Wiggz |

I've never bought an AP before but I'm seriously considering getting this one. If I do I think I want to tweak it to play with an all dwarven party….. or maybe even as an orcish tribe.
Very excited about this. It will be interesting to see if I can work (some of) it into the Shattered Star-RotRL rewrite I've been putting together.

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Arikiel wrote:I've never bought an AP before but I'm seriously considering getting this one. If I do I think I want to tweak it to play with an all dwarven party….. or maybe even as an orcish tribe.Very excited about this. It will be interesting to see if I can work (some of) it into the Shattered Star-RotRL rewrite I've been putting together.
It certainly fits thematically given the major enemies of RotR.

Wiggz |

Wiggz wrote:It certainly fits thematically given the major enemies of RotR.Arikiel wrote:I've never bought an AP before but I'm seriously considering getting this one. If I do I think I want to tweak it to play with an all dwarven party….. or maybe even as an orcish tribe.Very excited about this. It will be interesting to see if I can work (some of) it into the Shattered Star-RotRL rewrite I've been putting together.
Even if just one or two books can be inserted, perhaps somewhere during the Fortress of the Stone Giants.
Already I'm using the six volumes of RotRL, three from Shattered Star and one from Curse of the Crimson Throne. There's a limit to how big I can make the story and still keep it within a 1st - 20th level campaign... if I can't make it smoothly fit the flow of the greater story then there's no point, but I've managed to do a pretty good job of it so far. We'll see.
Just one of the reasons I'm excited about this AP.

Wiggz |

What speed of an experience track are you planning?
I stopped using experience a long time ago - characters will level at predetermined milestones. I've already discussed it with them and they understand that by necessity there will be some 'accordianing' of advancement, with their spending more time at some levels than others... I've done my best to smooth it out as much as possible, and they're fine with it because the story is going to be so great.
Overall its going to follow a bit of a bell curve, with the earliest levels and the latest ones passing the quickest, and the middle levels, say 7th to 13th, will be the ones where the most time is spent.

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Aerodus Alazario, N/LN male human slayer- Aerodus was like any other young boy growing up in Trunau- he was trained to fight orcs, take care of the community and was trained to be a guardsman. But Aerodus did not want to be like anybody else- not to be just another guard on the wall, another nameless body. He wanted to be different. He did not wear normal armor, he left his sword and spear at barracks and switched to more uncommon weapons- boomerangs. Everybody now makes fun of him, but never to his face- Aerodus has a deadly throwing hand and nobody laughs at him twice. A hipster guard with who just wants respect.
Keela of Chernasardo, NG female human hunter -A Hunter from Nirmathas, near Crystalhurst. Lived with her family near the borders of the Blight. Turns out her family is kinda not-welcome to Crystalhurst, because of their close proximity to the Blight. She tried heal the area around the home, but in the end, blight overcomed the family. She tried to get help, but other rangers refused to take her in because she too was marked by the mysterious disease of the forest. She fled to the north with her elk Bran, until she reached Trunau where she decided to stay and try to find a way to live with the blight. Helpful but aloof hunter marked by unkown forces.
Arkholme, LN male human wizard - man of class and good manners, Arkholme was not always like that. In his youthful days in Lepidstadt he was trouble-maker and ruffian, but when orcs butchered his parents, that all changed. He started to take care of his brothers and sisters, and enrolled in university. He soon started to realize his full potential as a wizard. When he was sure his younger siblings could take care of themselves, Arkholme left Ustalav to research the old giant magic, and travelled to Trunau. Academic with experience for street fighting but little for real adventuring.
Valka Orkenjävel, CN female half-orc fighter- half-orc blessed with only minor signs of his mixed blood (curved ears and yellow eyes), Valka was the only child of ulfen merchants. Valka was grown up on the road, travelling with boat and cart to many cities of Inner Sea. Her orc-blood comes from her great-grandmother who slept with orc warlord. Her grandfather was a huge towering viking, who raided many towns on the coast and Valka was her favourite grandchild. But once on their way to trade with Truanu their cart was attacked by horde of Frost giants- everybody but Valka died. Valka was a slave for two years, until she escaped and made her way to Trunau. She swore to become strong and fierce and avenge her parents. Shieldmaiden with uncontrolled rage bubbling inside.

