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Anyone want to (privately, of course) trade keep lists?
I'm always open to trading!
I am very interested in seeing what other people like and why, because, judging both by the cull and the few other lists I've seen, I have such different taste in magic items that I just have no clue what the public wants.
Cool. I sent you my list.
I haven't been compiling a keep list (as I try not to get too attached), but I would selfishly ask to see the list of any who would (privately) share.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
I'll try to clean my list up tonight to share with folks privately. I would love to see what other people have liked.
Edit: oh and Marathon now!, don't think there is enough time left to hit champion, not that I was planning on it.
Petty Alchemy wrote: I haven't been compiling a keep list (as I try not to get too attached), but I would selfishly ask to see the list of any who would (privately) share. If anyone is feeling particularly altruistic, I too would love to see others' lists. The most I could do is send a reply with which of the items on your list I predict will be in the Top 32. Not much, I know, but it's something, right? :)
Please send me your lists!
I'll trade mine back. =D
I think I sent out to those that asked.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Sent to Thunderfrog, Mikael, GM_Solspiral, and Christopher. If others send me their lists, I'll send mine, but off to go play pathfinder tonight!
Thanks to everyone who shared your lists with me. I just responded to each of you with my suspicions of which items will make it into the Top 32 from your respective lists. We'll see soon enough if I'm right...!
And feel free to keep PMing me lists; I'm rather enjoying this. :)
I haven't been keeping any list that's not in my head, but I have to admit I'm curious to see other peoples' lists.
Kigvan wrote: Sent to Thunderfrog, Mikael, GM_Solspiral, and Christopher. If others send me their lists, I'll send mine, but off to go play pathfinder tonight! How was your jaunt into the Wounded Wisp? I heard much terror from that back room. :P
I sent you my list Kigvan.
Sent mine out to a few people, open trading with anyone. Send me yours, I'll send mine.
I would love to see people's lists. I don't have one to trade and am therefore reliant on any kindness from others.
Thanks in advance.
I'm in to trade with whoever.
I have a small list, with brief explanations. But admittedly, I haven't been die-hard about making the list. Just the stuff that really really stood out to me. And I know my tastes differ from others.
Anyone want to trade?
I'm up for trading lists :)
Sent out to everyone currently in thread.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WalterGM wrote: Kigvan wrote: Sent to Thunderfrog, Mikael, GM_Solspiral, and Christopher. If others send me their lists, I'll send mine, but off to go play pathfinder tonight! How was your jaunt into the Wounded Wisp? I heard much terror from that back room. :P
I sent you my list Kigvan. The Wounded Wisp was quite fun, only one really dangerous moment when one of the level 1's was a critical hit sneak attack for 14 damage, luckily he wasn't hurt prior to that and only went unconscious. Laine drew out the boss fight quite nicely.
i haven't been keeping a list, but i'd love to join the ranks of those looking for a handout, lol.
in the interest of full disclosure, i mostly just have a morbid curiosity about whether my item has made anyone's top 32 list (and am fully aware that i might regret peeking)...
How does a keep list work? I just have a list of almost everything I've seen. I am very curious about what other people liked, though.
Mine is just a list of items I've found that I particularly enjoyed and want to incorporate into my home games. I'd like to see most of them in the top 32, but I definitely don't have high aspirations for some of them.
In such a small sample, I've learned that there are a few items considered good by everyone, and then everything else is a dart throw.
Yeah, I've noticed a few that are widely liked. Even if they aren't on my personal list, I can see what people are responding to.
Actually, that's true of everything on people's lists. I haven't seen anything that made me think "Whaaaaa?"
I keep forgetting to record my keeps :<
Ah, I could probably do that, I'd just have to wade through my massive document to pick things... I thought it was something more formal.
I don't have a list, but if anyone wants to share I would send back which ones caught my attention.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Having seen a half dozen or so keep lists, I am surprised both with how little my list has in common with anyone else's, but also with how little other peoples' lists have in common with each other (and the specific items that have appeared on multiple lists).
I would be interested in seeing some keep lists if people are willing to share. I currently have nothing in return, but I have now started a keep list (which currently has 4 items) and when it grows to something worthy, I will share back. :)
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Though I haven't been keeping a list for myself ( nor checking it twice ), I would appreciate a peek at someone else's.
Has anyone reviewed their lists and changed their minds on items on second look? I'm pretty sure my tastes have changed quite a bit from the start of voting.
Yea, as I see better items I've added and subtracted a few entries.
If anyone sends me a list, I'll reply with my current top-20...
I wouldn't mind reviewing your keep lists if you don't mind sharing. My list is more like a "Hey that's neat!" list.
Sounds like fun. I think I'm also going to start keeping a list. If anyone sends me theirs, I'll send one back as soon as I have something.
Sent to the last 3 posters.
I haven't kept a keep list (though there are a couple items I'm in love with), but I'd be curious to see others -- and now that apparently we've been culled, I'm even more curious!
I could trade some of my keeps I suppose.
I'm working on my list.
I went through my "seen" list and pulled out ones I liked...
and I got over 50! So I need to trim it a little more...
There's a certain staff that's been on enough lists that I'll re-evaluate it next time it comes up in my voting. I must be missing something with it, but more than willing to re-consider.
I'd love to see other people's lists, if they wouldn't mind sharing with me. Mine includes a great deal of me cursing as I accidentally vote before remembering to save item descriptions, so it's not nearly as complete as I want it to be, but I would be willing to share it.
Show me yours and I'll show you mine ;)
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
To those that sent me lists, I will send you my list tonight when I am at home, there are about 3 or 4 still, I have not forgotten you.
Angry Wiggles wrote: I'd love to see other people's lists, if they wouldn't mind sharing with me. Mine includes a great deal of me cursing as I accidentally vote before remembering to save item descriptions, so it's not nearly as complete as I want it to be, but I would be willing to share it. I feel that. Apparently my clipboard wipes if I don't have Word open when I copy text, so I have a partially complete list of item descriptions.
It's happened twice now. I find an item I like, I highlight it, I hit "ctrl+c," I vote for it, I open Word, I hit "ctrl+v" and nothing pastes.
This ring is better than the heavy fortification armor quality and costs a very small fraction of the price.
Good concept and great imagery, but not enough pricing research.