Andoran Avengers - Gestalt medieval Marvel superheroes


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I'm looking to run some very derivative, very high-power superhero fun, and to give people who ponder the Pathfinder builds for fictional characters something to work with, using Golarion with a few key changes to adapt various important elements of the Marvel Universe over. I ran something very similar last spring before living situation issues forced me to stop down, but in bringing it back I'd like to tighten the focus away from "everything Marvel and DC" to purely Marvel, just to bring it all in.

To help achieve builds, we will be working with the gestalt rules. Even if we're going for high power and cheese, your enemies will not be pushovers, and of course the major threats you face will also be gestalt, for fairness. A pummelfest just wouldn't be fun, y'know?

Character Creation Guidelines:
-Any heroic character from Marvel comics, save for the following banned heroes, who I'm not allowing for reasons I will be vague about when asked:
--Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Hulk, Jean Grey, Nick Fury, Professor X, Red Hulk, The Punisher, pretty much any cosmic hero, and either heroic version of Venom (as tempting as recreating Venom: Circle of Four may be.)
-Gestalt. If you're not familiar with the rules, you can read them here.
-As is allowable by gestalt rules, you may substitute class levels on one side for an applicable template or to use a creature of CR 5 or lower.
-25 point buy
-Starting level is 5th
-Two traits
-Material from any applicable Paizo sourcebook is allowable.
-Third-party material is on a case-by-case basis. Anything that introduces entirely new subsystems, such as Path of War or Psionics, is disallowed. Beyond that, my biggest issue is being able to see it; if I have the book or it's on a site like D20PFSRD then I will be able to approve or deny it. If I can't, it's a flat "no".
-Any race under 20 RP.
--When I initially ran this, I allowed the use of a "race enhancer" system, to help people suit their build and concepts more tightly. Everybody gets ten additional race points for an extra point buy sort of thing. Using the rules for creating new races, you may modify your chosen race with the traits on the page, even without meeting the listed requirements.

You can also spend one point to "embed" a magical item inside of you. You still have to buy this item, but you will get the effect while no longer taking up a slot, and it cannot be removed, broken, or dispelled (although the plot monster may find some way to supress things if needed for drama's sake). Again, these have to be items that fit your character's canon powers. For instance, if you're making Martian Manhunter, you can embed a Hat of Disguise, allowing you to change shape and disguise yourself fluidly at will.

I'll allow allow custom abilities where needed, particularly for things not easily emulatable by anything else in the game.
-Everything can be refluffed. Everything. Want to run Thor as a cleric? He doesn't need to worship anything. Want to use the dwarf stats for him because of the bonus against giants? He doesn't have to be 5'0". I'm flexible as s!+# about this.
-10,500 starting wealth, as appropriate for 5th level characters.
-I'm flexible and willing to houserule a great deal of things to achieve the intended aim of a character, so feel free to ask about any changes or tweaks.
-Obviously, provide a background wherein you rewrite and refluff your character's origin story to fit the setting, replacing details like "science experiment" with magic and alchemy where required. I'll be taking background strength into consideration a great deal, actually; the ability to give a creative twist to fit the setting is a good asset that says good things about how you'll be playing the character. Along with the background, give me a rundown of their personality, in your mind.

On a note of morality and tone; killing is obviously more acceptable in this universe than it is in the universes of comic books. As a result, even characters notable for the golden rule will not be expecting to uphold it here, although making someone who has focus on nonlethal damage so that they don't have to just kill all the time is certainly a good way to go. However, I'm very much of the "superheroes are fun" camp. Complexity and conflict are good and can build deep characters, but endless brooding and angst are not. Broody necksnappiness is not something I'm keen on, and characters who just kill kill kill like The Punisher are also not really what I'm after. Look to the recent Marvel movies for the sort of thing I'm going for; superheroes are fun and good; Captain America isn't a dick, and at the end of the day the hero shows expression that aren't just scowls.

Adapted setting information:

Absalom: For centuries, the hub of all of Golarion has had a rocky history as many interested parties seek control of the City at the Center of the World. The bustling metropolis has had a laundry list of short-lived rulers, few lasting more than a decade as those vying for the crown assassinate and betray their way to the top, always falling to another's dagger in quick succession.
The biggest change to this has been the presence of royal spymaster Sir Nicholas Fury, a shadowy man who before his announcement had never even been heard of before. He came with a new ruler whose identity would be kept anonymous for their own safety. If nobody knew who it was or where they were, how could they be assassinated? It's led to a great many uncertain rumours as decisions made for the Grand Council of Absalom are received by courrier with heavy guard protection.

