or draw a pistol or whatever.

The wording around using a Sanctified Slayer Talent to grab a Slayer Talent to grab a Ranger style feat is kind of muddy, but if a GM will allow you to use a Sanctified Slayer talent to grab ITWF at 8, then it's even more streamlined. If not, you can still use it to pick up any number of handy feats.

I've got to agree with the Sanctified Slayer of Besmara build. It's just perfect for the combination of mechanics and fluff to make it fit.

Though, it strikes me; would Besmara demand upholding any kind of code, even a pirate code, when she's a chaotic deity of lawless brigands. I feel she might be more likely to say: "Stow that barrel o'crap and rats, and man the main sail. I've got a date with Mephistopheles in Hell, an' I aim to make off with the silverware by eve's end."

Perhaps it's a code of laws about being chaotic? Alignment convolution strikes again!

Sanctified Slayer of Besmara it is. Now the question is: What would you build the character upon? Rapiers? Pistol? Combination? Spells?...what would thematicly fit -and- acually work? What domain / inquisition to pick?
It's PFS, so I sadly can't take black powder inquisition.

War domain with the community minded trait is quite a nice battle buff for yourself.

Valiant wrote:

Sanctified Slayer of Besmara it is. Now the question is: What would you build the character upon? Rapiers? Pistol? Combination? Spells?...what would thematicly fit -and- acually work? What domain / inquisition to pick?

It's PFS, so I sadly can't take black powder inquisition.

Well as I mentioned before, a rapier and cestus Inquisitor is a rather thematic option for Besmara; slashing and thrusting with a sword in one hand and punching with a spiked glove in the other, one hand always free if needed. An Inquisitor/Sanctified Slayer can actually be rather effective with two weapons, since Judgement/Studied Target, Divine Favor and Bane add on damage to attacks regardless of what kind of attack it is. You do have to be somewhat focused to do it though; something like -

Dual Talent Human, 15/17+, 14/16+, 14, 10, 14, 8
Fate's Favored trait

As far as Inquisitions/Domains go Anger is always good, but there are plenty of other interesting options. Chaos: Protean is one of the best subdomains out there, with Touch of Chaos and Aura of Chaos inflicting a whole circus of hilariously mean debuffing.

1. Two Weapon Fighting
3. Double Slice/??? (optional, can also grab it with Slayer Talent or not at all)
5. Double Bane
7. ???
8 *Slayer Talent: Ranger Style Feat: ???
9. Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Since it's PFS, you probably want to avoid the issue of whether you can grab Improved Two Weapon Fighting with your first Slayer Talent. On the up-side, this means you have a huge pool of possible things to pick up with it, from straightforward options like Double Slice or Firearms Training to something exotic like gaining low-light vision with Aspect of the Beast. Double Slice is a useful improvement to your offhand, but it's not nearly as important as it usually is for TWF since you're rolling out a ton of other damage already, so if you really want something else...

With Studied Target, Divine Favor, Fate's Favored and Double Bane all rolling you can drop a whole string of brutal, accurate attacks between a rapier and a spiked fist. There's little I can think of that says 'extreme prejudice' better than finishing someone off with a spiked Bane fist to the face.

Absolutely don't go dual talent human for TWF, you can pull off STR TWF because of the ranger bonus feats from slayer talents if you want later. You also don't want to TWF with different weapons, it's basically the worst way to TWF.

You need to decide if for in combat you are going for DEX or STR, TWF or two handed weapon, or possibly ranged. Inquisitors are quite good at all of those. You could also try to focus on your teamwork/solo tactics for some off the wall build.

For a dex build, Inspired swashbuckler dip for fencing grace on your rapier works pretty well. You could even dual wield rapiers though its kindof a silly idea.

LoneKnave wrote:
Absolutely don't go dual talent human for TWF, you can pull off STR TWF because of the ranger bonus feats from slayer talents if you want later. You also don't want to TWF with different weapons, it's basically the worst way to TWF.