wraithstrike |

I have one invite to play, but it wont be for at least 6 months.
I am looking at the arcanist simply because I was not impressed with it on paper, but it might play better in an actual game. I also want to play an inquisitor, so I am kind of torn between those two.
I am leaning towards a dwarf, just because I would be fighting giants, but I have also never played an elf or halfing, and I want to try both races at least once.
I think the giant hunters handbook which I have has some feats to help out the smaller races such as halfings.

Wiggz |

I have one invite to play, but it wont be for at least 6 months.
I am looking at the arcanist simply because I was not impressed with it on paper, but it might play better in an actual game. I also want to play an inquisitor, so I am kind of torn between those two.
I am leaning towards a dwarf, just because I would be fighting giants, but I have also never played an elf or halfing, and I want to try both races at least once.
I think the giant hunters handbook which I have has some feats to help out the smaller races such as halfings.
This mash-up campaign is taking up most of my gaming time, but we've started talking about trying to do it as a duo. Maybe Gestalt it? The only hard idea we have is an 'odd-couple' type pairing like a gnome Illusionist/Rogue or Master Summoner/Rogue and a half-ogre Barbarian/Ranger or Druid/Ranger... what do you think?

wraithstrike |

With only two players I think Gestalt is not a bad idea.
When I did gestalt before I would pick classes that work well off of the same stats, but had different functions.
If the odd couple idea is to make the game a littler more difficult, then the illusionist/rogue is a good pic.
If you just want to do something different but still effective thenthe barbarian/ranger should work out. Maybe even go urban ranger.
I know that I did not make a 2nd suggestion for the difficult or odd side.
If you are not trying to make the game more difficult or have an odd couple, then I have a few other suggestions.
If the GM is going to reduce the number of enemies then I would avoid Master Summoner just to save yourself the book keeping and not create extra work for the GM.
If he is not going to remove monsters or tone anything down the I would stay with Master Summoner/Slayer(unless you really want a rogue)
For the other side a Barbarian/Druid(or cleric) should work out well.
I also like the barbarian/ranger, but in that case I would pair the summoner with an oracle. However the book keeping for two list of spells may not be much fun.
Invulnerable Barbarian/synthesis summoner would also be nice. A lot of hit points and DR to protect it. On the other side a bard/slayer. You kill the enemies and write poems/songs about it.
If you use these two gestalts I think it would allow for a lot of fun.

Wiggz |
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With only two players I think Gestalt is not a bad idea.
When I did gestalt before I would pick classes that work well off of the same stats, but had different functions.
If the odd couple idea is to make the game a littler more difficult, then the illusionist/rogue is a good pic.
If you just want to do something different but still effective thenthe barbarian/ranger should work out. Maybe even go urban ranger.
If he is not going to remove monsters or tone anything down the I would stay with Master Summoner/Slayer(unless you really want a rogue)
For the other side a Barbarian/Druid(or cleric) should work out well.
I also like the barbarian/ranger, but in that case I would pair the summoner with an oracle. However the book keeping for two list of spells may not be much fun.
I think we're going to stick with the Barbarian/Ranger - the player just has a really great concept about him being half-orc, his 'other half' actually being a fey creature of some sort that coupled with his shaman mother... he fled for his life during a coup in the village when she wouldn't be able to protect him anymore and lived on his own til the gnome came across him and recognized that there was something otherworldly to him. He's the low-charisma outsider more comfortable in a natural environment but seeking acceptance and a higher purpose...
The Gnome on the other hand - I hadn't looked much into Slayers (or any of the other hybrid classes) but on your advice I browsed the class and it looks like it might better suit the concept, as a compliment to the Master Summoner side.
The GM is going to let the character take Summon Nature's Ally instead of Summon Monster and, for the cost of a feat, allow him to apply the Fey template to the animals he summons (replacing the celestial or fiendish templates). Going to run him as a sort of trickster and master infiltrator... face skills, lots of stealth between he and his eidolon, scouting and whatnot to circumvent some encounters.
Its probably going to feel like a full party of four, between the one PC and his Animal Companion and the other PC with his eidolon and summons...

