On quadruped eidolons with the mount evolution, the "saddle" is already present as part of the eidolon. My eidolon, biped, has armor +4 and natural armor +4, which I have constructed my eidolon to have full plate like armor all over. This is part of the eidolon and can't be removed unless I decide to change the way it looks when I level up. My humble opinion anyway. ![]()
any large town/city should have some form of sewer system, ideal for side quests. Dire rats, smugglers, and even some of the more difficult critters that can make their home in sewers. You could start em on the side quest with some deaths due to unusual mauling's and/or teeth marks that would show something was killing and eating the citizens. ![]()
you and your DM are having a discussion over 3 types of effects. 1) Composite bows are made to benefit from the strength of the wielder which adds the strength modifier to the damage. page 141 core rulebook under projectile weapons and page 147 core rulebook under bow, composite. 2)Keep in mind, you must differentiate between enhancement bonus and strength bonus i.e... +2 Composite Longbow (+2 Strength). Easier to understand. 3) you can have a masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Strength) and enchant it further as able. Page 149 core rulebook under Masterwork Weapons. In effect, Composite(strength) adds to the damage, Masterwork adds to the attack. And when the bow gets enhancements, they supersede the masterwork bonus to attack. ![]()
Once you have em unconscious, throw down 2 Campfire Beads and wait. They's all dead now. ![]()
Charisma is more than just your empathy and interactions. It's also your physical appearance. Taken in what the others have said but also with boils, you could also add not bathing, picking at your boils, scratching in an obvious manner, even so far as dropping your pants and doing your business in public. Almost any odorous habit could be used in this context. ![]()
I've played a gnome summoner mounted build that was awesome. I spent my first level feat in lance proficiency then set things up to charge em. With a small race you can do dungeon crawls pretty well due to you mount is medium sized. My eidolon was my mount and I gave him evolutions to increase his damage while protecting me. ![]()
bbangerter, Thanks, I had been considering the verbage RAW as not quite in line with my previous post. You have nailed the discrepancy. In effect, the Strangler (Feat) adds to a regular attack using the swift action to do additional SA damage that does not stack with other sources of SA damage. So, the Stranger (Archetype) gains no benefit from this feat. ![]()
hmm, not to muddle the waters further but I would work it similar to a quickened spell and casting a spell in the same round. Swift action + standard action. Of course, you can use a swift action at any point during your turn. By the wording of the grappled condition, use a standard action to do damage. so you would do the Strangle damage + xd6 SA. Since you have already maintained your grapple, Then use a swift action to use strangler doing xd6 SA damage. The point here is doing your standard action first. ![]()
Bane Wraith wrote:
What I was thinking was making a improvised weapon fighter who uses immovable rods as his improvised weapons. ![]()
If you can do 3rd party you can do something similar with the psionic feats from Dreamscarred press. Take a psionic race, then add Unlocked Talent Feat. Doesn't matter what class you take b/c this is a racial thing. ![]()
Why not use a Endless Bandolier? It would use the chest slot, it has extra-dimensional spaces for your wands with the downside being a move action that provokes AoO. Not the optimal choice but could work. And its only 1500 gp. ![]()
Don't discount Intensified Spell Feat at higher levels. Increases your damage on any level dependent damage dice spells you have at only a +1 SL increase. ![]()
Once you are able to, a Swarmbane Clasp is a must for dealing with swarms. Swarmbane Clasp: SWARMBANE CLASP PRICE 3,000 GP
AURA moderate abjuration CL 8th WEIGHT 1/2 lb. An ancient fossilized insect lies trapped within this ornate amber clasp, impaled by the long golden pin that fastens the wearer’s cloak. The wearer’s weapons, unarmed attacks, and natural attacks deal full damage to swarms, regardless of the swarm’s immunity to weapon damage (if any, although damage reduction applies as normal). If the wearer is damaged by a swarm, she automatically succeeds on her saving throw against the swarm’s distraction ability. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 1,500 GP Craft Wondrous Item, repel vermin ![]()
