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You only get one companion, it's in the druid animal companion description.
If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion.
RAW, your (single) AC has and effect druid level of (Inquisitor levelx2) - 4.
A reasonable GM will probably apply the Divine Hunter rule to this situation, which is still a nice bump for your domain.
If the divine hunter selects the animal domain, she does not gain a second animal companion upon reaching an effective cleric level of 4th. When the divine hunter would gain that ability, her animal companion instead gains two ability score increases (gaining +1 to two different ability scores or +2 to one ability score). If her animal companion dies or is released, when she gains a new one, it benefits from this ability score increase.

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OK, sure, I was in a hurry. But when I first glanced at this thread, I thought it read:
Sacred Hamster Pet...
I just barely made my save vs
Tasha'sHideous Laughter.
I'm sorry, who was that? You don't want Jones and Rodriguez to show up.

Thormind |
This threat was originally about sacred huntsmasters but i though it would be interesting to look at the sanctified slayer. What does he get by sacrificing judgment?
I made a dex two weapon fighting build to maximize the number of sneak attack i can get. I took animal domain. The pet is weaker but it allows the inquisitor to get sneak attacks on a regular basis. For the free slayer talent i chose trapfinding but i could have increased his dmg potential even more by selecting a ranger combat style feat.
Max dpr on a full attack with divine power, bane and sneak dmg is 525!!This dmg doesnt include the pet.
Max dpr for the sacred huntsmaster with the pet was 325+241: 566
After all this, I think it's safe to say that both Inquisitor's archetype from the ACG are amazing. The new abilities they get seem much more powerful than the ability they lose (judgment).
***This will probably be the suject of another post but i am building multiple "archer with a pet" characters to compare dmg potential. So far both the regular inquisitor and the sanctified slayer with the animal domain are top performers.

Calth |
This threat was originally about sacred huntsmasters but i though it would be interesting to look at the sanctified slayer. What does he get by sacrificing judgment?
I made a dex two weapon fighting build to maximize the number of sneak attack i can get. I took animal domain. The pet is weaker but it allows the inquisitor to get sneak attacks on a regular basis. For the free slayer talent i chose trapfinding but i could have increased his dmg potential even more by selecting a ranger combat style feat.
Max dpr on a full attack with divine power, bane and sneak dmg is 525!!This dmg doesnt include the pet.
Max dpr for the sacred huntsmaster with the pet was 325+241: 566
After all this, I think it's safe to say that both Inquisitor's archetype from the ACG are amazing. The new abilities they get seem much more powerful than the ability they lose (judgment).
***This will probably be the suject of another post but i am building multiple "archer with a pet" characters to compare dmg potential. So far both the regular inquisitor and the sanctified slayer with the animal domain are top performers.
Judgement still has a number of pros that the archetypes have, namely in action economy over sanctified slayer, flexibility, and defenses. Getting +(1+lvl/5) to AC and Saves in a fairly uncommon bonus type can be very useful, and it applies to all enemies not just one. I think all three have their place, and all have fairly unique styles. In a Kingmaker style campaign, where you have very few encounters per day and wont typically run out of judgment, the flexibility of the standard inquisitor might be best. If you want to focus more on battlefield control, picking up sacred huntsmaster and a trip/grab animal companion is awesome. If you typically run very long encounter days, or have a small number of foes per encounter, want to dual wield or be more rogueish, be a sanctified slayer.
Basically, I see the two new archetypes as on par in general with the base inquisitor, which is an awesome change from previous archetypes, with each having their own areas of excellence.

