Rayquar |

I need help with building a minmax character at lvl 3. It can involve anything printed by Paizo for Pathfinder. My GM wants me and friends to build really crazy good characters and then kill them all in his dungeon of doom.
Anything is allowed, including all the races from this list:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/raceBuilder/exampleRac es.html
My idea at the moment is a Charm/Animal Drider Warpriest, and serve as a mount for a friend, making me unhittable, and able to smack enemies with a chainsaw, while buffing him and me.
What are your ideas?
Please share!
Thank you very much!

Renegadeshepherd |
Got to narrow it a bit. I can tell you that at this level the divine casters are goin to dominate the top tiers. Evangelist cleric based on rulership, heaven oracle, tiefling natural attack characters with self boosters like demon domain and inspire courage, lunar oracle, scarred witch doctor, a dervish dance ranger, a gnome wizard based off of scorching ray, synthesist summoner, and more.
Just need a direction . Personally in a vacuum I think the evangelist cleric based on rulership at level three is unbeatable in overall quality as he has has spells, channel, inspire courage, and his own martial prowess whereas most others struggle to have even two worthwhile tools at that early level. Second choice is scarred witch because the hexes are unlimited use.

Scott Wilhelm |
Here's a build I designed for PFS
St 14
Wis 13
Dex 16
Cr 10
1Level1 halfling, fleet footed, Ranger1, Freebooter: Combat Expertise
uses long sword, leather lamellar armor until he can afford a Mithril Agile Breastplate.
2L2, Ranger1 Monk1: Master of Many Styles, Snake Style
3R1M2: Snake Fang, Combat Reflexes.
Snake Fang gives you an unarmed attack of opportunity every time someone attacks you and misses. If your AoO hits, you get another attack as an immediate action. With a Dex of 16, that means you might get 7 attacks/round.
The Sword will do 1d8+2. The Monk Unarmed Strikes will do 1d4+2, not much but lots of attacks add up.
Your AC will be 10 + 4 for the leather +3 for Dex +2 for shield +1 for Expertise +1 for size = 21. They will miss a lot.
Your Saving throws Base for Fort +1 Halfling +1 Con +2 Ranger +3 Monk = +7. Reflex +1 Halfling +3 Dex +2 Ranger +3 Monk = +9 & Evasion. Will +1 Halfling +1 Wis +3 Monk = +5.
I thin that's pretty good.

lemeres |

You could also do that as a centaur. The interesting thing there is that centaurs have a trait that lets them get that x2 damage from lance charges usually reserved for mounted characters. Check it out here.
And from the FAQ that involves lances, you can actually use a shield and still get 2 handed benefits on the lance.
I also suggest this since Warpriest is kinda of terrible for a drider. Spell resistance looks nice, and it can make enemies rather troublesome... but it takes a standard action to drop. You resist your own buffs. Spell resistance can kind of work if you aren't the one buffing, since you can drop it and let someone cast the spell. But since warpriest is very much built around the idea that you can buff yourself to be on par with martial characters.... this is meh (a 'less than rogue' meh).
So yeah, why not give a double dose of charging lances instead?

kestral287 |
I also suggest this since Warpriest is kinda of terrible for a drider. Spell resistance looks nice, and it can make enemies rather troublesome... but it takes a standard action to drop. You resist your own buffs. Spell resistance can kind of work if you aren't the one buffing, since you can drop it and let someone cast the spell. But since warpriest is very much built around the idea that you can buff yourself to be on par with martial characters.... this is meh (a 'less than rogue' meh).
Amusingly, the other way around is more accurate. To writ:
A creature's spell resistance never interferes with its own spells, items, or abilities.
So, for the party buffer, SR is awesome. It's just less awesome when you're the martial and the party buffer has to break your SR. Still doable there, certainly, but I wouldn't want to try to fit SR-breaking tools in at level 3.

