Jolis Raffles

Rambone's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 65 posts (194 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge 1/5

For goal purposes, I don't remember the timeline, how long ago was the site abandoned? I suppose it's a stretch to say we 'Recovered an intact sage jewel' since we started with them all. 'Too bad' it was someone else who was malevolized, another goal I need to check off. Everyone we met was already Scarab Sage, to no one to recruit.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Seeing that it is not chained vs. unchained LW there probably will be no grandfathering. There is only one Lore Warden and history is they always use the latest printed version. I have a feeling some didn't like that it outshined the Brawler as the master of maneuvers. I have some demi-humans with one level of LW, just to get a combat feat I wanted at 3rd level instead of 5th. Didn't need the armor so might as well get the extra skill points. Seems convoluted why they didn't just make Combat Expertise be the 2nd bonus feat.

Liberty's Edge

We skipped most of part 2, so we could start the next morning on part 3. We skipped the first few encounters in part 3 as well so we could finish on time without missing the final battles at the end. We were given the 'story mode' version of what we discovered and who we fought without actually playing it out. We were also very tired and worn down at that point as there were four deaths in part 1. The guy who said none of his PCs ever died in all his years of PFS was killed twice. We were literally one bullet away from being party wiped. Part 3 seemed more manageable (I think almost everyone going up a level helped a lot!)

Liberty's Edge

Played this at a local convention for PFS. We skipped a lot of battles to get 1 & 2 done in one day (3 slots). We also skipped a few to get part 3 done in 2 slots. And that was with skipping meals (eating while playing instead). I could see this going 8 slots if you didn't want to skip anything.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know if it is allowed but would be interesting to be able to swap pre-gens during the quest series, to try as many of the classes out as possible before making an official first character.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Sweet, I hope to pick up a few more this weekend at Monster Promenade (DeKalb, IL)! Maybe enough to get me a nice shiny Starfinder book!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Can you use your $10 Pazio gift certificates at the GenCon Paizo store?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I consider it 'fudging' if you do that but I think I am in the minority. And role playing wise my PC would not leave 3000 gp with someone else or in a 'medieval bank'. You never know when you will need the money, and if you need it to be raised is the group really going to know to trudge back to Absolom or wherever you left it? Then again a lot of people just hand wave encumbrance entirely.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Interesting, from what I read I am concluding that the GM generally trusts his players but more than a few players don't trust the GM.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Looking for some clarification on snake companions. Can they wear anything at all without Extra Item Slot? It seems the FAQ calls out no barding, no neck, no nothin'. If so it seems quite unfair to those who wish to have a serpentine companion. Am I missing something?

Snakes haven't been able to wear Barding or Neck slot items for several years now. Nothing about this update changes that.

Sometimes an option isn't mechanically equal to all other options.

According to Disney's Robin Hood a snake can wear at least a hat and cloak... :) y+robin+hood+snake&qpvt=disney+robin+hood+snake&qpvt=disney+robin+h ood+snake&FORM=IQFRML

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Rumor was there were 4 bards in that party along with the alchemist...

Fromper wrote:

Just ran this for the 3rd time tonight, and got my 2nd PC kill.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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It is too bad it was not phrased so eloquently in the initial rejection email or all this could have been avoided in the first place. However thank you for the clarification.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Since the rule change the only 'experience' I can report is to avoid pre-gen modules, unless there is absolutely nothing else to play (including the 'other' game). So far I have been successful in that endeavor.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
I completely disagree. If you were playing a pregen, and you had the ability to shift the credit to a non-existent character number there was zero risk involved for you. The only way you could suffer any loss was if you chose to accept the consequences and not shift the credit.

You've just spent 5 hours of your life and have nothing to show for it, you lost the opportunity to gain gp and pp. So you definitely lose something! If you don't die, you have 3000 gp for your pc. Now instead you have none. How is that not a loss?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think it is a much better idea for a GM to 'check' the previous Chronicle at the start of an event to make sure it is up to date.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The biggest problem I see with pregens is with Bonekeep, players have taken pregens because they are scared to lose their actual characters. If that is a problem driving this can't they just update rules so pregens are not allowed in Bonekeep-type modules?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Sometimes a player needs to be convinced to play a pregen to help a table go off. Now this will become badgering and be a little less compelling to the needed person, and as a results fewer games will be played. BAD IDEA!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I believe some people would buy older mods again if they opened up for replay for everyone due to Core. I enjoy being able to replay some of these older mods with my son who is new to the game, it wouldn't be able to happen without Core.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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I've seen many cases where the DM has allowed a PC to try to tackle another PC before he does something that may be a bad idea.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Not sure how you can do that, can't really assume full gold and prestige points on them, how can you really know what they were? I guess prestige is tracked, but not the gold and day jobs. I think it would be tough to even know the exact tier for 100% of them especially if they were old (before mid-tier rules came out).

