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Ladies and Gentlemen,
It was a really fun night! Golgotha attacked our alliance members in Hammerfall with over a dozen members. We created a response team, marched in to the Golgothian Mountains, took their tower, and finally took their Keep!
I think we had about 25-30 people at one point attacking, with around 7-12 Golgotha members defending their mountains. I am pretty sure we had 40 people ALL FIGHTING in a hex and we had no issues at all.
After taking their Keep, Golgotha, Brighthaven, and Phaeros farmed the Monster Hex together (with like 30 of us after PvP) and got a ton of Tier 2 recipes and expendables.
A few things -
Settlements/Alliances need their tokens on the minimap to all be the same color (even if their people are flagged red).
Healing reds needs to be a thing if they are Settlement/Company/Party members.

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I am, of course, appalled by the violence and have already posted my concerns with the Xelian Embassy. Thankfully, Phyllian has engaged in dialogue and we shall continue our current relations in good faith. Having been away in Ossian's Crossing during the attack, I then spread word of the attack to Canis Castrum as they were venturing into the territory. I continued on through Hammerfall to express the support of the Keepers before returning home. This reinforces, for me, the need to hold a meeting of the Everbloom Alliance representatives sooner rather than later to discuss trade, crafting, and defense needs.
(Because my content is the politics, not the PvP...).

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(Because my content is the politics, not the PvP...).
Thank you, Erian for informing Canis Castrum's citizenry of the attack on Hammerfall. Your warning was invaluable to our traveling merchants. We hope trade caravans resume in your region soon.
What is the point of killing anyone right now?
Boredom. Test the limits of the rep system. Increase player morale in a game that is presently an "economy simulator." Because PvP is what Golgotha does best!

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KotC - Erian El'ranelen wrote:(Because my content is the politics, not the PvP...).Thank you, Erian for informing Canis Castrum's citizenry of the attack on Hammerfall. Your warning was invaluable to our traveling merchants. We hope trade caravans resume in your region soon.
Saiph wrote:What is the point of killing anyone right now?Boredom. Test the limits of the rep system. Increase player morale in a game that is presently an "economy simulator." Because PvP is what Golgotha does best!
Gotcha, I didn't know if they had sneaked in looting. Haven't played in a bit.

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It was good fun. But having taken the initiative the first fight, we didn't have the rep to initiate the second. With only a few of u willing to get the aggressor flag, we couldn't attack and the PvP wasn't there. So really no content, ppl left.
Also, there was issues. Healing some one didn't work due to latency or lag. I ran up and got off 3-4 heals on a target which was never received. Targeting, enough said there I believe. And it was basically the only way to tell friend from foe.
But all and all, good fun. Just waiting on Dev videos and analysis of this episode.

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omnipotentseal wrote:Gotcha, I didn't know if they had sneaked in looting. Haven't played in a bit.KotC - Erian El'ranelen wrote:(Because my content is the politics, not the PvP...).Thank you, Erian for informing Canis Castrum's citizenry of the attack on Hammerfall. Your warning was invaluable to our traveling merchants. We hope trade caravans resume in your region soon.
Saiph wrote:What is the point of killing anyone right now?Boredom. Test the limits of the rep system. Increase player morale in a game that is presently an "economy simulator." Because PvP is what Golgotha does best!
Player looting isn't in yet

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Also, there was issues. Healing some one didn't work due to latency or lag. I ran up and got off 3-4 heals on a target which was never received. Targeting, enough said there I believe. And it was basically the only way to tell friend from foe.
I'm going to guess the person you were healing was flagged red. Once a characters has a red name, you can't heal them, because the system is assuming they are an "threat" and healing won't apply to any threat target.

