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For a cleric of Asmodeus, a self-centered lawyer who made the wrong contract with the rebels, and now has no choice but to see that the rebellion succeeds, just so that he could use a loophole in the Asmodean Monograph to save his skin.
He would naturally provide every advice on how to be as law abiding rebels as possible. "You mustn't spill blood, hit them with the mace, so they die from internal injuries instead!"
With a contract to fulfill, nothing will be in his way. An Asmodean must never ever break a contract. Wealth and power would be a nice bonus.
Edit: Calistra, Cayden Calian or Ragathiel, for what I'd actually play.
Calistra, because she'd be in favor of a little revenge, Ragatihel for similar reasons, Cayden Calian because of his dedication to freedom, also, summoning Thais in the endgame would be cool.

The Shaman |

A follower of Zon-Kuthon can definitely be an interesting pick here. After all, ZK´s dogma can be read as growth and strength through suffering, and how better to improve the soul of a fallen nation and its decadent people than through the crucible of a vicious civil war? After all, what does not kill you, makes you stronger. And really, the Chelish and their Asmodean elite have long had it coming, all the more so as they have, in their arrogance, claimed they knew all about strength, pain, or devotion. They will have to learn what those words really mean - and perhaps Cheliax will become great again.
Though to be quite honest I´m most tempted to play a Calistrian follower in this path. So much mischief to be done, so many wrongs to avenge... and really, where but in Cheliax can you find such delicious decadence as a backdrop of your work?

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After reading through the various responses here I can't help but wonder if James got the answers he was hoping for or if he got more than he bargained for?
I look forward to reading that Player's guide none the less
As a matter of fact, the responses are pretty much what I'd anticipated more or less, which is a nice bit of validation as to my ability to anticipate what people want out of an Adventure Path and a player's guide.

Doki-Chan |

Actually, what's to stop a PC who is a secret follower of a Duke/Lord-level devil/demon/daemon furthering their master/mistress' plans to destabilize Asmodeus in the area? The idea being to use a bit of "chaos is a ladder" by ostensibly helping out the "good guys"...?
A secret follower of Mahathallah, Nocticula, Ardad Lili, or a Horseman might fit, as the bigger picture is to weaken Asmodeus enough for some long-running power-play that involves elevation to godhood for their patron?
(and Obediences to boot...)
It's probably not that much harder than Norgorber...

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Actually, what's to stop a PC who is a secret follower of a Duke/Lord-level devil/demon/daemon furthering their master/mistress' plans to destabilize Asmodeus in the area? The idea being to use a bit of "chaos is a ladder" by ostensibly helping out the "good guys"...?
A secret follower of Mahathallah, Nocticula, Ardad Lili, or a Horseman might fit, as the bigger picture is to weaken Asmodeus enough for some long-running power-play that involves elevation to godhood for their patron?
(and Obediences to boot...)
It's probably not that much harder than Norgorber...
At least two of the religions you mention above would be a hands-down terrible choice for this AP. Not quite as terrible as worshiping Asmodeus, but close. There's a lot more going on in Hell's Rebels than Asmodeus-flavored bad guys, in other words.
This AP is about rebellions against Cheliax, yes, but it's also a pretty good-aligned AP as well. Evil characters will fit MUCH better into Hell's Vengeance. Even chaotic evil ones.

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Lamashtu, because she is and always will be my goddess of choice. Blessed be the Mother. :)
Though I would ask your advice, James - how would you advise playing a Lamashtan character in this adventure path (aside from "I wouldn't")? I'd either be a gnoll, a kitsune, or a kitsune-tiefling.
EDIT: Sorry for the necro, folks. I'm genuinely interested to hear what he has to say.

Axial |

How about a Gorum-worshipping PC seeking glorious battle and bloodshed against House Thrune? He/she would not even have any political grievance against them other then just seeing them as a worthy enemy.
Imagine the Aria Park protest escalating into violence, and right before a Chelish Citizen's guard is about to smack a protestor, a greatsword bursts out of his chest and an armored warrior stands behind him. The Gorumite yanks his/her greatsword out of the weakling and steps forward to do battle with the remaining Thrune loyalists.

UnArcaneElection |

Lamashtu, because she is and always will be my goddess of choice. Blessed be the Mother. :)
Though I would ask your advice, James - how would you advise playing a Lamashtan character in this adventure path (aside from "I wouldn't")? I'd either be a gnoll, a kitsune, or a kitsune-tiefling.
EDIT: Sorry for the necro, folks. I'm genuinely interested to hear what he has to say.
Not sure what to say about Lamashtu, but given that she's . . . Mutagenic, while Asmodeus and Cheliax are rigidly tyrranical, I can see that a heretical subset of her more Chaotic followers might actually oppose Cheliax rather than just taking advantage of it. Part of this depends upon the nature of Chelaxian eugenics, which I don't know enough about (although if they don't have a eugenics program, it seems like a missed Evil opportunity . . . .
I also need to point out that canonically, Baphomet has it in for Asmodeus, and might oppose Chelaxian rule more than most Demons.

Axial |

Gnash-Yathuur Sandstalker wrote:Lamashtu, because she is and always will be my goddess of choice. Blessed be the Mother. :)
Though I would ask your advice, James - how would you advise playing a Lamashtan character in this adventure path (aside from "I wouldn't")? I'd either be a gnoll, a kitsune, or a kitsune-tiefling.
EDIT: Sorry for the necro, folks. I'm genuinely interested to hear what he has to say.
Not sure what to say about Lamashtu, but given that she's . . . Mutagenic, while Asmodeus and Cheliax are rigidly tyrranical, I can see that a heretical subset of her more Chaotic followers might actually oppose Cheliax rather than just taking advantage of it. Part of this depends upon the nature of Chelaxian eugenics, which I don't know enough about (although if they don't have a eugenics program, it seems like a missed Evil opportunity . . . .
I also need to point out that canonically, Baphomet has it in for Asmodeus, and might oppose Chelaxian rule more than most Demons.
I was actually gonna have Baphomet as a secondary antagonist in the game with his cultists trying to infiltrate the city and double-cross the Silver Ravens so he could claim Ravounel as his fiefdom.