I can't believe I'm doing this

Silver Crusade

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Liberty's Edge

Miss Quick is visibly irritated by just being near the Silver Crusade lodge. Her hands fidget with the buttons on her cloak while she rocks back and forth on her feet. Her eyes dart back and forth like she expects to see someone she may have robbed back in the day. Her nervousness is very apparent.

Ok, I'm gonna make this quick.

I'm looking for my friend, THUNDERLIPS!. I was hoping one of you misguided moro-, I mean, well intentioned souls, saw him as he left Maldris's soon to be redecorated lodge. Again. He's been missing for a few days and I'm starting to get worried.

He's 7' tall, roughly 280 pounds, blond hair, blue eyes, naked, carrying an earthbreaker and Madeline Blakros, who might be just as naked. Upon uttering the prospect of a naked Madeline Blakros, Miss Quick closes her eyes tight, shudders, and bites back the bile rising in her throat.

If you see him, approach with caution. He might be sober which means he could be dangerous. I advise leaving a trail of meat and beer leading back to Skyreach. That should get him home.

Thanks, bye.

Grand Lodge

Ms. Quick wrote:
Her hands fidget... while she rocks back and forth on her feet. Her eyes dart back and forth like she expects to see someone she may have robbed back in the day. Her nervousness is very apparent.


squishy sound.

Oops. Not a squirrel.

Grand Lodge


Silver Crusade

A man with bright red skin, a blazing bonfire instead of hair, and an ornate scimitar at his side, slips through the throng, and up to Ms. Quick

"Oh Hi," he says, waving to the halfling.

"I-uh-uh-I, think I know where your friend?" he leaves the question hanging in the air a second, before continuing, "may be."

"An acquaintance of mine said something about a shaved bear, carrying a-a-a strange creature, who tore through the Arcanimirium, leaving a trail of carnage in its wake,and attacking any who got near it with, um, ghosts."

"Sound familiar?" he asks, expectantly.

Silver Crusade

A voice from the shadows . . .

"I'll see what I can find out about your Ulfen friend. The old Shadow Lodger in me wants to see a fellow Pathfinder get home safe, whether it's from a mission or from his own wedding."

"If you see a druid around here - sometimes he looks like a bat - that guy knows a thing or two about subtlety and gathering information. Not too bright and shiny, not too loud and clanky. He might be able to help you, too."

The mysterious tiefling disappears back into the shadows.

Silver Crusade

"There's a Pathfinder in need? Quick, pick up the trail, or the demons that took him may be impossible to find. Perhaps they have a way back to Old Sarkorian? I can get a team to Nerosyan quickly, through the Tapestry now that it is returned."

The overarmored woman nods with a reassuring firmness, and a hint of a smile.

"If he's to be found, we shall do it, and have him back and safe, or by the Acts of the Inheritor, those who played foul will pay!" The statement is punctuated by steel-on-steel of one gauntlet striking the other.

"It is just sickening how none of you raise any concern whatsoever over the safety and welfare of my daughter. She was kidnapped by this mongrel you have all so gallantly offered to aid!"

Silver Crusade

*Raises an eyebrow*

Silver Crusade

"I must wonder if it is the friend or the Blakros lady that needs finding most at this point." says Rhon as he steps forward to speak to those gathered.

"Has anyone asked if perhaps the two of them wish to be together and in their present state of dress or undress as the case may be. I would most assuredly not wish to find any of our members getting themselves involved in what could simply be a whirlwind romance that others have chosen to disagree with."

With that said Rhon causally leans on his shield and drinks from his every ready tankard of fine Dwarven ale.

Silver Crusade

True enough, Rhon. They may simply be on honeymoon... perhaps somewhere in the Shackles- on a beach somewhere. (Chi closes his eyes and imagines a secluded, serene beach's calm pierced by "THUNDERLIPS! SAID NO! SALT! ON MARGARITA!")

Silver Crusade

He's not in the gardens. I stopped by to listen to the crying gardeners weeding the begonias.

Silver Crusade

Avelina taps her longsword-shaped wand in her hand. "Even in the case of whirlwind romance, this manner of behavior is utterly deplorable! For a man to expose himself thusly is...." She blushes wildly, holding out the wand to mark her exclamations. "Perverted! Devilish! Beastly! No gentleman should ever conduct himself in such a manner."

