2016 / 2017 Pathfinder Rulebooks Wish list.

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Books like the Core RuleBook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Campaign, Mythic Adventures, Advanced Race Guide, Advanced Class Guide, etc...

Bestiaries and Codices already have their threads.


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Advanced Race Guide 2 (more info and options for some races) , (extended and streamlined Race Builder).

More themed books: like Wilderness ( Jungles, Forests, Deserts, etc) , Civilisation (Towns, Cities, etc) , Cultures ( Art, Religions, Nobilties, Clothing, etc), ...

Dark Archive

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Manual of the planes type book.

Paizo Employee

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I want more books like Mythic Adventures and Occult Adventures that create a new thematic area rather than add more stuff to the same pot.

I'd also take a "Simple Class Guide" with a bunch of stripped-down but relatively balanced classes for players that don't want to do a ton of math and track a bunch of resources.


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Advanced GM Guide: More advice for modifying Pathfinder rules to fit different styles of play (Low vs High Magic, Social Heavy vs Combat Heavy) and different sorts of settings (alternate magic rules, advice for implementing various technology levels, etc).

Steampunk Adventures: Victorian and Jules Verne like items, classes, archetypes, and subsystems. Would be a great book to include Engineer as a new class

Ultimate Intrigue: Like UC or UM, only focused on skill monkey characters.

Space Fantasy Adventures: Starship rules and combat, update and expansion of material in the Tech Guide

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I'm good with anything as long as it's edited well.

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Advanced Skills Guide

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Advanced Races Guide 2- but equal space/page count for each race and have a lot other races get love such as Lashunta, Android, Ghoran, etc.. Race point count for each race and there abilities.

A technology book that focuses on different time periods such as prehistoric, Victorian, modern, future, etc. and rules for trains.

No more books with the word "Ultimate" in there title.

Hardcover books for the planes, the planets, and the continents of Golarion.

A hardcover book for real world cultures such as alternate weapon list for simple/martial/exotic based on different cultures. Real world dieties and there domains, favored weapons, etc.

I would like to see fighter weapon groups that are race based such as a dwarf weapon group with war hammer, battle axe, dwarven urgosh, pick, etc.

Finally, I would like to see the missing polymorph spells to take the forms of fey, oozes, constructs, and non-elemental outsiders.

Grand Lodge


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I'm tired of classes, Archetypes, magic items, and spells that can be abused. Everything needs to be playtested not rushed, so any new book runs sour with me based on recent history. If it can be broken my home group breaks it and I'm really tired of having to police the rules to prevent things from breaking.

Grand Lodge

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There is no way you can ever predict how everyone is going to interpret anything written. That's true of any game.

Ultimate Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Skills indeed, would earn some dollars from me. Lets face it, creating more interesting characters keeps this hobby fresh.

Erratad and finished Ultimate Spells and Ultimate Feats (in style of Equipments) would prolly find some use as well. These would help controlling all the existing material in one easy format package.

Still, I hope the developers keep their heads fresh and bring something new all together!

I would like an Ultimate/Advanced book that does not add 150+ Spells (100 of those for the Wizard/Arcanist).

I +1 the idea of a book/guide for low and high fantasy, stone age to futuristic technology levels (along with knowledge etc), alternate magic rules, etc...

Equivalent of Book of the Damned books (or straight out additional volumes of it) for Qlippoths, Kythons, Asuras and Divs primarily, then maybe also Demodands, Titans, Rakshasas and others (dunno if these ones fit... Titans are too much high-tier focused, Rakshasas are Native Outsiders, etc., but well).

And... this one I know will never see the light, but I'll say it anyway: a low-fantasy dark, dark, DARK and vaguely gothic early-middle-age setting.
Not extremely low-fantasy, but at a level that doesn't assume PCs need to have X * 1000 gp worth of magic trinkets on themselves at all times to survive encounters of their CR (of course, that would need a set of rules by itself). A setting where spellcasters can get as powerful as in standard Pathfinder but are much more rare in the world.
Kind of what Ravenloft and Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen were. But darker. Much darker. Can you picture it? Now picture that even darker and know that it isn't enough yet...

