Dragon Age: Inqusistion anyone else picking it up?

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New patch for stuffs, update your games.

Did it fix anything important?

it's for consoles, fixed shields and nothing else

I only needed them to fix Solas' quest, but decided to finish the game without it

what do you think where the next game will be?

probably in the north, in Weisshaupt and Tevinter (Calpernia survived), that's where Hawke goes (I've left Loghain in the Fade). Hero of Ferelden is searching for a cure, best records about the Blight are in the north.

or an elven uprising

I don't think that the inquistior will be mind-controlled and turned into a villain

Flemeth has horns, maybe she's similar to those beings that built pyramids in Por Vollen. Qunari could be elves that drank dragon blood, an army created for their civil war.

Scarab Sages

my thoughts for next da games:

DAI will have a large expansion or dlc with a number of missions in Tevinter dealing with the Corepheus cult. The implication is that this faction is pretty big in Tevinter, particularly when there is a wartable mission to help the Tevniter government against them.

Perhaps there could also be some involvement with the Tevinter "Black Divine" who I totally thought would be the bad guy of DAI prior to the Corepheus reveal.

Based on the fallout of Solas really being an elvish god, I see a dalish rebellion v. 9001 popping up as he tries to help them reclaim their heritage. I really think this is an unfortunate direction, particularly since the majority of the surviving elvish ruins are all in southern Ferelden / Orlais and are in areas heavily visited in DAI (not to mention Origins).

Then there's always a sixth blight. With the Wardens all but destroyed, one of the remaining Tevinter gods might awaken in response to Solas' return to the world. Could be in Tevinter as well, with the darkspawn and the Corepheus cult guys teaming up in the name of Archdemon. Too much of a chance to rehash the feel of DAO with rebuilding the Wardens, but there very well may be another way to kill an archdemon now, thanks to Morrigan's ritual in Origins.

Rynjin wrote:
Did it fix anything important?

It did fix the exploit that allowed you to purchase faction from a vendor and sell it immediately and thus getting free faction. You could basically max out your perks in a few minutes.

It has not fixed the Power/medallion exploit.

So no, it didn't fix anything important.

archmagi1 wrote:

my thoughts for next da games:

** spoiler omitted **

Possibly a dlc will have more dwarves, the Hissing Wastes seem empty, or a visit to Kal-Sharok thaig to deal with Tevinter's agents.

The Arlathan ruins seem to be in the north, according to the map between Tevinter and Antiva.

and speculations for plot and possible DLC:

I really hope they don't have your character be the one who drank from the well officially, that would be ME3 original ending rage levels I think. It is very much in character/storywise to have it befall Morrigan. She has always been 'I want it all, and I want it now!' throughout DA:O and DA:I and having it bite her on the butt is appropriate.

As for future DLC and sequels? Tevinter has made far too much trouble to go unanswered and facing off with them is good material. The Quinari as well since I don't think the alliance will really hold.

The pushback against the Wardens was interesting to see and a consequence of their secrecy and the fallout of things like The Rite of Conscriotion. Something that was used to help push back the blight when people wouldn't get up and fight has become 'LOL, Hax!' Ending the Calling is excellent material for stories.

Seeing this thread makes me happy that I only got this game in January. I experimented almost zero bugs (PC version here, BTW).

Oddly enough, though... The first 2 times I played the game it'd randomly slow down really bad, making it pretty much unplayable! But then, 3 days later... It suddenly stopped. Almost certainly because of a patch.

Finished it twice (first with Male Human Mage, then Female Qunari Warrior. Now I'm going with Female Elf Rogue). Great game, great story and great characters (Mostly. Some of them are very unlikable. I'm looking at you, Solas!).

But I do miss the Grey Warden. I want another game starring him/her. ><'

SPOILERS and expectations for future games/DLC:
I think the next DA will focus on the Qunari/Tevinter conflict, finally visiting those regions. Hopefully, The Warden will finally appear again, on his quest to stop the calling. I really want to control him again.

BTW, I'm not sure if it matters who went into the well, after all. Flemeth does seen to die at the end of the game. But I'm pretty disappointed that Kieram lost his Old God soul. :/

Finished it the other day as a human rogue (archer is OP). Started a new game as qunari mage. I'm interested to see how the qunari stance on mages factors into the character's conversation options and decisions.

