Which Age would you like to visite in a time travelling AP?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

The future AP wish list made me think about a time travelling AP and historical moments I would like to visite.

In no paticular order:

1. Age of Destiny: The founding of the Yixing Empire in Tian Xia.

2. Age of Enthronement: Make sure Iomedae can get access to the Starstone and see her become a goddess.

3. Age of Serpents: Dinosaurs and cavefolk!

4. Age of Legend 1: Visite Thassilon in the past and maybe make a cameo during the RotR AP.

5. Age of Legend 2: Visite Azlant at its peak and one of its moon colonies.

6. The Future: The Moon half blown up and is an outpost of the Dominion of the Black. This is the place from which they want to invade Golarion.

Maybe the theme of the adventure is to correct some events the Dominion of the Black changed in the past to help its conquest of Golarion in the future. Like they try to make sure Karzoug rises because that would cause chaos in the Inner Sea region. With Iomedae not a goddess Golarion would not have a leader to lead the charge against the invaders and their gods. Delay the rise of Yixing and you thus make sure humanity is less advanced when the Dominion invades.

Other stuff the PCs could do is steal some powerful items from the Azlanti. Taking them doesn't change the future since the items were going to be destroyed during Earthfall anyway. Prepare a cache of weapons on a Azlanti moon colony for the future.

Which Ages would you like visite?

The Age of Dinosaurs!

But there are dinosaurs around in present day Golarion!

I doubt a whole AP will be based around the Dominion of the Black as the fanbase seems pretty divided on getting Lovecraft peppers on their fantasy pizza.

An evil organisation of time travelling wizards would be fun to fight. I would like to see something similar to RoW, where you're jumping to a different time period in each of the six books. Anything that reminds me of Timesplitters is going to go down well. :D

Dominion is more HR Giger than HPL.

The Exchange

mikeawmids wrote:

I doubt a whole AP will be based around the Dominion of the Black as the fanbase seems pretty divided on getting Lovecraft peppers on their fantasy pizza.

Now I need to know how a lovecraftian pepper would look like.

The Exchange

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While I would certainly enjoy a time traveling AP I really don't see them doing one anytime soon. Since they would need to do a ton of setup work to give us Golarion in multiple ages. They have so many places they haven't visited yet in the current age that I don't see them going to the trouble to flesh out other time periods just yet maybe in a few years they will be more ready for that sort of thing.

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ladydragona wrote:

While I would certainly enjoy a time traveling AP I really don't see them doing one anytime soon. Since they would need to do a ton of setup work to give us Golarion in multiple ages. They have so many places they haven't visited yet in the current age that I don't see them going to the trouble to flesh out other time periods just yet maybe in a few years they will be more ready for that sort of thing.

while i'm also highly dubious one is coming soon, thats not the point of this thread which is if they did, what age would you like to visit:-)

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The future with an invasion of the dominion could be soooooo épic!!!

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Age of Darkness for an apocalypse feel with barely-surviving human refugees on the run from various horrors.

Azlant at its height for a visit to lost Atlantis type story.

The early Aboleth Empire when humanity was a slave race.

Perhaps also some of the other iconic events like the Whispering Tyrant's reign of terror, the death of Aroden (perhaps focusing on the destruction of Lirgen by the hurricane or else Sarkoris or Cheliax).

I don't think they would need to flesh out the entire world for each age as the adventures would be very localized - one band of refugees, one Azlanti city, one Aboleth city, etc.

(Dinosaurs, not so much, because you can do that in modern-day Golarion in both the Darklands and Mwangi. I think that would be better saved for a Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth type adventure in the Darklands.)

mikeawmids wrote:

But there are dinosaurs around in present day Golarion!

I doubt a whole AP will be based around the Dominion of the Black as the fanbase seems pretty divided on getting Lovecraft peppers on their fantasy pizza.

An evil organisation of time travelling wizards would be fun to fight. I would like to see something similar to RoW, where you're jumping to a different time period in each of the six books. Anything that reminds me of Timesplitters is going to go down well. :D

I'm not too attached to the Dominion of the Black as the BBEG. Maybe I shoul have went with a more generic Time Travelling Wizard.

I still like the idea of going to the future to fight an invasion. I just wonder if the invaders aren't responsable for tinkering with the past, what would be the Time Travelling Wizard's motives?

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How about:

- Save Aroden from dying

That would change everything...or not, because time can not changed.

But the heroes could learn something about the truth behind Arodens Death.

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An idea came to me after reading this thread. If Paizo were to do an AP dealing with time travel, I think it would work better as Quantum Leap rather than Chrono Trigger. Some temporal macguffin has caused the time stream to go outta whack, and therefore the party would travel to various points in prior adventure paths.
Never actually crossing paths with the heroes of whichever path they jump into, but something off camera, where something needs to be done to make sure things go the way they should.

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I would love to play a game set during the Age of Darkness for some survival fantasy.