Andre, I was thinking 50% each. Why would this be a bad idea? I was thinking either Drow male/female got exiled, they went to the surface and either got badly hurt or found male/female elf who was hurt and well.. birds and bee's stuff.. elf drow. Magehunter. I looked for dusk elf and didn't find it then realized you meant taking elf subtypes. Thanks ![]()
By the rules, it automatically matches your alignment per page 48 ultimate magic sidebar. "A black blade always has the same alignment as its wielder and
Now depending on your alignment, there's not much that can turn your BB against you. About the only situation I can think of off the top of my head is either killing an NPC or not killing an NPC. If you are good, then you two might argue not to kill or if evil to kill. ![]()
One thing no one has mentioned on this castle is that it could have already existed but lay empty due to death/betrayal of the noble living there and the crown hasn't granted anyone title to it. The Deck of Many Things grants you title to it and so, once you turn in the title, the crown will see you as a descendent of the previous lord. Plenty of intrigue rp'ing here. If its in an unpopulated area, then it's likely to be infested with bandits, critters, etc ... and must be cleared out. I agree with above posters that you need to discuss this with the GM as well as the rest of the party. A castle or house is a very good way to have a base of operations. And eventually, someone will create circle of teleportations to go to different places on the planet for quick travel. Shoga ![]()
Can I use all the points from this spell on the Flight evolution? I would say no. You would have to take 2 evolutions. Explanation: In the description of the evolution it says "For 2 additional evolution points". Cite the Bite evolution Bite (Ex): An eidolon’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite. So, you could use it to take the Bite evolution as 2 evolutions but not fly. Of course, GM fiat rules. As for using it to make a magic item, and it's not used in any other magic item already, using the magic item creation guide in the core book page 549. Then submit for GM approval. ![]()
New Eidolon Evolutions I have been thinking about alternative uses for an Eidolon besides combat or as a mount and through my research at the Paizo site as well as other venues I haven't found any way to allow for an Eidolon to be of use in other capacities. In the Super Genius Games - Pathfinder Role Playing Game Accessory - Advanced Options Extra Evolutions, there is a 2 point Evolution called Metamorph that allows changing an Eidolons base form, but that doesn't do what I had originally wanted. So, I have rewritten the Large Evolution to accommodate for some new uses for the Eidolon. As it says in the Large Evolution, the Eidolon must be medium to take the Large Evolution. My rewrite would take into consideration a small Eidolon as a Summoner might choose small in his/her initial creation. I personally, would stay with a medium Eidolon for simplicity but ultimately, the choice is up to the player/Summoner to decide. The costs are the same regardless of size and are cumulative. My thought would be to create an Eidolon that could change from a Medium base size to Large for combat then to Tiny so I can carry him into taverns and shops. Something you can't do with a Large Quadruped Eidolon. Secondly, as stated in the original text (Advanced Players Guide page 59) "If this choice is made, the eidolon can be made Medium whenever the Summoner can change the eidolon’s evolution pool (which causes it to lose these modifiers for being Small). "I include three new Evolutions to supplement the Size Increase/Decrease Evolution with the following: 1 point Evolution Shifter I (Ex): The Eidolon can as a Standard action, change it's size by one size category depending on the Size Increase/Decrease Evolution taken. The Summoner must be at least 8th level to select this Evolution. 2 Point Evolution Shifter II (Ex): The Eidolon can as a Standard action, change it's size by two size categories depending on the Size Increase/Decrease Evolution taken. The Summoner must be at least 11th level to select this Evolution. 3 Point Evolution Shifter III (Ex): The Eidolon can as a Standard action, change it's size by three size categories depending on the Size Increase/Decrease Evolution taken. The Summoner must be at least 14th level to select this Evolution. 4 Point Evolution
If 6 additional evolution points are spent, the eidolon instead becomes an additional size that stacks with the initial size purchased. The Summoner must be at least 13th level before selecting this option. The ability increase evolution costs twice as much (4 evolution points) when adding to the Strength or Constitution scores of a Large or Huge eidolon But does not change if reducing to small or tiny.