If you ever played DA2 you would know. Needle and thread factors in.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

How does it play on a PS3?

MannyGoblin wrote:
If you ever played DA2 you would know. Needle and thread factors in.

I skipped DA2.

They sew their lips shut.

Sovereign Court

Is it true that they're making an Inquisition trilogy, a-la Mass Effect?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nobody expects the Sequel Inquisition!

Haven't heard anything on that. I suspect that further content might focus on Tevinter since they really need a smack-down.

Bug in Crestwood I believe, the wyrms in the wyrmhole quest don't appear for some reason in my game. I did go there post game so that might have something to do with it.

New patch coming for the PC. A kind of beta deal where they will be testing the Black Emporium with that face-changing mirror.

Scarab Sages

My Significant Other has now finished the game three times, first as a dwarf rogue, then an elf mage, then a human warrior. He's supported the mages twice and the templars once. He's also pursued several different romance options - in his first outing as the dwarf he romanced Blackwall, the elf mage went after Solas, and the human warrior tried a relationship with Sera. All very different experiences. The re-playability of this game is amazing.

Have they fixed the playability (no re) yet?

Liberty's Edge

Dire Elf wrote:
My Significant Other has now finished the game three times, first as a dwarf rogue, then an elf mage, then a human warrior. He's supported the mages twice and the templars once. He's also pursued several different romance options - in his first outing as the dwarf he romanced Blackwall, the elf mage went after Solas, and the human warrior tried a relationship with Sera. All very different experiences. The re-playability of this game is amazing.

Yeah, the recent story dlc release reminded me of how much I have enjoyed this game. I have not got a chance to play the story dlc "Jaws of Hakkon" yet but I am looking forward to trying the story dlc out this weekend.

They have finally fixed the infamous unreachable hinterlands mosaic piece. Completionists everywhere rejoice!

I didn't finish any of the mosaics. :I

They kinda look underwhelming considering the effort you have to do for them

Sovereign Court

I have to agree. They sure look nice on the walls, but still.

The description of them is rather meh. You have a dwarf rambling on about the construction instead of the story.

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Okay, finally finished with the game. The ACTUAL little portion (all ten to twelve hours of it) that actually has some plot and story is fabulous, the other 75 hours...PURE ABSOLUTE BOREDOM. Who the heck made this game and thought making you travel all over the place for so long doing pointless quests that do NOTHING to further the storyline was a GOOD thing?

I had to push myself just to play this darn thing it was so boring. I've played bad RPGs, but I've never played one THIS boring in the entire time I've ever played.

I've enjoyed just about every Bioware game they've ever created, I have to admit, I did NOT enjoy 75% of Dragon Age Inquisition.

There has to be other people who feel this way, or maybe they got a clue earlier on and stopped playing when they hit all the MMO fetch quests in the Hinterlands instead of pressing forward.

This was FAR worse than DA2 IMO. Even if it was shorter, the characters were more condensed and collected instead of scattered throughout with a ton of fetch quests which were overwhelmingly the same.

I suppose you could skip half the quests (but you still need those power points and such).

I think part of what made it lack interesting items is unlike the original Baldurs gate where you can wander just as much but when you do you find unique and interesting quests and tidbits (stone cleric you can change to flesh, circuses, bandits), DAI just doesn't have that. Everyone is boring!

Half the chests you cant' even open!

I have to admit, I didn't enjoy the game all that much. I guess I'm the minority, but I loved the ME series and the other DA games overall, but this one, for me the boredom of it makes it a pure drag.

Liberty's Edge

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Okay, finally finished with the game. The ACTUAL little portion (all ten to twelve hours of it) that actually has some plot and story is fabulous, the other 75 hours...PURE ABSOLUTE BOREDOM. Who the heck made this game and thought making you travel all over the place for so long doing pointless quests that do NOTHING to further the storyline was a GOOD thing?

I had to push myself just to play this darn thing it was so boring. I've played bad RPGs, but I've never played one THIS boring in the entire time I've ever played.

I've enjoyed just about every Bioware game they've ever created, I have to admit, I did NOT enjoy 75% of Dragon Age Inquisition.