lemeres |

lemeres wrote:I also suggest this since Warpriest is kinda of terrible for a drider. Spell resistance looks nice, and it can make enemies rather troublesome... but it takes a standard action to drop. You resist your own buffs. Spell resistance can kind of work if you aren't the one buffing, since you can drop it and let someone cast the spell. But since warpriest is very much built around the idea that you can buff yourself to be on par with martial characters.... this is meh (a 'less than rogue' meh).Amusingly, the other way around is more accurate. To writ:
Spell Resistance wrote:A creature's spell resistance never interferes with its own spells, items, or abilities.So, for the party buffer, SR is awesome. It's just less awesome when you're the martial and the party buffer has to break your SR. Still doable there, certainly, but I wouldn't want to try to fit SR-breaking tools in at level 3.
Whoops, messed that up. I never had spell resistance myself, so it never came up. So yeah, it is fine. It makes a fine defense.
Although again, I will advocate for double lances.

Rayquar |

Thanks for the advice. Is there a way I can play scarred witch doctor as a gargoyle, or is that impossible? Twisting of the way things are worded is acceptable.
Also, I can't tell, but is the centaur charging feat in a book published by Paizo? Because while I don't care, my GM might.
EDIT: The centaur charging feat IS published by Paizo. Hehe...

lemeres |

Thanks for the advice. Is there a way I can play scarred witch doctor as a gargoyle, or is that impossible? Twisting of the way things are worded is acceptable.
Also, I can't tell, but is the centaur charging feat in a book published by Paizo? Because while I don't care, my GM might.
The copyright stuff is at the bottom of the page on the link I posted.
It is from 3rd part of the Reign of Winter adventure path. So it is Paizo alright.
And also didn't notice it was a feat, not a trait. Really on the ball, eh?

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You'll get much better results if you plan the entire over-the-top party together, as a team. A group of slightly optimized PCs that operate as an effective team will perform better in the 'mega dungeon of death' than will a team of hyper-optimized munchkin characters each going their own way. If you carefully plan how your Uber Minmaxed characters fit together you might just be able to beat the dungeon.
Example 1: Everyone gets a way to see through smoke, and someone have a way to quickly produce lots of smoke.
Example 2: Have a way to fill the entire battlefield with Difficult Terrain (lots of 1st level options) and immobilize foes no-save. Everyone wear Featherstep Slippers (affordable at 3rd level!) and carry a reach weapon. Every foe will provoke an AoO each turn & and gives your team a host of other tactical advantages. PCs with Featherstep are unhindered. You will routinely crush foes underfoot. This is viable at 3rd level.
Example 3: Build everyone to function well in Magical Darkness. E.g. Everyone important can blind fight. Cover everything in magical darkness. This is viable at 1st level.
Example 4: Everyone get [cold] energy resistance. Have an arcane caster cast a big-area rimed 2nd level [cold] spell. Those lacking cold resistance are entangled for 2 round, but even a little [cold] resistance makes you immune. This is viable at 3rd level. At higher levels substitute Dazing Spell for Rime Spell.
Example 5: Two melee characters are short & heavily armored. One melee character is a Large tall pole arm specialist. The Large PC can take AoOs over the heads of the short characters at 15' and 20', allowing for a doubly-deadly front line. This is viable at 1st level.
Example 6: Build some characters to cover the others' weaknesses. For example, the large pole arm specialist will provide a screen for the archers and the casters. The divine caster has ways to break magical mind controls. This is viable at 1st level.
Example 7: Have exactly one PC with standard Inspire Courage. Have exactly 1 person with Flagbearer. Have all the other good group-buffs on hand. E.g. The Cleric Variant Channel that gives everyone a luck or morale bonus, ways to improve the right person's initiative. Multiple stacked all-party buffs are a powerful force multiplier. This is all viable at 1st level.
Example 8: If someone wants to do a hyper-specialized build that will need backup or support, arrange a way to do it. E.g. Plan who will turn the Scout invisible.
Example 9: Plan for Teamwork feats. Again, just average characters making good use of teamwork feats can stomp optimized characters doing their own thing. This is viable at 1st level.

