AppleFresh |
My ridiculous friends are creating silly strong 3.5 characters that I doubt Pathfinder can even keep up with (correct me if i am wrong). I am using Pathfinder rules straight up however i can use anything and everything. Templates Mythic etc. Anyone have any suggestions for something stupid powerful? I am only looking for brief suggestions i don't expect anyone to detail that extensive of a character. I am assuming a spellcaster is most likely the most powerful ? It would be awesome to show them that a pathfinder only character can stand up just like those silly 3.5 builds.
Edit: I would start level 20 and 10 mythic

Mysterious Stranger |

I was working on an undead lord for a campaign I was thinking of running and came up with a pretty good combination. Antipaladin 2/Oracle of Bones 18 with the Graveknight template (Fire) If you take a dual path Mythic Champion and Hierophant That is going to be one tough undead. Can you take more than one template? If so you could add the Half Fiend template for even more abilities.

Landerk |

I was playing a 6 inch tall fairy gestalt monk/sorcerer in a recent game, made a staff of eldritch sovereignty my legendary item, and picked up undetectable as one of my legendary item abilities. I can be invisible at all times, and with that trait undetectable by any means, when we made tier 6, the effect is coming from a Major Artifact, pretty tough to overcome. Whatever race / class you choose pick up something that can be always invisible then some sort of legendary item with that trait, my Gm is still upset with me about that, and has outlawed taking that ability in the future. When he said Ok for me to take it, he didn't realize I had the ability to be invisible 24/7.
Also make sure you can mythic haste yourself, between that and the mythic ability to spend a point and gain a standard action it gives you two full attack actions per round.
Had I known about Oracles when we started that game, I probably would have taken it instead of sorcerer, with the feat Divine Protection, on top of monk saves, so sweet.
If you are playing something that makes at least 1 unarmed strike per round, and you are going to do the invisibility / undetectable thing then the feat: Medusa's Wraith is a good idea.
Maybe pick up Leadership and Mythic Leadership to have a mythic dragon mount. Have it pick up a way to become invisible and a legendary item with undetectable as well. Or maybe use the feats to gain an ally who can mythic haste you / buff you, perhaps an oracle / sorcerer mystic theurge.

Pendagast |

assuming the 3.5 broken opponent will be a caster as well, I would make one of three things.
A counterspelling witch specialist.
A magus with counter spelling and spell breaker/disruptive feats.
A bloodrager with the arcane bloodline.
and of course… there is Gunslinger, which would go first, and likely kill anything int he first round anyway.

I3igAl |

My ridiculous friends are creating silly strong 3.5 characters that I doubt Pathfinder can even keep up with (correct me if i am wrong). I am using Pathfinder rules straight up however i can use anything and everything. Templates Mythic etc. Anyone have any suggestions for something stupid powerful? I am only looking for brief suggestions i don't expect anyone to detail that extensive of a character. I am assuming a spellcaster is most likely the most powerful ? It would be awesome to show them that a pathfinder only character can stand up just like those silly 3.5 builds.
Edit: I would start level 20 and 10 mythic
Lvl 20 Arcane Bloodline Sorcerer: "Whenever you use magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a magic item that expends charges."
Pick up a Ring of three wishes and nearly get wish at will.
Half-Elf Sorcerers using the Paragon Surge Spell gets one feat of his choice.
With Eldritch Heritage Arcane you can pick Improved Eldritch Heritage Arcane and add a spell to your spells known.
You can therefore be the ultimate utility caster having acess to the entire Wizard list.
Fabricate Spell, especially if combined with Blood Money leads to infinite wealth.
Here is a personal favorite of mine: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q7dp?Mythic-Feather-Fall-can-oneshot-almost , it's so hilariously cheesy.
Other stuff has been broken forever and still works. Summon(Planar Ally etc.) Noble Efreet --> get 3 Wishes --> Summon 3 Noble Efreet ---> continue as long as you wish.
Shades can copy any conjuration spell up to lvl 8. Those things only deal 80% damage, but are for free. This includes the Planar Ally Spells.

