Wyrmfoe |
I'm hoping to maximize my PC's use of Linguistics, as he is a Human Investigator with both the Orator and Esoteric Linguistics feats (and thus already has Skill Focus: Linguistics).
Trait-wise, I'm already using Unintentional Linguist. If there are other means, beyond feats and traits, to also improve Linguistics, please let me know.
What other feats exist to improve one's Linguistics score?

Avoron |
Other items that can help:
Book of Letters (50 gp): +2 circumstance bonus to Linguistics to create a forgery in a certain country
Spectacles of Understanding (3000 gp): comprehend languages, +5 untyped bonus to Linguistics to identify forgeries
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (5200 gp): comprehend languages, read magic, +5 competence bonus to Linguistics to understand incomplete, archaic, or exotic messages
The last two overlap somewhat, so your GM might let you purchase/craft an item that combines their effects.

Wyrmfoe |
Thanks, all, for everything so far.
I presume that any improvement to Linguistics that would benefit Orator and Esoteric Linguistics would need to be open-ended, without a qualifying intent (such as being limited to situations of making/detecting forgeries, translating texts, etc.).
Are there any further such "open-ended" options that come to mind?

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
I'm hoping to maximize my PC's use of Linguistics, as he is a Human Investigator with both the Orator and Esoteric Linguistics feats (and thus already has Skill Focus: Linguistics).
Trait-wise, I'm already using Unintentional Linguist. If there are other means, beyond feats and traits, to also improve Linguistics, please let me know.
What other feats exist to improve one's Linguistics score?
I don't think there are other feats. A cracked Gold Nodule ioun stone grants a general +1 competence bonus on linguistics checks, and costs a cheap 150gp.
The social trait 'unintentional linguist' from ultimate campaign grants you a +1 trait bonus and an extra language. You would have to take the 'extra traits' feat to get it. There are several other traits that also grant that trait bonus.
If your investigator can use 2nd level extracts, or if you can afford a wand, you could use the spell investigative mind to roll twice and take the best result. That equates to about a +5 to the roll.

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The tablet and prestige class I suggested are not limited to any specific task as far as I can tell.
Also, since it looks like you plan to go absolutely nuts on linguistics, more languages is roughly the last thing you need. Course, that depends on how many languages your GM is willing to deal with, there is really only a dozen or so typically worth taking. This is assuming you do not have to worry about the 101 human languages.

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Why are you wanting to boost linguistics so much? Are you trying to counterfeit money or something?
He's probably gotten tired of never understanding the next monster of the week and wants to know as many languages, or failing that, logic their way through what they're saying at any moment.

Wyrmfoe |
Again, thank you for the ongoing suggestions!
As noted in the original post, I'm wanted to boost Linguistics because of its use through the Orator and Esoteric Linguistics feats. Orator lets me substitute Linguistics for most of the non-combat, conversational aspects of three CHA based social skills, while Esoteric Linguistics lets me substitute Linguistics for the Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks of scroll use.
As a Human Investigator, my PC already has a high Intelligence and can use his Inspiration on Linguistic checks without having to expend daily uses, so Orator and Esoteric Linguistics are a very help fit that benefit from further boosting Linguistics itself.
Thus, my original post: what feats are available (beyond Skill Focus) to boost Linguistics.
Thanks for the continued suggestions and conversation; I look forward to more of both!

Wyrmfoe |
By the way, the Cracked Gold Nodule ioun stone looks particularly great.
Am I right that, in tandem with the Orator and Esoteric Linguistics feats, for only 150 gp my PC would functionally get a +1 competence bonus to checks for the conversational aspects of Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate, as well as scroll-based Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks?
If the above is correct, is there any option to buff this even more?

Avoron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Actually, the rules seem to favor only a limited application of the masterwork bonus, such as the bonus provided by a Book of Letters. But it's up to the GM.
Some skills have no appropriate tool or masterwork tool— no nonmagical item exists that grants a bonus for all uses of that skill. For example, just because a certain perfume is favored by local nobles (granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence them) doesn’t mean that perfume has the same effect on a member of the thieves’ guild, foreign berserker, or a medusa. Likewise, just because a fake beard woven by dwarves out of the beards of famous dwarves may grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Use Magic Device checks to emulate the dwarven race doesn’t mean the beard has any effect on using that skill to activate elven items or paladin items, or to decipher a written spell.
Individual GMs may want to allow masterwork tools for other skills at the listed cost. The circumstance bonus for such a tool should never be more than +2. The tool should either have a limited number of uses (such as the disguise and healer’s kits) or only apply to certain aspects of the skill (such as the balancing pole’s bonus on Acrobatics checks to traverse a narrow surface or the magnifying glass’s bonus on Appraise checks for detailed items).

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Really? I read the UE entry as supporting me.
The "GMs may want to" part tells me Rules say this, but GM Fiat is 110% acceptable here.
Additionally, I could see a MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) being used in Orator situations and a MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being used on scroll checks. Who says those 2 books would have to be different books.