Aside from that, business mostly goes on as normal. All of the large merchant companies have at least major operating outposts in the city, notably those owned by the Stark and Fisque families. Trade is plentiful and the city is very well off as a result of that.

Notable locations:
-Baxter Academy for Arcane Learning: The most prestigious academy for prospective wizards in the entire Inner Sea Region. Run by Reed Richards, a traditionalist focused on the application of intense study and knowledge to achieve magical excellence, and staffed by his wife Susan, brother-in-law Johnathan, and friend Benjamin. A significant portion of study for the accomplished wizards who choose to stay on as scholars is devoted to the mysterious accident that imbued the four with strange magical powers.
-The Sanctum Sanctorum: A building subject to a great many rumours in Absalom as to what exactly lies hidden inside. The perimeter is guarded by golems who stand watch and keep any from getting close enough to find out. Its reclusive owner, Doctor Stephen Strange, has not been seen publicly for years, though sometimes servants are seen leaving and entering, unstopped by the building's guardians.
-Doctor Xavier's School of the Learned: Half a day's ride from the city lies this strange, isolated school, subject to suspicion and fear. The school houses those deemed 'mutants', people with strange powers that manifest through means outside of arcane and divine sources of magic accepted by society. This includes those of divine or infernal heritage in a world with little interaction with such forces. They are taught here to control their abilities and foster them outside of a world fearful of them.
-The headquarters for the Stark Merchant Company.

Korvosa: The former Chelaxian city state is a chaotic, dangerous region. A large wealth gap leads to a destitute city full of desperate people and bursting at the seams with corruption. Nowhere is this more apparent than The Shingles, a ramshackle rooftop district built from shoddy planks and lean-tos atop Old Korvosa, where the guard rarely treads. Many "guilds" seek control of the city, and with much more public viciousness than other corners of the Inner Sea Region. Of them, there is no group more powerful than the merchant company owned by WIlson Fisque, a nobleman and owner of one of the largest companies on Golarion, a cutthroat businessman whose ruthlessness extends to the merciless gang war playing out in the streets.

Doomstadt: The circumstances behind the creation of this nation, the youngest in Avistan, remains a mystery to both its citizens, and to historians who have tried to study it. The nation is run by Viktor von Doom, an iron-masked madman who claims to be a god, and wields immense power to back up his assertions. It is a totalitarian state ruled by not only its tyrant, but the alleged clerics, who hold the highest station in their society as government officials as well as priests. Despite the iron grip he has over his people, von Doom has brought prosperity to the nation, as his "divine powers" are used to the benefit of his people, kept prosperous by a strong economy. Adapted from Razmiran.

Cheliax: Instead of describing stuff, all you really need to do is replace the word 'Asmodeus' with 'Mephisto' and save us both some time.

Known Factions:
-The Pathfinder Society: An organization for adventurers centered in Absalom, currently existing without any affiliations save for the furthering of the Society and a fostering of international bonding.
-The Green Lantern Bearers: An elite group of warriors wielding magical artifacts of mysterious circumstances. It's unknown who organizes them, but they exist strewn throughout Golarion as defenders with no ties to any nation's militaries or guards.
-The King's Pin: The secret name of "trade guild" formed by Wilson Fisque to protect the interests of his company and the companies he "doesn't" own. It's a name known only to its members and those aware of its true nature as a criminal organization. Agents throughout the Inner Sea Region prevent competitors from organizing against him, taxing protection from small merchants without affiliation, and committing large-scale criminal activity like smuggling and theft. The most elite of these are a group of exceptional, stealthy warriors known as The Hand.
-The Ex-Men: Charles Francis Xavier believes that mutants represent a new step for humanity, an evolution from what humanoids currently are into a greater level. He teaches his students pacifism, but also teaches them to defend themselves and others, to protect both mutants nad not from those who wish to do them harm. The name represents the belief that they are no longer merely human as they know it.
-The Brotherhood: Not all mutants subscribe to Charles Francis Xavier's views on peaceful resolution. Led by a man calling himself Erik Magnus, this group focuses on acts of terrorism and intimidation to silence the enemies and critics of mutants, as well as protecting "their people" from hate crimes and groups who perform witch hunts in search of mutants.
-The Hand: A highly secretive mercenary group that many don't believe to exist. Though they perform assassinations for hire, it's whispered that they have intentions of their own, while others say they are little more than a death cult.