Bobo D |
keep in mind you CANT break the action economy like 3.5. Aside from pun-pun, a planar shepard 10 druid 10 can take 20 standard actions/round. Therefore use the really really broken intelligent magic item rules with an infinite money combo and get a huge number of wishes(/miracles)/round without using actions. Similar levels of simicalarium abuse as in 3.5, there is a pun-pun build in pf using awaken and lunar oracle 20 if you want to go that route. Find some way with mythic/templates to make yourself immortal, and you can also make NI HD constructs with feats and other awesome stuff. Basically play the "my age is 99999999999999999999999" card.

Rerednaw |
3.5 (especially if they are using Epic rules) more broken > Pathfinder.
But you *can* probably go first.
Improved Initiative (+4), Superior Initiative(+4), Divination Wizard(+10), Familiar (+4), Reactionary(+2), Fireheart Ifrit(+4), Mythic Improved Initiative(+10), Amazing Initiative (Tier 2 ability)(+10).
4+4+10+4+2+4+10+10=1d20+48 init not including dex, items or other ways to increase that modifier.
Even if the other guy can cast 10 spells via broken action economy your First two spells (one quickened) may drop them as you beat them to the draw.

Tarantula |

3.5 (especially if they are using Epic rules) more broken > Pathfinder.
But you *can* probably go first.
Improved Initiative (+4), Superior Initiative(+4), Divination Wizard(+10), Familiar (+4), Reactionary(+2), Fireheart Ifrit(+4), Mythic Improved Initiative(+10), Amazing Initiative (Tier 2 ability)(+10).
4+4+10+4+2+4+10+10=1d20+48 init not including dex, items or other ways to increase that modifier.Even if the other guy can cast 10 spells via broken action economy your First two spells (one quickened) may drop them as you beat them to the draw.
That would be my suggestion. Divination wizard. They also at 20th get to always treat the d20 as a 20, so with your modifiers they get a 68 every time. Make sure you can kill them with your quickened/standard spell and you're good to go. Probably suffocation/mass suffocation and focus on bumping the save as high as you can.

Cuup |

Take 1 level of Urban Barbarian, 4 levels in Grenadier Alchemist, 5 levels in Trench Figher, and the rest in Musketeer Gunslinger. You'll double your Dex on damage (the abilities from Trench Fighter and Gunsligher should stack) and be able to increase said Dex by 10 in 1 round via Free action Rage, Dex Mutagen, and a potion of Reduce Person (you took the fast drinker trait, right?). Grenadier lets you put alchemical weapons on your ammo, which can be doubled up on using a Hybridization funnel. Make sure you take Mythic Improved Vital Strike to Quadruple (you took Greater Vital Strike, right?) every single component of your damage roll. Take the right feats/items to increase your static damage, and you should be shooting things for 200-300 damage every round - targeting TOUCH AC.
Keep a couple other potions like See Invisibility, Fly etc, and a Rod of Cancelation, and you won't need to worry about casting spells.

bookwormbabe29 |

A nice option I feel under appreciated is the monk. I have a level 20 monk that is so full of cheese you think she ran a dairy farm. Monk of four winds lets you use your quick action to gain 3 standard actions a round, which I find pretty sweet. You can't use flurry of blows (full round) but you can make 3 attacks all the same. Add to this the vital strike line (including mythic vital strike), putting every possible bonus to your STR, dragon style... it adds up. Plus if anything goes, craft permanent buff spell items. I use lead blades, animal aspect gorilla, and strong jaw, along with the item stonefist gloves and the mythic titan stike. Right now? I deal 96d8+236 damage per attack, and get to strike three times a round thanks to slow time. Add in amazing initiative (mythic power) and you're getting four strikes per round with your full BAB. Super fast movement rate and Abundant step (use Qinggong archtype) lets you be anywhere you need to be and hit hard when you get there. Still not enough? Toss in a few fickle attacks from mythic trickster. With the number of damage die you have, turning all your rolled 1's into 8's can be comical. Of if allowed, get a legendary amulet of mighty fists (or brass knuckles I suppose) to pour on more cheese.
I personally love it when you show up to play this beast, telling people you're a monk... they all think you're weak until you start killing everything in a round.