Thormind |
Thormind wrote:This threat was originally about sacred huntsmasters but i though it would be interesting to look at the sanctified slayer. What does he get by sacrificing judgment?
I made a dex two weapon fighting build to maximize the number of sneak attack i can get. I took animal domain. The pet is weaker but it allows the inquisitor to get sneak attacks on a regular basis. For the free slayer talent i chose trapfinding but i could have increased his dmg potential even more by selecting a ranger combat style feat.
Max dpr on a full attack with divine power, bane and sneak dmg is 525!!This dmg doesnt include the pet.
Max dpr for the sacred huntsmaster with the pet was 325+241: 566
After all this, I think it's safe to say that both Inquisitor's archetype from the ACG are amazing. The new abilities they get seem much more powerful than the ability they lose (judgment).
***This will probably be the suject of another post but i am building multiple "archer with a pet" characters to compare dmg potential. So far both the regular inquisitor and the sanctified slayer with the animal domain are top performers.
Judgement still has a number of pros that the archetypes have, namely in action economy over sanctified slayer, flexibility, and defenses. Getting +(1+lvl/5) to AC and Saves in a fairly uncommon bonus type can be very useful, and it applies to all enemies not just one. I think all three have their place, and all have fairly unique styles. In a Kingmaker style campaign, where you have very few encounters per day and wont typically run out of judgment, the flexibility of the standard inquisitor might be best. If you want to focus more on battlefield control, picking up sacred huntsmaster and a trip/grab animal companion is awesome. If you typically run very long encounter days, or have a small number of foes per encounter, want to dual wield or be more rogueish, be a sanctified slayer.
Basically, I see the two new archetypes as on par in general with the base...
Studied taget is a swift action from lvl 7 and an immediate action on a sneak attack. It provides bonuces to all your class abilities DCs, including spells. This is a huge buff for a 6th spell lvl caster. It also boost some useful skills.
To me just that ability would be enough to replace judgment. On top of that you get sneak attacks. At lvl 15 thats +4d6 dmg on every attack as soon as your flanking. You also get Slayer talents...

shroudb |
Calth wrote:...Thormind wrote:This threat was originally about sacred huntsmasters but i though it would be interesting to look at the sanctified slayer. What does he get by sacrificing judgment?
I made a dex two weapon fighting build to maximize the number of sneak attack i can get. I took animal domain. The pet is weaker but it allows the inquisitor to get sneak attacks on a regular basis. For the free slayer talent i chose trapfinding but i could have increased his dmg potential even more by selecting a ranger combat style feat.
Max dpr on a full attack with divine power, bane and sneak dmg is 525!!This dmg doesnt include the pet.
Max dpr for the sacred huntsmaster with the pet was 325+241: 566
After all this, I think it's safe to say that both Inquisitor's archetype from the ACG are amazing. The new abilities they get seem much more powerful than the ability they lose (judgment).
***This will probably be the suject of another post but i am building multiple "archer with a pet" characters to compare dmg potential. So far both the regular inquisitor and the sanctified slayer with the animal domain are top performers.
Judgement still has a number of pros that the archetypes have, namely in action economy over sanctified slayer, flexibility, and defenses. Getting +(1+lvl/5) to AC and Saves in a fairly uncommon bonus type can be very useful, and it applies to all enemies not just one. I think all three have their place, and all have fairly unique styles. In a Kingmaker style campaign, where you have very few encounters per day and wont typically run out of judgment, the flexibility of the standard inquisitor might be best. If you want to focus more on battlefield control, picking up sacred huntsmaster and a trip/grab animal companion is awesome. If you typically run very long encounter days, or have a small number of foes per encounter, want to dual wield or be more rogueish, be a sanctified slayer.
Basically, I see the two new archetypes as on par
there are some cases the judgement is better though.
my current party p.e. is lvl6-7, the only one without a problem vs any kind of dr is the inquisitor:
judgment allows to bypass dr/good bane allows to bypass silver/cold iron, and at 10th lvl it can also count as adamantine.
that's a function that isnt duplicated by a generic +x to att/damage
also, as mentioned above, the sacred bonus to ac is really nice vs a lot of encounters for him (on top of him being a dwartf, his saves are absolutly ridiculous)
from my own experience with high level inquisitor, piercing has also helped me vs outsiders when i want to land my spells on them, particulary litanies.
my spell list is usually no sav throw offensive, buffs, healing. so i prefer +spell penetration rather than +dc
and once, i've swimmed through an acid pit, also something that would be hard without judjment.
pure offence though? studied target>judgment

Arakasius |
Couple questions for the feats used in the huntsmaster build.
1. When should you get combat reflexes? My DM doesn't move his monsters into lots of AOO so it's just a matter of when number of attacks get high enough. Full attack at like level 8 means 2 from me and 3 from pet cat. One AOO seems likely but not sure if more.
2. Priority for teamwork feats. Pack Flanking > Outflank > Paired Opportunist > ?. What should be next. Spell sharing, precise strike, something else?