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I am, of course, appalled by the violence and have already posted my concerns with the Xelian Embassy. Thankfully, Phyllian has engaged in dialogue and we shall continue our current relations in good faith. Having been away in Ossian's Crossing during the attack, I then spread word of the attack to Canis Castrum as they were venturing into the territory. I continued on through Hammerfall to express the support of the Keepers before returning home. This reinforces, for me, the need to hold a meeting of the Everbloom Alliance representatives sooner rather than later to discuss trade, crafting, and defense needs.
(Because my content is the politics, not the PvP...).
Both teams were itching to scrimmage. As we speak some tactics are getting scrapped from the playbook and others are being added. It was good for everyone involved, it was good or the game.
As far as I know that was the first major battle since alpha 7.

Midnight of Golgotha |

took their tower, and finally took their Keep!
You've singlehandedly fixed PvP without dev involvement????
Or do you mean you took close to 2 hours to enact a form-up and when you finally berated enough of your carebears to put down their shovels and craft a weapon you discovered many Golgothans were too rep damaged to enter their own settlement without Thornguard aggro, so you milled around in Golgotha for a while and took a screenshot?
Please, please don't tell me you forgot the "glorious victory" screenshot.
Note, I know my portrayal above isn't entirely fair, but is probably closer to reality than yours. I can't be entirely sure because my assigned role wasn't blobber last night. (Don't get me wrong, I love the blob, I just took one for the team by accepting a different role. And thanks to Decius Brutus, Pino and Khurtis for the #PFOcontent on what would otherwise have been a very boring but essential task).
I appreciate you visiting Golgotha, and personally apologize for not being able to provide you with more #PFOcontent than I did on your visit, but the rep system is currently a rationing system on PvP, and I, personally had largely used up my rations on your forward scouts (while awaiting your god-awful ridiculously long response team form-up), and upon your arrival, only a few of your people were willing to *significantly* tap their PvP ration cards by attacking first.
I offer mad props, though, to ALL players from either side who actually tapped there ration cards enough to not be able to enter their own settlement. Even I didn't quite gain that honor.
In fact, I demand :-) a roll-call of those brave crowd-forgers who fell below -2500 rep last night.

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A player vs. character note for me--as a player I'm a vocal advocate of PvP, and have supported the UNC, Golgotha, etc. from the start. I'll even point players that way if they are looking for that experience. From a character perspective, though, Erian is a diplomat above all else. His goal is always to minimize conflict between all groups and he will not, in general, participate in any combat save in specific defense of himself or allies. So, if you see Erian walking around in his Gold robes, you'll know his intent. Now Throrin Axehammer (my DT) is not quite the wordy diplomat that Erian is, being more on the practical merchant and gatherer/crafter front, but he's still not aggressive. He actually has no attacks to slot at all...heck, Erian could beat him in a fight, and that's just sad.
Saiph wrote:What is the point of killing anyone right now?And start to build Social Achivement to level in Officer and Seneshal for future use...
This one bugs me at present--Erian doesn't want to "improve" his Social skills by blasting people in the face...

Midnight of Golgotha |
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What is the point of killing anyone right now?
It's called crowd-forging.
Benevolent Dictator alerted the devs to the planned raid in advance and the devs stayed at work into the evening to watch and evaluate the action.
That suggests to me that it was important to them, and by extension important to the game and to YOU.
If we wait until PvP has consequences to find out whether it is working as intended that's a disaster in the making.
It's bad enough that PvP is *rationed* through rep. PvP (and the entire game) will majorly suck if the rest of you don't step up and tap that ration card *regularly* to help in the crowd-forging effort.
Put down those shovels and stop SHIRKING!

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It's interesting people were upset about this, with no real consequences to be had other than a rep hit. Had someone done this to us, I'd have been laughing my rear off while enjoying the fun.
I was pretty sad that most of our rep in the Golgothan force was too tanked to really give a true response to the revenge attack. I couldn't respond due to wanting to be able to actually get back into my settlement (I was below -2500). It would have been interesting to see the result. The one person that attacked me while I was in stealth would have died horribly, even after me letting him get two free shots, if his five friends hadn't shown up to help. Not saying i'm mad, I enjoyed my subsequent running from the ogre spawn campers!

