Dear Santa,

Gamer Life General Discussion

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What's on your gaming Christmas list?

For me it's a replacement CoreRulebook (the dogs ripped mine to tiny shreds) and the Advanced Class Guide.

Shadow Lodge

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For my son a CoreRulebook and a Bestiary I. I gave him mine when he left for college; but it sure would be nice if he could have new ones.

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Nothing really. Beyond a healthy community here on the forums. I'd like to see my group reassemble, of course, but an active community is more important than that.

Shadow Lodge

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You can game with us in Dayton any time.

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I would love to have the 5th edition PHB, MM, and DMG for Christmas. And a group of decent people to play it with, whose playstyle mirrors my own. But starting a new job with a variable schedule (never knowing when I go into work or what my days off are until the schedule is posted) will really cut into that happening. But, getting my first job in 5.5 years, I am willing to put up with nearly anything.

More Pathfinder books. I'm actually quite behind on owning them.

I only recently realized I don't own the 3.5 hardcover module "Expedition to Undermountain". I have the other three, so I added this one to my list. Having said that, I have the worst luck running modules but I want it to complete the set and who knows, I may actually try to run it (modified for PF, of course).

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King of New York boardgame.

Looking forward to loads of Kai-ju mayhem with the nephews when they come over for Christmas.

I want a few new set of dice. I've been playing with a hodgepodge of dice since my main gaming sets were stolen from my car this summer. I was disappointed when i found out the car had been broken into and my ear-buds stolen, but when i realized my dice were gone too, I was mad.

And if those new dice want to actually roll high form me in critical moments, i wouldn't complain.

Actually nothing at the moment. I'm not really doing any table top gaming at the moment, taking a break while I get some stuff sorted out.

I guess if I expand it to video gaming, a wireless keyboard and mouse so I could finally get around to hooking my PC up to the TV and play some strategy games again.

Ed Wiscombe wrote:

I want a few new set of dice. I've been playing with a hodgepodge of dice since my main gaming sets were stolen from my car this summer. I was disappointed when i found out the car had been broken into and my ear-buds stolen, but when i realized my dice were gone too, I was mad.

And if those new dice want to actually roll high form me in critical moments, i wouldn't complain.

I got three sets for my birthday :) I freak out over a single lost die from a set (which I did recently). I can't imagine what I'd do if all mine were stolen. While my collection contains only about 300 or 400 dice (I know there are much larger collections out there) I watch over them like a mother hen.

Dark Archive

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The advanced bestiary from green ronin and PaizoCon tickets.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ed Wiscombe wrote:

I want a few new set of dice. I've been playing with a hodgepodge of dice since my main gaming sets were stolen from my car this summer. I was disappointed when i found out the car had been broken into and my ear-buds stolen, but when i realized my dice were gone too, I was mad.

And if those new dice want to actually roll high form me in critical moments, i wouldn't complain.

I got three sets for my birthday :) I freak out over a single lost die from a set (which I did recently). I can't imagine what I'd do if all mine were stolen. While my collection contains only about 300 or 400 dice (I know there are much larger collections out there) I watch over them like a mother hen.

I think I have 20 dice total... hangs head in shame

Normally, I get a Barnes & Noble gift card every year. Maybe B&N has a book that I can use.

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I want a GM who lets me do the worldbuilding and is totes cool with my busy schedule. Oh, and I want James Jacobs to come down from his mighty dinosaur throne and announce a second Tian Xia book, a Vikings and Indians adventure path in Arcadia, NPC Codex 2, a Pathfinder hardcover dedicated to archetypes, and a Pathfinder hardcover dedicated to consolidating feat chains into scaling feats, improving combat feats, and giving martials a ton more combat styles besides TWF, THF, and Sword and Board. And I want Owen K.C. Stephens to come down from his throne and announce that when the Talented PDFs for every class in Pathfinder are finished Rogue Genius Games will be selling a hardcover with all the PDFs and a bunch of new talents that didn't end up in any of the Talented PDFs.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Just gaming? The Numeria softcover, The Strange RPG, MWP's latest Firefly RPG, Ladies & Gentlemen, A few D&D Attack Wing pieces, Valiant Universe RPG, the Tyranny of Dragons hardcovers, Out to the Black, Sail to India, Shadowrun Crossfire, King of Tokyo, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, everything in the Sentinel Tactics line from Sentinels of the Multiverse, Mage Knight: Lost Legion, Marvel Legendary: Guardians of the Galaxy, DC Comics Deckbuilding Game Crisis 1, and... what the hell, world peace.

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A gaming group of like minded gamers who have families with younger children and wives that my wife can get along with

For me, its the Emerald Spire Flip-Map Multi-Pack. I could run it without the maps, but I don't wanna.

Sovereign Court

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Core rulebook and all three bestiaries

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An X-Wing, B-Wing, A-Wing, TIE Defender, TIE Bomber, TIE Interceptor, z-95 Headhunter, Slave-1, and Millennium Falcon for the X-Wing Fighter combat game. It's wayyy too much fun and addicting.

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Self sufficiency? Hope? For a life that has more meaning than simply being about working hard that punchlines in drain of soul and spirit and joy, replacing it with weakness, and brokedeath.

Oh wait. We're talkin bout gaming.

Vincent Takeda wrote:

Self sufficiency? Hope? For a life that has more meaning than simply being about working hard that punchlines in drain of soul and spirit and joy, replacing it with weakness, and brokedeath.

Oh wait. We're talkin bout gaming.

I hope you are able to get all those things and more.

lorenlord wrote:
An X-Wing, B-Wing, A-Wing, TIE Defender, TIE Bomber, TIE Interceptor, z-95 Headhunter, Slave-1, and Millennium Falcon for the X-Wing Fighter combat game. It's wayyy too much fun and addicting.

no y wing?