Silver Crusade

The dwarf with a dyed-green beard and a crooked face next to her pats his greataxe and slaps his side. "Gwahahahahaha! Aye, Your Grace. We should show this one how we do things in Mendev!" He pauses, his mirth suddenly turned to confusion. "You were saying we should do something 'bout this, right?"

Silver Crusade

Avelina looks startled. "Oh, Goddess, no! A Sword and Shield of the Inheritor and her sworn servants are above such trifles. I shall need to speak to dear Ollysta about this behavior, and let her know that Auntie back in Mendev would never brook these shenanigans."

She trails off into silence, tapping her wand against her chin. "7 ft. tall...280 pounds...I wonder if that is all muscle...."

Silver Crusade

Bo makes a wry smile but keeps his thoughts and swirls the milk in his glass.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, come now, Miss Quick, they're not so bad. I've found these kind gentles more than ready to further the cause of liberty when she calls. Don't even have to trick 'em. Kendrick smirks openly as he continues. As for, ahem, THUNDERLIPS, from what I hear from my good friend Sir Gareth about the Blakroses and their museum, you're quite right to be worried. Haven't seen him, though I'll keep a weather eye out.

Silver Crusade

Avelina of Mendev wrote:
Avelina taps her longsword-shaped wand in her hand. "Even in the case of whirlwind romance, this manner of behavior is utterly deplorable! For a man to expose himself thusly is...." She blushes wildly, holding out the wand to mark her exclamations. "Perverted! Devilish! Beastly! No gentleman should ever conduct himself in such a manner."

A beautiful Qadiran woman, wearing very little other than a mithral shirt steps forward. "Surely Arshea, The Spirit of Abandon, would support someone expressing themselves thusly. We should all strive to abandon needlessly restraining beliefs. As long as such expression is harmless or mutually agreed upon we should embrace freedom to experience love and sensuality as we see fit. Though if this man is lost or out of sorts we shall find and help him home."

Silver Crusade

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Avelina waves her Iomedaen sword-cross wand like a chiding mother, her eyes closed. "Yes, yes. Arshea is fine with all that free love and etcetera. I will have you know I officiated the Tirablades' wedding, thank you very much!" Avelina points her wand in the direction Ms. Quick was talking from. "It's just I never agreed to be exposed to...to...that!"

She begins to turn towards Honor. "Really, this this is all none of your--" As she sees Honor, a bright red overtakes Avelina's face. She throws up her hand to cover her eyes. "By the Goddess! This is a place for the righteous to gather, not some kind of nudist beach. Nobody wants to see that!"

Sense Motive DC 25:
She totally wants to see that. There's a small gap in her fingers that she can peek through.

Silver Crusade

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

"Uh... Excuse me, but..."
A young aasimar girl in colorful Shelynite robes steps up, little wings flapping nervously. She gestures towards the scantily-clad woman.

"According to Shelyn, displaying erotic beauty can be just as sacred as painting a masterpiece, y'know. Being righteous doesn't mean we can't be attractive..." She leans in towards Avelina, lowering her voice to a murmur.
"And it doesn't mean you can't enjoy looking at attractive people, either."
With a grin, she straightens.
"Anyway, sorry for not introducing myself! I'm Suhaila Ayperi, but everybody calls me Suli, for short. So, do we know for sure if this man and Miss Blackros are together and naked by choice? If we're not sure, then we should definitely start up a search; we can always apologize if we get it wrong, and if one of them ISN'T there by choice, then we need to protect them, right?"

Silver Crusade

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

"Oh, I am very sorry to have offended you, Lady Avelina. I never mean to offend people. I can put on more if you prefer." Honor pulls out a cloak from her backpack and puts it on, making sure to cover herself a bit better. "What beautiful wings you have Suhaila. I completely agree about protecting people that have been abducted, if that is the case. I would love to help. I am great at finding out information from talking to people, but not very good at finding things I am looking for."

Silver Crusade

Suhaila beams at the compliment, then grows wistful.
"Thanks very much! I do love my wings, but I just... I wish they were a bit bigger, because as they are..."
Squeezing her eyes shut in determination, Suhaila begins to flap her wings furiously. They flutter faster and faster, and finally, she gets... absolutely nowhere.
"You see my problem."
After a moment, she stops with a resigned sigh.
"Anyhow, about the missing people: I didn't prepare any divination spells today, but I could have them for tomorrow, if it comes to that... Although, if they ARE together and naked by choice, scrying on them could get... uh... a little awkward." A pink tint quickly suffuses the angelkin's cheeks.