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Each of the civil wars/revolutions leading to modern Andoran, Cheliax, Galt, and Molthune/Nirmathas could make a cool setting for a whole AP. Certain other pivotal moments in history could also work for this, for instance, the founding of modern Osirion or Rahadoum, or the breakup of the Dragon Empire.

The far future. Magic has become virtually mythological, like in Larry Niven's stories. Spaceships and aliens, tech implants and other high tech. Still have the core species, but all their cultures have become future-tech influenced. Elves have biotech. dwarves maybe nano-assemblers? Gnomes holotech. Totally ramp it up to 11, instead of reinterpreting tech as lost ancient secrets from a fantasy viewpoint.

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This is sort of 'Dragon-lancey', but I'd love to be able to journey Azlant right before Earthfall. Between there, Thassilon, and some of the other lost kingdoms, you could weave a pretty effective narrative about the events that brought about the cataclysm. Double bonus points to anyone that could write the module where the PCs interact with that history, whether they are responsible for some of what happens or happen to prevent a worse future than what follows (like the entire world being destroyed instead of altered and covered in darkness). Also, since the landscape gets so fundamentally altered, it'd be neat to try and re-discover lost sights that were prevalent before the catastrophe.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Rakshaka wrote:
This is sort of 'Dragon-lancey', but I'd love to be able to journey Azlant right before Earthfall. Between there, Thassilon, and some of the other lost kingdoms, you could weave a pretty effective narrative about the events that brought about the cataclysm. Double bonus points to anyone that could write the module where the PCs interact with that history, whether they are responsible for some of what happens or happen to prevent a worse future than what follows (like the entire world being destroyed instead of altered and covered in darkness). Also, since the landscape gets so fundamentally altered, it'd be neat to try and re-discover lost sights that were prevalent before the catastrophe.

I was thinking something similar. It would be amusing for the PCs to be tasked with going back in time to find out how the Elves knew to leave Golarion before Earthfall, only to get back and have the elves find out from the PCs what was going to happen. Bit of silly railroading, though. I have one rule in running my games. No time travel, ever. I've only ever broken it once in each of most of my campaigns.

Rakshaka wrote:
This is sort of 'Dragon-lancey', but I'd love to be able to journey Azlant right before Earthfall.

That sounds like a very short campaign....

The PCs just arrive in Azlant....look up at the sky and wonder what that fiery things coming down from the sky at them....

Don't have to have time travel -- just make Golarion historical settings the way both the Old and New Worlds of Darkness have historical settings that you can have a whole campaign in.

Golarion Future would be cool, but barring something really catastrophic (and Third Darkness won't cut it), Magic isn't going away -- it is too useful for the people and things who are able to make use of it. And some of these people and things are VERY well-connected, so even if everybody else got together for an anti-magic revolution, it would just go underground (when magic is outlawed, only outlaws will have magic).

John Kretzer wrote:
Rakshaka wrote:
This is sort of 'Dragon-lancey', but I'd love to be able to journey Azlant right before Earthfall.

That sounds like a very short campaign....

The PCs just arrive in Azlant....look up at the sky and wonder what that fiery things coming down from the sky at them....

It could work for one book of the AP. "The clock is ticking and the PCs need to find items X,Y and Z from the Azlanti capital while the Starstone is hours away from impact! Quick, if you fail the Consortium of the Hack will get some advantage in its future invasion plans!".

Same principale with dino age adventure book. "Save the clan or Kru'k! the clan of Kru'k is responsable for the bloodline that produces Aroden! They also made this totally rad legendary magical mask that you will pick up in two adventures! Aberrations riding dinosaurs! Grrr!".

goldomark wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

That sounds like a very short campaign....
The PCs just arrive in Azlant....look up at the sky and wonder what that fiery things coming down from the sky at them....

It could work for one book of the AP. "The clock is ticking and the PCs need to find items X,Y and Z from the Azlanti capital while the Starstone is hours away from impact! Quick, if you fail the Consortium of the Hack will get some advantage in its future invasion plans!".

They did just that in one AP.

In book 3 of Second Darkness you enter a shadow version of the elven city of Celwynvian which is trapped in a time loop that ends/resets with the meteor from Earthfall striking the city. The PCs are on a timer when they enter the demiplane to complete their mission as the shadowy replay of the event is just as deadly.
RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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What if you went back in time to before the Earthfall and found out the world used 4th Edition rules?

Yasmir Isilvar wrote:

How about:

- Save Aroden from dying

That would change everything...or not, because time can not changed.

But the heroes could learn something about the truth behind Arodens Death.

Definitely +1 to this!

goldomark wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rakshaka wrote:
This is sort of 'Dragon-lancey', but I'd love to be able to journey Azlant right before Earthfall.

That sounds like a very short campaign....

The PCs just arrive in Azlant....look up at the sky and wonder what that fiery things coming down from the sky at them....