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I confess, I'm a shirker. PvP remains a psychological block. I have seen (in alpha, through the attentions of Captain Nefarious) that does not need to be so, and I look forward to being a full participant, one day, in the design intent of the game. I hope you'll grant me (and a lot of primarily Table-Toppers) a little time to ease into the role of slayer of other PCs.
For the most part, I think, we see your frustration, and appreciate your patience as the world comes up to speed and we with it.
I would have you note, that for some of us, our reputation is an important choice in our role play style. If we are loathe to risk it, it is for a legitimate reason.

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I would have you note, that for some of us, our reputation is an important choice in our role play style. If we are loathe to risk it, it is for a legitimate reason.
When low rep prevents us from entering our cities in response to outside attack, it might suggest that we all need to manage our reputation and keep enough in reserve so we can go on defense.
I think that there are some counters that really, really should be visible on the main UI without popping my character sheet up to block my view of my target or attacker. Reputation is one. I'd really like to know my encumbrance as well. Maybe my max speed. Power and eventually injury points.

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Or do you mean you took close to 2 hours to enact a form-up and when you finally berated enough of your carebears to put down their shovels and craft a weapon you discovered many Golgothans were too rep damaged to enter their own settlement without Thornguard aggro, so you milled around in Golgotha for a while and took a screenshot?
Benevolent Dictator alerted the devs to the planned raid in advance and the devs stayed at work into the evening to watch and evaluate the action.
That suggests to me that it was important to them, and by extension important to the game and to YOU.
I find it amusing that you are attempting to ridicule your opponents for the time it took them to respond to your prepared in advance raid (long enough to alert the Devs). :)
Perhaps in the interest in working out any bugs in the PvP system, it would better to offer a challenge that would be two separate battles:
Both teams meet at the designated area.
Team A attacks team B, with those that die staying on the sidelines until we have a single side with members still standing.
The second battle starts with Team B attacking Team A - this way spreading around the rep hits.
The winning Team is the one who had the most standing members at the end of both fights.
Later fights could be arranged around defending a tower, or a town, or a gusher, or etc...

Midnight of Golgotha |

Yes, it took us awhile to get there, mainly because we were in defense mode, and the fact that no one saw which direction you left in. You call it a slow response, I call it thinking smart and preparing.
Totally fair.
But after the initial Hammerfall raid, Benevolent Dictator offered Hammerfall time for a proper form-up and they declined.
That too, may have been thinking smart. Or maybe they just wanted us gone so they could get back to their shoveling. Or maybe the batphone wasn't getting answered, yet.
Hard to say.

Midnight of Golgotha |
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I confess, I'm a shirker. PvP remains a psychological block. I have seen (in alpha, through the attentions of Captain Nefarious) that does not need to be so, and I look forward to being a full participant, one day, in the design intent of the game. I hope you'll grant me (and a lot of primarily Table-Toppers) a little time to ease into the role of slayer of other PCs.
For the most part, I think, we see your frustration, and appreciate your patience as the world comes up to speed and we with it.
I would have you note, that for some of us, our reputation is an important choice in our role play style. If we are loathe to risk it, it is for a legitimate reason.
I get that, but this is an aspect that needs thorough testing. You are going to be hating life is there are undiscovered PvP exploits that cost you your towers.
If I can be arsed to test digging iron and picking daisies, the rest of the community can get off their arses and test PvP to the limits of their ration card. Even if it means you have find other milk and cookie types and make sure everyone knows it is in the interests of the game and you all write personal apologies to each person you slay.

Midnight of Golgotha |

BTW, I'm all for PvP rationing. If you kill random people, you deserve the reputation hit.
As long as declaring WAR on a nation makes it so you don't lose any rep for killing anyone in that nation.
This Golgothan murder hobo even agrees with you.
All I ask is that more people USE that ration card for crowdforging.
There will be plenty of sanctioned PvP, later, but devs need feedback from people who ACTUALLY PvP.
Do you want Golgotha to be the ONLY people crowdforging an aspect of the game that can take away your towers or other useful stuff?

