James Gibbons |

What spells does everyone find best cast every day that lasts all day?
Spells like mage armor and false life, especially higher level ones that people find worth the slot.
I'm not just looking for wizard, but that's my go to full caster. I really like stuff like three fold aspect too, 24 hour durration.

Decimus Drake |

Has endure elements ever been useful to you?
It has actually. In the latest instance the GM would give penalties for resting in the cold (not necessarily extreme levels of cold) without adequate warmth. It's also good if you find yourself in a sudden blizzard plus you can dress for 'fashion' and not practicality (see the iconic sorcerer Seoni). If I can afford it I'd preferably use a metamagic extend rod so I only have to cast it every two days.

Kayerloth |
Let's see for my Loremaster I'd usually have the following (a 3.5 character), sticking to the PHB (outside of Elminster's Evasion) and going off 8+ yr old memories. There's a number of other spells around that either aren't arcane or didn't exist when he was an active character.
Permanency - Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Darkvision
Telepathic Bond (permanent with one other individual) also via Permanency
Greater Magic Weapon (available) - in case a weird special material or weapon was ever needed to bypass some equally weird DR etc.
Detect Scrying - probably the first one on this list to get 24-7 usage.
Mages Private Sanctum (available) +/- Secure Shelter
(or Mages Magnificent Mansion) - rapid total protection from scrying and other magical spying for however many folks can fit within the Shelter.
Prying Eyes (or Greater Prying Eyes)
Overland Flight
Contingency (typically linked to Teleport/command word to a 'safe' location upon being triggered), later Elminster's Evasion
Mind Blank
Moment of Prescience, usually a second one available to be recast if used.
Depending on circumstances:
(Extended) Protection from "Energy" (of whatever I expected to go up against)
(Extended) Stoneskin
False Vision and/or Screen
Instant Summons
Dimensional Lock
(Extended) Foresight
(Extended) Prismatic Sphere
He also typically had a Limited Wish memorized plus access to one or more Limited Wishes on scrolls for quick access to just about any spell of the proper levels (for use with Limited Wish) that he had ever seen or heard of and he suddenly found it required.

strayshift |
Extended darkvision plus many others already mentioned. I do have a Visionary wild- blooded Sorcerer (one hour rest time) who uses available spell slots to cast extended buffs on party members at the END of the day before rest, thus transferring over some buffs into the new day. Normally the entire party has mage armour (brilliant for the Monk) and darkvision. Overland Flight one day too...

Oliver McShade |

Druid point of view:
Create Water = To many uses to list.
Mending = always useful
Purify Food and Drink = Hellooooo Roadkill :D
Goodberry for healing
Longstride for movement
Endure elements = Air conditioning and heater in one :)
Animal messenger = post office.
Delay poison = great duration.
Fire Trap = traps
Soften Earth and stone = Farmer love you, clear field of rocks for plowing.
Wood shape = building a house.
Diminish Plants = Gardeners dream, when used to prune.
Plant Growth = Gardeners dream, when use to improve crops.
Stone Shape = building a house.
Control Water = irrigation.
Rusting Grasp = by by lock, doorknob, non-magical armor/shield.