It could work for one book of the AP. "The clock is ticking and the PCs need to find items X,Y and Z from the Azlanti capital while the Starstone is hours away from impact! Quick, if you fail the Consortium of the Hack will get some advantage in its future invasion plans!".

Same principale with dino age adventure book. "Save the clan or Kru'k! the clan of Kru'k is responsable for the bloodline that produces Aroden! They also made this totally rad legendary magical mask that you will pick up in two adventures! Aberrations riding dinosaurs! Grrr!".

I know I was just making a joke. ;)

Dark Archive

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Since there's six slots in an AP, I'll list six things I'd like to see.

* I'd like to see Azlant during its old glory days.
* I'd like to visit the Jistka Imperium, as I'm a fan of its infernal golem-crafter stylings.
* I'd like to see Triaxus in summertime.
* I'd like to see Eox (and the worlds of the Diaspora) before their destruction.
* I'd like to see old Sarkoris before the Worldwound formed, mostly to just see a society with active summoners as a part of it.
* I'd like to visit things before humanity came around to see the world in truly ancient days.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Age of Groetus (aka The Final Age)

Lord Gadigan wrote:

Since there's six slots in an AP, I'll list six things I'd like to see.

* I'd like to see Azlant during its old glory days.
* I'd like to visit the Jistka Imperium, as I'm a fan of its infernal golem-crafter stylings.
* I'd like to see Triaxus in summertime.
* I'd like to see Eox (and the worlds of the Diaspora) before their destruction.
* I'd like to see old Sarkoris before the Worldwound formed, mostly to just see a society with active summoners as a part of it.
* I'd like to visit things before humanity came around to see the world in truly ancient days.

I like this idea of visiting one of the dead planets (Eox or the Twins). The ones who ruined the planet(s) could be the same threat that is travelling though time and will have to be fought in the future (AP book 6). Althought I always imagined the Divs had a role in one of those destruction.

All the AP becomes a cautionary tale for the current civilizations.

Time travel makes everything a mess, so better have just present-time golarion. (not the real world present time, that would suck)

I would rather just see historical settings than time travel. I would particularly like to see something from the very extreme past.

Christopher Dudley wrote:
What if you went back in time to before the Earthfall and found out the world used 4th Edition rules?

Now THAT's a SCARY thought . . . .

Myth Lord wrote:
Time travel makes everything a mess, so better have just present-time golarion. (not the real world present time, that would suck)

Sine Golarion present time in Reign of Winter supposedly corresponded to 1919 on Earth, Golarion present time should now be 1920 (or 1921 if Reign of Winter corresponded to late 1919). Since social evolution proceeds glacially slowly on Golarion, moving a setting to the time on Golarion corresponding to present day Earth might produce substantial change in things like national borders, but wouldn't do much else, barring some catastrophe. Unless that tiny bit of glacial evolution was just enough to put Golarion over the edge for something like developing steam engines (shameless plug here: Iron Horses AP, anyone)?

Had a really weird dream this morning that took place in a world that had both modern (actually somewhat beyond modern) technology (including towering skyscrapers and very advanced electronics/computers) AND magic (more on this in a moment, but for now note that magic was only available to the upper strata of society and their agents). I had some kind of lab job in one of the towering skyscrapers (oddly enough, I have such a job in real life, although the details were very different). I had to go to a brand new towering skyscraper for some reason having to do with a clandestine and illegal activity I was involved in (more on this in a moment too), and upon succeeding in convincing the advanced user interface in the first elevator I got into that I was authorized to go in there, it offered to give me a virtual tour of the building, which I accepted. The tour included a brief demonstration of the abilities of the Humanoid security agent (in rank and capabilities, well above a security guard) assigned to this building. This included the ability to morph into a Tiny or Small Animal (with the size categories and Animal type being specifically mentioned in the virtual tour, although only one size was shown) to be able to get into places unnoticed. The morphing was creepy, too, since in both directions of the morphing process, the agent defleshed to a skeletal form, morphed while in skeletal form, and then refleshed, with equipment and even clothing also being subject to the morphing in both directions, but disappearing and reappearing in something that looked vaguely like one of the less ornate of the Star Trek Transporter effects.

Apparently this was in some sort of successor state to Cheliax (although I didn't get to see anyone who was obviously non-Human), because it also had slavery and a distinct lack of safety for common workers (including the legal task I had to perform before the infiltration involving climbing to a considerable height with NO safety measures). The clandestine activity I was involved in included trying to free slaves, with the catch that the slaves were implanted in the back of the neck with very sophisticated chips for maintaining control of the slaves, including taking measures to prevent runaways, including but not limited to exploding if other measures failed to prevent a runaway or if a chip removal was botched. The infiltration mentioned earlier was partly intended to get information about defeating these chips (as well as for eventually defeating the regime more generally), but I never did figure out how to defeat one of those chips to the point where I could have the confidence to try doing so.

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