Cap. Darling |

Really? I read the UE entry as supporting me.
The "GMs may want to" part tells me Rules say this, but GM Fiat is 110% acceptable here.
Additionally, I could see a MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) being used in Orator situations and a MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being used on scroll checks. Who says those 2 books would have to be different books.
How does " The tool should either have a limited number of uses (such as the disguise and healer’s kits) or only apply to certain aspects of the skill " support you?
Edit: and OP sorry for the derail. Feel free to ignore us.:)
graystone |

Really? I read the UE entry as supporting me.
The "GMs may want to" part tells me Rules say this, but GM Fiat is 110% acceptable here.
Additionally, I could see a MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) being used in Orator situations and a MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being used on scroll checks. Who says those 2 books would have to be different books.
It's more about the first part. "Some skills have no appropriate tool or masterwork tool" Then it goes on to say:
"Individual GMs may want to allow masterwork tools for other skills" +"The tool should <snip> only apply to certain aspects of the skill"
You add everything together and you get this:
Listed masterwork tools grant a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check by default if no exception is listed. The DM may allow other unlisted tools but they should be limited to certain aspects.
On your MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) and MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being the same book, that would go against the suggestion as it allows multiple aspects to be boosted.

Cap. Darling |

Dafydd wrote:Really? I read the UE entry as supporting me.
The "GMs may want to" part tells me Rules say this, but GM Fiat is 110% acceptable here.
Additionally, I could see a MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) being used in Orator situations and a MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being used on scroll checks. Who says those 2 books would have to be different books.
It's more about the first part. "Some skills have no appropriate tool or masterwork tool" Then it goes on to say:
"Individual GMs may want to allow masterwork tools for other skills" +
"The tool should <snip> only apply to certain aspects of the skill"You add everything together and you get this:
Listed masterwork tools grant a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check by default if no exception is listed. The DM may allow other unlisted tools but they should be limited to certain aspects.On your MWK Linguistics Tools (Thesaurus) and MWK Linguistics Tools (translation book) being the same book, that would go against the suggestion as it allows multiple aspects to be boosted.
And this you Got to meen bu RAW it always work?

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Ooh, isn't there a thing that allows you to have a racial trait from another race as a human? It's used for silly jank sometimes, but it would be reasonable from my DM perspective for you to burn a feat in order to have been raised by gnomes and get the Gift of Tongues racial trait which gives you two languages for every point of linguistics instead of one.

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Your thinking of the feat racial heritage, or the trait adopted. Either can qualify you for the racial trait.
Racial Traits (aka alternate racial features) are not the same as Race Traits (aka normal traits with the race descriptor). You cannot take Racial Traits with either Racial Heritage or adopted, only race traits.

Nate Z |

I don't know if you are allowed 3rd party feats, but "Forgotten Core Feats" by Flaming Crab Games has a feat that gives a +2 bonus to Linguistics and another skill (that I forget). It's basically "Stealthy" and "Acrobatic," but for Linguistics and another skill (that I forget).
EDIT: Here we go!
You are good at appraising goods and reading fine
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all appraise and
linguistics skill checks. If you have 10 or more
ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to
+4 for that skill.

Wyrmfoe |
Again, thanks for the ongoing conversation. Please keep it coming!
I'm pretty certain I'll be sticking to (Varisian) Human, as I'm aiming to build a Lepidstadt Inspector. So, in keeping with the Ustalavan theme, other races' benefits (at least, their Racial Alternative Traits) appear inaccessible.
Orator and Esoteric Linguistics do appear to greatly benefit from certain, easily accessible extracts:
* A level 2 extract, Investigative Mind lasts for 10 minutes/level and allows one to roll twice on Linguistics checks and take the higher result.
* A level 3 extract, Heroism lasts for 10 minutes/level and is a +2 morale bonus on skills.
* A level 5 extract, Ancestral Memory lasts for 1 round/level is a +5 insight bonus on Intelligence-based skills.
Of course, there is also always Fox's Cunning, but I'm hoping to save up gold quickly and just buy a Headband of Vast Intelligence.
So, what do you all think of the above? Are there more suggestions as to how we can boost Linguistics, in support of the Orator and Esoteric Linguistics feats?

Das Demonica |

Dead thread, but useful for me and my halfling medium (level eight, she has a modifier of twenty to her linguistics, without any traits or modifiers from her spirits). Useful for others who in the future wish to be obnoxiously good at linguistics.
Druidic decoder is another linguistics feat which hasn't been mentioned, it's paizo legal too. It gives a +5 on decoding druidic writings and allows non-druids to learn druidic as a bonus language after plunking ten points into linguistics. Which is wonderful if you're stubborn and refuse to class dip for a language.
Additionally, Occult adventures added hypercognition in as a non-psionic spell. It adds up to +10 to linguistic checks and decreases the time required for a check, though it's situational and there is a minor drawback. It counts as a third level alchemist extract so you'd be able to use it.
If you weren't an investigator (and if it hadn't been so long since the original post), I'd say switch to a halfling medium for it. They have an alternative racial trait bonus to linguistics (as mentioned by earlier on this thread), and if they take the favored class bonus for medium their spirits bump things up more.