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Ok thanks I was not sure because I had not found any rule that could have fully said otherwise, so I was debating.

I will remove the savage template because it does not provide as much benefit if those don't stack,

Ok I'm building a creature for a high level group and reading this has helped just a little but for my creature it has 12 and the invincible and savage mythic simple template,

at this hd these templates each provide resistance 15 to all energy types and dr 10/epic, so would these stack to be resist 30 all energy types and dr 20/epic

kasathan monk the multi weapon fighting feats, unless your dm allows flurry of blows to grant 3 off hand attacks with 4 armed characters, with a bab of +16 you have 4 primary attacks with 12 offhand attacks, adding mythic the 3rd tier mythic ability precision reduces the penalty for second, third and fourth attacks, taking it 3 times (mythic rank 5 minimum) allows all attacks to be made at the first attacks bonus, on top of that stone fist gloves, and titan strike makes each unarmed attack deal 6d8 damage,

Also using unchained rules at 14th level he can take blood crow strike to deal a full attack as a ranged attack