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Advanced Genre Guide: Rules for all your historical flavours, from Stone Age, to Steampunk to Modern to Space Opera.

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Honestly, would anybody enjoy seeing a Handbook of the Divine. Maybe a bit more on the gods and some ways of exploring those relationships and also maybe a bit more support to the divine spell list. I get the please no more spells cry, but it might be nice to get more flavorful divine spells, maybe limited to worshipers of certain gods.

I'd also enjoy seeing an Advanced Economy and Society Guide, something to build on the social and economic aspects of the game.

I also second calls for different genre building. I want options, mechanics, and freedom. But I also sympathize with the desire to have the rules cleanly and clearly written, but the truth is if you give a toy to thousands of players, someone is going to break the toy. Just say no if the toy is broken, most of the time they are just misinterpreting it, unless it's dazing metamagic. But of course, even that's nothing to what a conjurer can pull off. Anyway, I digress, better, thoughtful approaches to the game would be better.

I kind of figure that Inner Sea Gods is the Handbook of the Divine. It's really, really hard to do a setting neutral diety book that doesn't contradict or have limited use in Golarion

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Ultimate Combat 2. With more subsystems and less spells.

I second a rogue/ranger/bard book. Someone above suggested Ultimate Intrigue, which sounds like a pretty great title. Being a lifelong sneaky-character player, I would pre-order this book the moment it was announced.

Some kind of Rules Compendium would be nice. Maybe available only as a PDF so it's easy to always have the latest up-to-date Official rules. No fluff, heck, leave out the artwork. Just an encyclopedia of the rules collected across all the current books. (3.5 put one out right before The End, for an example.) ((I have a feeling that's not going to be a profitable choice, and hard to make a 'perfect' or 'definitive' edition, so I understand if it never exists. But, would be nice!))

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Advanced Character Options:

Improved Dodge as a new feat and additions to other feats that don't do a lot or don't scale.
Favored Class Bonuses for all classes featured in the hardcovers spread out amongst more races than just the Core 7.
A Pathfinder version of the Gestalt system, including an option to ignore prerequisites for Prestige Classes to use them as base classes (and how that would work with +1 Caster Level/level classes).
An additional Archetype for newer classes based on race.
Additional Favored Class Bonuses for each race.
Additional rules elements on a class-by-class basis. For example, allowing the Rogue to substitute a level of Sneak Attack for a later class feature to come a level early. Another example is for the Fighter to exchange a bonus feat for a non-feat class feature (a Talent). Additional Arcanist Exploits.
Rules elements that allow substituting spell slots for additional class features.
Rules elements that allow substituting class features for spell slots.
Alternate race combinations, i.e.: "Fiendish Heritage".

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Epic Level Handbook

(Mythic Adventures doesn't work for me for epic play.)

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1)Divine Adventures book

2)A romance of the inner sea book

3)A new the great beyond book

4)A Temples of the inner sea book

5)A angels Revisited book

6)A angels Unleashed book

7)A Southern Garund book

8)A Casmaron book

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A book of prestige classes.Well balanced ones that are worth aspiring to,yet are not easily abuse-able by dipping.

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A book for Social conflict rules. Be it trying to convince somebody of something, court intrigue, or influence a nation, the mechanical side of social interaction can be far more interesting that Diplomacy and Bluff checks.

A technology guide to provide info on technology ranging from stone age to futuristic space faring adventure. Also how such technology is handled both as the native tech level for the setting and for mixed tech level settings.

A big book of the planes, including rules for exotic environments. Could also include space too, or it could be its own book.

An environment series of books focusing on different environments, desert, urban, arctic, jungle, aquatic, etc.

Expanded Words of Power rules.

More Mythic Adventure Rules and options.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Planar Adventures!

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Stronghold Builder's Guide!