Other relevant additions to the setting Atlantis, Krakoa the Living Island, Wakanda (I lost the piece of paper of which region I said I was going to replace Wakanda with so I'll have to go digging),

-The Aesir: A family of minor gods whose primary focus is on the defense of other Planes, especially the Material Plane, from outsiders that exist in further planes than many on the Material have ever heard of. The most worrisome of these being the frost and flame giants of Niflheim and Muspellheim. They foretell of an apocalyptic event called Ragnarok that will lay waste to all of the planes, and so they gather the spirits of formidable warriors to fight for them.
-Demons: Hell is ruled by the law-oriented, principled burning fist of Mephisto, archdemon and king of his burning realm. Many lesser gods occupy his realm, vying for control in the ruthless, backstabbing environment, but none have yet toppled Mephisto.
-Devils: The chaotic corners of hell are ruled by Dormammu, a being who is said to be older than hell itself. He wishes to see the world burn as he rules it.
-Shuma-Gorath: Said to be older than the universe, this ancient force is the culmination of chaos itself, ruler of countless other universes, and his mere presence in the realm would mean the ruination of reality.
-Gah'Lak'Tus: A being outside of morality or alignment, existing only to consume and keep the universe in balance. Little is known about this high being, rumours and mystical visions of something existing well outside of Golarion through the eyes of seers who cannot fully comprehend what they see.
-The Phoenix: Revered by secret societies who belive it to be the sum of divine and arcane power mixed together, the manifestation of the universe itself.

The "good" side of this is underplayed because, frankly, there aren't many really clerical aspects going on here, and the cosmologies of both universes focus more on the evil side of things. That said, this list can be appended should someone want to play something drawing power from mystic sources outside of the list.

I will leave recruitment going for at least a week, since people not only have to make their characters, but also figure out how to. That means it might be open a couple days longer. As a giant f~@@ing nerd and with plenty of system knowledge I can certainly be of help in that department. Naturally, anyone who was in the original version of the game is welcome to return, though the DC folks will have to make different characters obviously. I don't know how big a party I'll take yet because obviously I don't even know how much interest there'll be, but when I do I'll be doing it based on a few factors, but how well they've redone the backstory is definitely one of them. Due to how well gestalt opens up different options, you can certainly try to apply with a character someone else has if you feel you have a different enough spin and build choice, but do know I won't be taking doubles.

Also I'm sorry about the Way of the Wicked thread; I did not mean to abandon it, my computer just kind of caught fire and I lost it, the monitor, the desk, and the router. 2014 has been kind of a disastrous year.

Hi Spooky, glad to see you're rebooting this idea. My first thoughts are Snowbird/Narya/Ann MacKenzie (of Alpha Flight) or the new Ms Marvel/Kamala Khan.

I think Snowbird might work pretty well as a Druid/xxx (possibly Brawler or Warpriest). Not sure yet how to build Ms Marvel's shapeshifting and very open to suggestions.

Snowbird's Postcognition could be handled through the Sleepless Detective prestige class, in time. For Kamala, an embedded Hat of Disguise would handle the primary shapeshifting element; weaponizing it would be a different story, but I imagine Monk would be a half of the gestalt. The feats Lunge and then Monkey Lunge after that would give you reach on your unarmed strike, and that's a good start.

Silver Crusade

Highly interested. I like to try building superheroes as Pathfinder characters with friends sometimes anyways.

How do you feel about the Sensational She-Hulk, GM?

Regular Hulk is banned both because he is much stronger than his cousin, and because I have 'plans' for him, but She-Hulk is just fine to apply with.

Silver Crusade

Awesome. Urban barbarian/brawler sounds like the right class mix. Human with some race point modifications sounds appropriate as well.

I'm toying with the idea of Nightcrawler, too, and I'm going to play around to see if something else jumps out at me.

Me in dot and so on

Dotting for interest.

I'm an Olde School Marvel Zombie and looks like a very fun concept for a game.

Was considering Sasquatch (Walter Longkowski re-skinned as a Alchemist [RageChemist??]

Will give some other notions a thought too...

Although I would LOVE to apply with Deadpool, I'm afraid 1. That I couldn't do him justice and 2. you probably intended to ban him. As it stands, however, I would like to do Nightcrawler! Probably a tiefling of some sort... maybe a beastbrood? Definitely want to invest in the tail feat line, but I have no access to the SRD as of right now. Would you be willing to give me the stats of Beastbrood as well as the Tail feat line/ability? And would you allow me to use Multiweapon Fighting with rapiers with the tail?



Probably a melee based "extraordinary human" a la Cap or Nightwing.

