Core Campaign Challenge!

Pathfinder Society

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Sovereign Court

Halfling Monk. Oh vey.

May as well write the character as dead to get it over with :)

Lantern Lodge 4/5

CalamarRojo wrote:

Core campaign challenge

Elf Wizard. My first elf in PF. I'm in!

Grand Lodge

1/2 Orc bard. I'll give it a try.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

Perhaps the half-orc Bard is a Rapper?

Scarab Sages

thaX wrote:
Perhaps the half-orc Bard is a Rapper?

Name him Parappa and multiclass in monk?

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Gnome Druid HAHA ... No

Dataphiles 3/5

Half-Elf Sorcerer

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Dwarf Sorcerer (kinna scared of this one)

Liberty's Edge

Halfling Cleric.

And my brother is a Gnome Paladin.

No love for the shorties.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Dwarf Bard. Could be fun. Was plotting a Bard/Dragon Disciple recently, will try to make a dwarf work.

My friends and I all got Gnome as our race. Looks like someone really wants an all-gnome campaign :P

The Exchange 5/5

what the heck....???!
was showing this to my wife, we discovered that you get different character types on different machines.
With an iPad she get's a Halfling Cleric, with her Mac she get's Elf Paladin....


I get a different one for my date also...

edit: Both machines using Safari, and it looks like they are just a day off. The Mac gives her the Halfling Cleric for the day before her birthday, and the iPad give her a Halfling Cleric on her birthday. sorry, couldn't help tinkering with it... I'm a professional software tester.....

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Half-Elf Druid.

No sir, I don't like it.


Half-orc ranger, why not?

Sczarni 1/5

nosig wrote:

what the heck....???!

was showing this to my wife, we discovered that you get different character types on different machines.
With an iPad she get's a Halfling Cleric, with her Mac she get's Elf Paladin....


I get a different one for my date also...

edit: Both machines using Safari, and it looks like they are just a day off. The Mac gives her the Halfling Cleric for the day before her birthday, and the iPad give her a Halfling Cleric on her birthday. sorry, couldn't help tinkering with it... I'm a professional software tester.....

Thats weird.... you can check the code if you want, is pure javascript

The Exchange 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CalamarRojo wrote:
nosig wrote:

what the heck....???!

was showing this to my wife, we discovered that you get different character types on different machines.
With an iPad she get's a Halfling Cleric, with her Mac she get's Elf Paladin....


I get a different one for my date also...

edit: Both machines using Safari, and it looks like they are just a day off. The Mac gives her the Halfling Cleric for the day before her birthday, and the iPad give her a Halfling Cleric on her birthday. sorry, couldn't help tinkering with it... I'm a professional software tester.....

Thats weird.... you can check the code if you want, is pure javascript

thanks! but as a developer I'm not much with Java code (know several programing languages, just no Java).

Hay! you know what would be kool? if it there was a "challange" that gave you two traits.... kind of like background. You know, getting "Bully" and "Child of the Temple", and figuring out a PC that would grow from that background.

Sczarni 1/5

nosig wrote:
CalamarRojo wrote:
nosig wrote:

what the heck....???!

was showing this to my wife, we discovered that you get different character types on different machines.
With an iPad she get's a Halfling Cleric, with her Mac she get's Elf Paladin....


I get a different one for my date also...

edit: Both machines using Safari, and it looks like they are just a day off. The Mac gives her the Halfling Cleric for the day before her birthday, and the iPad give her a Halfling Cleric on her birthday. sorry, couldn't help tinkering with it... I'm a professional software tester.....

Thats weird.... you can check the code if you want, is pure javascript

thanks! but as a developer I'm not much with Java code (know several programing languages, just no Java).

Hay! you know what would be kool? if it there was a "challange" that gave you two traits.... kind of like background. You know, getting "Bully" and "Child of the Temple", and figuring out a PC that would grow from that background.

Sounds cool :). Any ideas how to give those traits with the birthdate?


Half Orc Barbarian! Wootsauce

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Dwarf cleric.

