Damiancrr |
So joining a campaign soon and the DM has made alot of custom races. The one I decided to go with is vampire. In This campaign you have to take racial levels to get some of the bonuses that race gets(You keep its weaknesses no matter what except for vampires weakness to sunlight). We Are starting off at level 3 with a 25 point buy. By spending my first two levels as racial levels(Vampire). I'm able to get +6 Strength, +4 To Cha, and +2 To Dex, Wis, and Int. Con will be - As The First Racial Level Gives Me all Undead Features. Also get +6 Nat Armor. Free Feats Are Improved Init, Toughness, Alertness, and Combat Reflexes. We do get a vampires slam attack(w/o energy drain) and Blood Drain aswell as a few other goodies.
Basically My Stats are going to look like this after to levels:
Str - 24
Dex - 13
Con - --
Int - 10
Wis - 9
Cha - 21
I want to go something that will utilize both my high Strength and Charisma. The biggest difficulty with this is that I'm Basically Still level 0 with beefed up stats because I get no BAB or Saving Throws. Best Ive Come up with is going Lore Oracle(1) for Sidestep Secret and then going either Fighter(Using Feats To Make up for Lack of BAB) or Bard. Both ideas don't sound awesome So Looking for some outside input as I've been thinking about it all day and I'm just stuck. Advice on Classes->Builds->Feats would be extremely appreciated as what little else I've come up with has seemed very underwhelming for the next 8+ Levels so I must be doing something wrong.
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Strength / Charisma would be served well by a bloodrager or skald. Both classes have rage mechanics that bolster their Strength similar to a a barbarian. Bloodragers use Charisma for several of their bloodline powers and when determining their limited spellcasting. Skalds are basically raging bards, right down to their spell list and spell progression.
One of my players is currently using a Strength / Cha skald in a game I'm running. He absolutely adores the class.
Blakmane |
Urgh. That is awful racial design.
Axatillian: he loses his CON score with first level buyoff.
Damiancrr: You are going to destroy your first few levels, so don't worry about starting weak. The racial abilities are exceedingly strong. Summon wolves before the fight and then use them to instawin forever.
After that, I suggest going a non full-caster with a CHA focus. LA-2 makes you less viable as a full caster. Swashbuckler is a strong choice. Your loss of 2 BAB isn't a big deal because of the huge bonuses elsewhere. Even staying lore oracle and getting that new CHA to saves feat is a decent idea. Cavalier also seems decent, as you can use boon companion to offset your weaker mount. Alternatively, go summoner - two lost levels isn't the end of the world and you have enough CHA/STR to be a strong combatant alongside your companion.
You will really find it hard to do poorly with this race, unless your compatriots are all fully optimised casters.
Westphalian_Musketeer |
As an undead (vampire) you're immune to mind-affecting effects, including morale bonuses. This make the blood-rage feature moot, as well as the Skald. What you want is an oracle. Peg one more on for Arachnofiend and Blackbloodtroll's votes.
You might also want to look into making an intimidation build. (Cornugon Smash/Enforcer + Hurtful + Cruel Weapon Enchantment)
Damiancrr |
Thank you all for the suggestions. I see a few people mentioned Swashbuckler. Could someone mention a swashbuckler build to go by? I looked at the class but was drawing a blank on how it would do better then just going normal fighter.
I also thought about Cavalier but couldnt find anything worth taking that used Charisma but didnt also use Moral Bonuses, Seems like most of their good stuff comes very far down the line which is even more delayed by spending 3 levels not in Cavalier. To be honest I only have the 1 hour of knowledge of the class when I was looking over it for this so if there is a good option I missed I think that would be a pretty awesome choice.
Also some people mentioned Skalds/Bloodragers and the likes. Sadly when I become undead I am immune to moral bonuses like those of rage so that isnt possible for me.
@ Arachnofiend: Undead are immune to mind-affecting, score drains, and death effects which removes most will saves and almost all the dangerous ones so Im not to worried about that. They are also immune all Fort saves so the only save worth worrying over is Reflex. With Sidestp Secret I use my Cha score for my Reflex saves so im less worried about that and Reflex is not tooo bad to fail either.
Edit: Oh got ninja'd by Westphalian_Musketeer on the Immune to moral bonuses thing >.< Well Played.
Secret Wizard |
Archeologist Bards trade morale bonuses for luck bonuses, which you can benefit from.
Also, you could be a pretty good Aldori Swordlord. Your high CHA translates into high Intimidate and Feint. Get either 5 levels in Daring Champion Cavalier with Order of the Cockatrice, or 5 levels in Swordlord Fighter, or 2 levels Daring Champ Cavalier + 3 levels Thug Rogue, then move onto the prestige class.
You really want something like Steadfast Personality though.
Cap. Darling |
I would go with a brawler with snake style and amateur swashbuckler. And get feral combat training for that slam. That way you can parry and flurry with your slam attack and level drain everybody Down to nothing. And when that combo is online i would consider to take a 4 level dip in oracle to get cha to AC and that cha to saves feat.
Your GM seems like he is in to houserules if you can get him to change the bloodrager so the rage will do anything for you then that is also a strong contender.
And of cause Anti paladin silly as it is is also a good one.
Finally what system did you guys use for stats? That is a horrible stat line IMOP.
I3igAl |
Thank you all for the suggestions. I see a few people mentioned Swashbuckler. Could someone mention a swashbuckler build to go by? I looked at the class but was drawing a blank on how it would do better then just going normal fighter.
Swashbuckler needs Dex instead of strength, which isn't ideal considering your boni.
No moral boni leaves: Ninja, Bard, Cha-based Magus and Melee Oracle
Also another technically not-Paladin is the ANTIPALADIN.
You might also consider relying on your Level Drain and go for many Attacks. Corosive Weapons or Unarmed Strikes might work well.
Umbranus |
The daring champion cavalier should work well with a strength build, just ignoring finesse.
Order of the hammer cavalier gets full monk unarmed damage when dealing non-lethal. Combine that with 2 levels of brawler to be able to deal lethal unarmed damage, too. Take the dragon style line of feats to get full use of the high strength.
Add enforcer, intimidating prowess and hurtful
Fruian Thistlefoot |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Lunar oracle. Use a reach weapon and let your CHA do all the work.
Take revelations of prophetic armor and primal companion.
Take feat: Divine Protection @ 5 asap.
I believe Lunar Oracle works well on a Vampire as very flavorful.
Bard would be good...but bland
There is also Sorcerer into dragon disciple. Boosts your str and take combat spells....you could tooth and nail with that Str score you have.
Lastly there is the Antipaladin. Cause you cant deny how good being a Antipaladin is.
Fruian Thistlefoot |
Undead are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, phantasms, and patterns)
No undead can rage....it is a Morale effect....so Skald, Bloodrager, and Barbarian is not effective classes for a vampire to take since they are Undead and can not gain the Moral bonuses for raging...also they have no con score so increasing con does nothing.
Seranov |
I still think Skald is a fantastic choice, even if you won't benefit from your Inspired Rage. It's a really strong class, even with out that... though I guess if your buddies are also undead, it won't affect them either. Might be able to convince your DM to let you use the normal Bard's Inspire Courage, instead. :3