Silver Crusade

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5

As she reacts to Suhaila's whispered words, Avelina demonstrates that she and Honor share a similar faculty for picking out innuendo and hidden meaning. "That's fine if you enjoy the Arshean's display, but I clearly do not!

Bluff: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

After Honor apologizes and puts on additional clothing, Avelina holsters her wand and rests her hands on her sides, her head raised high and triumphant. "It was just a misunderstanding, Darling. One blessed with such divine grace as myself can hardly concern herself with such trifles."

Avelina salutes Suhaila and crosses herself. "A pleasure to meet you, Suhaila. I am currently trying to remain incognito during my travels here in the south, so if you wish to address me, you may call me Avelina of Mendev or Your Grace."

"As for the question of this...display...that has been wandering about, I shall dispatch my loyal retainer, Aldoz, to deal with it." Avelina taps her dwarven companion on the shoulder. The dwarf, clearly flustered by the gathering of so many attractive women, does not respond. Avelina frowns ever so slightly. "He is quite a personable dwarf, and popular with the low templar back home." She slaps him on the back.

Silver Crusade

He slaps his chest. "Gwahahaha! Right you are, Princess! I'll find that big beastie man and make him put on some clothes!" Aldoz's eyes are crooked, one wide open and the other almost shut, as though he is always trying to take a close look at something.

Aldoz straightens his back as he wags his greataxe at Suhaila and Honor. "Dinnae think that the Princess is too fragile to stomach that kinda kinky stuff if she has to! When I found some sacriligeous and damn sexy drawings of the Inheritor back in barracks 34 in Egede, she took responsibility for destroying them personally with some kinda magic thing."

Silver Crusade

"What? Destroy? Why would I--" Avelina's eyes widen for a second and takes in a sharp breath. She recovers in an instant, though her eyes glance off to the left, and she does not speak quite as loudly as typical. "Oh, yes. Of course. I took care of that issue completely."

She bonks Aldoz on the head with one of her wands. "I told you that the spell I used would make everyone forget everything about seeing that sacrilegious and dead se--err, sacrilegious!--contraband. That means you do not mention it to anyone!"

Bluff (circumstance penalty): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 15 - 5 = 12

Silver Crusade

"Well, I haven't sworn any fool . . . I mean holy paladin oaths to always tell the truth or Iomedae take my shiny magical powers, but when I say I'm going to do something I usually follow through. I went looking for Master Thunderlips, and his bride, and I believe they are engaged in fairly typical honeymoon behavior. I offered a prayer to Calistria and left them well enough alone. I'm satisfied that nobody needs to be rescued from anyone."

Augie bows, first to Avelina, and then to the other Silver Crusaders, before slipping back into the shadows.

Silver Crusade

Sitting in the corner of the room, a woman covered from head to toe sits drinking an iced beverage through a metal tube going under the tiger-faced mask she wears. Upon inspection, one might notice that she is wearing a breastplate, and has a holy symbol of Sarenrae around her neck. Her golden eyes flit back and forth as different people speak, as if watching each person as they speak. She seems to have decided to not join into the conversation at this time.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"No, I mean, if you find her attr- WHAT?!"
For a moment, Suhaila looks absolutely scandalized by the idea of art being destroyed.
"You destroyed them?! How COULD you?! I mean, I know what it's like; when I found out about the saucy pictures Zarta Dralneen was drawing of me, I wanted them out of the way, too, but I never-"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
"...Ah. Yes. Well, um... I'm sure that you... secured them appropriately." Her face rapidly reddening, Suhaila turns her gaze aside.
"Also, i-if you could maybe not mention that bit about Venture Captain Dralneen to anyone, that'd be good. If my brother finds out, he'll probably get himself killed."
Fun fact: The pictures were actually, canonically a thing we discovered in a scenario, and poor Suli's been uncomfortable around VC Dralneen ever since.
"ANYHOW, I'm glad there's nothing to worry about regarding our missing couple, and I hope they'll be very happy together! Thanks so much for finding them, mister..." Suhaila looks around, perplexed by the stranger's sudden absence.
"Uh... well, thanks, wherever you are."