Fighter for sure, with Monk as the back half.

Black Dow wrote:

Dotting for interest.

I'm an Olde School Marvel Zombie and looks like a very fun concept for a game.

Was considering Sasquatch (Walter Longkowski re-skinned as a Alchemist [RageChemist??]

Will give some other notions a thought too...

Ahem. meant of course Walter LANGkowski... :)

Edit: Gestalt - [RageChemist??] + Arboreal Template perhaps??


Very interested. I'll probably go with Thor or Captain America, maybe Nightcrawler if I can make it work.

Silver Crusade

Would it be possible to lift the restriction on barbarian having to be non-lawful? She-Hulk seems like she should be lawful good since she's a lawyer as her day job, but urban barbarian/invulnerable rager fits her powerset so well.

tony stark as a synthesist summoner sounds like fun.

Based on Langkowski's background I'm considering that a Wizard (Spell Sage)/Alchemist (Ragechemist) would fit the bill for Waldher Langkowolski aka SASQU'ATCH

Without spilling any beans what's Banner/Hulk's basic background idea (see Waldher as possibly a member of the Pathfinder's whose attempted to recreate Banner's accident/experiment/whatonot - possibly through scraps of journal entries or eyewitness reports from witnesses to the Hulk's birth??

The Spell Sage notion covers his educated background, but granting access to other class spells (particularly Druid am thinking for my Sasquatch) - the Ragechemist best reflects the big fellas abilities (as I'm presuming the likes of Master Chymist sit best with Hulk??)

I'm also thinking of two aliases as an inplay gimmick (should I be get a nod) - Waldher and SASQU'ATCH...

Anyway that's my random notions for the time being, will await feedback afore I jump further in :)

BTW Rom the Spaceknight is begging to be created in this game! ;)

@Hrothdane: I remember in the original recruitment someone had a Nightcrawler build, but it used a Psionics class and Psionics are banned this time around, so I'm not sure if there's anything good to replace with it. Teleportation Wizard will give you a little bit, but it won't be as constantly poofey as Nightcrawler. And yes, we can lift the alignment restriction.

@The Doomkitten: Whoops, forgot to add Deadpool to the list due to not having any actual plans for him, but yes, he's off the table. As for Nightcrawler, see above on the teleportation bit. I'd probably err on the side of "no" for Multiweapon Fighting, since you'd need a tail capable of using a weapon and I don't think there's anything reachable within the parameters of character creation that'll let you have one.

@psionichamster: If you do end up going for Cap, give the "Captain Andoran" build somewhere on this site a look-over, just for inspiration. I'm sure with gestalt there's a lot more possibilities, but it's a good place to start.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Might I ask our local neighborhood GM to give me a suggestion of a superhero to build?

OK, making nice progress on Snowbird. For her Postcognition, the best option I can think of so far is to create a custom divination spell, modeled off of Clairvoyance CL3, with the same casting time, but the following changes:
- Range = personal
- Can only see, never hear, and change the Description to the text from Narya's Marvel wikia page:

Postcognition wrote:
Snowbird possesses the ability to see into the recent past. Through her mind's eye, time literally rewinds itself, and she can perceive events that have transpired within the past six hours in her current location. She can replay events in an area, but only she is capable of seeing them.

Then that can either just become one of the spells she memorizes, or (per the race builder) take it as a SLA for 3 race points (1/day) or 6 RP (at will)...or I suppose I could build even put it in a custom magic item.

Spooky, what do you think?

@Joshua: Nope, that's gotta be something you figure out on your own. Both in terms of what powerset interests you, something I don't really have any insight on, and of course which characters you feel would be good and up your alley to roleplay. You've gotta be the one feeling it.

@gyrfalcon: That works, and an at-will SLA is precisely the sort of thing race builder is meant for. At your starting gold, making an at-will third-level spell magic item is out of your budget, since it's Spell level x Caster level x 1,800.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think Spider-Man calls out to me...




Play with all of the rope tricks and refluff them as webbing...

Use Spidersilk Rope...?

Spooky GM wrote:
If you do end up going for Cap, give the "Captain Andoran" build somewhere on this site a look-over, just for inspiration. I'm sure with gestalt there's a lot more possibilities, but it's a good place to start.

Something like shield ranger + paladin would probably fit well.

How do you feel about gender bending characters? There are alot of interesting female ones, but I dont trust myself to play a female competently (They always just end up being men with breasts.)