Relying on Slayer talents for TWF means that you don't get to pick up TWF until level 8; for PFS a GM may decide that you don't get Extra Slayer Talent as an Inquisitor, thus barring you from ITWF. It's much simpler and easier to just take a stronger dexterity, which is highly useful anyways. In exchange for the bonus feat lost taking Dual Talent, you're getting +1 to AC, reflex save, initiative, and any dexterity-based skill, besides naturally qualifying for TWF.

As far as using two different weapons for TWF, there's no reason not to do it unless you're stacking up fighter feats that only apply to one weapon.

In the case of an Inquisitor of Besmara playing a Shackles character, there's a very good reason to do it however: you can take advantage of Besmara's rapier favored weapon for all standard and mainhand attacks, while using a 19-20x2 weapon in the offhand that never needs to be drawn and leaves your offhand free. For anything from drawing a pistol to shifting your rapier into your other hand to cast a spell, the cestus is extremely useful mechanically.

LoneKnave wrote:
War domain with the community minded trait is quite a nice battle buff for yourself.

I'll do you one better: Besmara gets the Tactics subdomain. The Wizard going before the enemy is important and he will certainly appreciate the assist.

The two weapon fighting road with rapier and cestus does sound very thematic! Especially with the sneak attack dice later on it will work. Thanks so much. I'll go that road, BadBird. :)

When it comes to domains/inquisitions: I like the War domain buff with community minded trait for sheer melee power....and I do need to 'win' from those darn pirates who need some sorting out :)

The Chaos: Protean one sounds very fun at lvl 8 and could really screw up the 'pirates luck' and defeat them that way.

I'd say focus on the rapier for a dex build with Fencing Grace. Besmara actually doesn't really refer to guns in any sense; that's just because we all have our real world perceptions of pirates. As a goddess, her favored weapon is the rapier, which you gain prof in as an inquisitor.

If you still want a gun, grab Exotic weapon proficiency: Firearms if you'd like, but know that getting ammo and stuff is expensive w/o Gunsmithing in PFS. It's also possible loot won't conform to your firearm.

Then again, I assume this is for a Skull and Shackles run somehow.

I also forgot to mention that the Amateur Swashbuckler feat is really great for a rapier user to grab Opportune Parry and Riposte, though you can't use the riposte part of it unless you take the Extra Panache feat. Still, for those two feats you get a really excellent defensive trick that turns into a bonus rapier attack when it works. Panache is easy to recharge when both your rapier and your cestus will feed you panache points.

Valiant wrote:
The Chaos: Protean one sounds very fun at lvl 8 and could really screw up the 'pirates luck' and defeat them that way.

Don't underestimate Touch of Chaos either. In a situation where you would only be able to move up and make a single attack against a strong enemy that will survive it, touching them with a Touch of Chaos instead will mean that every attack they make against you or your party for the next round is badly crippled, and any saving throw they try to make against the rest of your party is also really gimped.


Issac Daneil wrote:

Though, it strikes me; would Besmara demand upholding any kind of code, even a pirate code, when she's a chaotic deity of lawless brigands. I feel she might be more likely to say: "Stow that barrel o'crap and rats, and man the main sail. I've got a date with Mephistopheles in Hell, an' I aim to make off with the silverware by eve's end."

How do you blaspheme against Besmara, who demands her faithful to be lawless, theiving, and disorganized?

By "repenting", giving up the life of piracy, and going back to the mainland to live an honest life?

Or perhaps by trying to enforce an arbitrary "pirate's code", thereby ruining that which gives the life of a pirate meaning?

Maybe by taking Besmara's name in vain and taking her blessings for granted just because you're on a boat and happen to have a bounty on your head?

I think Besmara would expect her followers to come up with their own code of ethics, actually. Something personal, what it means to YOU to be a pirate rather than a broad stroke to be applied to everyone. So, you might have a pirate who's creed involves not killing civilians (law enforcers and others who violently contest your right to your stolen goods being fair game, of course). If the pirate goes on a murder spree then Besmara would revoke that pirate's clerical abilities; a pirate who believes the lives of all are at the mercy of her blade, on the other hand, would have no such standards and Besmara would be okay with that.

Of course, I am pulling all of this out of my ass at 1 AM so take that as you will.