There has to be other people who feel this way, or maybe they got a clue earlier on and stopped playing when they hit all the MMO fetch quests in the Hinterlands instead of pressing forward.

This was FAR worse than DA2 IMO. Even if it was shorter, the characters were more condensed and collected instead of scattered throughout with a ton of fetch quests which were overwhelmingly the same.

I suppose you could skip half the quests (but you still need those power points and such).

I think part of what made it lack interesting items is unlike the original Baldurs gate where you can wander just as much but when you do you find unique and interesting quests and tidbits (stone cleric you can change to flesh, circuses, bandits), DAI just doesn't have that. Everyone is boring!

Half the chests you cant' even open!

I have to admit, I didn't enjoy the game all that much. I guess I'm the minority, but I loved the ME series and the other DA games overall, but this one, for me the boredom of it makes it a pure drag.

I have learned that different people like different things. Aka Different strokes for different folks. There are all types of games out there these days, some more action oriented while others are more strategic. I vary a bit but tend to come down on the action side even thou I loved Xcom (both old & new), Master of Magic, and Master of Orion II for example.

As you said, there were a ton of happy campers seeing how the game pretty much finished one or two in every game of the year popular vote. I do think the controls being designed for a controller made some console users happy and some pc users upset.

I played through on hard and nightmare on a console. I obviously really enjoyed the game. The combat felt right on for difficulty. I also really liked the characters you join forces with.

I agree that many of the areas are filler but I didn't mind that much since the optional areas had their own story arcs. Crestwood for example had the whole thing with the gate in the lake, Exalted Plains had the Dalish/Undead problem en Euphemis du Lion had you ushing back against the Red Templars.

I actually liked the 'filler' in Inquisition, and wanted even more. D:

I liked the filler. At level 16, I just began the whole Empress Celene assassination plot (I'm Dalish, so I shall of course let her die), haven't even started the Grey Warden plotline, haven't been to crestwood, the Western Approach, or Emprise de Lion, haven't dealt with the darkspawn in the Storm Coast, and have only done one personal quest. To be honest, I'm only handling the Celene plot now because I ran out of war table missions, and need to open up more so I can have them going on in the background while I do more filler.

Sovereign Court

Something I have noticed that might have changed when I wasn't looking. I had beaten the game and hadn't played for about 2 months. When I got the DLC and decided to use my Mage instead of my archer it seems that fights are scaling to my level now.
I remember that as my archer once I got to lvl 15 or so I was blowing stuff away cause it was no where near my power level. Now it seems to be the same wherever I go. Even the dragon on the Storm Coast seemed higher then I remember, which is a good thing.

Not that I had any trouble killing him, even 4 levels below him (he was 19). Knight-Enchanters are hilariously OP.

Cylyria wrote:
Not that I had any trouble killing him, even 4 levels below him (he was 19). Knight-Enchanters are hilariously OP.

Can confirm. It's a shame, really. KE has some of the strongest barrier power in the game, but there's really no sense in using it to keep the rest of your party alive when you can quite easily solo the most difficult dragon in the game. The best part is when the dragon pops its guard ability, which means my Voltron sword is now dealing ~1500 damage per swing and refilling my barrier to max from empty with one attack. I'm convinced that Bioware was well aware of how insane KE is and just didn't care because they like the idea of a sword wizard so much.

Liberty's Edge

Scott Betts wrote:
Cylyria wrote:
Not that I had any trouble killing him, even 4 levels below him (he was 19). Knight-Enchanters are hilariously OP.
Can confirm. It's a shame, really. KE has some of the strongest barrier power in the game, but there's really no sense in using it to keep the rest of your party alive when you can quite easily solo the most difficult dragon in the game. The best part is when the dragon pops its guard ability, which means my Voltron sword is now dealing ~1500 damage per swing and refilling my barrier to max from empty with one attack. I'm convinced that Bioware was well aware of how insane KE is and just didn't care because they like the idea of a sword wizard so much.

I do agree that Knight Enchanters feel more powerful. This really shows up in higher difficulty levels. However, I really enjoyed my fighter on hard. The fighter felt more action oriented. I used Knight Enchanter on Nightmare. I got a chance to really play around with spells by playing a mage.

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