Ravingdork |

Look up Ravingdork's Character Conpedium here on the boards. Specifically Nudel the Destroyer and the Cannibal Mage.
Wow. If you aren't even going to bother linking to it, the least you could do is get the name right. People are going to have a heck of a time finding it that way. You didn't even spell the wrong name correctly. lol. :D
Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium (and commentary/update thread)

KestrelZ |

Half-celestial, half-fiend, or half-dragon templates are awesome.
Before you run with it, make sure you know what the other players are making. This way everyone knows what to expect and can adjust, so no one feels like the spotlight has been yanked away before game starts.

Scott Wilhelm |
I have some ideas for some pretty broken builds, but most of them would benefit from adding 3.5 Feats.
In 3.5, Grappling, Tripping, and Bull Rushing have size limits. In Pathfinder, a Halfling with a high enough Grapple Mod can grapple and hogtie the Tarrasque.
3.5 has nothing like the Tetori Monk. By level 9, Tetori Monks can negate Freedom of Movement.
Take Greater Grapple, and you can make 2 checks/round: 1 as a standard, and one as a move action.
Take 2 levels in Cavalier and join the Order of the Penitent. The Order Ability is Expert Captor: you can Tie Up a Grappled--not Pinned--opponent, and you don't take the -10 do do it.
how high can you get your Grapple Mod?
Armbands of the Brawler +1
Improved Grapple +2
Greater Grapple +2
Brawling Armor Enchantment +2
Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver +2
Adhesive Armor Enchantment +2
Tentacle Alchemist Discovery (Grab Ability) +4
King Crab (Tumor) Familiar (Discovery) +2
Alchemal Strength Mutagen: +2
That's a start.
True Strike +20: take the Feat Potion Glutton. You can drink any potable as a Swift Action, including Alchemal Extracts. So you could cast True Strike on your self, then the next round get DimDor'd to the Tarn Linorm. You can Grapple it as a Standard Action then pop your True Strike Extract as a Swift Action, then tie it up as a Move Action.

Scott Wilhelm |
There are 3.5 ways to do this, but the chances are that your fellow players haven't taken precautions against going Blind. Half Orcs get Scent as a Feat. Ratfolk and Catfolk can get Scent as Racial Trait. Dwarves in Pathfinder can get Tremorsense at the cost of 2 Feats.
Anyway, get Scent or Tremorsense and take the Blind Fighting Feat. Carry around an Eversmoking Bottle. You'll make everyone Blind, friend and foe alike. You'll be Blind, too, but with Scent or Tremorsense you can locate your opponents within 30'. With Blind Fighting, you can reroll your miss chance, so the Miss Chance due to Total Concealment drops form 50% to 25% (for you!).
Kind of a prick move, but you are asking for ways of showing up your friends.

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A magus with counter spelling and spell breaker/disruptive feats.
Kensai: Lingering Pain arcana. Go first and shut down casters.
Dual path Archmage with either Guardian or Champion depending on play style.
Take something interesting for you race. One idea; succubus with the vampire template.
Anyway, get Scent or Tremorsense and take the Blind Fighting Feat. Carry around an Eversmoking Bottle. You'll make everyone Blind, friend and foe alike. You'll be Blind, too, but with Scent or Tremorsense you can locate your opponents within 30'. With Blind Fighting, you can reroll your miss chance, so the Miss Chance due to Total Concealment drops form 50% to 25% (for you!).
Goz Mask; ignore smoke.

Scott Wilhelm |
3.5 doesn't have anything like Snake Fang. I love Snake Fang, and Attack of Opportunity Hair Trigger. You get an unarmed AoO whenever somebody attacks you and misses.
I like getting Snake Fang by taking 2 levels in Monk Master of Many Styles.
I like developing a Natural Weapon for this, say Claws. With Feral Combat Training, you get to apply your Monk Unarmed Damage to your Claws and use them for your Attack of Opportunity. Improved Natural Weapon lets them do damage as if they were 1 size bigger. Monastic Legacy lets 1/2 your nonmonk levels count as Monk levels for the purpose of increasing damage. Your Natural Weapon will do 2d6 by level 6, 2d8 by level 13, 3d8 by level 21, sooner if you take more levels in Monk.

