Reasons why we can't have nice things...

Forum Games

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182. Power surges mid-post


183. Bacon covered succubi

Scarab Sages

184. The dog.

185. the cat

186. Cheap copycats.

187. This hockey bag full of human torsos.

188. Clowns.

189. The long, dark night of the soul.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

190. The Big Bad being competent and not revealing his master plan.

Scarab Sages

191. alien abductions

192. aliens returning the abtuctees

193. Returned abductees being mere pod clones bent on world domination.

Liberty's Edge

194. Bonsai trees.

195.Dming an optimized group for the first time.

196. Cults


198. The big bad using his super weapon the moment it's ready, instead of waiting for the heroes to show up.

199. 200 is approaching.

Silver Crusade

200. The 300

201. THIS!!! IS!!! FORUM!!! GAMES!!!

202. Overly dramatic speeches.

203. political correctness

204. Not Being Politically Correct While in 'Merica....


205. Being politically correct in 'Merica.


207. 206 being so outright evil that must never be spoken of.

Ulfen Death Squad wrote:
207. 206 being so outright evil that must never be spoken of.

208. People with Death in their names

Scarab Sages

209. Wal-Mart undermining the Fordist business model that made America great.

210. The Ozone Layer

211. Bros who are not of the Mario variety

Scarab Sages


213. Progressive Tax Code (US)

214. The slow death of the Unions.

Sovereign Court

215. Vile individuals... Like ME! Hahaha!

216. People with to many aliases.

217. Figments of my imagination getting ahead of themselves! -stuffs Amasu back into his box-

218. Giving figments of your imagination magical powers! -teleports out of the box and runs away- Woopwoopwoopwoopwoop!

Sovereign Court

219. Starting a civil war in Maelstrom.

220. Sillyness getting the better of common sense.

221. Common sense getting the better of silliness!

222. Oprah.

223. Another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

I disapprove of that statement, ser krevon. :) It depends if Depp is in it and if the director is any good.

224. American remakes of asian horror movies

225. Nonexistent stuff like Alien 3.

Dark Archive

226. Or movies that I refuse to accept they existed like Highlander 2.

227. Jackee' and Marla Gibbs.

228. Ice storms that keep from going to work.

Gruumash . wrote:
226. Or movies that I refuse to accept they existed like Highlander 2.

And The Phantom Menace!


229. People like Nicki Minaj

230. People who like Nicki Minaj.

231. Bieber fans blocking the road.

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