Silver Crusade

The stranger in the corner pulls a book and pen from a pouch at her waist. Flipping it to an empty page, and writing quickly before waving Suhalia over. After writing a moment she pushes the book across the table, and begins preparing a second glass. Anyone within 15' can easily read the flowing script, as it is written large enough to not be difficult to read at such a range.

Please, sit, join me for some tea. You seem much too excited, and tea calms the nerves. It seems we may have a shadowdancing Tiefling in our midst, if I saw correctly.Madam Dralneen has some... Interesting... Works of "art."
I too have features that I wish were a bit different. Speaking is difficult, to say the least, for me. I use this book as a proxy.

Silver Crusade

Hey, let's get back to trying to find THUNDERLIPS!. That guy's hilarious, and I for one, wouldn't mind getting him back.

Silver Crusade

Spring is in the air, and the pathfinders are all twitterpated I see.

This is why they make you get a license for this sort of thing back home...

Silver Crusade

A gnome with vibrant fuchsia hair, and eyes of the deepest sapphire color, looks up from the medicine book that he was currently reading and offers his, thoughts of the matter in a voice that shouldn't be as high pitched as it was.

Everyone seems to be somewhat disillusioned that this, ahem, Thunderlips, may have seduced the Blakros woman by nefarious means. If only we could, say, ask the couple as to their side of the story, every thing could be straightened out?

Silver Crusade

An Ifrit with white robes and a scimitar at his side enters the room, a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Hey! Guess who has a thumb-and-a-half and just killed another vampire? This gu--" He stops for a moment and looks at the half naked women and a look of confusion spreads across his face "I'm-uh-sorry, I seem to have wandered into the Dark Archive meeting room by mistake... again." He turns to leave

Silver Crusade

Triblin chuckles at the ifrit and pipes up

'Tis alright friend. It appears that some of those here are somewhat liberal in their clothing! Whilst I don't mind he view, it hardly distracts from my studying. Besides, when one works as a healer, state of dress may impede proper procedures. One can't be too careful about cuts, scratches, or burns!

Silver Crusade

Avelina turns on her boot so fast that she almost trips on the heel. Her eyes flare with traces of fire, her mouth twists into a disgusted sneer, and a vein in her forehead pulses. Her left fist clenched in a trembling rage, her right hand, still holding a sword-shaped wand, points at Marak. "THE DARK ARCHIVE?! How dare you! This place is the Stronghold of the Steadfast, the Holdfast of the Holy, the Reliquary of the Righteous--"

She glances at her wand, and stows it in a haphazard rush. She stomps on the ground, drawing her sword and leveling it at Marak.


Silver Crusade

An exasperated sigh comes from a corner of the room where a dark figure rises, having just finished studying a book. He closes it quickly, letting the snapping sound linger about him for a moment before he slides it into a haversack. A muttered voice of admonishment seems to come from a gleaming mithral longsword slung across his back, but he simply shakes his head and pulls a hood up, barely hiding his red, cracked, ugly skin from the room's light as he strides towards the exit, a single word on his lips as he passes Suhalia.


Silver Crusade

Marak raises his hands Woahwoahwoahwoah, ther-there's no need for that. The ifrit pokes his head out the room, and double checks the nameplate by the door I was just-uh-making sure thi-this was the right room. I went into the wrong room before and that was-- he shudders at the memory unpleasant. I woke up with things in. . . places where the dawn doesn't shine.

Silver Crusade

With a sigh, which pushes blue flame from the bottom of her mask, Pythia stands and points at Avelina.

If Avelina and every one within a 20 foot radius could make Will saves at DC 20...

Spellcraft DC 17:
Spellcraft DC 17 identifies the effect of a Silent Calm Emotions spell being cast

At this point, Pythia removes her mask revealing her somewhat draconic visage. She appears to be a humanoid with the face of a Brass Dragon, eyes glowering. Blue flames roil from her mouth as she gives off a somewhat quiet growl. She spins, grabs her book and scribbles frantically, shoving it out from herself at Avelina once finished.

Knowledge: Planes DC 10:
Pythia is an Aasimar of Agathian descent.

Knowledge: Local DC 10:
Pythia is an Oracle healer of the Sarenite church, that has recently taken up the mantle of Paladin.

You draw your blade, on an ally, in our own faction house? Shame on you Mendevian! Sheath your sword or have it taken from you until your departure!

Silver Crusade

will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Sighing from Avelina's outburst, Triblin stuffs the book he was reading into a warn out bag, then jumps to the ground. Placing his hand on her drawn sword, Triblin attempts to guide the blade to point down.