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Ernakh Steel-Arm, a half-orc archer who's lived in Trunau all his life and served with his dad in the militia. His hopeknife was made from his dad's broken sword after he was killed in an orc attack.

KahnyaGnorc |
Half-giant Kinslayer (Ranger archetype), Thunderjarl (Psychic Warrior archetype), or Warhulk (Aegis archetype). Oooo, a half-giant synthesist with a giant-esque eidolon . . . A transmogrofist would also work, get to grow to Gargantuan size eventually . . .
Basically, a character that grows big and SMASH puny giants!

Aldarionn |

I'm playing a Dwarf Ranger with the Giant Blooded Campaign Trait.
I built the character as a Switch Hitter (Thank you TreantMonk for your excellent guide) which is something I've never done before so it should be interesting! For flavor, my DM is letting me use a two-handed axe with Falchion stats but 1D8 for damage instead of 2d4. It's a minor change but it makes sense. I want a high crit chance rather than high multiplier, but axes and hammers are the opposite. I call it Axion! My animal companion is going to be a boar.
It's not a min-maxed character by any means but I have solid feat selection and some reasonably good anti-giant stuff from my race so I think I should be fine.
Davyn Emberfyst hails from Janderhoff. His large size for a Dwarf lead to whispered rumors and mistreatment at the hands of his peers, so he sought refuge in the wilds surrounding his home. He found acceptance in the people of Trunau who cared not that he was oddly large for a Dwarf, or what race he was for that matter. They only cared that he regularly supplied the town with food and furs from local game, and occasionally brought in bundles of Orc heads to fill bounties.
Trunau provided Davyn with a home away from home where he could learn the ways of survival and self reliance, and fill his pockets with coin and his belly with ale. It was a refreshing change of pace from the stuffy halls of the Sky Citadel where he grew up. Of course Trunau had a funny way of attracting Orc raids.....
It's pretty basic, but seems like a good start! We start playing tomorrow.

Hayato Ken |

So, i´ll be starting this tonight, as i was so lucky to be invited to a group.
My character idea is a little bit inspired by the attack on titan anime series, but only when it comes to certain moves.
I´ll be playing a halfling rogue with the vexing dodger archetype.
Applying the unchained rogue when available, so long having a free weapon finesse on level 1.
Traits are "trained by dwarves" and "equality for all".
Thinking about making this a ninja though, just exchanging the respective things with vexing dodger.
Also thinking about a level or 2 in swashbuckler mouser.
I´ll concentrate on dirty trick. Swashbuckler helps a lot there, because i can concentrate on CHA instead INT, for combat expertise.
Feat is agile maneuvers and greater dirty trick later on.
Also thought about "under and over".
Not planning to max on damage though.

TaigaKirdApe |
I ended up making a Melee Fighting Wizard, based on interesting build posted a couple months ago.
He's a half orc named Rongar Halfdwarven. Currently a 2nd lvl Transmuter with an 18 STR and a 14 Int. Half-orcishness gave me a Greataxe proficiency, so with an 18 STR, I went with it.
Though I have NO idea how effective this character will be, I will say with a Turtle familar, Dodge feat, Mage Armor and Shield, I have the highest AC in the party, by far. (22)
Roleplaying his Chr 8 is fun, as he has a knack for laughing at the wrong things. Not deliberately malicious but....the kind of guy who thinks Schindler's List is hilarious. You may know the type.
I hope to use evocation spells to deal with the titular giants and melee to deal with orcs.
Fingers crossed...