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Advanced Campaigning - a book breaking down how different levels of the game run in different manners so that both players & GMs know what to expect as they advance or have started anew. Extra tips & tricks for how to introduce higher level characters into pre-existing campaigns and how to assist in player investment with characters beginning at higher levels. Variant social "combat systems" and pacing advice. Communication & terminology tools for assisting expectation management.

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I think a book supplementing the GM Guide, going into more detail about designing encounters and themes for adventures. Perhaps some info on storytelling and keeping track of campaign info. Kind of like an Advanced Guide to GMing.

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I think maybe something like an Ultimate Nature book might be interesting, and like the Ultimate Combat book rather than making new base classes it offers alternate versions of already existing ones. And an rp subsystem for divination through different methods, like animal entrails, stargazing, tarot, bird flying patterns ect, with different systems having different effectiveness depending on what the diviner is using.

Maybe there could even be an anti-Druid, an evil class who is devoted to destroying the environment and debasing all forms of life or to a domain that is the anti-thesis to life like radioactivity or nothingness(essentially a Captain Planet villain class).

Verdant Wheel

Ultimate History - Rules for alternate time periods (prehistoric, bronze age, middle age, etc..), alternate cultural settings (arabic, greece, russian, pure elven, pure dwarven etc..), or alternate expectations (no magic, low magic, high magic, anime magic) or even alternate real world gods (greece pantheon, norse pantheon, monotheism, spiritism, wicca, etc... )

Hmm, the Planar adventures is intriguing.

I think I'd want more campaign fluff or even crunch to tell the truth on the bigger aspects that haven't been explored as deeply.

So perhaps a hardback detailing every world (like Distant worlds, but much more in depth) with the statistics and races (if multiple) or new classes unique ONLY to that world. It would have monsters, and perhaps equipment unique ONLY to that world.

A hardback like the Inner Sea Guide, but for Tian Xia (maybe Avistan) which goes into that type of depth as found in the ISG as well.

Probably won't happen, but that's the type of stuff I'd like to see.

Maybe another bestiary.

I have enough classes already.

A book on how Simulacrum actually works

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Pathfinder Modern.

And before anyone says anything I am already aware of 3PP Pathfinder Modern attempts. I know Paizo would hit it out of the Park.

I would like to see any book that focuses on:

More playable races that aren't variants on the ones that already exist.

More classes that aren't just combinations of existing ones.

More classes that aren't heavily focused on magic (though I would like to see a real shapechanger class).

More weapons with pictures of every single one of them. The ones that have been listed so far barely event scratch the weapons that exist in the real world, much less a fantasy one.

Planar travel and adventures.

Dark Archive

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Core Rulebook 2nd Edition

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Paizo rightly with the ACG (whether you like the specifics or not; I mostly like them, but some don't, which is fine) went down the road of instead of needing PrC to have hybrids, having hybrids as base classes.

I'd like to see all the PrC from the CRB and APG redone as playable base classes. I've seen some homebrew archetypes that do this, but Paizo could do it better.

Most would be essentially hybrid classes, with Mystic Theurge as Cleric/Wizard, Arcane Trickster as Rogue/Sorcerer, etc.. Some, less so. But these PrC are good concepts, that one shouldn't have to multiclass to play.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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I'd be excited for a Pathfinder Modern/Future game and/or James Jacobs Unspeakable Futures

Verdant Wheel

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Ultimate Aligment - A book with alternative forms to rule aligment. D20 Modern allegiances, honor, corruption, aligment score, no aligment, philosophies, humanity, ethos/morality.

I'd expect a generic players book called something like "Ultimate Heroes" with at most 1 or 2 classes. Depending on how Pathfinder Unchained is received it could offer extended support for it.

I think we'll definitely get more monster codexes and Golarion specific hardcover (although I can't think of what).

Liberty's Edge

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Starfinder Superscriber

Honestly, I'd like to see a slowdown of the Pathfinder RPG line. Put out a Bestiary and a Codex each year, and maybe another book (e.g. something like Unchained), but leave it at that. We've got enough rules already. Only put out something new if there's really a good idea about it. (E.g., "Ultimate Campaign" was my favorite release in the RPG line of recent books. "Mythic" had promise, but had issues. While I like some of the classes in the ACG, it starts to feel like overwhelming rules explosion, especially given Occult Adventures following so soon.)