Shadow Lodge 1/5 *

Dwarf Druid. Yaaaaaay. Take that indecision!

The Exchange 5/5

Saving Cap'n Crunch wrote:
Dwarf Druid. Yaaaaaay. Take that indecision!

already built one.... before i tried the Challange ...

4/5 *

Howman wrote:
Gnome Wizard...challenge accepted!

Sadly, my gnome wizard perished this weekend as he watched his companions run away from the BBEG. He bravely stood and was bitten in half. :-(

Looks like I'll need to check my possible entry from an iOS machine :)

Sovereign Court 5/5

Made Halfling Paladin, but i decided to make my life harder and make a Halfling Paladin/wizard going toward Eldritch Knight

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

torrquan wrote:
Made Halfling Paladin, but i decided to make my life harder and make a Halfling Paladin/wizard going toward Eldritch Knight

Nice twist!

Silver Crusade 3/5 *

So, here I am, playing into the first part of my Half Orc Cleric....

Going 2 Barbarian / 10 Cleric of Good/Travel domains!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rocking my halfling cleric in a CRB-only home campaign. Not even using traits.

We'll see if I end up going mystic theurge.

Dark Archive 4/5

Half Orc monk druid

Silver Crusade 2/5

I wanted to try this, but perhaps the page is broken? Error message received:

We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.

Anyone else have the same problem?

Game on!
- Corey

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

I have the same issue, gamerdork.

Sczarni 1/5

Hi, im sorry because i have been away from the forum.

I had a problem with the server and the original got lost. :(. I uploaded a new one for those who want to try a challenge (the class election change because i lost the original formula). If anybody want to use it or mod it, feel free.

I will update it with images or whatever you would like.

Edit: Ah! its in the same url (

Sczarni 1/5

Dwarf ranger ... not bad

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

Gnome ranger!!!!

I so have to make that character!


Elf Fighter this time around. So then my second character is chosen. I'll wait until I get my little Fondacaro into 6th and moving into Shadowdancer. I might try for an Eldritch Knight build to have a slight change on it.

Grand Lodge 4/5


And an Elf Ranger for me, this time around.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I did this for my family here the results:
Dad: Dwarf Wizard
Mom: Half orc monk
Sister: half orc Paladin
Me: halfling Barbarian
1st lil bro: elf rogue
2nd lil bro: elf fighter

Hmm interesting party

Grand Lodge 4/5

kinevon wrote:


And an Elf Ranger for me, this time around.

Gah. I hope I got it fixed, this time.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Gnome Monk... eyyyuck

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

Mine is a little iconic
Gnome Druid

Grand Lodge

Half-Orc Bard


Gnome paladin, could be interesting. A bit tough, but I'll stat something up when I have some spare time.

Liberty's Edge

Dwarven Sorceror



Gnome barbarian.

This fits in with what I was going to do anyway, which is "GnomeCore" or my challenge to play all one race in Core.

Just not the barbarian part. That's the challenge for me...building a non-caster. May not happen. Probably more likely to make a Paladin/Fighter/Sorcerer/Arcane Archer before a barbarian. :p

I also have a second wizard (enchantment instead of illusion this time) and cleric (Cayden Cailean) planned out as well, all gnomes. We shall see...

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Dwarf Druid. Mechanically fine but not really my thing. Still will try and think about making it interesting (Only Dwarven Character I ever made was a Sorcerer).

Changed my birth year to actual birth year rather than 2015. Tried again got half elf Paladin. I like Half elves, they are my favorite flavored race. Paladin I've played. Hmmm.

Sovereign Court

Halfling rogue, stealth skill specialist. Tobacco salesman dayjob.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Elf Wizard...


I call sidhenanigans!


Me: Half-elf Bard
Spouse: Halfling Bard

I'm Short, she's Tall, together we're Short & Tall, the Drumming Duo!

Actually already made a Core Human Bard, so... probably not, but otherwise totally would have!

Liberty's Edge

Elven Fighter. That...actually sounds like an idea I had for CC. Sweet.

i play as a half-orc bard haha

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