Midnight of Golgotha |

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:Or do you mean you took close to 2 hours to enact a form-up and when you finally berated enough of your carebears to put down their shovels and craft a weapon you discovered many Golgothans were too rep damaged to enter their own settlement without Thornguard aggro, so you milled around in Golgotha for a while and took a screenshot?
Midnight of Golgotha wrote:Benevolent Dictator alerted the devs to the planned raid in advance and the devs stayed at work into the evening to watch and evaluate the action.
That suggests to me that it was important to them, and by extension important to the game and to YOU.
I find it amusing that you are attempting to ridicule your opponents for the time it took them to respond to your prepared in advance raid (long enough to alert the Devs). :)
Perhaps in the interest in working out any bugs in the PvP system, it would better to offer a challenge that would be two separate battles:
Both teams meet at the designated area.
Team A attacks team B, with those that die staying on the sidelines until we have a single side with members still standing.
The second battle starts with Team B attacking Team A - this way spreading around the rep hits.The winning Team is the one who had the most standing members at the end of both fights.
Later fights could be arranged around defending a tower, or a town, or a gusher, or etc...
We need to test all the ways that PvP can occur (including last night's no-knock raid). Your scenario could also use testing.

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Scarlette wrote:Also, there was issues. Healing some one didn't work due to latency or lag. I ran up and got off 3-4 heals on a target which was never received. Targeting, enough said there I believe. And it was basically the only way to tell friend from foe.I'm going to guess the person you were healing was flagged red. Once a characters has a red name, you can't heal them, because the system is assuming they are an "threat" and healing won't apply to any threat target.
You are right in that aspect. I am not sure if I was red or not at that time. He was how ever in my group, which should over ride that fact. There should also be a raid group of some type that also allows the same.

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TEO Cheatle wrote:
took their tower, and finally took their Keep!
You've singlehandedly fixed PvP without dev involvement????
Or do you mean you took close to 2 hours to enact a form-up and when you finally berated enough of your carebears to put down their shovels and craft a weapon you discovered many Golgothans were too rep damaged to enter their own settlement without Thornguard aggro, so you milled around in Golgotha for a while and took a screenshot?
Please, please don't tell me you forgot the "glorious victory" screenshot.
Note, I know my portrayal above isn't entirely fair, but is probably closer to reality than yours. I can't be entirely sure because my assigned role wasn't blobber last night. (Don't get me wrong, I love the blob, I just took one for the team by accepting a different role. And thanks to Decius Brutus, Pino and Khurtis for the #PFOcontent on what would otherwise have been a very boring but essential task).
I appreciate you visiting Golgotha, and personally apologize for not being able to provide you with more #PFOcontent than I did on your visit, but the rep system is currently a rationing system on PvP, and I, personally had largely used up my rations on your forward scouts (while awaiting your god-awful ridiculously long response team form-up), and upon your arrival, only a few of your people were willing to *significantly* tap their PvP ration cards by attacking first.
I offer mad props, though, to ALL players from either side who actually tapped there ration cards enough to not be able to enter their own settlement. Even I didn't quite gain that honor.
In fact, I demand :-) a roll-call of those brave crowd-forgers who fell below -2500 rep last night.
Only a couple our side went below. We knew the limit, which is why only a few of us were around afterwards. Also, had some systems been in place we could have defended instead of trying to coax them into taking an attacker flag.
Most of us went negative rep. I doubt they can say the same.@All involved, TY it was good fun. And salute to those who achieved negative rep. Even if it wasn't -2500.

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Perhaps in the interest in working out any bugs in the PvP system, it would better to offer a challenge that would be two separate battles:
Both teams meet at the designated area.
Team A attacks team B, with those that die staying on the sidelines until we have a single side with members still standing.
The second battle starts with Team B attacking Team A - this way spreading around the rep hits.The winning Team is the one who had the most standing members at the end of both fights.
Later fights could be arranged around defending a tower, or a town, or a gusher, or etc...
This sounds like excellent material for a Grand Tournament that might be held on a regular basis in a nice central location...I'm taking all comers now for help to organize such events, and get them going monthly.