Liberty's Edge

Have patience, it is digital so can't really run out of stock. I will check again in a few days, we have until March 9th. Lets me think what I want to donate and if I want my kid to have his own also.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

In real life my large dog has climbed a small ladder - and then went down the slide. You put food at the top of the ladder she will get there.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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My first games were with murderhobos who didn't have any problem killing unconscious, surrendering, or helpless NPCs. I thought 'this is pretty stupid, not very heroic, and actually kind of offensive' and didn't play PFS for about six months until I went to a con which didn't have 'the other game' and I was pretty much forced to. Luckily the other groups I played with weren't nearly so bad and I moved over to PFS most of the time.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I would think someone would have to at least cast 'Speak with Dead' before robbing the character of his stuff and selling it. Or a will drawn up before the adventure stating 'If I am killed along with someone else just sell my stuff to help pay for the other guy's raise dead'.

'Jim and Joe are dead, you know Joe kinda look like he lost the sparkle from this eyes, he never said anything while alive, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we took his treasured gear to raise Jim. His parents/wife/kids really don't need that inheritance/are all dead.'

Liberty's Edge

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Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
One place I don't feel like Ryan succeeded was in managing expectations. He was clearly in love with the idea of the game, and too eager, often creating inflated expectations, when the reverse would have served them better.

Ha, the last time I heard the name Ryan Dancey he had big plans for Living City, when his company Organized Play bought the license from Wizards, but ultimately he ruined it as his plans were much bigger than could possibly be enacted.

Note to Paizo - those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Our Silver Crusade member was not happy as it seemed he wasn't given a fair chance to complete his faction mission.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Gnome Monk... eyyyuck

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Skaven - aka Rat Folk - and Cat Folk for my kid who loves cats.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Only played Core once:

Human Paladin
Halfing? Bard
Elf Cleric
Human Fighter
and two pregens (Harsk & Valeros)

We negotiated our way out of the final battle, so no deaths. However a crit by a flying handaxe almost permanently took out our Bard.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

From the Quick Start Guide:

The Core Assumption
Pathfinder Society Organized Play assumes that every
player has the following:
• Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
• Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play
If this is your first game, you can share these resources
with one of your fellow gamers and pick up your own
copies when you have the chance.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Those with at least 4 xp:

Dwarf Cleric/Fighter (10/1)
Gnome Sorcerer (7)
Tengu Monk (4)
Half Orc Ninja/Investigator (7/1)
Tiefling Witch (4)
Aasimar Summoner (5)
Halfling Gunslinger (2)
Human Barbarian (2)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

If it were that great an option everyone would be doing it. And since I've only seen it once I'll assume it's just not that great an option.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

If you want a multi-classed divine/arcane caster you are much better going MT than not. For example a C3/W3/MT4 is certainly better than a C5/W5. That is the niche it is supposed to play.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Good decision, especially with Core just starting up. The previous SLA ruling made little sense to me. And we do have retraining rules, or are some just looking for a 'free' retrain?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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There are some artifacts which can disrupt or threaten nature. It would be a good idea to catalogue those items and place them in safe keeping so they don't fall into the wrong hands. Sounds like a Dark Archive Druid.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'd to play Core, mostly because I've created a character for it, but haven't seen any games scheduled around the area for Core. I've seen about 15 games scheduled in my area, all non-core. It wouldn't be so bad except most were ones I have already played. There is a con coming up next month, and it's not core that is pressing 'classic' out, but 'the other game'.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

For all the talk about Druids, Summoners, and Gunslingers being OP, I rarely see any of them at my tables.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

The real abuse is when a PC dies and has the pre-gen sell all their magic items to pay for the raise dead.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Gnome Barbarian

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I like the idea of playing in a Tolkienesqe type world again - in standard PFS is it rare to find a Hobbit.. err.. Halfling. Humans were about the only commonality between the two.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Likely a Paladin, Rogue, or Wizard as I haven't played any of those in PFS yet. The Rogue would be a skill rogue and not too useful in combat, S8/D17/C10/I14/W14/Ch14 (Human) with both feats Skill Focus. But I think I will start with the Paladin.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I think the lesson to be learned here is if you play hard mode and get wiped don't expect much sympathy from the higher ups. You asked for a greater challenge and you got it.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

My 5 strength gnome sorcerer has muleback cords. Before that even carrying a dagger as a weapon was questionable. I even sold my Magic Cloak to get it. Wish I could find a Vest of Resistance ala v3.5.

One of these days I plan an audit as a GM, but only bother on those who can move 30' (or 20' for wee folk). The guys I game with are low level so probably ok at this point, but it will at least start keeping it in the back of their minds before they start making major purchases.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'm not a big fan of those 'ring-dice' either. Reminds me of a spinner from kids board games 40 years ago, eventually after enough wear would spin to the same spot much of the time.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Limited Wish is in the Core book which was before Summoner spells were published, Summoner spells are similar enough to Wizard / Sorcerer spells they would have likely been included as forbidden in the spell description had they existed at the time.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I've already seen then banned at some tables, a decision I agree with.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I have never played Pathfinder at GenCon as I can always find opportunities to play the same games locally at a later time. However are there specials that occur at GenCon that are exclusive and not repeated elsewhere?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Seems like the 5 drop outs are violating the "don't be a jerk rule".

Liberty's Edge 1/5

There was a certain Barbarian in season 4 who had forseen the end of the world... something in the frozen north to follow up with that.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

In a 3-7 mod I'm GMing where the players with PCs are all 3rd and 4th level, the pregens must be level 4, period. Anyone telling me I am forced to allow 7th level pregens, I walk.

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