Freehold DM wrote:
lorenlord wrote:
An X-Wing, B-Wing, A-Wing, TIE Defender, TIE Bomber, TIE Interceptor, z-95 Headhunter, Slave-1, and Millennium Falcon for the X-Wing Fighter combat game. It's wayyy too much fun and addicting.
no y wing?

Good call, Freehold. I forgot that one. I have the E-Wing and TIE Phantom, but forgot one of the classics. Thanks for the assist :)

Sovereign Court

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1. More Paizo PDF's (I love the scenarios)
2. More Paizo Maps
3. The ACG
4. A written copy of the adventure paths
5. Five Golden Rings - why not.
6. One of the cool necklaces I see from time to time.
7. A new set of dice.
8. A new Character Folio for my Rogue
9. Conflict Chips
10. Condition Deck
11. Lords a Leapin - must have stepped on my caltrops.
12. My 4th star whenever I can DM a half dozen more times.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's on your gaming Christmas list?

The safe return of Mikaze and Dark_Mistress.

Also, a couple 40lb. bags of gamer kibble, 'cause I'll need to use the food budget to pay artists, an editor, and a layout person.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's on your gaming Christmas list?

The safe return of Mikaze and Dark_Mistress.

Also, a couple 40lb. bags of gamer kibble, 'cause I'll need to use the food budget to pay artists, an editor, and a layout person.

sweetest thing I have read thus far.

I know DM has taken a hiatus, but what happened to Mikaze?

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Last I heard he was busy working for paizo via the Belkzen book.

Dark Archive

Did anyone get the annual Christmas card in their December order?

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I have confirmation that Mikaze is safe and well, and will be returning to us shortly.

Freehold DM wrote:
Last I heard he was busy working for paizo via the Belkzen book.

I'm pretty sure he turned that in months ago, but +1 for the Belkzen plug. :)

Tinkergoth wrote:
I have confirmation that Mikaze is safe and well, and will be returning to us shortly.

And there was much rejoicing. (Yaaaayyyy!)

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Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's on your gaming Christmas list?

The safe return of Mikaze and Dark_Mistress.

Also, a couple 40lb. bags of gamer kibble, 'cause I'll need to use the food budget to pay artists, an editor, and a layout person.

sweetest thing I have read thus far.

I'd like to amend my list to add monocle of the excellent editor and shoehorn of wordcount reduction. And Santa Baby, if you could get these last two to me before the SupaStah! 1st Round deadline, I would be most grateful.

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The return of the eight hour gaming session that actually involves gaming not half filled with derailed OOC tangents that last a minimum of half an hour each.

The return of D and D Tools.

Many many pathfinder books.

Shadow Lodge

If video gaming counts: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

Tabletop Rpgs: an earlier release of Occult Adventures, A book of pathfinder archetypes from paizo, the last 2 parts of Iron Gods

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's on your gaming Christmas list?

The safe return of Mikaze and Dark_Mistress.

Thats just silly.

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It's a Christmas miracle!

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Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Campaign, Bestiary 1-3, Book of the Damned 1 & 3, Technology Guide... That's about it for me. Oh. Second Darkness 1-6, Shattered Star 3-6, Reign of Winter 1-6, and anything that's out from Iron Gods. I'd also kill for an Ultimate Psionics. Hard (or soft) backs for all of 'em. Fiance has trouble with staring at computer screens to use the SRD/PRD/Archives/PDFs.

I kinda started backwards, with Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide, and Bestiary 4 when they came out, plus some stuff here and there, since our group had all the rest (+ the interwebz). Now that we're groupless, we need to go back and get the old stuff, lol. Just 2 days ago she got the Core from her godparents ^_^, so, we're happy with that for now. Word on the grape vine is her cousin's going to get her the ACG or Ultimate Magic >_>... *Fingers crossed!*

Edit: Ack! Forgot! Need Ultimate Equipment as well. Thought I was forgetting an Ultimate somewhere....

Sovereign Court

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I'd like the Dominion expansion to fleet captains please!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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Pan wrote:
I'd like the Dominion expansion to fleet captains please!

I'd like more people to play Fleet Captains with, please.

5e Monster Manual
4e Demonomicon
Pathfinder Bestiary 4
Deathwatch Mark of the Xenos
Malleus Monstrorun

Those'd be nice.

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What i want is something ive wanted for awhile. Tho i know i will never get. Its a non pdf of the adventure path #43-#48. Starts with the haunting of harrowstone and ends with shadows of Gallowspire.

Ive been wanting that adventure path since i saw it. Unfortantly to late to get it. I cant handle reading PDFs very well and most of the people i have played with cant run off pdf. So ive never been able to play in it.

It has been my most wanted Adventure path. So i will say that is my dear santa.

Silver Crusade

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Hey guys. :)

I really didn't mean to take so long getting back. It's going to take a while to catch up and I'm probably not going to be on much the next couple of days, but back for good this time.

(I've got gifts, but they're going to be a bit late)

I've really missed you guys.

Silver Crusade

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Dark_Mistress wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's on your gaming Christmas list?

The safe return of Mikaze and Dark_Mistress.

Thats just silly.

Really really glad to see you back. :)

Shadow Lodge

OMG best Christmas EVAR

Silver Crusade

TOZ wrote:
OMG best Christmas EVAR

I've missed your multitude of faces as well. :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

A good unarmed monk miniature.

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Its just not Mikazemas with out know.

Mikaze wrote:

Hey guys. :)

I really didn't mean to take so long getting back. It's going to take a while to catch up and I'm probably not going to be on much the next couple of days, but back for good this time.

(I've got gifts, but they're going to be a bit late)

I've really missed you guys.

Should have cast Word of Recall sooner!

In all seriousness, great to see you again.

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