My lvl17 ranger has too much money, what to do?


So getting close to the BBEG of an AP. I won't say which one because most likely someone will blurt out spoilers. He flies with a griffon and has mounted combat style feats, +5 mithral full plate and so forth.

Any out-of-the-box ideas? I have 118k of gold sitting in my saddlebags. I've been thinking about Ring of Inner Fortitude (greater), getting heavy fortification & determination -enchantments to the full plate.

Is there any high-level items that are ranger-specific? I couldn't find any.

Pearl of power for third level spells so you can instant enemy more.

Any good wondrous items.

Shadow, Greater for your armor in case you go a stealthing.

Bracers of Falcon's aim for when you need to bow stuff.

FranKc wrote:

So getting close to the BBEG of an AP. I won't say which one because most likely someone will blurt out spoilers. He flies with a griffon and has mounted combat style feats, +5 mithral full plate and so forth.

Any out-of-the-box ideas? I have 118k of gold sitting in my saddlebags. I've been thinking about Ring of Inner Fortitude (greater), getting heavy fortification & determination -enchantments to the full plate.

Is there any high-level items that are ranger-specific? I couldn't find any.

What do you already have?

wraithstrike wrote:
FranKc wrote:

So getting close to the BBEG of an AP. I won't say which one because most likely someone will blurt out spoilers. He flies with a griffon and has mounted combat style feats, +5 mithral full plate and so forth.

Any out-of-the-box ideas? I have 118k of gold sitting in my saddlebags. I've been thinking about Ring of Inner Fortitude (greater), getting heavy fortification & determination -enchantments to the full plate.

Is there any high-level items that are ranger-specific? I couldn't find any.

What do you already have?

I have... A spoilerific greatsword (a +6 at the moment considering enhancement), +3 adamantine lance for spirited charge (I switch between the two of these depending on the situation), +1 seeking adaptive longbow, cloak of res. +5, spoilerific ring that give +3 deflection, +6 wis headband, belt of physical perfection +4, Circlet of persuasion, Ring Feather Falling, Necklace of adaptation, Snapleaf... I can go without the ring of feather falling, since snapleaf has my high falls covered.

Our GM does not allow Ioun stones, since they are super rare and only accessibly through loot.

My saves are pretty good so I don't really think they need improving. (19/18/17 before heroism etc) Stealth is not really an option since the other players don't really care for skill usage. My character is the only one who has ranks in diplomacy for example.

Grand Lodge

Jingasa of the Fortunate Solider (Takes up same slot as Circlet of Persuasion as an FYI)
Luck Stone which is NOT an ioun stone (This adds to Initiative too!)
Dueling enchantment on your gauntlets
Unfettered Shirt (Or quickrunners shirt if allowed)
Boots of Haste if no constant haste access
Deathless Armor Enchantment
Heavy Fortification Armor or Buckler(!) enchantment
Better armor/shield in general
Horseshoes of the Zephyr
Whatever the Haste horseshoes are called
Barding (see above enchantments)
Hostelling Armor
Eyes of the Eagle et. al.
Arachnid Goggles
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Pearls of Power
Rod of Quicken Metamagic Lesser

Himokl wrote:

Jingasa of the Fortunate Solider (Takes up same slot as Circlet of Persuasion as an FYI)

Luck Stone which is NOT an ioun stone (This adds to Initiative too!)
Dueling enchantment on your gauntlets
Unfettered Shirt (Or quickrunners shirt if allowed)
Boots of Haste if no constant haste access
Deathless Armor Enchantment
Heavy Fortification Armor or Buckler(!) enchantment
Better armor/shield in general
Horseshoes of the Zephyr
Whatever the Haste horseshoes are called
Barding (see above enchantments)
Hostelling Armor
Eyes of the Eagle et. al.
Arachnid Goggles
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Pearls of Power
Rod of Quicken Metamagic Lesser

Jingasa is on the no-list unfortunately.

Luck stone is an option.
Dueling is not really anything I would need since I don't bother with maneuvers with my character.
All three other characters in the party are capable of casting haste so not really.
Better armor than +5 mithral fullplate? I use 2H weapons so shield is a bit of a waste.
Deathless would be nice though, Fortification is one of the options I am actually thinking.
My griffon can't really use horse shoes unfortunately. :)
Upgrading barding is an opion too.
Hostelling does not have that much use. We travel by flying or grtr teleport.
Arachnid goggles seem fun!
Ring of evasion/FOM: I have imp. evasion from class ability and I cast FOM.
Pearls of power: These I already have a bunch, forgot to mention.
Rods in general: I don't think I have that much need for quickening spells. I need both hands for weapons and the rest of our party are arcane caster with quicken metamagic via feats and rods.

Thank for the advice!

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I vote for eyes of the dragon, every type of vision and blind sense.

A lot of good stuff I didn't know about for my ranger. Thanks guys.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

items that supplement ranger abilities:

Weapons: cunning, huntsman

Boots: friendly terrain

Ring: of sacred mistletoe

Vest: of vengeful tracker

Headband: Hunter's band

Not a Ranger item, but the swarmbane clasp is something useful to have on hand.

Also not specific, but a scabbard of many blades makes it easy to switch weapons.

I would definitely consider the manuals and tomes.

MANUAL OF BODILY HEALTH +5 inherent Constitution
TOME OF CLEAR THOUGHT +5 inherent Intelligence
TOME OF UNDERSTANDING +5 inherent Wisdom

at +5 the cost each is 137,500 GP.

As inherent bonus's, they aren't subject to anti-magic zones or dead magic areas and stack with enhancement items.


Sovereign Court

from my experience by level 17, he already has everything that he wants or needs, item wise.