Scott Wilhelm |
Cleaving is better in Pathfinder. Great Cleave in 3.5 only works if you are Dropping your opponents. In Pathfinder, you get to hit the next guy if you only hit the first guy. It's almost as powerful as Whirlwind Attack.
Great Sunder lets the residual damage pass to the wielder, and your friends probably don't know how to achieve that effect in 3.5. There is a way, but it is esoteric. You could take Master Craftsman to customize a magic weapon, say a +1 (2000gp) Adamantine (3000gp) Shatterspike (2000) Earthbreaker (40gp) Hammer of the Titans (8000gp). The 'of the Titans enchantment in the Maul of the Titans lets it do Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects. The Pathfinder rules for partial enchantments and combining enchantments pretty much let you make that magic item just the way I described. When you use it to Sunder, it will do triple damage, and the residual damage will pass to the wielder. A 3.5 character would be able to customize a weapon like this with the Acestral Relic Feat from the Book of Exalted Deeds.
Mind you, 3.5 has some pretty awesome Sundering Builds, combining Combat Brute, where you get a free attack when you destroy the thing you are Sundering, Pushback, where you get a fee Bull Rush whenever you hit somebody, Shock Trooper, which, if you Bull Rush 1 guy into another, you get to Trip Both of them, and Improved Trip, which lets you have free attacks on the opponents you Trip as they go down. If you or they could combine that build with Great Sunder, well that would be pretty broken. The 3.5 way to get the Damage Multiplyer would be with the Feat Deadly Concussion, which appeared in an issue of Dragon, where when you sunder your opponent's shield or Armor with a blunt weapon, the opponent takes the same amount of damage. There is also the 3rd edition (3.0) version of the Improved Sunder Feat, which lets you do double damage vs. your opponents' weapons.

Alakallanar |
Thank you all. I am working on a sorcerer build that combines a few of the aforementioned paths.
I did end up building my own plant race that ended up being 51 RP but hey they said anything !
I think you should either stick to existing races or ,if you abuse the race builder, abuse it thoroughly. The only cap is max. 5 traits per category for monstrous so, for example:
Normal Speed
Advanced (Physical+2,INT+4,WIS or CHA -2)
Attribute Traits:
5x Advanced INT
Defensive Traits:
Cat's Luck
Defensive Training, Greater
Lucky, Greater
Fast Healing (?)
DR 10/Magic
Feats & Skills:
Flexible Bonus Feat
Sneaky Rider
Static Bonus Feat
Quick Reactions
Arcane Focus
Deep Magic
Spell-Like Ability, At Will, 5 Spells
[Trait 4]
[Trait 5]
4x Flight (Perfect,60F)
Frightful Gaze
[Trait 4]
[Trait 5]
Blindsense 30F
All-Around Vision
See in Darkness
Heroic (?)
Then, take either an Arcanist-School Savant(Divination-Forsight) or a Wizard-Diviner(Forsight). Archmage 10 in both cases.
Probably the most useful Mythic Spells are Mythic Contingency and (against non-mythic opponents) Mythic Globe of Invulnerability. Mythic Feats that you should definetly consider are Mythic Improved Initiative and the usual spell Feats (Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, etc.).
Alternatively you could be a Synthesist (CHA replaces INT in that case of course). It may not be optimal but a Construct race Synthesist with 5x Energy immunity on top is immune to pretty much everything except physical damage and a quit small number of spells.
Or Witch for the Mythic Hex against non-mythic opponents.
Nevertheless no build can compete with Reductio Ad Pun-Pun if your friends are building him.