I'd love to see Paizo focus on their core business of the Adventure Paths line, and expand the setting in the Campaign Setting and Player Companion lines.

I know that there's no hope of this happening, that Paizo is following the time-worn model of publishing rules at a breakneck pace until the game collapses under the weight of all of them and we start over the buying cycle with a new edition. But I can dream.

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rknop wrote:

Honestly, I'd like to see a slowdown of the Pathfinder RPG line. Put out a Bestiary and a Codex each year, and maybe another book (e.g. something like Unchained), but leave it at that. We've got enough rules already. Only put out something new if there's really a good idea about it. (E.g., "Ultimate Campaign" was my favorite release in the RPG line of recent books. "Mythic" had promise, but had issues. While I like some of the classes in the ACG, it starts to feel like overwhelming rules explosion, especially given Occult Adventures following so soon.)

I'd love to see Paizo focus on their core business of the Adventure Paths line, and expand the setting in the Campaign Setting and Player Companion lines.

I know that there's no hope of this happening, that Paizo is following the time-worn model of publishing rules at a breakneck pace until the game collapses under the weight of all of them and we start over the buying cycle with a new edition. But I can dream.

Is there a reason you need Paizo to stop publishing rules? Before I took a break from Pathfinder I'd decided to stop buying every single release. I didn't get the blood of series and other player books released after them. I stopped buying the hardbacks with the NPC Codex and didn't get either Ultimate Campaign nor Mythic Adventures. Now after my break I'm excited for next year's Occult Adventures and potentially Pathfinder Unchained and I'm looking at the hardcovers I missed.

There's no need to buy or use Paizo's books, so having them out there for those who want them seems harmless enough.

I'm another +1 for some form of Ultimate Technology.

Liberty's Edge

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Starfinder Superscriber
John Lynch 106 wrote:

Is there a reason you need Paizo to stop publishing rules? Before I took a break from Pathfinder I'd decided to stop buying every single release. I didn't get the blood of series and other player books released after them. I stopped buying the hardbacks with the NPC Codex and didn't get either Ultimate Campaign nor Mythic Adventures. Now after my break I'm excited for next year's Occult Adventures and potentially Pathfinder Unchained and I'm looking at the hardcovers I missed.

There's no need to buy or use Paizo's books, so having them out there for those who want them seems harmless enough.

So, yes, this is right, and in principle I agree with it. Reality is a bit more nuanced, however.

Two situations

  • PFS. I play PFS, and GM PFS. Here, I have no choice. For playing, yes, I do have a choice; I can ignore the bits that I don't want to pay too much attention to, and make my character from what I have. For GMing, though, any new character classes created that are PFS-legal could show up at my table. The number of new classes that are in the game that I don't have a feeling for what they're all about (I'm still getting used to ACG classes, and now Occult Adventures classes are showing up in PFS games) is leaving me feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  • Even in home games, where the GM can limit things to what he wants, there is still social pressure to allow all the options that are in the Paizo line of rulebooks. So, yes, of course, you can just not buy the things that you aren't interested in, and if you're a GM you can limit the options in your campaign, and if you're lucky your players will happily go along with that. But, the culture of our hobby is such that if there are sources that are seen as "canonical", as most of the Roleplaying line will be (with exceptions like Mythic Adventures where it's clearly a different subsystem), then at the very least one feels some pressure to keep up with the rules (especially things like character classes where a player might decide that he wants to bring it in). Or, there can be explicit player lobbying (and passive-aggressive complaining when they don't get what they want) to allow all the new stuff.

So, it's not completely realistic to say "just use the rules you want". Yes, you're right, and yes, one can do that, but in a realistic social situation, an expanding core rulebook line with an expanding number of player classes does add to what most GMs are going to have to think about. Yes, options are nice and all, but there is social pressure for these not just to be options they way third party books are.