Now, now, m'lady. You shouldn't be in too much of a rush, placing all of them in the same pool! From what I have heard, there may be righteous types, making sure that the Dark Archive stay within bounds. As for me, it isn't my place as to stop and segregate lodge members because of their beliefs, just that I do my best at making sure everyone does good. Or have you forgotten that even Asmodeus helped Sarenrae fight, concluding in the capture of, the hungry beast? Personally, I don't like the ways that they do things, but if it is for the better good, then we can at least keep an eye on them... As for the scary lady over there, I don't think it would be good to upset her.

Silver Crusade

Avelina can't roll spellcraft. It would cause...issues for her.

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Will Save (irrepressible): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Though the spell has absolutely no effect on her, Avelina does calm herself. She sheathes her sword and adjusts her hair and flattens out her clothing. "By the Grace of the Goddess, I was just being dramatic, Darling."

Bluff (circumstance penalty): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 15 - 5 = 24

Sense Motive DC 24:
She is trying to cover-up her outburst. She was legitimately angry, though the remark about the Dark Archive just seems to have been the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

Avelina smiles at Triblin, a bright, childlike smile. "Darling, you're absolutely right. It's our job to make sure we keep an eye on them." She appears to have registered onl the part of his speach in-line with her own views.

She turns back to Pythia, still smiling. "You really must put greater trust in your allies, Darling. I had it under control." She takes her sword and scabbard off her belt and holds it out to Pythia. "If it makes you feel any better, you can hold onto the sword. I have loads of them." She pulls it out just enough for the metal to show, then taps on it with a gloved knuckle. "Can never have enough cold iron!"

I feel like I should apologize for Avelina's antics. She can be a bit much. That said, I am having fun RPing with you guys and gals, and I hope you are, too!

Silver Crusade

Oh, it is quite fun! Besides, Triblin has a slight issue with the fact that violence isn't his really in his nature

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Nodding and smiling, it seems that Triblin started to relax once the sword was sheathed. "Now, to think of it, it seemed like she was trying to get out of looking angry, but she wouldn't lie," thought the gnome.

Aye, but I do have trust in my allies. The thing is, I really don't care for fighting, but sometimes I must. I don't think I'm all that good at it, and it hurts others, but sometimes it's to protect those who cannot do it themselves..... So avoiding conflict between ourselves would probably be best. Even if you were in jest, I don't think Miss Pythia or some of the others enjoyed it's humour.

Triblin's eyes grow wide at the look of the sword. Cold Iron! Back at home, it was a rarity to see, and here a sword made out of it was hanging in front of him! Oh how he wanted to look at it and see how well it was made..... Perhaps it may be the first thing he gets after his confirmation.

Triblin is currently unarmored, and is wearing what appears to be an ordinary traveler's outfit (with more white and beige tones than green and brown), with a little symbol of Sarenrae sewn into the breast pocket. Currently, he is in his third and last year before taking his confirmation to be an actual Pathfinder, so he may not be as jaded as those who have been around for a while.

Silver Crusade

The normally overarmored woman comes in the place with a brisk stride and a frown on her pretty face. Not the kind of frown at seeing a glabrezu with a victim hanging midair in front of it, but just a mild frown tightening her features.

She only has a single, black-metal greatsword across her back, and her gleaming breastplate with the familiar sword-and-radiance stamped into the front is partly covered by the loose overrobe with the similar mark embroidered in. She moves gracefully through the speakers, and at the table, she spins a chair around and straddles it, leaning forward on her arms on the back of it.

Gathering herself, she takes in the crowd and looks for familiar faces. Avelina gets a smile and a nod of the head. Others get appraising looks and what appears to be brief evaluations. Listening to the conversation, she takes it in, and doesn't seem to comment on it for the moment.

Found it! Adamantine is black. link

Silver Crusade

Pythia would be geniunely upset that you drew down on an ally, but would reseat herself as the weapon is sheathed. She will keep Avelina in peripheral vision for the time being.