Ravingdork |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

How about I share a few of my tricks?
How about being able to control hundreds of hit dice worth of undead? [link 1] [link 2]
How about the ability to destroy your enemies with mere rocks picked up off the ground? [link]
How about bending your enemies to your will utilizing the class abilities of arcanists, sorcerers, AND wizards? [link]
How about being able to put Robin Hood's archery to shame? [link]
How about being able to put Green Arrows/Hawkeye's trick archery to shame? [link]
How about being a freaking time lord? [link]
How about being a mad monkey known for stomping enemies into the earth? [link]
How about weighing over 400 pounds, and yet being able to move faster than any horse, and more nimbly than any hummingbird? [link]
How about being able to attack someone with 30-foot reach? [link]
How about being the fastest damn thing alive? [link]
How about being a fully functional adventurer, while also being a quadriplegic? [link]
How about being a transmuter, with higher than full base attack bonus? [link]
How about oppressing the world with your troll armies from your flying ice crystal palace? [link 1] [link 2]
How about being able to take out 90% of the Bestiaries' monsters, in a single bite? [link]
How about being an interplanar invader with a storied history? [link 1] [link 2]
How about being a master of fire and flame, able to incinerate armies of enemies in the blink of an eye? [link 1] [link 2]
How about spreading terror across the countryside, while dressed as Santa Claus? [link]
How about being the ultimate scourge against demon kind? [link]
How about being the world's foremost "master dispeller" capable of utterly crippling any and all fools who would dare to utilize magic against you? [link 1] [link 2]
How about taking on the Tarrasque single-handedly, in melee, and winning? [link 1] [link 2]
How about having saves and backup defenses so high and multi-layered, that you will never come to serious harm save by rolling multiple consecutive natural ones? [link]
How about being able to knock someone out with tons of sneak attack damage? [link]
How about flying about on your own tumor? [link]
How about being able to hear a mouse breath, from 100 feet away, through a thick stone wall, while sleeping? [link]
How about bringing about the downfall of multiple worlds through the manipulation of their peoples' own sin? [link]
How about being the undisputed master of the forest? [link]
How about possessing absolute mastery of earth and stone? [link]
How about all this and more in Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium?

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You must, must go first at that level. Diviner Wizard is a solid bet, or you can take the Mythic Initiative stuff with a crazy Dex.
A strange thing about high-level Mythic is that the status-changing, 'God controller' effects start to break down. Summon Monster IX, for example, isn't very good. Blasting works again, if you can find the one energy type the enemy is not immune to.
Honestly, for ultimate cheese nonsense mixing the two rulesets, I would make a
Diviner Wizard 10, Incantatrix 10, Archmage Mythic 10.
Another option is:
Aasimar Wizard 1 (you need the Daylight early entry trick), Evangelist of Desna 6, Incantatrix 10, Wizard 3.
You drop a caster level with Evangelist, but it doesn't matter, take the Magical Knack trait.
The reason for the Evangelist of Desna levels is the tier 2 Evangelist Deific Obedience:
"2: Starlit Caster (Su) Over time you have learned to focus your magical power to better damage agents of evil. You add your Charisma bonus on your concentration checks, as well as on your caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, when you stand in starlight and cast a spell that deals hit point damage, you can have it deal an extra 2d6 points of damage. This bonus damage is untyped, and manifests as a glowing aura of starlight around the spell’s original effect."
Boost your Cha to crazy levels (you will have the money and you don't need physical stats) and that is added to beat spell resistance. I have theorycrafted an Elf Sorcerer/Evangelist of Desna who gets something silly like + 20 to beating SR which means he can solo Chtulhu as his spells will hit.
With 3.5 in the mix, you can cast Assay Spell Resistance too for an extra +10.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Most people go the straight caster route for super powered PC.I would go Anti-paladin because if you hit them or they hit you they get the plague or something. Go with a elven curve blade, get weapon finesse and the mythic version and take the tripping feats. Make sure you have a crazy high dex for the damage and the many AoOs you be giving out. Make it a i think it is conductive weapon for more damage. Get some SR on your armor. And the Trickster is an awesome mythic path.
Or go Magus Archmange take the dual path mythic feat and go trickster. Get you a scimitar and dex damage them to death with some fun magical options as well.
For templates pick up mighty because its awesome. Dread wraith could be fun, they cant hit you with out a ghost touch weapon, the meta feat Ectoplasmic Spell, or force spells. And if there is no limit make your self a Grave Knight and pick up Element Infused Creature, i like the earth one because burrowing and earth glide are fun

