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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I am using the corruption variant rule and creating a new one for my players to use.

I am making it based off of the seven deadly sins.

So far I think the general corruption is just going to be "sinner"
and as a requirement the first manifestation is one of the seven deadly sins.

Any thoughts or ideas on how I could progress this ?
Manifestation ideas ?
How to rid oneself of the corruption ?

Im open to anything!

I will be having the players (roughly 8 of them) play individually. Each will get a set amount of time or "turns". They will not be in the same room and probably will play on different days. Each player, when they are not playing, will function like an NPC to the other players. My issue here is how do I maintain their actions in game when they are out of order in real time.

For example. Mike is talking to the NPC Miles Worthington. Mike does not know that in RL Miles is being played by Jesse. Jesse obviously isn't here to dictate his characters actions so how would this play out.

Another example. Mike kills the bar keep. Jesse on his day of play wants to visit the bar keep. Is he dead or alive for him ?

If this is impossible and ridiculous say so but I feel for a Horror Mystery campaign this will be very cool to do. Being alone adds to the ambiance and also serves a purpose like discovering who the other players are and learning what they know.

My two ideas were:
Keep a log (this would be almost impossible to have to cross reference everything and would like to avoid this)
Or have a default set of actions for their characters when they are not playing and roll for them when needed. (this still doesn't solve my bar keep scenario)

Thoughts? Ideas? Comments?

Thanks in advance

Thank you all. I am working on a sorcerer build that combines a few of the aforementioned paths.

I did end up building my own plant race that ended up being 51 RP but hey they said anything !

Thank you all ! This is all super helpful!

My ridiculous friends are creating silly strong 3.5 characters that I doubt Pathfinder can even keep up with (correct me if i am wrong). I am using Pathfinder rules straight up however i can use anything and everything. Templates Mythic etc. Anyone have any suggestions for something stupid powerful? I am only looking for brief suggestions i don't expect anyone to detail that extensive of a character. I am assuming a spellcaster is most likely the most powerful ? It would be awesome to show them that a pathfinder only character can stand up just like those silly 3.5 builds.
Edit: I would start level 20 and 10 mythic

Just wanted a few opinions on taking Harrier(3PP) as a Dragon Rider(3PP). Would this be optimal or should the class just remain how it stands.
Thanks in advance !