Pythia reseats herself, and finishes her drink. She then looks to see if Suhalia is still nearby. In her book, she writes:

This is what I spoke of. I was born disfigured as well as deaf. I love my scales, but wish communication wasn't my weak suit.
Pythia is Dual-Cursed with the Deaf and Wolfscarred curses. She has a tongue-ring holding a blue continual flame spell in her mouth.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will save: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Suhaila looks as though she's about to succumb to the spell... until she hears Rethovel's comment. In an instant, her expression changes from an embarrassed smile into a petulant scowl; clearly, he has pressed a button.
Good Fortune (Luck Domain): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
Haha- appropriate time for a natural 20.
Suhaila whirls around to face her detractor.
"Hey! You know darn well that I am a respected priestess of Shelyn, and a Seeker, and a Silver Crusader, and... and definitely NOT a child, you... you big jerkface!"
With a stuck-out tongue and a final huff of disapproval in her associate's direction, the angelkin girl turns to Pythia and sits down with her.
"Sorry about that. It's lovely to meet you, and you were communicating really well; I just... get a little upset when SOME PEOPLE-" She casts another glare at the exiting tiefling. "-say totally untrue things about my... maturity level."

Silver Crusade

Dralneen was right all the good girls do come here. Its better than the opera and the blades are real. I wonder what my monkey brothers would say if they were here....probably I couldn't understand it anyway as I don't speak Tea In very well. Then I'd get pummeled until I was sleeping. Eh, life goes on...

Silver Crusade

Noisily pushing back his chair Rhon stands and grabs his shield and axe and turns to face the perceived threat. An earth elemental looms large close behind him almost seeming to dare anyone to come against his friend.

Upon seeing no obvious threat within the hall he stops and appears momentarily confused as to why there where raised voices and the sounds of steel being drawn.

In Terran:
"It would appear that there may have been a disagreement among some of our fellows Earl."
The earth elemental appears to nod at what Rhon said.

Rhon pitches his voice over the din and begins walking towards Bree-Bran. "Ah Bree-Bran, good to see you again. Rhon pulls up a nearby chair, leans his shield and axe against the table, and takes a seat. Rhon gestures to Earl to settle partially into the floor and takes the proffered mug of ale from the elemental's hand. "A fine day we are having here. Shame it was interrupted so.

Silver Crusade

Tural takes in all that's happened since he joined the conversation, looks shocked, turns for the door, muttering, "maybe I should go back to Maldris. Mad howlers, these ones." Tural sets off.

Silver Crusade

The paladin greets the dwarf with a smile. "Good to see you, too."

She looks around at his words. "I seem to have missed what happened, all save you drawing and bringing Earl out. But, no one here appears Evil, and there's no blood." She looks around again, more carefully.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

"Seeker Suhaila over there seems upset about her maturity being called into question, but I've never heard anything like that about her." Bree straightens in her chair, and an audible pop comes from her back.

Silver Crusade

Hearing the paladin's statement, Suhaila takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. Soon, an apologetic smile replaces the remnants of a pout.

"Thanks for saying so, and I'm sorry for being a bit loud." The girl gives a slightly melodramatic sigh and relaxes in her seat.

"I try my best to be less excitable and more patient, like Shelyn; It's just... it's really hard to be calm and collected and serene ALL the time, y'know? After awhile, I just get kinda restless and irritable. Also, I know I'm kind of young to be a Seeker, but I AM one, so I get mad when people treat me like a kid, anyway."

Seemingly calmed by her chance to vent, the angelkin turns her attention to the popping sounds coming from Bree-Bran's back.

"That... sounds a bit painful. Would you like me to take a look at it? I'm pretty good at healing, and since Mysterious Shadowy Guy discovered that this THUNDERLIPS person and his companion don't seem to be in danger, my day has freed up a bit."

Silver Crusade

Pythia gives a gruff giggle at Suhalia, pouring herself another glass of floral tea.

I'm sure he wasn't speaking of you, but rather the antics of our mutual acquaintance with a love for bladed objects over there. Our fiery newcomer may well need to visit a temple of Calistria or Arshea to get over his nervousness though. I'm sure one of us could cure hime of anything he might pick up.

Silver Crusade

Suhaila laughs, then shakes her head.

"No; while it's likely the comment was addressed to many of us, I'm pretty sure my presence had something to do with it. It's not the first time he's called me a child, after all. We've worked together once or twice before, and while he's definitely a capable and trustworthy ally to have, he and I have had... disagreements on certain subjects- mercy and redemption, in particular. To make a long story short, I'm pretty sure he sees me as a childish idealist with more optimism in my head than common sense, and I see him as- well, kind of a well-intended meanie."

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