Flowing Monk is a pretty solid choice; the Redirection ability is a pretty good stand-in for Spider-sense. Only issue I see with Monk is in terms of character-accurate social stats, Wisdom would likely be Peter's dump score. Race Builder for Web and Spider Climb at-will would work, although that's I think 8 points, so maybe instead embed Slippers of Spider Climbing and Web SLA for 5.

Silver Crusade

Cool. Brawler/barbarian(invulnerable rager/urban barbarian) seems perfect then.

I was thinking of human and using the race builder option to get Alter Self as an at will spell like ability to represent transmorming between human and hulk form, though I'm also wondering if Change Shape might be better, as she often just stays in hulk form all the time (and was even stuck in it for awhile).

dotting for Iron Fist (Danny Rand).

Shadow Lodge

I'm thinking if a hawkeye/artimas/agreen arrow/speedy/huntress/red arrow (wow there are a lot of archer heros)
Going grenadier alchemist/spelled ranger (or trapper ranger, haven't decided) later going for an arcane archer dip
How much would a quiver enchanted with a continuous abundant amunition cost

I also have an idea for a flash/kid flash/quicksilver/etc character
Quickling 2/monk (four winds) 5/maybe rouge or ninja 3

Abundant Ammunition would be placed on a bow; you'd pair it with an Efficient Quiver filled with assorted gimmick arrows, beyond that. You may also want to look into the Archer archetype for Fighter, which lets you perform various combat maneuvers using a bow, which is something superhero archers always do, but which Pathfinder otherwise doesn't allow.

Shadow Lodge

Hmm, trickey, yes
Would you allow the 3.5 feats ranged disarm and ranged pin
Tha should keep me from having to gestalt two full BAB classes together (something I am loath to do)
And how much would that cost on a bow?

Hm... I was actually thinking an Iron Man type ordeal (alchemist for when he wants to go nova [no, not that Nova], and synthesist summoner for the suit)

The charisma and intelligence reliance is just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. I mean come on. Tony Stark is nothing if not intelligent and charismatic.

Furthermore I am surprised nobody suggested the Shield Champion Brawler archetype for Captain America.

EDIT: Wisdom will have to be normal and the physical stats... will have to be low. (except for perhaps constitution. I mean, between being a severe alcoholic and his body going through HELL on occasions, I think that would be a bit above average.

@Lord Foul: Endless Ammunition is a +2 enchantment, which means a total of a +3 weapon, so out of your current pay grade, but it's something to work toward. I'm not allowing 3.5 anything just because that's veering into just a little too cluttered for me.

Im thinking of making Janet Van Dyne aka. wasp

Figure would go Druid 5//Zen Archer 5 with an embedded Medium longbow as weapon (for her bio-electric blasts).

Druid doesn't perfectly fit, but wild shape is probably as close as I'll get to her shape change abilities within pathfinder. Was going to go with at will abilities but wild shape eventually lets me get huge and diminuative which reduce person and enlarge person cant.

my questions for homebrew:

1) Wild-Shape: can I gain the abilities of whatever creature I beast shape 1 into but keep my appearance. I'll Take wild speech and natural spell as Racial additions so that this is mostly just a cosmetic thing in terms of function (with the excpetion that her embedded longbow can still be used).

2) Would you be willing to bypass the must be able to cast 1st level spell pre-requisite for arcane archer prestige class? Like the idea of her being able to manipulate her "bio-electric blasts" as she become more attuned with the pym particles

3)can static bonus feat be taken multiple times? Specifically looking at natural spell, wild speech, and vermin heart to give wasp all her innate abilities while wild shaping.

Would you allow a Neutral Paladin? I was thinking about trying to build Joshua 'Elixir' Foley as a Cleric/Paladin. The Paladin for Lay on Hands healing ability, and Neutral Cleric for negative energy harming ability. He would be an Aasimar with the Angelic Flesh/Brazen feat.

Shadow Lodge

Phoo, ranged disarm is rather vital... I really don't to go archer fighter, and those two feats are maneuvers that comic archers perform frequently
And the abundant amunition is likewise vital
Hmm maybe a wand of it, or I could go for a custom wondrous item
That or I could his junk it and build the speedster.

Silver Crusade

On the embedded magic items, does the item still take up the appropriate slot? For example, if I embed muleback cords to try to replicated super strength better, can I still have a cloak of resistance?

The Exchange

Interested to see how this plays out, though not making a character for it. I'd like to suggest it'd be interesting to see someone like Thor be made as a magus/cleric with hammer instead of blade.

