murdertron3000 |
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Hey all! My compatriots and I have begun an Actual Play podcast of this epic adventure path:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episodes-glass-cannon-podcast/id1007021 910
We have a kind of bizarre party makeup (half-orc Ranger, human Cleric, human Witch, and a dwarven Gunslinger) and we are having an absolute blast. We also get pretty drunk. Check it out!

murdertron3000 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

just read the getting pretty drunk partNevermind not interested
Ha ha, yeah we don't really get drunk! Three beers tops. :) It's doing pretty well on iTunes, you should still check it out if you like! Here's the link to our actual home page:

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That was crazy!
Spoiler:Two deaths. And no conclusion to Della’s goal (confronting Brander).I still think they’ll defeat Urathash (sp?) but it all depends on what Brander does.
my guess is that he'll be a recurring villain for rest of the books, esp since book 6 kinda needs some additional npc interaction.
that being said, while i disagree with troy's tactics and boost, i know exactly why he did what he did (or at least, i have a good guess for where he's going with it in book 4).

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That was crazy!
Spoiler:Two deaths. And no conclusion to Della’s goal (confronting Brander).I still think they’ll defeat Urathash (sp?) but it all depends on what Brander does.
that being said this was an AMAZING EPISODE. very cool combat techniques, lots of fun being had, a shocking revelation at the end... the guys were on their game.

Medriev |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just found this thread and so, as I only use Twitter to complain, thought I'd put my praise for the GCP here.
Discovered the podcast during my summer break and binge-listened through August and into September until I was caught up. As others have said, there are numerous episodes where I have laughed out loud and I always end up smiling when I'm listening (which attracts weird looks on commuter trains).
Brilliant work guys. I am now an avid weekly listener and Patreon supporter. My only (minor) critique is that there isn't enough. I miss the days of binge-listening when I had dozens of eps to catch up on and despite searching have not found anything that's anywhere near as good. Can't wait for the planned new content. Keep it coming!!

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Just found this thread and so, as I only use Twitter to complain, thought I'd put my praise for the GCP here.
Discovered the podcast during my summer break and binge-listened through August and into September until I was caught up. As others have said, there are numerous episodes where I have laughed out loud and I always end up smiling when I'm listening (which attracts weird looks on commuter trains).
Brilliant work guys. I am now an avid weekly listener and Patreon supporter. My only (minor) critique is that there isn't enough. I miss the days of binge-listening when I had dozens of eps to catch up on and despite searching have not found anything that's anywhere near as good. Can't wait for the planned new content. Keep it coming!!
The GCP Podcast is a singular experience, nothing else is quite like it.
However, if you're looking for good adventure content now you're caught up:
Critical Role is now in Podcast form. Each episode is about 3 hours long and they have 114 episodes of the main completed campaign.
The Adventure Zone finished their Balance Campaign, which is a big stock of podcasts to keep you sated between GCP episodes.

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Medriev wrote:Just found this thread and so, as I only use Twitter to complain, thought I'd put my praise for the GCP here.
Discovered the podcast during my summer break and binge-listened through August and into September until I was caught up. As others have said, there are numerous episodes where I have laughed out loud and I always end up smiling when I'm listening (which attracts weird looks on commuter trains).
Brilliant work guys. I am now an avid weekly listener and Patreon supporter. My only (minor) critique is that there isn't enough. I miss the days of binge-listening when I had dozens of eps to catch up on and despite searching have not found anything that's anywhere near as good. Can't wait for the planned new content. Keep it coming!!
The GCP Podcast is a singular experience, nothing else is quite like it.
However, if you're looking for good adventure content now you're caught up:
Critical Role is now in Podcast form. Each episode is about 3 hours long and they have 114 episodes of the main completed campaign.
The Adventure Zone finished their Balance Campaign, which is a big stock of podcasts to keep you sated between GCP episodes.
There's also two amazing Starfinder podcasts which are running DEAD SUNS that I follow: ROGUE EXPOSURE, and ROLL FOR COMBAT. Rogue Exposure is run by some college kids in Texas while Roll for Combat is older players who cut their teeth in the DnD of the 1970s and 80s. You get two really interesting perspectives on the game and the campaign, which is excellent...
and which is getting a bit bizarre, since I'm playing a PC in our DEAD SUNS campaign, AND next month the GCP is going to start running the same AP.
That'll be four different sets of characters running the same AP that I'm going to have to keep up with.

Medriev |
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Thanks both. Will check out those suggestions. Found one Dead Suns podcast that wasn't bad but it wasn't one of those. Will check out Critical Role and Adventure Zone as well.
Much appreciated.

Here4daFreeSwag |

Erm, so how about some Christmas lyrics, GCP style? Kinda spoilery if you haven't heard episode 132 or 133 though...
Lorc's screwed things up, Lorc's screw things up- he killed the one named (Junior) Pudir...
Lorc's screwed things up, Lorc's screw things up- he made his camel mount go weeping...
He'd have to get them new feetings, he's gotta get yet another beastie...
Lorc's screwed things up, Lorc's screw things up- he hadda get all strangly...
Meant to be sung to the refrain tune of "O'Christmas Tree, O'Christmas Tree..."
Best I could come up with at this hour... ;p

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