Scott Wilhelm |
Tripping in both 3.5 and Pathfinder doesn't work on creatures 2 or more sizes bigger than you. There are 2, good Pathfinder ways around that.
The Punishing Kick Feat works sort of like Stunning Fist, except instead of making your opponent Stunned, you make him Prone. It's not quite as good as Tripping him, but it works on any sized creature.
There is a way to spend Monk Ki Points on Tripping (or Bull Rushing, I think) larger creatures.
There is also the Earth Child Style Feats, but those only work on Giants.
There is also a Goblin Feat that lets you trip oversize creatures.
The only way I know for 3.5 characters to Trip oversized creatures is the Confound the Bigfolk Feat. The prerequisites of that feat are Small Size, Underfoot Fighting and 10 ranks in Tumble. I forget what book it's in: Races of Stone or Races of the Wild, I think.
Something interesting about Tripping in Pathfinder vs. 3.5. Improved Trip lets you take a bonus attack as a Free Action as your opponent goes down. Greater Trip lets you take an Attack of Opportunity as your opponent goes down. Either system might let you make a Whirlwind Attack and Trip all adjacent opponents instead of beating on them. Whirlwind Attack though specifically prohibits bonus free action attacks such as those granted by Cleave (or 3.5 Improved Trip), but since Attacks of Opportunity happen outside the Combat Round--even when they happen during your round--if you combined Whirlwind Attack with Greater Trip, you would still get those Attacks of Opportunity.
Also remember the feats Vicious Stomp and Fury's Fall.
Something else to remember. In Pathfinder, the enhancement bonus on a Tripping Weapon enhances your CMB for Tripping. That is NOT the case for 3.5 weapon enhancement bonuses. 3.5 weapons require special enchantments for Tripping.
For Tripping weapons, the most popular ones on this thread are your Reach Tripping Weapons. I am a fan sickles and kamas myself. My reasoning is that the advantage of a Tripping Weapon when you already have Improved Trip is that in the event of a catastrophically bad CMB roll, you get Tripped yourself, or you can just drop your Tripping weapon. If that Tripping Weapon is a Halberd or a Glaive, you will miss it when it's gone. If it's a Sickle, you just shrug your shoulders and pull out another one off your belt. My view of it is unpopular, but I'm right and everyone else is wrong. ;)
If your DM would allow you to combine 3rd edition AND Pathfinder feats, you should consider it. It would be SWWW-EEEET!!! There is a 3.5 Feat called Elusive Target, which, among other things lets you make a Trip as a Free Action Attack whenever you provoke an attack of opportunity by moving out of threatened squares and that AoO misses. The Prerequisites Include Dodge and Mobility, and you can find it in Complete Warrior. That might stack with the Panther Style Feats, which also give you Free Action Attacks whenever you provoke attacks of opportunity by moving out of Threatened Squares. The reason I think they'll stack is that 1 triggers when you provoke, and the other when that attack misses. Dodge and Mobility are the main prereqs for the Prestige Class Dervish, and level 3 Dervishes get Spring Attack as a bonus feat. Then get Whirlwind Attack--why not?--and that qualifies you for the 3rd Edition Prestige Class Weapon Master. Weapon Masters have all kinds of lovely special abilities: they can do max weapon damage several times/day. They can increase their Crit Mods from double to triple or from triple to quadruple. They can increase their threat ranges in a way that DOES STACK with Improved Crit, and they can eventually Whirlwind as a Standard Action.
Also there is a 3rd Edition Feat called Knockdown: if you hit someone, and you do more than 10 points of damage, you get a free Trip attempt.

Scott Wilhelm |
Thank you all. I am working on a sorcerer build that combines a few of the aforementioned paths.
I did end up building my own plant race that ended up being 51 RP but hey they said anything !
If my DM were so lenient that he let me make my own race, I'd probably just be a Thri Kreen: a 7' tall praying mantis with 4 claw attacks and a bite attack! Then Feral Combat Training, Improved Natural Attack, and Monastic Legacy to make your Claws do 2d6 each. Snake Fang to add 4 more Claw attacks/round. Do the White Haired (Antenaed) Witch thing to qualify for Final Embrace, letting me do Claw Damage Constrict for the Bite and the Claw damage+Armor Spike Damage. Quick Great Dirty Trick + Sneak Attack Damage on every attack AND every Constrict. Then get a Mammoth Helm and a Tentacle Cloak because why not?
Here comes trouble!

Daniel Lipp |
kasathan monk the multi weapon fighting feats, unless your dm allows flurry of blows to grant 3 off hand attacks with 4 armed characters, with a bab of +16 you have 4 primary attacks with 12 offhand attacks, adding mythic the 3rd tier mythic ability precision reduces the penalty for second, third and fourth attacks, taking it 3 times (mythic rank 5 minimum) allows all attacks to be made at the first attacks bonus, on top of that stone fist gloves, and titan strike makes each unarmed attack deal 6d8 damage,
Also using unchained rules at 14th level he can take blood crow strike to deal a full attack as a ranged attack