@blondebandit: If you can take the upkeep, then I'll allow you to retain appearance. I'll waive the spell requirement on the grounds of you being in a full caster class to begin with. Not sure what you mean by the third question. Natural Spell doesn't really benefit from being stacked at all.

@Anoirtrou: Alignment restrictrions are almost universally waived, so sure.

@Hrothdane: Embedded items are slotless.

Hmm, I kind of want to do Thunderbolts Baron Zemo. I'm thinking Cavalier (Daring Champion) to represent his sword-fighting skills and Sorceror (Eldritch Scrapper) to represent his moonstone powers. I have to check out different bloodlines, but other than that I have a good idea of where the crunch would be headed.

Well, I'm thinking of chipping in with Nightcrawler, who would be a mutant tiefling with 5 levels of Swashbuckler. Not sure what his other class would be, something that would boost his sneaky side perhaps (Slayer or Sorceror with Umbral bloodline spring to mind).

Shadow Lodge

Well if you're going night crawler you're going to want teleporting
You could spend a level on fey touched to get a move action 'port every 1d4 rounds
Or you could (if the DM allows it via his case by case rule) the version of Warlock on the d20PFSRD site (dreamscarred press I think but I'm not sure) and you can pick up the shift wizard school ability to be useable at will,

Hey Spooky, a few more questions:

1. How are you doing HP? Max at first, ave+1 for others?
2. Are you OK with the Physical Exemplar archetype?

@mbauers: Sorry, Zemo is way out, considering he is very plot important as a villain. Generally, anyone who is known significantly more as a villain than a hero would be out.

@gyrfalcon: Assume max for now; if I make people roll we'll do it in the thread after everyone is selected. As for Physical Exemplar, it's not really conducive to making characters interesting so much as gutting out class features for small bonuses, so I'm erring on the side of "no".

hey doombringer, i got dibs on Tony Stark!

Though I was thinking more of a rogue/synth summoner.

The rogue gives some decent skill monkey goodies which is up stark's ally. See about finagling the SA to ranged attacks with the SS for the suit.

How closely are we trying to be on the supers?

Poetic license on their powers is a given since we aren't playing with the marvel rpg.

What about their personality?

Does it have to be a marvel 'hero'? I like Doc Doom too.

There is no "dibs"; multiple people are free to try and build Iron Man. You should try to model the build around the character's powers as much as possible, and obviously adapt their personalities filtered through whatever changes in the setting switch. And yes it has to be a hero; Doom in particular, if you read the setting info, is already kind of running his country and a big deal. He's off the table.

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On that note, could there be two ironmaskesh types? or captain americas, etc?

Pretty obvious that different people will have different takes on how to build them.

Silver Crusade

What is the limit on the value of any single item in our starting inventory? I'm not used to making characters above first level, and I cant seem to find the rules on that.

@fnord: I won't be allowing two of the same hero on the team, I just don't think hero selection should be on a "first come, first served" basis.

@Hrothdane: Due to the special circumstances of trying to build around something, no value limit.

Silver Crusade

Starting working on the personality and background write-ups. Do I need to keep She-Hulk's backstory a little flexible, since I wanted to stay true to her comic origin--which is very much tied to her cousin--and you have plans for him?

His origin is still very similar to what it is in the comics, so you can keep the blood transfusion bit. He was just the victim of immense magical energy rather than radiation.

@Spooky - any thoughts on my Sasquatch build?

Am now just wondering if Wizard (Spell Sage)/Ragechemist combined with say an Advanced Sasquatch (CR3) creature form would work better?

Trying to capture the essence of Langkowski being driven/inspired to repeat Banner's research, whilst adding in the mystical connection with the Great Beasts (connection to Spawn of Rovagug??)

Any pointers would be much appreciated chief.

Shadow Lodge

I would have figured doom to have taken over (part of) numeria (or however it's pronounced)
Speaking of, in the high tech patio books (iron gods I think it's called) does have rules for radiation (none of them involve turning into a giant green monster or spider like reflexes or any other superpower but hey neither did my physics classes)

Oh, whoops. You posted it a minute before I posted, so I must have missed it.

Hulk's basic background is much the same, save for the fact it was magical energy they were messing with rather than anything radiation-related. And it's not so much his background that's a secret as exactly how his powers work and how strong he is; suffice to say, at fifth level if you encounter him, it's going to be interesting. Yes, there are plenty of accounts and witnesses attesting to what happened. He still goes all green ragebeasty and stuff.

In that regard, what you've got works well. Ragechemist definitely suits any pseudo-Hulk-ey stuff well.

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