Frankly, just get fun items now. Like stuffs to summon a genie or a blade of wishes with one wish on it or something.

A robe of runes I guess could be one of these items, you can recall four level of spells that you have prepared. It's not amazing but frankly don't think that you need many items.

If you are a worshiper of a specific deity, you might want to consider some deity specific magic items, they often come with nice bonuses and are very cheap.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will you be bringing your mount into the final leg of everything? If so, you may want to do all you can to beef up its offenses and defenses. Have a party member or commission somebody to make something for it if you have time, for example.

Silver Crusade

Since the Ranger already has pretty much everything he needs, consider buying something useful for someone else in the party who does not have everything. This will improve the group's collective chance of success. For example, your party's arcane and divine casters probably make a big contribution at 17th level, and probably do not have most everything they need.

For example, all do your high level casters have a Normal or even Greater metamagic rod? That would help out the whole party quite a lot ...

Does your party already have a bunch of nifty high level spells on scrolls, or are your high level casters constrained by cost? How many Mass Heal spells do you have on scroll? Consider chipping in for one of these ...

How about an expensive mechanism to all function under a certain bad conditions, and a way to generate that condition on the whole battlefield? For example, for enough money you could buy a way to let everyone see in Greater Darkness. You can buy items that let everyone see through smoke, and a way to fill the battlefield with smoke. Et cetera.

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Have you considered anything RP worthy?

Like a Mansion? A Harem? A Mansion with a Harem inside of it, in your own plane of existence?

Some of the things I bought or had crafted for my Ranger before facing the BBEG in one of our APs were:

cap of the free thinker
headband of unshakeable resolve
unfettered shirt
slaying arrows
for monstrous humanoids and outsiders

There's always more stuff to boost yourself, but if you REALLY have some spare cash and just no idea what to do, a sweet ride (airship) and a rockin' home base (castle, possibly flying) are good.

I mean, its what I'd do if I were a fantasy character with gobs and gobs of gold.

What to spend your money on? Ale and whores. Ale brewed by the finest celestial dwarves, and courtesans who serve the lords of the genies.

You'll soon be fighting the BBEG, might as well enjoy life a little, just in case.

Trigger Loaded wrote:

What to spend your money on? Ale and whores. Ale brewed by the finest celestial dwarves, and courtesans who serve the lords of the genies.

You'll soon be fighting the BBEG, might as well enjoy life a little, just in case.

See, this man has the right idea.

Trigger Loaded wrote:

What to spend your money on? Ale and whores. Ale brewed by the finest celestial dwarves, and courtesans who serve the lords of the genies.

You'll soon be fighting the BBEG, might as well enjoy life a little, just in case.

Hookers and blow for the win.

In all seriousness, though, Magda's suggestion bears repeating. Consider picking up party loot instead of ranger loot to pass out to the casters. If you have enough to spare for a regular or greater Quicken rod, you've just outdone anything you could have possibly purchased for yourself.

Serisan wrote:
Trigger Loaded wrote:

What to spend your money on? Ale and whores. Ale brewed by the finest celestial dwarves, and courtesans who serve the lords of the genies.

You'll soon be fighting the BBEG, might as well enjoy life a little, just in case.

Hookers and blow for the win.

In all seriousness, though, Magda's suggestion bears repeating. Consider picking up party loot instead of ranger loot to pass out to the casters. If you have enough to spare for a regular or greater Quicken rod, you've just outdone anything you could have possibly purchased for yourself.

The casters are hoarding all sorts of nifty scrolls and rods. They also got same amount of gold to spend on something. ;) I'll get myself scrolls of greater heroism and so forth for the final battle.

My characters motivation for this adventure is to avenge his brothers death. (My previous character.) Since it looks like there will be all sorts of mad loots just for the taking after we possibly defeat the BBEG he's eye is on the job at the moment. He lives at a fancy brothel for high-spending nobels while not on the job so the 'hookers and blow' part is covered.

Keep 'em coming though, it's fun to get all sorts of suggestions. :)

If you save up 2k more you can get a Ring of 3 Wishes and wish for your Brother's Body and then wish him back to life, with a wish to spare for the final battle.

I would by tomes to increase any odd stat that I had.

Make sure your mount's defenses are high enough to hold up in against the bad guy.

If you are enough of an archer and simply wan to total the BBEG you can get a bunch of slaying arrows. They combine well with limited wish for the -7 to saves. DC 23 is low for BBEG most likely but if you has to make one for each arrow then that can lead to failed save. Or target his mount.

Not sure what is out there but you can buy a lot of one shot items.

Use the money for planar allies. 6 Plantars would go a long way to boosting you combat power. Assuming you have a cleric you can bring this on line.

Some of these ideas may trivialize the final encounter so be careful.

I like the idea of a flying castle.

Also fodder for 4 wish spells to the full casters if you need it.

I would donate it to your nearest Erastil temple.

For those interested: I ended up buying Deathless for my and the mounts armors, Ring of inner fortitude (greater), increased the spoilerific sword up to +7, got scrolls of restoration and greater heroism.

We won the BBEG and thus completed the AP! My character kept the mooks at bay while the sorcerer and bloodrager handled the BBEG. With some really lucky die rolling, it was over pretty fast.

For those interested.:
The AP was Rise of the Runelords and BBEG was Karzoug the 20th level azlantian transmuter wizard.

A tale of the last battle with all the juicy details seems appropiate.

You've got too much money and don't know how to spend it? Sounds like a great problem to have!

Liberty's Edge

As my now doomed party in the next to last chapter of an unnamed AP has just learned, don't be afraid to carry cash into the final fight.

Specifically in 5k, 10k, and 25k diamonds.

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