The political landscape explained

Pathfinder Online

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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I got a PM yeysterday before I went to bed to explain the political landscape to a player looking for a place to settle. Instead of answering him directly I felt it might be best to post my reply here.

First of all - have a look at the Political Map drawn up by Duffy. If ever a picture can speak a thousand words - this is it.

Not all settlements of alliances are equal. To get an idea of size and influence I would suggest the following thread where I list holdings after day 1 in the war of towers WoT after Day 1.

Now a few words to the individual alliances. I try to be objective and not to slander anyone. But feel free to give a more detailed review of your settlement or alliance in your own words.

Everbloom Alliance - main settlements Brighthaven, Phaeros and Keepers Pass. This is the largest alliance by numbers. They have declared themselves mainly neutral good and try to foster PFO by being the force of good in these lands. They welcome every type of players and are especially open to roleplayers as well. Opponents might describe them as an overwhelming force that smothers gamestyles not in accordance with their own by sheer numbers.

Nation of Katalphas and the Empire of Xeilas. Dominating settlement - Golgotha. Here we have the Evil and chaotic conterparts. The background of this group is strong in the PAX gaming community and you will find a lot of hardcore PvP players originating from EVE. Opponents would describe them as - well - they are evil. Do we need to say anything more.
This broad brushstroke description leaves out Aragon - a settlement of free spirits and selfdeclared bandits. But it would take me a whole article to describe them.

There shouldn't be a surprise if you expect that there is a lot of friction between these two major groups.

The Free Highlanders and the Highroad Covenant. The silent third alliance. Important settlements - Ozem's Vigil and Stoneroot Glade. This is a rather lose affiliated group. Ozems Vigil was formed by several smaller groups that banded together and Stoneroot Glade was a late entry in the landrush that had some strong showing. Opponents opinion: everyone watches Xeilas and Everbloom at the moment - so not much to report (yet).

The Emerald Lodge. nestled between the two opposing alliances and next to the Emerald Spire the Emeral Lodge tries to build up a neutral settlement and meeting place and tries not to favour either side. The Emerald Lodge has it's root in the Pathfinder Society and has a high percentage of non PvP players. It tries to justify its existence by filling the void that is a neutral place in this game. Opponents might describe the Emerald Lodge as an impossibility in a PvP game, as having forsaken it's neutrality in the Baron's Folly incident when they did PvP and afterwards extorted a tower from Brighthaven, that they are too close to the evil Golgotha, that their leader Thod is a schemer, arrogant and too ambitious.

The Aeonian Leage. An alliance formed by some smaller settlements that banded together to ensure their settlements provided all training that is needed. Opponents would say - they are too small to be of any influence.

There are several other settlements but only time will tell where they end up of even if they will be active or not in this game.

Goblin Squad Member

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You forgot to mention Forgeholm with the Highlanders. We are the largest racially themed settlement in the game.

Goblin Squad Member

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Thod wrote:
Opponents would say - they are too small to be of any influence.

And I would say I love being underestimated. :D

Great write up Thod, thanks for that.

Goblin Squad Member

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Kadere wrote:
Thod wrote:
Opponents would say - they are too small to be of any influence.

And I would say I love being underestimated. :D

Great write up Thod, thanks for that.

I was wondering who "opponents" would be at this time. They may be small, but they have some cool folks.

Goblin Squad Member

Your fired Thod.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for posting that, Thod! That's a big help, and I just passed it along to some friends that are watching the game with interest.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't know if I should be offended that Forgeholm wasn't mentioned or relived so that we stay under the radar a bit longer.

Goblin Squad Member

Lifedragn wrote:
Kadere wrote:
Thod wrote:
Opponents would say - they are too small to be of any influence.

And I would say I love being underestimated. :D

Great write up Thod, thanks for that.

I was wondering who "opponents" would be at this time. They may be small, but they have some cool folks.

I don't think we have any enemies as yet, really. We are the chillest of bros, and our smaller profile means that we have no natural enemies *nods in the direction of Everbloom and EoX*. We are as exactly as influential as we need to be. :D

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:
Nation of Katalphas and the Empire of Xeilas. Dominating settlement - Golgotha. Here we have the Evil and chaotic conterparts...

Just highlighting this part of the post.

Thod, If possible can you clarify a little better. Golgotha is purely LAWFUL evil. When I read it, because you combine The Empire of Xeilias (LE) and Nation of Katalphas (CN?),the way it sounds is that together they are a Evil Chaotic group. We are separate Groups who have entered a Non-aggression pact (known as the Northern Coalition)

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member


I wrote this quickly and might not have carefully weighted every single word / might have lumped a few groups together.

Gol Tigari: Sorry - my edit window is over - you are right that I should have added the lawful bit to Golgotha. But I didn't wanted to make an extra entry.

Forgeholm - I couldn't mention eberyone. I think I didn't mention Callambea either.

People should be able to follow the link and get exact alignments for each individual settlement or can dig deeper if they are interested in someone specific.

CEO, Goblinworks

That is freakin' awesome. Not just the write up, which is superb, but the fact that so much meaningful social interaction is happening!

Goblin Squad Member

Good work thod.

Grand Lodge

If you are a Rebel looking for a Cause, and love the ideals of Erastil, then Blackfeather Keep needs YOU! :)

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

As Thod said, the Free Highlanders is a fairly loose association of various settlements at the northern end of the map.

The High Road Covenant, on the other hand, is a specific alliance of three northern settlements, covering all the basic roles: Tavernhold - Fighter/Cleric, Stoneroot Glade - Wizard/Rogue, and Talonguard - Crafting.

Goblin Squad Member

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KarlBob wrote:

As Thod said, the Free Highlanders is a fairly loose association of various settlements at the northern end of the map.

The High Road Covenant, on the other hand, is a specific alliance of three northern settlements, covering all the basic roles: Tavernhold - Fighter/Cleric, Stoneroot Glade - Wizard/Rogue, and Talonguard - Crafting.

I don't think I quite pegged to the parallels between High Road and the League. Maybe we should rename ourselves to the Low Wilderness Conspiracy, or something similar :D

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thod wrote:

Nation of Katalphas and the Empire of Xeilas. Dominating settlement - Golgotha. Here we have the Evil and chaotic conterparts. The background of this group is strong in the PAX gaming community and you will find a lot of hardcore PvP players originating from EVE. Opponents would describe them as - well - they are evil. Do we need to say anything more.

This broad brushstroke description leaves out Aragon - a settlement of free spirits and self declared bandits. But it would take me a whole article to describe them.

My ego yearns for the whole article!! ;}

The Nation of Kathalphas is made up of Freevale and Aragon. Both of these settlements are professed to be Chaotic Neutral (with a leaning towards Evil), but dependent on the Alignment System or the lack of one in the future, one or both could change alignment.

Aragon is a Fighter / Rogue town, and Freevale is a Cleric / Wizard town.

The Nation of Kathalphas as a whole, and its individual parts, is a member of the Northern Coalition (Non Aggression Pact with Empire of Xeilias) and a signatory of the War of Towers NAP.

Regardless of our chaotic nature, we see the value in holding to our word and agreements are dutifully followed.

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
Maybe we should rename ourselves to the Low Wilderness Conspiracy, or something similar :D

What conspiracy? No conspiracies here. We're just humble merchants and mercenaries. ;)

Wouldn't we be the HIGHwater conspiracy though?

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
We are the chillest of bros...

I thought we'd heard it all...*now* we have :-p.

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