The following chart shows the effective changes in sizes from Tiny to Huge with a base size of Medium. Adjust accordingly for your Eidolons size. Huge
Comments? ![]()
Aelryinth wrote:
I'm not understanding the logic here. Let me try to show it in the way I understand it. Whether its efficient/cost effective for me or not. I would have thought it was a linear - logical step to take whatever base item regardless of what it is or its cost then add the next effect + 50%. example Base Item I found an Amulet of Natural Protection +1 at level 2, it takes up the neck slot. At 3rd level I found enough coinage to want to add the effects of Golembane Scarab which is a broach but takes the neck slot. I pay the 2,500 gp + 1,250 gp for stacking. Its a linear - logical progression. Either way, I would need the reference of where its stated in the books. Shoga ![]()
Nobody Important wrote:
Sorry, I have limited access to the internet so I am not able to respond very quick. Unfortunately, I don't think the resistances stack but heres the rundown: +5 armor bonus to AC
Still a very effective combination. SR is a bit low but it could still save you. The bonus's on CL checks are the main attraction. Add Piercing Spell Feat to a spell and the enemy's SR will not protect them. Shoga ![]()
Aelryinth wrote:
Please, reference where it states that the most expensive item is always first. Please, tell me that if I bought the Robe of components for 5,000 gp first but later I wanted to add the effects of Otherworldly Kimono, I would have to have them make me a different robe/kimono then add effects of the robe of components to it. Seems like it would be more expensive in the long run. Shoga ![]()
I would do the following: Robe of the Archmagi 75,000
total = 182,000 gp Headband of Mental Superiority : 144,000
Ring of Protection +5: 50,000
Total = 185,000 gp Ring of Wizardry Type II : 40,000
Total = 103,750 gp Amulet of Magecraft : 20,000
Total = 149,750 gp ![]()
I would say he was cursed and all his stats were reduced to less than 10, but he would have Fast healing 5. He also would have forgotten he knows how to use any weapon or armor. His initial awakening would be in a pacifistic temple where any conflict goes against the temple. He has no knowledge of how he came there and the monk/priests just say he showed up one day without any knowledge of who he was. He has lived at the temple for a year, still without knowledge of who he is when the temple is attacked to find him. But he wants to honor the temple and runs away so as not to cause conflict. ![]()
PRICE 250 GP AURA moderate transmutation CL 9th WEIGHT 2 lbs. This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers, shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or broken parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have done the job just as well. The any-tool counts as a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for most Craft or Profession skills (although very specialist crafts such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). It is an ineffective weapon, always counting as an improvised weapon and never granting any masterwork bonus on attack rolls. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 125 GP Craft Wondrous Item, major creation Several threads have been made for the list of things that could be made but what was not defined was what the end product weighs or its overall size. This Thread thread gives ideas on what could be made if the GM allows. I am looking to answer the following questions due to the limited description on the any-tool. 1) Will it create a tool that weighs more or less than the 2 lbs the any-tool starts out as? 2) Will it create a tool that's more than 12 inches in length/width/height? Case in point, It says it would create a Block and Tackle (without rope). How much weight would it support? Would it create a tripod for the B&T if that's what you visualized? If it could create a sledgehammer, could you specify an 8 lb sledgehammer? If you wanted a 2 foot sled, would it do that? Or a wheelbarrow? ![]()
After revisiting the Keen special ability and noting its specified "does not stack with other" notation, makes me want to ask. 1) If I have the Keen special ability, can I use the Kensai Perfect Strike ability to increase the multiplier by one? 2) at 20th level, The Kensai cap ability increases the Critical Multiplier of my focus weapon by one. Would this preclude using the keen weapon quality and make the Kensai Perfect Strike ability to increase the multiplier useless?