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12 people marked this as a favorite. |

We kept an eye on these shenanigans. It was pretty awesome to see all the interaction and the huge number of involved characters - especially if you were at the FUBAR'd stress tests in November. The vast improvement in the server over the past 6 weeks is due to some herculean efforts by our staff - they went waaaaaay beyond the call. But it really seemed like their worked paid off.
We're taking lots of notes and are really interested in your feedback. This is how the game gets Crowdforged! Real players in the real game live, without guardrails. :)

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We kept an eye on these shenanigans. It was pretty awesome to see all the interaction and the huge number of involved characters - especially if you were at the FUBAR'd stress tests in November. The vast improvement in the server over the past 6 weeks is due to some herculean efforts by our staff - they went waaaaaay beyond the call. But it really seemed like their worked paid off.
We're taking lots of notes and are really interested in your feedback. This is how the game gets Crowdforged! Real players in the real game live, without guardrails. :)
Always glad to do Somme killing. And thank you

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Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:You are right in that aspect. I am not sure if I was red or not at that time. He was how ever in my group, which should over ride that fact. There should also be a raid group of some type that also allows the same.Scarlette wrote:Also, there was issues. Healing some one didn't work due to latency or lag. I ran up and got off 3-4 heals on a target which was never received. Targeting, enough said there I believe. And it was basically the only way to tell friend from foe.I'm going to guess the person you were healing was flagged red. Once a characters has a red name, you can't heal them, because the system is assuming they are an "threat" and healing won't apply to any threat target.
I agree that both of those exceptions should exist. Let's hope they turn out to be relatively easy to code.

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Grinding my theeth still for missing this, I feel one thing is lightning up like Orodruin when big S. throws a tantrum.
Namely Reputation's effect on fighting close to a town, especially when defending. I mean, ressurect loop to be slaughtered by townguards is one thing, but getting into it because defending from raiders are just adding insult to injury.
Reputation is tricky, and I have put it quite low on my list of stuff that needs attention, perhaps mostly because it is a can of worms. But now it has risen up to the surface, like a fetid bubble from the bottom of the swamp. My feeling is that the whole system need a overhaul ....
I'm pretty sure that from WoT and forward there will be conflicts between towns and before that the Town Defender Death-loop have to be adressed one way or another.
Quickfix (with bad sideeffects but better that the Loop): those with Rep <3000 always ressurects in Rotters hole. Yes it means a Teleport Exploit is possible, but when husks arrives most benefits goeas away...

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We kept an eye on these shenanigans. It was pretty awesome to see all the interaction and the huge number of involved characters - especially if you were at the FUBAR'd stress tests in November. The vast improvement in the server over the past 6 weeks is due to some herculean efforts by our staff - they went waaaaaay beyond the call. But it really seemed like their worked paid off.
We're taking lots of notes and are really interested in your feedback. This is how the game gets Crowdforged! Real players in the real game live, without guardrails. :)
So far, the only notes I have regarding mass PvP are related to respawn camping (which should be solved with the expected respawn system) or team identification; there's currently no easy way to tell hostiles from friendlies once you get above 1 group of friendlies.
That seems

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So far, the only notes I have regarding mass PvP are related to respawn camping (which should be solved with the expected respawn system) or team identification; there's currently no easy way to tell hostiles from friendlies once you get above 1 group of friendlies.
That seems
Identify Friend from foe is a large barrier to larger pvp engagements but I'm sure it is getting worked on. Having some way to get teh attackers and defenders to not spawn in the same spot would also be amazing.

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Agreed - the lack of heads up information about affiliation is very irksome. Sunholm has a rather extensive list of allies, so when I run into people in the wilds the time it takes to ask them from whence they have come is also time that can be used to get away on the off chance that they aren't friendly.