Arakasius |
In follow up to question one I guess the real question is what is the priority between toughness, power attack and combat reflexes for a 2h SH build using a crit weapon. As a non human who wants to get the setup ready for level 7 I have 6 feats to get there. Outflank, Pack flanking, combat expertise and Paired Opportunist are musts, which leaves two feats for levels 1-5. Which of those three is least valuable?
Technically I can get the combo up at level 6 by taking opportunist at five and outflank at 6, but that means taking expertise at one and reflexes at three, which will leave the low levels very lackluster. I think the two real options are 1: Toughness 3: Combat Expertise/Pack Flanking 5: Combat Reflexes 6: Outflank 7: Outflank (switch teamwork to Paired) or switch the level one feat to Combat Expertise and the level 3 feat to power attack. Can also switch level five choice to Paired and move reflexes back to seven.

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At lower levels an animal companion would be a better for the extra attacks but once DR and hardness come into play your friend starts to really fall behind. Judgments are so versatile and with the lend judgment spell you can buff someone and and Inquisitor is the best buffer debuffer in the game.

Forcy |

Judgement with "instant jugment" feat are far away better than normal judgment... it's like have it all activated together.
You start with justice or destruction... if some one cast a spell on you "instant switch" on protection, if a dragon use energy breath against you "instant switch" on energy reduction. AC boost and DR are also good choice.
You always have the right judgment when needed with this feat!

Arakasius |
Well this is a level one campaign. I doubt we'll be getting to level 12+ or whatever when DR10 starts getting common. I'm not terribly worried about small DR values. Also could always take a T-Rex if high DR worries me. A +26 damage mod at level 11 will cut through most DR I'd guess.
Anyway I'd appreciate an answer to priority on feats instead of going back to the judgment question which I've already decided on by taking SH.

Kaouse |

At level 16 with Triple Judgement, Judgement becomes better than any buff spell possible while simultaneously coming with a free "Quicken." It has tons of both offensive and defensive utility (Saves, AC and Fast Healing are really nice to have alongside Attack and Damage, IMHO). It's even better when you realize that you can stack Judgements together, having up to 6 different abilities going at a time.
But, as much as I love Judgments, an Animal Companion that shares your teamwork feats is the offensively superior option, definitely. Build an Uber Charger, get Rage from the Rage Subdomain, select the "Ferocious Mount" Rage Power, take Amplified Rage, and you have a +8 bonus to STR and CON...as a FREE action. Then add in Animal Focus for another +6 STR and we're up to +7 attack and +10 damage. That right there outguns a standard Inquisitor's Justice & Destruction combo, and the extra HP from the +8 CON mostly covers whatever third judgement you apply.
Then there's the whole list of Teamwork feats that work best on mounts, like Escape Route (which means, while you ride your mount, neither of you will EVER provoke from movement), Outflank + Pack Flanking (Free +4 to attack literally all day long) and stuff like Shake it Off, where you get at least a free +2 to saves (+3 if you scrounge up a Valet Familiar).
Lastly, there's the entire issue where Judgments start off super weak in the early levels (especially when you can only apply one of them). In those levels, Animal Companions can often solo whole encounters, making for a much smoother leveling experience.
So really, it's what you make of it, but I personally love doubling up on Triple Judgment. Less fuss, easy to optimize, and is your own "limited God Mode" in a can for a class that is already a great Jack of All Trades. Combine with Bane and you easily out-damage any martial with far less investment. Also less restrictive on combat style and weapon choice, and even helps out your magic if you need it to (one Judgement helps pierce SR).

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Judgements vs pouncing tiger? the pet wins hands down except when it can't help such as versus flying opponents, but then you still have bane and greater band and most likely a bunch of archery feats and a decently enchanted bow. It's not like you are useless without the judgements. Lots of the better inquisitor archetypes give a way judgements for something that is better in most situations. As far as feats. You want the typical archery feats, point blank, precise, rapid, deadly aim. clustered shots, and get teamwork feats like outflank and pack attack to help fight with your animal companion.