So, yeah, that's why I'd like to see the rules base not expand quite so fast. More monsters, always good. Codexes, always good. Those are options. As for new subsystems, it has to be something really cool, like what was in Ultimate Campaign, or what Mythic Adventures tried (but only partially succeeded) in doing. Unchained sounds interesting to me, especially since the way it's presented it will be something that players probably by default should not assume is automatically available. But I really really really don't want to see more and more stacks of player classes and the like in the core rulebook line, the way we're getting right now.

Liberty's Edge

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Starfinder Superscriber

Aside: there's another thing -- I have a spell on my list but foolishly forgot to label the source, or a player pulls out a spell. I want to look it up. It's getting harder and harder to find. There are so many books one could search.

d20pfsrd helps, but the fact that it changes the names of some things (it's not allowed to use Paizo trademarks) makes it an unreliable resource. That's especially annoying when players use it and show up with things on their sheet that aren't actually anywhere in the rulebooks. archivesofnethys.come has been the best resource I've found for dealing with this issue, as it's a pure fan site and so does use the original names of things. However, I fear that the maintainer of that site may be finding it difficult to keep up with adding all of the new releases; that's got to be a fairly big and thankless task.

There was a time when without too much trouble I could look through a couple of books and find the spell or what-not that I was looking for. But, as the number of books on the shelf gets bigger, that just gets harder; one can't remember as much. The PRD online indexes all of the Roleplaying line, but not the rest.

Turning into a rehash of the bloat thread in 3...2...1.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't have any wishes for new books. I'm pretty content with where we are.

rknop wrote:
PFS. I play PFS, and GM PFS

You have my condolences. Of course in PFS your forced to play with optimised Summoner's so the flaws of PFS are number able (I enjoy the occasional game of PFS but don't take it seriously).

rknop wrote:
But, the culture of our hobby is such that if there are sources that are seen as "canonical", as most of the Roleplaying line will be

I bought into that baloney with 4th ed. I also got that pressure in my last campaign (a game that inspired me to take a 1 year break). I now declare up front what sources are legal and make it clear this list will not be added to for the duration of that campaign. This is a non negotiable point and I doubt I'll have trouble filling the table.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How about a rulebook based around the monster and item design guidelines but covering all the component parts of the game. It should not only cover what you do but more importantly things you shouldnt do - in similar vein to the wondrous item auto reject reasons in the Superstar threads.

This is something for the games designers at the hearts of all gamers, and for all the hundreds of souls who enter the annual games design competition.

It could even be something bought by 3PPs for their in house designers to assist them in ensuring the highest quality and compatibility with the game and help guide everyone to work to the same standards of design.

More than a "writing for Pathfinder" guidelines, more a - "here is how you build a-z in Pathfinder, for the layman to experienced games designers".

Heck, you could even provide rules for writing for the adventure card game, and all your other products past, present and future.

I know, a totally unworkable amount of work to make such a thing and there are probably things you never really want to reveal, but it never hurts to dream / ask ;)

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Bring on the compilations!

Spells first, please.

Shadow Lodge

The more non-Golarion material the better. Ultimate Intrigue has been on my wishlist since 3.5

Finally a Epic Level (21+) book.

Ultimate Combat with 90% less Monk.

Ultimate Divine classes.

A (3.5-like) Unearthed Arcana.

ACG redone for fixes
GMG redone for stronger rules and less guidelines

Spell Compendium 1*
Rules Compendium 1*
Feats Compendium 1*
maybe Archtypes Compendium 1*

* = including every single, updated and errataed version since PF went from 3.5 to it's own rules set to a specific publishing date a few months before the books come out.

For Golarion, really the only thing I'd love to see is a What-If style book, that depicts alternate time lines, both ranging from the past to things that never happened. Not futuristic, but rather what if ________ never happened. (What if Aroden never "died"? Or better, what if Aroden never existed? What if House Thrune lost. What if . . . What did the planet look like before Earthfall.

That and a book that combines a Player's Guide, a DM Guide, and a 64 page+ Adventure about the Test of the Starstone.

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