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![]() It looks like PaizoCon and GenCon prep questions were "hidden" in a slack channel so I thought I'd start up this thread now that smaller cons will possibly start running the scenario. I'll start with this question...using spoiler even though in GM discussion. Tier 10-11 question: OPTIONAL CATACOMBS ENCOUNTER 2: BONES! - is there a mistake in number of Gakis? 2 CR7 Creatures will not be much of a challenge for 10-11 PCs ![]()
![]() John Compton wrote:
I’m preparing to run this in a few weeks and I noticed something...the scenario lists the Admiral as being an Advanced Pale Stranger however the stat block in the Apendix is a standard version. Should he be advanced or not? ![]()
![]() I just ran a year 1 scenario this past weekend and it was pointed out to me that a very common magic item was listed at a significantly lower price than in the CRB (half). My assumption is that this is a typo on the chronicle and the item should not be discounted. Is there any official guideline on this type of situation? I feel common sense would indicate that I'm right, however I know that often times common sense is in the mind of the beholder (not that type of beholder... :) Thanks ![]()
![]() I've been playing PFS @ GenCon since season 1 and I'd have to say that this year's mustering was the best yet. I feel the #1 reason for this is the mustering of the special. Every year the level of chaos made me feel as though it was the work of fey creatures. I think the level ticketing for the event, mustering in the Sag vs. hall, and excellent marshals were the top reasons. I thought the flight attendant('er master of scrolls) prerecorded announcements worked very well. Our table was in a fine spot to hear & read announcements without issue. I have been at tables in the past where we could not see/hear what was being said, so I can sympathize with those few that could not hear/see the announcements. I was concerned about the impact on stamina the extra hour between sessions would have on me, especially since I was insane and signed up to play all 10 sessions. However, I think the breaks in the day helped me rejuvenate rather than run from one table to the next with only a hotdog from the food stand. I feel they were a positive factor. I always enjoy Erik's announcements, but I do agree that it does end up being a disruption. That being said, It's happened every year so I'm pretty use to it and expect it. I appreciate all volunteers that helped make this year's GenCon a success and I hope the improvements continue. ![]()
![]() Name of PC: Coluriel the Elf Class/Level: Ranger 1 / Rogue 2
Coluriel's trap sense went off, in fact the entire party's trap sense went off seeing the polished / shiny space between the statues. Coluriel decided to show his skills in disarming said trap, only to set it off (rolled a 1). Apparently he was so shocked that he set off the trap he failed to jump out of the way. Unfortunately for him, Bruthazmus and Nualia were making their final stand. Bruthazmus stepped out into the hall and plunked Coluriel with his last elf bane arrow. Only to drop to the ground (-1). Then the statues made a puree out of Coluriel (2 hits, one a crit put him at -44) then the pulpy remains were dropped down the pit. In eulogy: The wizard stated, "Ah Coluriel, he will be missed by us...'cause he wasn't missed by anyone else." ![]()
![]() That's strange, looks like my post didn't go through. Let me try this again. This order represented my Pathfinder On-line kickstarter print Add-on. However it did not include a printed copy of Emerald Spire. I expected that it would have been included. Can someone please confirm that I will eventually receive this? Thank you,
![]() I tried sending an e-mail concerning my order on 6/17 but have not had a response. This order represented my Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Print Add-on, however it did not include a hard copy of Emerald Spire. I expected it to be included and I see no references to pending orders for it. Can someone please confirm that I will ultimately receive my printed copy? Thank you,
![]() Add me to the list of folks that enjoyed the podcast and hope that you do not shy away from this "sneak peak" approach. I'm also one of the folks that did not know about the podcast until after the fact and that does not bother me one bit. The first step (no pun intended) is always the roughest and I have every confidence that you'll learn and improve from this experience. I'm excited about the changes and look forward to the faction retirement scenario for my shadow lodge PCs. I know Ron will make it very memorable! ![]()
![]() Name: Darrius
The Gory Details:
Fully knowing that ghasts were prowling the area the group decided to drop a rope down into the shaft. Dmitri, the paladin, attempted to climb the down the rope in his full plate only to fall 30 feet. Then proceeded to become nauseated and paralyzed when the ghasts jumped him. Brave Darrius wanting to save his companion bravely attempted to climb down the rope in his full plate only to fail and drop 30 feet on to Dmitiri. He likewise became nauseated by the stench of the ghasts and was unable to channel the might of Iomedae. The ghasts bit and clawed at Darrius rendering him paralyzed...from that point the ghasts continued to munch on Darrius until he was a bloody pulp. In the meantime Dmitri was able to shake off the paralysis but was still nauseated. The other 2 party members attempted to help but only the wizard was not nauseated. In the end the elf wizard dropped the final ghast via spells. In general the dice may have killed the cleric. ![]()
![]() There seems to be an issue with all the sub-menu links under the PFS page. Every time I click any of the links (other than My Pathfinder Society), I get the error page with the following message: You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly. Please wait a minute before trying again. I can reach the FAQ page via the General FAQ link. ![]()
![]() I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask about this but it came up last night while running Godsmouth Heresy. Specific encounter: The Necrophidius' dance of death seems a bit too powerful. It seems like the creature could continue to do this without end until the entire party is dazed. There's nothing in the stat block nor in the Bestiary 2 entry that states that once a save has been made that they are immune for 24 hours or anything like that. I'm sure I could have TPK'd the party last night had I not decided that once a person made the save that they were immune for 24 hours. I know that dazed isn't helpless but I'm pretty sure that would have been the eventual outcome. The tactics says that it will use the ability before attacking. I'm sure the group would not have had much fun watching me try to bite/paralyze each of them with out them having any actions. Only to have to make saves again if they came out of the daze effect. What do you folks think? ![]()
![]() Doug Doug wrote:
Actually Wave 1 has: 2 charau (CR 2) & 1 chieftain (CR 4) + kitty (CR -) to yield CR 6Wave 2 has:
Hence my thought it could be a typo...I'd assume wave 1 is correct. I agree not a bad fight...just worried if due to awareness it jumps to 6 + chieftain...it could be a blood bath. |