Wiggz |

3rd level? Are these characters going to be advancing past 3rd or is that the only level in play? Assuming the latter, these are my suggestions:
I always thought a Human 1st level Witch/2nd level Fighter would be pretty strong. Armor does't interfere with Hexes and the Sleep Hex is about as potent a low level ability as there is. The spells are just lagniappe, but you'd benefit from the familiar - probably a Greensting Scorpion for Alertness and free Improved Initiative.
A Human Master Summoner with a small eidolon built for Steath and Perception would be my second choice.
Third, I'd recommend a Qlippoth Saurian Shaman with an Allosaurus or Spinosaurus animal companion. Beast mode.
Fourth, I'd go with a Human 2nd level Paladin/ 1st level Oracle - Lore, probably, for Sidestep Secret.
Those four, at 3rd level, are just about as bad-ass was you can get without being too overspecialized.

Avoron |
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Some more options:
Magus 3 (Wand Wielder Arcana, wand of True Strike, combat maneuvers)
Gargoyle Vivisectionist Alchemist 2/Barbarian 1 (Vestigial Armsx2, Feral Mutagen, exchange your iterative unarmed strikes for your Vestigial Arm claws, which you are definitely allowed to do. This gives you 6 primary attacks at something like +11 attack +9 damage when in mutagen and rage, plus 1d6 sneak attack if applicable.)
Ogre Cleric 3 (Growth Domain, a reach weapon, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, buff spells)

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Another idea:
Bloodrager(Aberration) 1/ Skald 1/ Alchemist 1. Half-orc using an Abberant tumor with the Valet archetype(familiar archetype). Then you get the feat Amplified Rage and get your familiar and you to Rage using Inspired Rage now getting +8 Str/ +8 Con.
Though this obviously works best if you have a group filled with Bloodragers with such an familiar and a Skald... But even alone your to hit and damage is quite respectable at a +13 to hit and 2d6+15 damage or 3d6+17 if enlarged with a wand.

paddywagon man |

I'm playing in the same group actually. I built my character with his in mind. Can eidolons retrain the evolutions they get from their base forms to get extra evolution points?
Venerable Drow Noble Synthesist Summoner 3:
quadruped base form
evolutions (assuming I can retrain base form evolutions):
arms x2
slam x2
skilled (ride)
improved damage (slam)
feats: mounted combat, spirited charge
pouncing from driderback with spirited charge, the bite does 2d6+4 and the slams do 4d6+4 each. with skilled and the beast bond trait I hit a ride skill of +17. pretty useful when you use mounted combat to protect the party warpriest (or whatever rayquar ends up being)
that said, I'm open to suggestions, especially if retraining base stuff proves illegal - and we'll have two other members that might appreciate good builds. would a wordcasting cleric be viable for the immediate access to animate dead?

paddywagon man |
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Well, I think I've finalized my build. I looked at the cost of spellcasting services and had a brilliant idea.
Mule Hopkins the Drow Noble is no longer a synthesist, just a regular summoner, although Legless Bugger the eidolon's stats will be almost unchanged. The main thing is that I noticed it would only cost 1150 gp to hire a spellcaster to turn me into a skeletal champion or juju zombie, thus eliminating the only poor stat drow nobles had in the first place and allowing me to use my casting stat for hp. in addition, since our GM lets us dump 2 points in one stat to increase another by one, I can just throw Con out the window and then have it not matter at all.
Mule Hopkins the Old Drow Noble Skeletal Champion Summoner has 59 HP at level 3, 22 charisma, 18 dexterity, 14 intelligence, wisdom, and strength, and would have -1 constitution - but he kept himself alive with a scroll of bear's endurance for the first few minutes of his old age, and paid out 1150 gold immediately to a conveniently placed level 11 wizard to get skeletal championized.
He then strolled down to the drider caves where his friend rayquar was doing normal drider-y stuff like living in a damp cave, cathing and eating raw rats, and polishing his masterwork chainsaw. And then they went adventuring before logic could catch up to them.

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What awesome teamwork feats are you guys using? Got two PCs with reach builds who can get yummy +4 AoOs together with Paired Opportunists? If they wished to, the drider/rider pair could easily do this. How about Broken Wing Gambit? If the drider and rider both got the Escape Route feat you'd no longer provoke AoOs by movement, opening up all sorts of tactical exploits ...