I built a Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor of Besmara for Skulls and Shackles... he's pretty fun.
I'm using a cutlass (GM ruled I gained proficiency in it as though it were Besmara's favored weapon, because it makes a ton of sense), focusing mostly on Power Attacks and Knowledge checks, and it works pretty well.
I went with the Tactics Subdomain, granting high initiative to my teammates... but the Rivers subdomain is also interesting for the swim/land speed boost.

Another option for deity is Hanspur, who grants the awesome Travel Domain and gives you another great angle -- you are a river pirate making it on the open seas, teaching all these Besmara lovers what a trident to the face can do!

Another really good build (which might be a bit better than the Sanctified Slayer) is going with the Nature's Fang Druid... the better spell selection (which includes Monkey Fish for climbing and swimming easily) and some good Domains makes it a very attractive option... plus you can always Summon Nature's Ally to call for some dolphins to help you chase an enemy.

I would go with a Half orc and a faæchemisy and be more of a orientalish pirate. TWF is no good for a spell caster and the dex to damage stuff kicks in to late on a TWF inquisitor to be fun. But sacred tattoos, divine Favor, Fates favored, power attack and a Big slashy weapon start at level 1.
Edit: techincally power attack wont start before level 3 i know but it Will be worth the wait.

I'd just like to say:

I have no idea how to build it...

But the bastard better wield three swords at once.

That is all.

Hmn, nice suggestions. The Sacred Slayer will become a melee twf 'beast', especially when Bane kicks in and with the War domain.

It'll become more versatile with the chaos domain.

The nature's Fang druid build is nice too: it's more versatility. RP wise I'm trying to get my head around the 'Pirate Hunter' idea: how would that fit?

The Half Orc idea is fun too: Higher saves for lower AC trade off and single weapon fighting style.
I am favored to the TWF build, since it would be viable with the Double Bane option and the Sneak Attack later on.

3 swords wielding? Dunno why, but if you are looking for such a sort of build, check out the Juggler archetype of the Rogue...I'm not going for that though :)

Cap. Darling wrote:
TWF is no good for a spell caster and the dex to damage stuff kicks in to late on a TWF inquisitor to be fun.

Blasphemy! When you can drop +3/+3 +2/+2 ++2enhancement+2d6 onto two weapons by level 6, it's just begging to be doubled-up on...

Oh, there's also the possibility of using the Conductive property on a weapon to throw Chaos Touch onto people with an attack. It requires a +1 enhancement and burns through the ability at double-time, but it might be worth it down the line. Maybe on your offhand weapon or something.

BadBird wrote:
Cap. Darling wrote:
TWF is no good for a spell caster and the dex to damage stuff kicks in to late on a TWF inquisitor to be fun.

Blasphemy! When you can drop +3/+3 +2/+2 ++2enhancement+2d6 onto two weapons by level 6, it's just begging to be doubled-up on...

Oh, there's also the possibility of using the Conductive property on a weapon to throw Chaos Touch onto people with an attack. It requires a +1 enhancement and burns through the ability at double-time, but it might be worth it down the line. Maybe on your offhand weapon or something.

But how do you manage that in a actual built? Bane is one weapon at a time with out a feat, TWF is a feat and will cost you -2 to hit, Move and attack and AoOs are less amazing with TWF and Spell casting will force you to take Quick draw unless you dont plan to use magic in battle. at the same time you either wait til level 8 or need dex 15 to make it work. That leaves you with some form of dex to damage or just lowish damage with both weapons. And dex to damage is also feat intensive.

I am curious as to how you make the TWF built function in actual play.
The Falchion guy would in a gense situation like in a dungeon have his weapon out and ready spend first round to cast divine favor as a standart action and activate favored enemy as a move, and pehaps from level 3 use intercept charge to be in position for next round, but that last part is pehaps even better for the TWF dude.

the build is with a Rapier and a Cestus, so casting with a hand free is no problem.

Valiant wrote:
the build is with a Rapier and a Cestus, so casting with a hand free is no problem.

That is as good a solution as any for that. But you are still gonna buen your candle of Bane in both ends. But if you Can get good use out of intercept charge it May pan out. Please tell how it goes.

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